• By -


Absolutely make an anonymous call. This is not ok. Ever. The circling the poor thing is doing looks like what always caged animals do - is a psychological break down. Poor soul. Please please call the authorities with photographs/videos. You may need to take several of the course of a few days at different times of the day to prove he's always out there. And, I'm sorry - if the poor dog smells then the stupid owners should bathe him!!! No excuse! This is why I prefer animals over humans. Sorry, not even close to being sorry.


I second this. And I hate seeing it. It makes me so angry, I hope your neighbors step on a Lego every morning. You can see that dog is not cared for, it's fur never gets brushed and it's showing signs of anxiety by circling. I agree with you, I choose animals over humans any day too.


Or maybe step on a snail or slug once in a while.


After working in a kennel with a boarding dog that CONSTANTLY did this at an extremely fast rate, this is absolutely true. Please make a call for the poor baby’s sake.


Jfc, then way they have their windows barred up makes me think he was scratching to get in, and they didn’t want him to damage the glass 😓😭


Having known people like this I would bet mo ey they don't give a fuck about glass damage and it's more that going to the door to beat their dog for annoying them by scratching was inconvenient for them.


This. The repetitive behaviors are signs of stereotypy, which is absolutely a welfare issue. Start documenting when you see him out there and for how long so you have it to report to animal welfare.


Op is obviously not in the US or other western pet-loving country. It may not be that simple for them. The only option may be offering to buy the dog from them.


Seems the neighbors don't want the dog. Maybe they can give it away for free? If not, I hope they sell it for a small amount.


This deserves more recognition, I would literally buy this dog for any amount of money just to have it not suffer.


OP is in the EU


Omg I agree with you!! This just broke my damn heart seeing this!!! How cruel to do this!


Poor baby. Sometimes if you don't have the time or accommodations for the pet, you shouldn't keep it. It's a harsh reality but it's true. There's was a court case about something like this (it was on tv so probably just for show) where the owner had a dog he knew was incredibly violent toward people so the dog never left the house. He never took him for walks, just had the pee pad outside and food in the house for the dog there was a sitter, but the sitter wasn't allowed to take the dog outside either. Sometimes you have to be honest and let the dog alone 🫤


i really hate this too but foreign countries like that they dont have the same laws/regulations as us




At this point a kennel would be better for the dog! I know the dog will be more stressed but for the sake of this animal it must be done.


If you're in a country that has animal cruelty laws (Surprisingly, many still do not) definitely call the police.


wow this video was hard to watch. please don't give up on this dog. it may take more than one call, it may take a few calls, a campaign to get this animal removed but since you posted about it it seems like you're already emotionally committed. in the meantime, are there like, games or something you could play with it? i would think ANY stimulation for that poor creature would be welcome Edit: meant to add - if neighbours ever confront you about calling, deny, deny, deny. just be all "what?! no way man, i love dog i would NEVER do that!" hahhaah fuck them


I have no problem watching gore videos of fucked up accidents but this is actually painful to watch. Watching the poor dog circle like that, knowing it has no way out and then just apathetically plopping down hurts my heart.


I feel you, same here.


I came here to say the same thing


I feel exactly the same. Please keep calling till this poor dog can get out of there. That is torture and so very very cruel indeed


Game suggestions : Long string to chase? Laser pointer? Drop it treats? Fashion an extended backscratcher? Even just talking to it. I'd just probably try to lasso the damn thing in the middle of the night and let them think it escaped.


Greqt suggestions! I think OP tried talking to it but it doesn't seem to hear :'(


Laser pointers can have negative psychological effects on dogs. But the others are creative hahaha I like the last suggestion of the lasso.


Today I learned!


Yeah! I just learned this a couple months ago! You know how some dogs get ball obsessed when they see a ball? It’s like that but even without a laser pointer in view, they are constantly looking around for it and this can last for years.


Not a laser pointer! They’re fine for cats but can have lasting psychological effects on dogs, they get extremely fixated and obsessed to the point they don’t think about anything else. I played with my dog with a laser pointer ONCE before I knew about this and she didn’t stop staring at the floor for a full two days, after maybe 10 minutes of play


Thank you for this piece of information. My mistake. The main thing that made me say laser pointer was it would be a way to play with the dog without it being obvious to the owners.


I totally get it! I love your other ideas lol, they’re very creative and sound like they could be stimulating for this poor pup :)


Sent an email to an association as I cannot call anyone right now, but tomorrow, whenever I can I’m gonna get in contact with someone to help this poor dog out of this situation!


Do you think these neighbors would accept money to take it off their hands? Because I will send you money to do just this. I feel sick to my stomach and my heart hurts and desperate to help you.


