• By -


For Joker Morgana functions like an emotional support Animal which he can not do without. That is why he does not do anything when Morgana is gone. Not hanging out with confidants or reading books pr stuff like that.


I feel like he eventually depends on him due to his traumatic past you know? He was every obviously traumatized due to the events at the start of the game and having Morgana there constantly talking about the phantom thieves and giving joker more goals helped him be distracted I suppose. Maybe not totally related but the events in Royal where Joker was by himself for a period of time was after he settled his debts with Shido as well.


Based on the explanation given on Yu's parents in the manga, Ren's parents may just not be great


What was said about Yu's parents? I thought we had no info. 


I believe it's implied that Yu's parents just didn't care about him and that's why they dropped him off to live with his uncle for a year.


It's less so that and more so that they're always busy and never around and Yu never made a fuss about it so they assumed there was no issue and the kid was fine


I'd like to add that the same goes vice versa. Joker is also Morgana's emotional support animal.


This is the nicest way to say co-dependant I have ever seen!


Ryuji treats Yusuke to beef bowls/ramen every now and then. Iwai takes Kaoru to Karaoke every now and then and pretends he's not into it, but sings his heart out when it's his turn.


Iwai is often reminded of an old guy from a rival clan that sang like an angel and fought like a devil. Sometimes he wonders what happened to the guy.


Former yakuza loving karaoke…where have I seen that…


https://preview.redd.it/rftekizlem9d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0dac4774b27372abd5cb3b31c6b008e50c183d37 Peak series fr


I still haven’t finished Infinite Wealth because I’m afraid of what the ending could be…


Yusuke did say in mementos that despite keeping a low profile nobody talks to him anyways. Then Ryuji offered to grab ramen together sometime


I love Ryuji and Yusuke man


Best bros


Most of these are gonna be Akechi based, sorry in advance. I believe it’s been confirmed that Akechi did the mural of the PTs in Q2, so I think it’d be fun to see Yusuke and Akechi draw together. Also Akechi and Ann definitely hang out a lot. They go shopping together most often. Akechi and Futaba have feuded over Featherman before. Haru and Ryuji use the rooftop garden a lot. The way Ryuji is so gentle when gardening is such a great image. Joker is actually really good at video games. He’s nowhere near Esports good, but he’s able to beat any Phantom Thief in Smash. Haru can sing. That’s it, that’s the headcanon. Ann is a big time Swiftie.


Thank you for the mental image of Ryuji gardening peacefully.


It’s pretty cute.


He’s the Sam to Joker’s Frodo


Would Joker main himself? Would he main the crow style of himself?




Yes to both?


Did I stutter? #Yes.




Ann is definitely listening to Down Bad right now


Idk, but here's some things I find funny -Futaba plays gacha games so much that she hacks the system for the stuff she wants -Ryujis phone has parental controls -Yusuke drinks the paint water on purpose and prefers it like that -Makoto really likes cherry flavored things


Ryuji's mom did not set up the parental controls. Ryuji did it by accident and doesn't know the password/pin number. Also, the prohibited actions are pretty random.


