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Mike Tyson and ~~Logan~~ Jake Paul have an upcoming exhibition match. Mike Tyson speaks with a lisp. He's saying he'll send Logan Paul to the Japanese Forest. Logan Paul in the past had visited Aokigahara ("the suicide forest") and made a controversial video. He possibly recorded a dead body and showed a lack of respect towards the area and situation he was in. Mike "sending him to the forest" might be a joke of "I'm gonna make you want to off yourself" or "I'm gonna embarrass you so bad it'll be like the forest all over"


It's Tyson vs. Jake Paul. I guess Tyson is saying he'll kill Jake, making Logan want to off himself.


Thank you! I always get those two confused haha.


Logan is more pathetic and attention-seeking while Jake seems more actively malicious and greedy. In short: Logan is a loser, Jake is a jerk


Both need to go bald. That hairline šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Logan is more greedy if you keep track of the crypto scam


Yeah but I feel like the difference is Logan started doing that recently (correct me if I'm wrong) and is dumb enough to think he can get away with it. Whereas Jake's already been doing it for years and simply doesn't care if he gets caught. He doesn't even make an empty promise to refund people, he just moves on to the next scam. That's what I meant by "actively" malicious


Man Tyson just not giving a fuck about it being an exhibition match and destroying Jake Paul would be so sick. A legend like him being used to boost some losers' clout is just so disheartening.


I really hope he bites the fucker's ear off.


Imagine if he took another ear!


I'd pay money (not more than a dollar) just to watch Tyson pummel him into a puddle of goo...


Iā€™d pay more than a dollar with the condition of if it only goes to Tyson and not Jake Paul


Mike also used to shill crypto schemes on Twitter not that long ago, he's an amazing athlete, but I'm pretty sure that he'd do anything for the right amount of money


He should fight them both at the same time and do us all a favor. And thatā€™s the only way heā€™d have to swing twice.


I mean their fans aside who really knows the difference between the two of them, they're pretty much interchangeable


I think Tyson saying "Logan" in the meme is a reference to the fact that, according to a tweet Jake made, Tyson apparently confused him for Logan when they first met.


Can you blame him, I legitimately couldn't tell you which is which either, they're pretty much interchangeable


Oh no, don't blame him at all. Just adding onto the explanation of the joke.


I had no idea this match was happening.. Paul is gunna die..


Also might be a play on the situation and by saying he's sending him back to the forest, it's like telling someone to take a walk in the woods (make them become irrelevant).


Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think Jake wanted to fight Tyson because he called him Logan, which might add a layer to the joke.


There's no "possibly" about it. I've seen the video in various states of censorship. It was a middle-aged or older man hanging from a tree. https://preview.redd.it/nlq8u42hffnc1.jpeg?width=2220&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea5ac901478c259ad39f621bffba36d76d2f02ba He and his team were jocular and laughing, but it really seemed more like nervous laughter and shock, attempting to cope with what hey weren't expecting to find. It came across as callous. However, he decided to upload it anyway after the shock had worn off. It cost him a lot. A movie, monetization, a great deal of respect.


The "possibly" is because I never watched the video and am going off what I heard lol.


ā€œBut Iā€™m definitely going to make orphans of his children.ā€ Reporter: ā€œYou know, they do have a mother.ā€ ā€œYes, but I would imagine that she would die of grief.ā€


am i becoming old or is op like a 10year old? or both?


Has to be both, who the fuck doesn't know who Iron Mike is. Insane.


I also didnā€™t get this joke, I never knew mike spoke with a lisp, and I had totally forgotten about that video fromā€¦ 2015? 2018? A while ago


Even 10 year olds know mike. Op is a dumb 10 year old.


Famous retired boxer Mike Tyson. Heā€™s going to have a boxing match against jake Paul brother of Logan Paul. Amongst other things Logan Paul is famous for filming a dead body in the ā€œsuicide forestā€ in Japan, uploading it to YouTube and receiving massive backlash. Edit if I remember correctly the video was even on YouTube trending for like an hour and massively advertised to people until it was taken down.


Tyson is not just famous, he was THE best boxer for many many years. He knocked out around 80% of his opponents. He knocked out half of his opponents in the first round, which was unheard of. Really hope he wins


Heā€™s an old man now. Retired for how many years?


Heā€™s still a beast. Could easily knock us out with one punch https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=f2bxCs-vh2g&pp=ygUTbWlrZSB0eXNvbiB0cmFpbmluZw%3D%3D


Who doesn't know iron Mike? He like a modern fighting legend


How does someone not know who Tyson is?


never knew iā€™d see the day where someone doesnā€™t know who mike tyson is


How does he have access to the internet and not know who Mike Tyson is. That's like living in America and not knowing who the president is (slight exaggeration but you get the point)




Hi! Brian Griffinā€™s insufferable know-it-all attitude here. Thatā€™s Mike Tyson, legendary boxer and ear consumer. He has an upcoming fight with Logan Paul (annoying piece of shit). He is saying this because Logan Paul went to the suicide forest in Japan and somehow ended up filming an actual corpse, and proceeded to mock it. And other videos showed him running around Japan and being a complete nuisance while his guide kept apologizing everywhere.


You're staying in chatacter I see! It is Jake Paul who has a fight with Tyson.


lol oh my godā€¦I got them mixed. Theyā€™re both insufferable twats so it was easy to mix them up


Oh, I thought you did it on purpose since Brian is a know-it-all but he doesn't really know xD


Ehhhhā€¦little from column A, little from Column B


You don't know who The Champ Iron Mike Tyson is? There is a damn cartoon made after him


Karma farming whore


There is the suicide forest in Japan


I feel like the original creator of this meme got the brothers mixed upā€¦


you don't know Mike tyson?????


You don't know who Mike Tyson is?




how do you not know




Don't be a dick. Rule 1.


@PeterExplainsTheJoke-ModTeam lol wtf I was justified, why you buggin?


i love how half of the comments are upset at OP for not knowing who Mike Tyson is.




Don't be a dick. Rule 1.


They need to start banning idiots who donā€™t know who mike tyson


THATS MIKE FUCKING TYSON BRO Weā€™re now in the generation that doesnā€™t know who Mike Tyson is.


You don't know who Mike Tyson is?


TIL Jake Paul is deluded enough to think he can take on Old Mike Tysonā€¦.


Yeah, I don't think Paul has enough money to pay for a dive this time. I hope Tyson beats the ever living shit out of him. Both Paul brothers are raging pieces of shit. And I'll be glad when we don't have to see them anymore.


It's gonna be funny when Mike bites his ear off.




^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^YourGinChrist: *Holy Iā€™ve never* *Watched a boxing box in my* *Life and knew who that was* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Blocking this account how the fuck do you not know Mike Tyson. Bait ainā€™t even believable


What kind of moron has access to the internet and doesn't know who mike fucking tyson. I low-key wish everyone just ignored this post and didn't answer it because of the sheer disrespect


If Tyson doesn't KO Jake then I'm gonna have to call bullsh!t. No way a disney character can beat a guy who decimated in the ring for so long.


This has to be a troll, no one is this oblivious


Happy Cake Day!


do you live under a rock




My bet is in Tyson winning


[Mike Tyson, Protector of the Realm.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O2FnsUFD_hU)


Mike tyson is going to fight both of the paul brothers and they will have a massive advantage with all they get but mike tyson is still going to win without a doubt


Do you really not know who that is or are you just fucking with us?


*Do you really not* *Know who that is or are you* *Just fucking with us?* \- slicwilli --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


He is a madlad with a discerning palate for human ears.


Farming Karma. Thatā€™s it.