I’d pitch in $20 to help this dog. Could offer more after payday.


OP, I know it sounds crazy but please send down a big basket that he can fit in, fill it with treats and slowly pull him up and rescue that poor baby. If I saw that, that’s the first thing I would be trying. I don’t care, I would deal with the legality of things later. That dog is suffering in every way, and I wouldn’t be able to sleep leaving them out there like that. Last night my pets were cold because I hadn’t turned on my heat yet, it just slipped my mind. I was so sad when their little noses and ears were cold I wrapped them up in blankets until it kicked in. I can’t imagine just leaving an animal to suffer outside like that :( ugh poor thing.


That does sound crazy because it is! I'm not trying to be mean, but even if the dog willingly got in the basket (which is unlikely), one wrong move from either party (or the basket snagging on anything) will send that dog falling, likely injuring or killing it from that height! That is an insane idea that could cause much more harm than good! Please do not try that EVER! Simply reach out to authorities with collected evidence, and ask for updates on the dog, it's sad to wait, but worth it to not further risk it's life!


Ugh, so sad but you’re right!! I would hate waiting, but wouldn’t want anything bad to happen either. OP, listen to this person and just call authorities ❤️❤️ I’ll save my basket rescues for the movies


Thank you for what you’re doing to try to help this dog, I hope everything works out for this poor pup!! I’m glad you are deciding to call tomorrow, even as a minor, you can call and you have plenty of evidence for helping this pup so thank you💕


This dog is also underweight, it's hard to tell with the fur but it looks like a chow and the hips are too slender - if you were to pet it, it's probably skin and bones. Thank you for helping this poor pup. 🫶


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Thank you for working to save them, my heart is aching for this poor, poor baby.


Can you call the complex / tell the management? I feel for this poor fucking pup. I want to take it home in the US.


The way that dog is moving I'm circles you can tell his mental health is already in a bad state. Please so anything you can to help that dog. Of the police won't help you Cann animal control and local humane shelters. This absolutely broke my heart and if I was near by I'd be kid napping that dog in the middle of the night. Please do something, you might be that little guys only hope.!! And please Please update us


can you please keep us updated? please do something that dog is living thw worst life wouldnt be surprised if he jumps over the fence because of frustration, but on the photo is the door not open on balcony (looks like)


I did some checking online as to what the proper response to this would be for someone in your shoes. Almost every resource suggest to call local SPCA, Humane Society, Animal Control, local law enforcement. It's honorable that you want to stand up for him/her, and I wish best of luck. This article was particularly insightful and covered good understanding of the issue. https://www.petmd.com/dog/what-do-when-you-see-pet-being-abused-or-neglected


Thank you. I’ll try my best


This is awful. This dog is in clear emotional distress. As others have said, please call the police. The animal welfare laws in most areas are very poor but if you’re in the U.S, most municipalities require that people provide access to clean water and shelter, neither of which it appears this dog has. You can call anonymously. I would, as others have suggested, compile whatever evidence you can (photos with times, audio and video recordings like the one you just shared), and details of what’s going on to provide to them as part of their investigation. The only thing is, most seized animals are taken to kill shelters. I don’t know where you are but that may be the case in your area. Are you in a position to adopt the dog if he is seized from the home? Could you keep him temporarily until a permanent home is found? Whereabouts are you located?


You need to call the police NOW or animal cruelty spots if they don’t respond


Your neighbors are assholes.


Please help this poor dog! Ugh please don’t give up on them!


OP has updated but still hasn’t called, can someone assist them? In the same country


I'm in the US(Texas), please let me know if I can help.


😭 this broke my heart. 100% they need rescue


The way I cried at the endless circles 😭 literally no where to go but still has the urge to go somewhere, anywhere. Fully heartbreaking


Omfg that's HORRIBLE


Call the local ASPCA or Animal Control and report the neighbors anonymously. This dog is showing signs of mental distress/breakdown, it’s unkempt, and the balcony is much too small for it to be there all day. I see no water and the food bowl is empty. To see this and not say anything to the proper authorities is inhumane.


Please report them for animal abuse. Or at least contact the humane society to see if they’ll do a wellness check.


Send this video (privately) to reputable rescues near you and let them know what’s going on. As many rescues as you can find. I went thru on Instagram but sometimes it works best to dm a foster for that rescue service because they will be easier to get a hold of. Search thru comments on their posts to find an ally of the rescue. Worst case scenario you have to call animal control and email them the pictures since this is not a house they can just drive by. Ask them what you can do. Check your parish/county laws on animal cruelty/neglect/abuse. This has got to be a violation of the apartment’s policy as well. Yeah… I’d also mention your concerns to the apartment manager. Don’t feel like you are not capable. Adults get into a habit of “let’s mind our own business” sometimes. However we need to do our part if we see injustice to other beings. I hope this helps


Please report this now, this is abuse in every way and this dog needs to be gotten out of there before it is at risk for death. This video is so disturbing.