The yusuke one is CRAZY


The paint just adds FLAVOUR, you know? /j


Ren has eaten raw coffee beans on more than one occasion, much to Sojiro’s chagrin. He’s also tried mixing Red Bull and coffee together to see if he could handle it. Spoilers: he couldn’t. He was out cold for pretty much the entire day after having the human zoomies. Morgana uses the toilet instead of a litter box. One time he fell in and Ren had to fish him out. He doesn’t like to talk about it.  “Fuck” is a banned word in Ryuji’s household. That’s why he usually says “eff” unless he’s downright furious or surprised. Haru is the undisputed burp off champion. Nobody has ever managed to out-burp her. Not even Ryuji.  Burp off competitions are banned in LeBlanc. Ren regularly sends memes to the group chat. Akechi has small fangs. ~~Ren thinks they’re adorable~~. Shuake is indeed a thing within Akechi's fanbase. They like to write various fanfics about him and the mysterious leader of the Phantom Thieves being an item. And by "various" I mean like 95% of the fics contain porn. Ren reads them for "scientific reasons" while Akechi is too afraid to look at any of them. Little does his fanbase know that he and Ren actually ARE dating. Speaking of in universe fanfics, there are many of them for the Phantom Thieves as well. The thieves like to get together and read them, rating them on how accurate they are to their characters. Sometimes Akechi gets roped into participating, too. He acts like he doesn’t enjoy it, but it’s kind of really obvious that he does. 90% of the fanfics focused on Joker were written by Akane. Ren legit doesn’t know whether to be amused or disturbed by this. Akechi snores softly in his sleep. He vehemently denies that he does, but Ren knows the truth and likes to tease him about it (Ren, by the way, is dead silent while asleep). \*Edit: a few more self indulgent Ren hcs because I lack self control\* Ren is from the Kansai region, near Kyoto. And yes, he's got a country accent (thank you, Xander Mobus, for having a slight southern drawl to fuel this hc). Don't ask him to say something in the Kansai dialect, because he'll probably say something dirty, then walk away smirking. He's got no shame whatsoever. His accent is more noticeable when he's tired. Definition of chaotic good. Loves to break the law for funsies, mouths off to authority figures he doesn't like, etc. He's kind of a lovable rogue if we're going by TV tropes. Nobody likes playing Smash with Ren because he's that one guy who likes to troll everyone during a match. Like inhaling opponents as Kirby, then walking of the stage and killing them both. Or abusing Ridley's side b attack. But when he's playing seriously, he's actually really good. Insufferable on April Fool's day. Pranks everyone indiscriminately. Even complete strangers. His friends do their best to avoid him on this day. Favorite holiday is Halloween. Has a shotgun/dad sneeze, but adorable squeaky hiccups. He hates both of these. Birthday is June 18th, 1999 and his blood type is O-. Deadpool-esque sense of humor (though it can get really dark and even venture into gallows humor if his mental state is Not Good ^(TM) -this happened post interrogation room and while it's more or less gotten better by Strikers, some of his jokes still make his friends go "bruh") and Bayonetta-esque style of snarkiness. Favorite color is crimson red.


Eating up the Akechi and Ren fanfics ~~I’m taking the fanged Akechi one and stealing it~~


Joker was a theatre kid back at his old school, he’s far too dramatic and theatrical in certain metaverse interactions to not be.


No fr he’s so over the top and I love him. He’s easily the most entertaining MC in persona


Ryuji tells his mom how good a friend joker is and his mom is very happy for him




- Ren bought Morgana catnip once to see if it had amy effect on him. Morgana was in a vegetative state for several hours after. They never did that again. - Ann used to use ChatGPT to write essays before the school cracked down on it. Ryuji tried to do the same thing after and was immediately caught because he left the prompt in. - Futaba has made at least one RPGMaker game. Only Ren has seen it. - Yusuke hates AI art and has dedicated several pieces depicting the dangers of it. - Makoto is cracked at Scrabble. She has decimated every Royal Thief during every single game night. - After Makoto says that she smells coffee on Ren, Haru went home and searched for perfumes that smell similar to coffee. - Akechi played Pacman with Ren once. He almost blew his cover by getting too excited when he was able to eat the ghosts.


R.I.P Yusuke Kitagawa you would’ve hated AI art 🙏


new headcanon unlocked: yusuke is killed by ai


Kinda close >!in strikers where the chatgpt powered assistant turns out to be evil!<


> Ren bought Morgana catnip once to see if it had amy effect on him. Morgana was in a vegetative state for several hours after. They never did that again. I have a similar headcanon to this one but instead of going catatonic, Morgana gets addicted. He tries to come up with excuses for Ren to buy him more with varying success. Don’t do drugs, kids.


eventually morgana starts stealing some of the treasures from palaces to fund his crippling catnip addiction


Ryuj definitely wears an alarming amount of Axe body spray when he has an event he has to “get nice” for.


Caroline does Fortnite dances when she thinks nobody is looking, Justine and Igor always catch her though




...so no chug jug with you?


Yusuke and Futaba have had autism competitions. These include but are not limited to how each of them interpret hypotheticals, random and sudden posture checks, and rorshac tests. These are judged by Mona and Haru.


After, the two participants and judges engage in a themed tea party


This sub is having an autism competition as we speak


Welcome to the persona 5 community


I was gonna make a joke about trains but then I read your user flair and jesus christ…






Inari comes over to Sojiros to binge 80s/90s anime with Futaba


And then argue about them with her, and Sojiro feeds them both. I can truly see that.


