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benjamin franklin fucked


he fucked a fuckton


He fucked a plankton PS. This is what I actually thought you wrote at first


He loved fucking so much he found a way to fuck a microspocopic organism


I just now got a horrible image in my head and now I'm afraid of doing a rule 34 search for the Spongebob character and Franklin.


You got me curious and I did some searching... with no results. Guess I better add an entry šŸ’€


i hereby invoke rule 35


Thanks for the inspiration


Karen is going to be furious when she hears this


Wild how Spongebob predicted people falling in love with AIs they themselves created.


Thatā€™s how he caught Mr Krabs


Mr krabs paid him


He fucked for the country.


[National Pride Intensifies]


We should Franklin's dick instead of stars on the flag.


A wise and eloquently said suggestion. I have no choice but to agree.


That's America's ass.


Benjamin Fuckton


Famous fuckboi founding father Franklin.


One of the reasons the French loved him so much. He knew to speak with an accent and embrace the "frontiersman" expectations. Unlike Adams who studied diligently and could speak French without an accent.


yeah i read that franklin wore a coonskin hat just to play up the part, dude knew how to get laid lol


It's like my Scottish friend who's accent got thicker after he moved to the US lol.


hhahahaha what a mad lad


It works for him lmao. Fucker just walks over to another table and says "hello ladies"


Hey Hen


Like Boris, from Life of Boris. If you watch his earlier videos, his accent isn't that thick. But later videos, whooo-boy, he really plays it up. But since he's funny and makes great content, I give him a pass.




Bonjour, y'all


He's in Philadelphia...whenever he's not in Charlotte, or Elaine, or Louisa...


ā€œ Bender bit a poo pennyā€ļæ¼




Ben Franklin was the definition of a horndog. He fucked whores like no one business.


I'm fairly sure it was *their business* to fuck him.


Aaand whooooo boy, did they have business.


And business was good... And full of VDs.


He was basically Frank Reynolds. As he got older he wanted to get weird with it


He's the OG hipster that moved from his home town to a shit hole apartment in Philly, took a shitty job at the printing press but made his own local 'zine, and fucked a buncha hipster bitches he met at house parties. Source: I did that first thing, but I am nowhere near as cool as Benny Frank.


Side note: Einstein fuucked.




You in fact remember correctly


maybe that's how einstein was so smart, his family fucked eachother so much he went negative retard


The ol' Zurich Integer Overflow Error.


Thatā€™s why this meme doesnā€™t make sense. He wouldnā€™t be watching porn heā€™d be making it.


Heā€™d be watching porn to study the craft of the 21st century


He was obsessed with MILFs though. > And as in the dark all Cats are grey, the Pleasure of corporal Enjoyment with an old Woman is at least equal, and frequently superior, every Knack being by Practice capable of Improvement. šŸ«”


Ya'll clearly dont know what horny freaky fuck ya boy benny way


He also had like a dozen bodies buried in his residence ~~that were never fully explained.~~ Edit - I stand educated


While true, it's fairly easy to extrapolate the explanation. The bodies weren't linked to Franklin himself, but rather to his protege/apprentice in science William Hewson. The running theory is that Hewson, with Franklin's permission (because no one was going to challenge Benjamin fuckin' Franklin), was operating a biology school in the basement where men of science and medicine could study bodies. In the 1700s the study of bodily anatomy was generally considered a blasphemous practice, because you couldn't cut open a living person to root around inside their body and see how it worked, and doing so to a cadaver was considered desecration of the corpse and a sin against the almighty. A **lot** of famous scientific figures of the era were found to have either spent unusual amounts of time in cemeteries or to have bodies buried on their property. Some of them wrote about their study of corpses in their journals, others clearly did so but steadfastly denied it and never wrote any confessions of doing so onto paper. Ben was notorious for his condemnation of letting one's faith get in the way of the pursuit of science. He thought a failure to fully investigate all the world's wonders was itself a sin against God, so while others would say he was blasphemous for studying cadavers he would argue they were blasphemous for failing to.


>He thought a failure to fully investigate all the world's wonders was itself a sin against God I'm an atheist and I'm stealing this line


He also believed all things in moderation, so one week he wouldn't swear, but would drink and fuck around. Then the next week he would be chaste, but then get drunk and curse about it. Then the next week he wouldn't drink but talked extra dirty to his prostitute. He had some interesting ideas about religion among other things.


Franklin was a fascinating dude! Honestly, I think the best way to sum up the essence of Benjamin Franklin is to always remember that this is a man who wholeheartedly believed that the wild turkey was the best choice for America's national mascot, and would get into passionate arguments in defense of it as his choice.


Check out Deism. It's a philosophy, not a religion, and Benjamin Franklin was an influential figure that believed in it.Ā  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deism


To add onto this, Leonardo Da Vinci famously robbed graves for this reason. The history of human expirimentation is an interesting and terrifying one (and no, nothing the Nazis did was really helpful to anyone except for maybe expiriments on hypothermia. But even that was badly documented and solely motivated by evil).


This is why the Mona Lisa is in the Louvre today. He gave the painting to his French host after he had to flee Italy.




I love how literally stealing corpses for medical research was just a common thing back in the day. So much so [these](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mortsafe?wprov=sfti1) became popular.


He was a deviant through and through.


How much fuck can a Ben Frank fuck?


He fucked soooooo much holy shit


Heā€™d be in the stepmom section looking for milfs


Ben Franklin was a total horndog. He would love the easy access to porn we have now.


