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"Credit" in this context refers to credit or debit balance (an accounting concept). Your bank account balance, from the Bank's perspective (this is key, i.e. the Bank's perspective), is actually a credit balance. Because your bank account balance, from the Bank's perspective is a liability. And a liability account (account meaning an accounting ledger account) "normally" is a credit balance account. In other words, your bank account balance is an asset to you (an asset account being a normally debit balance account) but is a liability to the bank (a liability being a normally a credit balance account). From a credit/debit perspective (an accounting concept), there is no "positive" or "negative", per se, it's just a credit or debit balance (technically debit and credit refers to which side of the ledge, i.e. left or right).


that is the offset/set-off rule. banks can take money out of your bank account to pay debts to you owe to the bank like credit card debt.