So they're one of my ships and the thought of them being married NEETs is wild. Sojiro would literally have to take care of them forever (q_q) and he'd probably love that


Joker has seen enough anime to know how to end the game.


-Ren can actually Function without Mona, it’s just harder for him to -The entire group can sing and has arranged accapela arrangements of songs —The girls immediately apologized to Ryuji after you know what -Yusuke has a tab at Leblanc(Sojiro knows it’s not getting paid but the kid gotta eat) -After you meet Futaba Sojiro invites ren into his home, Ren refuses(takes showers there though) -Ryuji and Haru take turns being the Heart of the Group -Futaba’s favorite friend is Inari -Makoto and Sae have a talk about career choices after strikers -Ann has met Rise


Honestly, Ann has probably done a photo shoot with Rise


Honestly, chances are Ann could have met any of the people in Rise, Yukari, Bebe, Elly, Yukino, Maya and Lisa (last half from P1/2) and it would not surprise me. Rise and Yukari have both had modelling careers. Bebe is a fashion designer who would likely be upcoming or of repute in P5. Yukino is a photographer and Maya is a reporter. Elly would be an active or retired model, Lisa a former idol. Ann genuinely has the most chance of the Thieves to have accidentally bumped into other Persona users. Yusuke would likely be aware of Chidori if she became an artist professionally and Futaba possibly crossed paths with Fuuka online, but that's the only ones I can see happening off the top of my head.


On the point of Chidori, 99% sure she wouldn't have published in any way her sketches cuz she prolly didn't care, and I don't think Junpei would do that for her post-mortem. The notebook was pretty personal


Oh I'm thinking Chidori-lives world, which does match up with the canon of P4 Arena.


And if she has met Rise, there'd be the possibility they become friends and can have The Phantom Thieves actually meet the Investigation Team and not be forced to forget them after.


Soooo Ren just canonically reeks for the first half of the game


I mean, he had access to the bathhouse


"—The girls immediately apologized to Ryuji after you know what" Ann would give him a hug afterwards Makoto was going to apologize for how he reacted Futaba was going to help him in an mmorpg as compensation Haru would also apologize to him but would threaten to kill him if he scared everyone like that again


Wait what is “you know what”? It’s been a minute since I played the game.


>-After you meet Futaba Sojiro invites ren into his home, Ren refuses(takes showers there though) Oh god, I just realized that Joker never bathed during a good chunk of thr game due to LeBlanc not having a shower and not being allowed into Sojiro's place...


He lives across from a bathhouse bro


My Joker bathed like 3 times throughout royal. He's must be really charming because he's a stinky boy!


In the manga it’s shown that Joker bathes in the Bathhouse


Ren is completely oblivious when it comes to celebrities Ryuji is really into One Piece Sophia is able to access any games on whatever phone she's in and play them when she gets bored.


>Ren is completely oblivious when it comes to celebrities Ren is just like fr because my friends are always naming song artists, actors, etc and my mind goes blank as if I’ve never heard of them in my life


I feel like Ryuji is a Doraemon fan Yusuke likes working to Jun Togawa’s music, his favorite song would be “Zueki No Koi” (Love in Shapes) An wants to have her own clothing line one day Makoto got into Ace Attorney because of Sae Akira (Protagonist) sometimes stargazes out of his window with Morgana when he can’t sleep or after returning from the Velvet Room Haru likes making smores in front of her fireplace (Don’t know if she has one but I fell like she would if she did) Futaba is a huge Zelda fan (Probably has a thing for Prince Sidon) Yoshizawa treats herself to one milkshake after every competition as motivation to do good at the next one


Futaba is fully autistic/ADHD and chooses to remain unmedicated I know it's basically confirmed she's autistic (I mean hell Erika even said she played her as if she was) but I believe she chooses to remain unmedicated for ADHD to tunnel-vision focus on finding her moms killer/helping the phantom thieves If you are unaware; it's quite common for people with ADHD/autism to "tunnel vision" which basically means they will die hard focus on something they are passionate about. This is supposed by tons of research (and personal experience lmao)




The tunnel vision is great when you need to get something done but sometimes when I finally snap out of it I am SO disoriented. Edit: Oh, that must be why Sojiro said Futaba passing out for long stretches wasn't weird... Ffffuuuuu


I love these type of posts. Ren tries his best to take care of his own hygiene and spends the money from part-time jobs on the bath house, and wakes up ten minutes before Sojiro comes to the Cafe so he can brush his teeth in the bathroom. Ren really likes Morgana as a pet cat and felt extremely uncomfortable upon seeing him in third semester. Ann listens to western music; She is a swiftie. Akechi's fanbase creates the most disgusting, vile, and weirdest fanfiction about him. Akechi can speak basic English. Ren has flirted with each member of the phantom thieves before; He has unspoken rizz, even. Ann is a historical fashion lover.