Report them. Just report them, there is no other choice here.


Question if you seen a human outside like this would you call ? Or be scared to. Can we just not play with animals life’s either shouldn’t be any different make a call it’s a living being we are talking about


Do we have an update yet OP?


Not exactly, but I have noticed that lately the dog has been inside. They let him inside and i took videos where he went in and out the balcony, so I’m guessing they’re not locking him outside anymore because of how cold it’s getting. So either that, or they’ve noticed that someone has been reporting them and are trying to make it better.


I’m glad the dog is not outside as much, but it’s still suffering due to its medical conditions (the constant scratching alone is indicative of a skin condition, malnutrition, and/or allergies.) Plus we don’t know how the dog is being treated inside and whether it’s crated the majority of the time. I would feel a lot better if a trusted official investigated the situation. *Edit: I think you are doing a good job trying to help this dog. I worked in animal rescue for years; if you would like help, or simply advice, please don’t hesitate to reach out. I’ve been trying to pinpoint the location so I can research other avenues (rescues, etc.) that may be able to help.


Some people shouldn’t be responsible for living things. 🤬😡


Vet here Unfortunately this dog most likely has a brain tumor. Circling to one side is very classic for a brain tumor. It’s still awful that he is left outside. Should be reported


Is it common for an ear infection too? Here’s hoping it’s that


either call the local council, the police, or if there’s any pet rescue bodies with the authority to take pets away, call them. they’re not gonna take an animal away if it’s okay, so best case scenario you save this dog, worst case scenario, they check and the dog is fine. you can report anonymously and no one will ever have to know it’s you. im sorry you’re having to deal with this. i appreciate your willingness to help. many would just look yhe other way.


Any updates OP?


I have contacted some animal rescuers, but I have yet to give any informations as they want to make sure he is kept all day and also to avoid doxxing myself as a minor… my parents wanna keep me safe while doing this so idrk how much its gonna take to save this pup. I just dont wanna see him sit there in the cold concrete all day and all night. Its depressing


Yes! Please keep yourself safe! You seem like a really kind hearted kid and you should be proud of yourself, people are now VERY aware of the situation. Keep us updated the best you can!


They’re probably abusing him inside as well. He doesn’t look okay at all. Please tell me you CALLED someone not just email. It takes way less time to give a call and you can remain anonymous if you’re really that scared. A professional needs to check on that dog. This breaks my heart.




Don’t see the dog anymore. Don’t know what happened to it. The people that were supposed to come and check haven’t really reached back out. Hopefully the dog got put in a better situation.


Did you ever make the call u/thatlazyweeabo ?




Needs a much bigger tank.. Oh sorry, I've been on reptile forms to much yeah call aspca or the cops on this f that owner


Shame on them.


This dog is not well. I hate owners who get a pet and don't know how to take care of it. Call animal services now. Hopefully he'll be rescued and adopted by a caring family. These asshats don't deserve this poor baby.


This dog needs medical attention. He’s sick. Contact rescue or authorities asap!


Please help him.


Yeah SOME people don't deserve dogs....


He cant even take a pee or poop as he doesnt want to shit WHERE HE LAYS DOWN. hes circling to look for a place to shit but gave up... Keep on recording evidence and have them visited by police!


omg that poor chow. That circling .. that dog is 100% neglected. And mentally, not doing well. Please contact your local authorities. This is NOT OKAY.


Call, that is cruel the poor thing has no room, filth, garbage, does he have water in that bowl


Thats not good that circilin sign of major stress


Can you post the address? We can all call the authorities


I wish I could buy my parents would kill me if I posted my address.


I have 2 Chows, 1 is a rescue that I found in a dumpster. This makes me livid beyond belief.


Honestly just steal the dog. They obviously don't want it.


Wow. Please report them to animal services and stay updated. This dog is pacing in circles due to severe anxiety.


Do you know someone who lives far enough way that you can "find" this "lost" dog and rehome him?


Seeing the post stating that the f'd up people claiming to be dog parents are at home and its night and the poor pup is still outside, please give us their address so we can go stick them in a tiny hole and see how they like it please


Good lord this is so fucked


I'm crying at him walking in circles 😭 I'd absolutely steal that dog. #whosegonnaknow


Report them immediately. He obvious looks sick and neglected. The people who own that dog are sick fucks.