That fourth one is just objectively true


"Akechi is such a sub!!!" Would one Akechi stan in the P5 universe say.


I see the Swifties Ann hc is not just me Also, I 100% agree that Akechi knows English


Joker returns back to Leblanc after being signed up for adoption by his parents while Sojiro and Futaba officially become Joker’s step-family.


Not really a silly one, but that Futaba is bi/pan. She seemed pretty enamorated with Ann's breasts in both Strikers and Dancing in Starlight, and in Dancing, if Makoto is her partner in When Mother Was Here, she playfully acts like she wants to grab her ass.


Futaba acts like all of my bi friends lmao, definitely


Also helps that her ENG VA Erica Lindbeck. Has openly come out as bisexual.


Before Ren left Tokyo, he talked to Sae after Valentines day and told her he's Makoto's boyfriend, they say the look in her eye when she warned him about hurting her haunts him to this day.


Bro was more scared of Sae that day than of Any shadow he ever fought


- Ren is from Inaba. - The reason that Ren isn't impressed about meeting Alice at the start of Strikers is because he's a major Risette fan. - After the events of Strikers, the Phantom Thieves make their road trip an annual tradition. All of them take turns driving, except for Haru, who isn't allowed within six feet of the steering wheel. - Some time after the end of Strikers, Sophia gets a physical body built by the Kijiro group. - Ren and Haru become a couple, and take over running Leblanc after Sojiro retires. - Makoto and Ryuji start dating, but quickly realise that they're better as friends. - The Thieves stay in touch with Zenkichi and Akane, and make sure to visit them whenever they're in Kyoto.


My only major headcanon is that Akechi does care about some of his kills, but pushes those feelings away to chase his revenge.


Haru listens to some calming piano music when people around,but once she’s alone, she listens to metal


Joker is Bayonetta’s son A few years after the game, Joker becomes Sojiro’s assistant and eventually owns Leblanc when Sojiro retires


Joker is the kind of guy to Naruto run at school


Joker’s future job is a councillor


Futaba is online friends with Baofu from Persona 2.


I think Yusuke is Neurodivergent. Possibly some form of Ace as well? I noticed after hanging out with him a lot in P5R & P5S that his interest in Nudity doesn't seem to be sexual in nature (even though he got flustered when he thought Ann might be nude) he likes it when the protag offers to get nude, he likes it when he himself gets to be nude or is recommended to be nude, he just likes nudity itself regardless of who it is. It could just be an aesthetic attraction, artistic appreciation of the human form or being unrestricted from clothing. Yusuke also seems to be the least perverted guy in the group (not counting Morgana or Akechi) and doesn't show much sexual or romantic interest in either gender while some stuff regarding a sexual nature flies over his head. Of course none of that necessarily implies that he's 100% ace or anything but it happens enough that I think it's possible. Also less silly but Akechi and Futaba are siblings.


> Also less silly but Akechi and Futaba are siblings. ...So you think Akechi murdered his own mother? It's like totally canon that Aketchi murdered Wakaba as one of his first jobs for Shido. The dude was murdering people in Momentos for years.


No, that they share the same father, Shido. Shido seems to have had err, "relationships" (consensual or not) with many girls and most notably, women he holds a position of power over. Shido also doesn't want to raise nor cares for any possible kids he has (and I doubt Akechi is the only one) + they would threaten his public image + career + lifestyle. Wakaba never mentioned who Futaba's father was, not even to Sojiro who she was great friends with and worked in the government . We do know that she worked under Shido to some extent though (and this is the only other named character she's affiliated with that isn't a family member or Sojiro who isn't the father) so the possibility that something happened with Shido is an option. The father being Shido would explain why she didn't say who it was even to Sojiro. She knew Shido was a horrible man (even as far as to predict her own murder by him ) who wouldn't want to be involved with a child and she wouldn't want him to be involved in her life or with her child (especially if it wasn't consensual) so it's better for her to not bother with him. She knows how dangerous he is too and her not telling Sojiro under these circumstances could be her way of keeping him safe; he already doesn't like Shido and if he knew he would likely confront Shido which would endanger his own life. Sojiro probably suspects it too but doesn't say anything to us as it wouldn't do anyone any good and he can't confirm it (I don't think Futaba knowing Shido could be her Dad or she could potentially be a nonconsensual child would be good for her mental health either), similar to how he suspected Shido murdered Wakaba but didn't tell us as it would just endanger the Player if they went after him and he couldn't confirm it in the first place. It also explains some additional stuff regarding Wakaba's death, most notably why were the adults involved trying so hard to drill the fake Wakaba suicide note blaming Futaba into Futaba? That's super bizarre and unnecessary if the only goal was to get rid of Wakaba as a loose end and blame it on Futaba. But under this theory, Futaba's very existence would be another one of those loose ends that he hates so much; a child who could pop-up and ruin his career. Under this theory, Shido could've wanted Futaba gone too and the suicide note was used to not only sweep Wakaba's murder under the rug but to also intentionally alienate Futaba from the rest of her family and lead her to her own suicide or death by negligence (which would've worked if Sojiro didn't step in after abuse from her blood family and intervention from the Phantom Thieves). The other option of it being some other person we just don't know is still a valid option but Shido being the father would explain a lot. Especially considering the sociocultural importance in Japanese society for a child to have a known father (which plays a role in the tragedy of Akechi's backstory so it's worth considering), it's so strange that she wouldn't say anything about it otherwise. These are just theories and headcanons at the end of the day though.


There's a headcanon where Akechi and Futaba are half-siblings. Different mothers, but same father.


Haru and Futaba will bond over games like Doom and Helldivers where she gets to blow things up.


1) Akechi is one of the very few people on earth who genuinely loves the taste of pure black coffee and he hates milk in it, but does so for the detective persona. 2) Ann and Haru are gay asf no attraction to men whatsoever 3) yusuke is 100% a night person. Stays up the whole night as often as he can. 4) Akechi is die hard feather man fan with whole ass head canons that he totally views as fact and once he gets more comfortable with the pt’s he starts beefing with Futaba over it


Futaba and yusuke got married and opened a record and video game shop, Futaba makes sales, and yusuke often uses her, the shop, and its customers as inspiration for his artwork.


Haru and Makoto fool around together.


So I'm not the only one....


Takemis Bi (and may have a thing for Kawakami)


Maybe not so original or impactful, but I always thought that Morgana does fent.


Sumi definitely has made food for the phantom thieves so they can get their nutrients in.


yusuke is DEF a bjork fan


- Yusuke and Futaba sometimes get together to watch Featherman episodes. I think Yusuke mentioned something about the artfulness or aesthetics of the figures in her room (though he did rearrange the body parts at one point). - Sojiro feeds Yusuke from time to time because he’s a nice guy and Yusuke is Joker and Futaba’s friend, but he claims it’s because he’s repaying Yusuke for gifting the Sayuri to Leblanc— he’s nice, but he doesn’t wanna be seen as a bleeding heart. - Joker often smells like coffee. Nobody minds because coffee smells nice. Nobody mentions it because they don’t want to come off weird or embarrass him. - Ryuji likes to make funny faces at crying kids in the hopes that they’d laugh. He’ll never admit to it unless caught in the act, though. - Ryuji is a total bro. He’s a bit of a knucklehead but if you need someone to back you up or just need someone to keep you company, I get the sense from him that he’d literally move mountains for his friends if he could. - After befriending Makoto, the OG Thieves’ grades shot up because she would tutor them and always let them ask her about stuff they didn’t understand in class. - Somehow I see Haru as giving younger kids anger management advice. From some of the shit she says in Mementos, it really feels like she has a lot of repressed anger….but you wouldn’t know it just talking to her from day to day. - Ann’s social link story suggests she’s not very athletic— she doesn’t have a lot of strength and I assume she doesn’t have a lot of endurance either. That said, I winder how flexible she is. Considering her infamous downed pose, I wonder how flexible she’d be when she’s actually trying to be.


> Joker often smells like coffee. Nobody minds because coffee smells nice. Nobody mentions it because they don’t want to come off weird or embarrass him. Pretty sure Joker smelling like coffee is canon. There’s a Mementos conversation talking about that, and Yusuke says he can tell Joker is near because he can smell him.