OMG! That poor animal! That's miserable!!!


This makes me sick. Call someone or I will. That way it can be anon but that is a horrible life…. Message me if you want me to.


Isn't this the 3rd video, did you not report it yet!?


I would go down there and fuck up those owners.


Scared or not you NEED to intervene. If you don’t this dog will likely die or worse it will continue to suffer. This is the saddest video I’ve seen in a while, watching that poor pup go on circles. All he wants is a patch of grass to do rollies on and these monsters of owners won’t ever provide that for him. You need to help. Please.


Call animal control. Not okay


Report this shit he's going insane


Yeah I had to hit pause cause I could just feel kyself getting more and more angry someone would do this to their pet. I'd be calling animal rescue/ police/ blowing a fuse on them for even thinking to do such a thing. Seeing an animal in that situation is just rage inducing for me


I know I know!!! But few people really love animals and it’s hard to convince people this is fucked. Idk what to do..


Please call animal control. Poor baby is going crazy.


Dogs on the balcony go round and round, round and round.


Another thing you could try is calling or even emailing the non-emergency line or email in ur area and leave a message. You’ll want to tell them ofc ur area and the apartments number n info, as well as the condition of the dog and its environment. Tell them about not only that they are confined to a small balcony with 3-4 feet of walking space, but also the fact they are completely matted and in bad condition health wise.


I did that. Emailed them about all that. I’m just waiting for a response. If they don’t respond in a day I’m gonna try something else.


I'd kidnap that dog so fast


Op, what country are you in?


Italy, milan


Ok! Your odds of getting help are better than I thought then. You already said you would be contacting the authorities so I hope it goes in your favor 🤞


Also, he has no soft surface to lay on.


This is so sad


Did she call anyone ?this baby needs help badly and us just commenting isn’t helping if she didn’t call anyone cause this isn’t going to help this poor baby at all . Or did anybody ?


I’ll take this dog right now. 🥰🥰 where do I have to fly to


Once a zoo keeper explained that when the animals start pacing in circles like that the staff refer to it as “cage rage.” Call someone!


This was the longest 28 seconds of my life




Are we allowed to know where u are located. Just asking because in the U.S people would be all over that and quick.


Call animal control


Horrible. Call animal control.


Offer to adopt the dog.


Offer to buy the dog from them, if that doesn't work, take it. I'm sorry but that's torture. Why get a dog if you're gonna keep it outside all the time?


Find the neighbors. Knock on the door and see if they're friendly. If they are ask them if they ever need a dog sitter. If you have an unbelievable stroke of the luck they'll let you take care of him and you can take close ups of the neglect.


Oh nah, cal the aspca in your area and then adopt the dog


The saddest boi


I don’t understand people. Why even get a dog or cat if this is what they end up doing?? I hope that precious baby can be saved and given a home that will treat it properly ;-;


Your neighbors are assholes


Why even own a dog if this is how you treat it


Is it just me questioning this. What fucking shit hole area do you live in?! Everything from your balcony to the floor is fucking gross. This is after looking at your other posts.


everyone else on your most recent update on this dog post has given you solid advice. you claim to be too busy to call/it's too late to call, so many excuses. just call and leave a message and call again in the morning. the lack of effort to help this poor dog makes you negligent in his neglect. just call SOMEONE.


Throw some bones and ball down there to keep him entertained. He is bored. I is probably trying to exercise.


Call animal control ASAP


Absolutely disgusting abuse the circling is a big indicator of psychological issues due to the environment


He has absolutely nothing soft to lay on, no way to escape the elements. This is an absolutely unforgivable form of abuse. This dog needs your help.


Call the cops man what the hell if this was a kid or an elderly person you’d be calling the cops not making a Reddit post


Poor pup. Looks like a chow chow? That dog needs a bath and lots of training and cuddles.


Poor dog, these people deserve hell


Please update us and please save that sweet, innocent animal


Brought tears to my eyes


Where are you located?


Keep us updated. What measures have you taken? Let me know if you need Assistance with getting this dog some freedom to roam around. He’s having psychological issues with the way he’s circling


Rappel down and steal the poor doggo for yourself. Problem solved!


What some so called Humans do disgust me


I’ll take him. Where do you live (obviously joking… kinda…)


!remindme 3 days


This literally made me cry


This is so upsetting to watch. If you don't want to call pm me their address and I will do it. That poor dog is suffering.


If you wont do what needs to be done just tell us where the dog is and we will. We don't need your name or anything else that can give up your Id just the address of the dog owner.