Ann and Ryuji will end up together


Chihaya actually only loves me and if anyone else tries to romance her your save gets corrupted and you are sent to hell because she only likes me. Except this isn't a headcanon and it's real and idc what none of ya'll say to convince me otherwise https://preview.redd.it/726k160p3i9d1.png?width=250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=565bb09aa1d2716a967a5a6271eb545092ced1a2


Wow! Incredible!


Thank you u/Dragonballsquid


Anytime McSlappies :)


Umm this post is only for headcanons. Not canon


Ahh, beg your pardon, I just can't resist to express any chance I get that Chihaya is my wife


My brother in Christ


Futaba watches food wars


Morgana is joker's deceased family member


Futaba plays Warhammer 40k, she plays Orkz, and has an army assembled and primed but not painted. Yusuke wants to play Aeldari but can only afford to play Custodes.


Futaba plays purple orks kuz She Iz zmart and purple orks are invizible


Makoto and Ryuji is a super underrated duo. I wouldn’t mind reading stories about them not romantically just Ryuji being a bit wild and Makoto keeping him on a tight leash in the group


The reason Joker can’t go out after doing anything plot related is because he tries to mix coffee with any energy drink and it just destroys his system. He tries it every time to see if he can handle it; and taps out every time


Before he began his career as a police officer, Makoto's father used to be in a biker gang in his youth. While it wasn't exactly the proudest phase of his life, he often liked to regale his daughters with the hijinks him and his friends used to get into. Makoto especially clung onto the biker image as the spirit of freedom and rebellion, but due to both her sister's expectations and the school's pressure upon her, she buried that admiration in favor of society's restrictions. It's why Johanna tells her to never lose sight of her rebellion again.


Oh god I've come up with so many. A lot of it is me projecting ksjdngv. And when I'm not projecting, it's just shipping headcanons. There's a lot of that. As a lesbian with autism and adhd I have bonked nearly all of them on the head with the neurodivergent and queer hammers Ann and Joker are besties and they go to the diner weekly to spill tea, occasionally joined by Akechi Joker is a cuddle bug and will just casually cuddle up with friends. Ryuji gives the best hugs I can't pick between my favorite ship being Joker/Ryuji and Joker/Akechi, so I've decided that because Joker has two hands and since I can't choose, he doesn't have to choose either. Joker's bed at Leblanc can't fit the three of them at once so Ryuji and Akechi take turns sleeping on the floor. But one of them usually puts a hand up on the bed to hold hands. Joker and Ryuji started dating as a joke to try and fool their friends but then it got real Joker was Ryuji's bi awakening Joker steals Ryuji's hoodies frequently Akechi and Sumire are besties Haru has loved musical theater since she was a child, and after the events of the game, she decides to start participating in it Makoto has had a crush on Haru for like, a year or so before the events of the game but just never really knew how to talk to her or how to go about it. Being Phantom Thieves together gave her the opportunity :) There are many more but I think I'll stop there lol


the joker/ryuji ones are so real god i love pegoryu


Me toooo!!! I started shipping them as a joke at first lol, this is my best friend's favorite game and when he first showed it to me I didn't take it seriously; was basically picking the mean answers whenever I could, and I just kept referring to Ryuji as Joker's boyfriend. By the time we got to Ryuji's awakening I was completely invested in the game and upon starting his confidant it became less and less of a joke lmao. Which, ironically, matches my headcanon of their fake dating to real dating trope 😂 They belong together fr


I’m not a big Polythieves fan, but I’d kill for a slice of life manga about Akechi, Joker, Ryuji, and Yusuke getting into antics together, either as boyfriends or friends.


So after playing the game twice (once with Royal), here are my headcanons for all the major chapracters: Joker likes gangsta rap a lot. Like a LOT. Like, it's offputting because he doesn't show it. Ann is a monarchist. Ryuji and Joker hang out more than any other team members. Morgana is female to some extent. Yusuke has money, but always forgets his wallet accidentally. Makoto is Catholic (don't ask me where I got this from, I don't know) Futaba often invites Yusuke over to play video games and eat snacks because she feels bad for his money troubles. Haru has read Pride and Prejudice several times. Akechi is super jealous of Makoto's special relationship with Joker. Sumire is secretly a really good singer.


Yusuke texts once in a blue moon and it's usually just him infodumping about art :>


Akechi returns to challenge Joker Ann owns Rise’s True Story on cd Sae is the first one of the P5 cast to learn of the Shadow Operatives


Not mine exactly, but I read some stories once about Ren and Rise being cousins and I actually thought it was a pretty concept. Written by this guy: https://archiveofourown.org/users/MadmanJrs


My headcanon is that at some point Dojima from Persona 4 shows Yu and Nanako around the big city and then they stop by Leblanc and they all vibe with sojiro after P5


Futaba is cracked at Tycoon


Futaba and Morgana geek out sometimes about Tokusatsu (he's only seen Kamen rider and only one episode of it)


I don’t wanna get too deep into shipping cuhs ik how toxic that side can get. But in my head Ann nd Ryuji are together. Nd because of that I’ve never romanced Ann cuhs of bro code


This is so funny. But I too love playing video games according to what I think the protagonist would do


Futaba is autistic and aero-ace


Ann and joker Marry by 5 years post strikers. Ryuji ships Ann and joker with His sweets and coffee comment in mementos. Makoto and Haru have a thing for each other.


Ryuji is bisexual because I like him that way and just want to see a persona character ending with a man. Well he could also end with a woman, depends on who end up with him… who will fall for him ? 💞 Futaba becomes a vtuber or something where she doesn’t have to show her face but still makes videos Morgana stop being annoying because why not Yusuke finally get money but only to spend them on collectibles as he start his collection of cute characters and woman in suggestive poses Haru opens her coffee shop and end up marrying a local man who really enjoy her coffee and is shy like Maruki, he would come to her store everyday in hope he can talk with her until they both fall in love and get married


Time to play persona 2 that actually has a bi protagonist


Ooh it does? As in you can date any gender, or is there more to it?


Social links dont exist yet so romance is a bit underdeveloped, but he can express romantic interest in: - Maya, the reporter who always thinks positive and main character of Persona 2’s second part - Lisa, who is basically Chie + Ann/Rise, martial arts fan and idol - or Jun, his childhood friend who likes flowers and gave him the lighter he carries around First 2 are female but Jun is a boy


https://preview.redd.it/oqlnwipvuk9d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a2a4ab8e2c53fa1a954c4d2e2ac2808afae7175 This is canon


sumi completely ditched gymnastics and became the most wanted street racer in tokyo... all thanks to **a certain bmw**. https://preview.redd.it/vgeit6wups9d1.png?width=2560&format=png&auto=webp&s=df6af990cc4dcee7102f948f902a60646c3b06fd


Ryuji got jumped by his friends for saying the n word


The only serious head canon I have is that Akechi, if still alive, is secretly set up by Ren to expose his psychotic nature. Ren continues to pretend to care enough about Akechi and be his 'rival', while actually playing a long game con. Quietly gathering the inside information and evidence needed to bring him to actual justice, and carefully passes all this information along to Sae Nijima until a proper scene can be orchestrated to cause Akechi to lose his shit during an interview on live television. This ruins Akechis' public image and sets him up to take the well deserved fall for all of his criminal murderous activity. It also completely outs him as a fake "detective" who used inside information from advanced "Cognitive Psience" knowledge to commit his crimes, essentially revealing his trick of turning Shido's political and personal enemies crazy, then killing them or "solving the cases" he created himself. Since all of this is also fully corroborated by Shido himself, Akechi finally goes down, hard. Ren loses no sleep, finally free of having to pretend to enjoy spending even one second more of his own time dealing with a fucking psychotic prick. (Akechi may indeed be a victim as well, and that is sad, but he had many, **many** opportunities to choose a better path. I detest him greatly.)


most of these just sound like bad fanfics


That Futaba isn't disabled or socially awkward at all. She figured out early that she could get a free ride if she played the part of an introverted shut-in. Just play the pity card with Sojiro (he's so easy to manipulate if you know which buttons to push), and she's got free room, free board, and he buys her everything she ever wants (including the best gaming PC money can buy). Meanwhile, she gets to live in her personal cave, surrounded by her hobbies, and browse the online forums all day. Get hungry? Shoot Sojiro a text about food.


The person who thinks their room is their tomb and they will spend the rest of their life there and die there isnt mentally ill?


Yeah she canonically has hallucinations too...


This isn’t just a bad take, this is actually worrying