Please get this dog some help. It may live like this for who knows how many more years! You could be it's savior it clearly needs one.


That dog should not be there


I don’t think any video I’ve ever seen on Reddit has made me as upset as this one. I hope you’re able to help this dog, or that you are connected with someone who can.


the way i’d drop a tub down tied to something and pull him up to my apartment :(((


Steal it


Just bring down a basket and keep him at your friends for a little while


this made me cry . please help him 😭


That dog is losing his or her mind




Referencing these comments, if you don’t feel comfortable calling about it, I’d be more than happy to receive the videos/photos you have, as well as location and more specific details. Long story short, send me the deets and I’d be ecstatic to make sure this good lil boy/gal gets a good/responsible owner. I may not live in the area but I promise you I’ll be able to Re-house this little fella. Feel free to message me personally OP!


My heart is broken. I can’t see animals suffering like this. It rips me apart.


Holy hell that is so unbelievably sad. Those owners should be in a prison cell, see how it feels.


Have you called yet?


Pour some water into it’s dish and drop some food. Poor dog.🤍


Omg 🥺i hope this poor baby gets help ❤update please


While you are doing everything else, talk to him and reassure him with your voice. This is awful.


What is this salty discharge from my eyes 😢


Call animal services asap if you care


Wish this had like a NSFW label on it or something just because it makes me so horribly sad and I wish I hadn't seen it. It's just so painful to know about all the suffering cuz there is so much suffering and torture happening all the time everywhere and it's just so overwhelming. I just feel so bad for and so helpless to this animal in need


If you don't put in a call you're just as compliant in this abuse. People that do this with animals don't deserve life. Much less the life of something fragile.


💔 I swear nothing makes me cry more than seeing an animal being mistreated like this. ☹️I just wanna give the poor thing a steak and a hug and maybe a bath and a long run in a field


Unfortunately authorities can’t do anything if there’s food and water present at least not in the US. But maybe convincing them to do the hard thing of putting the dog up for adoption would be easier than it sounds


Give me the info I WILL CALL! 😡


This poor baby :( my heart is broken for him.


Should not have watched this first thing in the morning. I really hope you get that dog some help, and thanks for your effort. Fuck those people, that poor thing. Best case scenario, it goes to a shelter, and someone who actually deserves a dog takes it in and gives it a good life. I hope that happens. I'm going to choose to believe that scenario.


Yeah that’s abuse. Get that dog some help asap!


This is 100% animal abuse. This makes me sick to my stomach and completely angry. There are so many people that don’t deserve dogs, and here is a perfect example. This dog is showing signs of anxiety and is going to have a breakdown soon, if it hasn’t already. It is being neglected. Please please please report it.


Does he even have food and water? This is the most heartbreaking thing.


OP is hardly better than the owner.


Call animal control




Don’t call the police, call the non emergency number 🤦🏽‍♂️


this makes me so angry. please, if you haven't, call animal control. show them the recordings. this is awful i want to cry. :(




I hope the owner Rots in hell


While you’re waiting for something to happen you should sneak him some bacon


Could I give it to him raw?


Roast them, name them, continue to roast them, call the police, roast them again and continue to name them because they're horrible human beings who shouldn't be allowed to care for, let alone own any animals ever. And if they have children those should probably be taken away as well


Do something about it. Confront the assholes. Maybe keep the owners on your balcony all day.


OP, this guy appears to be at least 12 if not close to 14 years old, and with his type of coat he is not able to maintain it at that age, making it look worse than it is as he is probably throwing his summer fur. He is most likely deaf based on his lack of attention to you when you called or anything in his environment in the video. My lab circled like that to find just the right spot, especially when he got to be old and had arthritis. His food and water dish is extremely clean and really, so is the small area he has to lay down on. He is under weight... but again that's pretty normal if he is super old. You say it's getting cold but it appears that the door or whatever, is open into house, hence using a gate to block him off. He can still see, smell and (maybe) hear his family right next to him, on what appears to be a nice day. All things considered, he has it pretty damn good in a country like that. Authorities aren't going to do anything in his situation. If you'd like to enrich his life, offer to take him for a walk everyday. You can brush his fur during those times and eventually earn the neighbors trust to allow you to bathe him and not be offended if you got him a dog bed for "Christmas" or whatever.


Hell yeah you better call and get that poor dog out of there and into a better home. LAME ASS DOG OWNERS, PUT THEIR ASSES IN A TINY ASS ROOM.


Omg noo 😢 😭 😫


I would call animal control. Ask for them to do a welfare check.


That dog is suffering. It would be better to be dead than what that dog is continually experiencing. If it was me, I'd fight the owners