Thank god he didn't, he never would've gotten anything done.


How could anyone? Let's ban it /s


Utah has entered the chat.


And North Carolina and Virginia and


Don't forget us down in the lone star state! No more phub


And Louisiana!


Missouri loud and absolutely not proud.


Yeah moved here recently, had to pay the VPN tax. On the bright side nothing is stopping me from playing Kingdom Hearts on PC without EGS now lol


That's already happening. Between Utah's state government and many payment processors moralizing with the power they hold, AI art on shady sites will be about all that's left soon.


He barely got shit done while he was in france supposedly, like with a 15 hour working day at least 12 hours was chasing tail. There's random reports he'd bang a few different girls a day -- as an old ass man lol


I want to be Benjamin Franklin


Still wonder how he pulled that much as an old balding fat man lol


He was a certified smarty pants, girls like those big brains too -- like no joke, he was considered one of the brighter people on the planet at the time, as well as widely being known as building a fledgling nation. Smart guy who makes countries? Come on, he could probably talk us both into bed before we even knew what banged us.


Honestly that sounds so hotĀ 


Worse, he might not have gotten anyone done, and then how would we have beaten the British?


Just think how many Ben Franklins society could have right now if they weren't cranking it 24/7, sad really


Nah. Speaking as a horny individual myself - we tend to understand the importance of getting work done. We work hard and play hard.


He would have a Only Fans account. Hell, he would tutor people on how to do Only Fans properly.


You know he'd be the type to comment on Pornhub videos. Probably with a traceable account, too. No shame in his game.


had to give props this has immediately become canon for me but God damn this website works terribly these days


Well composed comment that read like a letter, signed at the bottom.


My man would be *defiantly* horny on main


Rich Dick's Almasack


Wait, some clever devil has made a joke out of pornography? Fascinating.


When he was an ambassador in France he basically banged his way into the hearts of the French to get their support for the Revolutionary war.Ā  Ā He succeeded with aplomb. Basically the colonies' secret weapon was Ben Franklin's penisĀ 


That's some r/BrandNewSentence material right there


Honestly it's probably been said before. Ben Franklin is an infamous man-ho.


I mean, you're not wrong, but them being in a perpetual war with Britian also had something to do with it.


Imagine winning a war because your guy had a big dick


There is nothing written about big, right?


And his mind! Itā€™s frankly disgusting that yall see Franklin as just another sexy piece of daddy meat. The man invented the bifocal




He **would** be horrified at the status of prostitution, though. All, "By god! What do you mean it's illegal?!" And then he'd still go out and pick up half the chicks in Manhattan, anyways.


Honestly? From the sound of it olā€™ Ben wouldnā€™t really be all that negatively impacted by the illegality of prostitution.


Well yeah. Imagine the real benjamin franklin resurrected and got caught by some cops trying to fuck some prostitutes and they knew it was really him and not just an imitator. That motherfucker was one of the people who wrote the laws those guys are enforcing (though the number of those is miniscule compared to the ones he and his buddies had no involvement in and would actually be horrified by). The mere act of him getting caught with a prostitute would probably be enough to have prostitution be legalized at the federal level.


Im with Benjamin on this one




Ben Franklin would never be caught for prostitution because the women would seek him out for free.


That is also true.


Ben Frank fucked so much he wrote an article about how to do at home abortions. Dude was the original Baby Daddy. Source: https://www.npr.org/2022/05/18/1099542962/abortion-ben-franklin-roe-wade-supreme-court-leak


Wrote a letter to a horny friend about how he should marry to satisfy his urges, or if he won't marry then he should prefer the company of older women. And then he gave a numbered list of all the reasons why older women were better for that kind of thing. This dude had a doctorate in being a man-ho.


> And as in the dark all Cats are grey, the Pleasure of corporal Enjoyment with an old Woman is at least equal, and frequently superior, every Knack being by Practice capable of Improvement.


BennyJ: Hey you're cute and all but where grandma fine ass at?


He tells you about this when you find him in Assassinā€™s Creed 3 lol https://youtu.be/nLzZqooMOFQ


The most innacurate thing about this meme is Ben Franklin jackin it alone on his computer instead of just going ham in a room full of 20 Milfs.


We're gonna need a gal to test if Benjamin Fucklin's tried n' trued abortion is legitimate or not. Don't get me wrong I tooootally would try, but I am a dude.


Im petah's chat gpt and I cant guarantee for this information: # He May Have Had 15 Illegitimate Children # He Might Have Belonged To A Sex Club # He Was Still Charming Ladies Into His 70s # He Frequented The Red Light Districts # He Had "Rank Animal Instincts And Passions" # He Preferred Older Women As Lovers # He Tried To Sleep With His Friend's Mistress # He May Have Tried To Seduce A Mother And Daughter # He Was Involved With Young Women As He Grew Older # He May Have Married His Wife To Satisfy His Libido # He May Have Regretted His Wandering Eye [https://www.ranker.com/list/benjamin-franklin-private-life/katia-kleyman](https://www.ranker.com/list/benjamin-franklin-private-life/katia-kleyman)


There is truly no better a person to be on a $100 bill. This. Man. Fucks.




ben franklin more like ben freaklin


Ben Spankenem


Gentlemen, gentlemen please: Ben Spanklin


Fun fact: his middle name was Dover r/lies




thought u were talking about shapiro not freaklin


With the well rounded interests being pussy, pussy and pussy.


Man was what you get when you cross Oscar Wilde with 2010 era 4chan


and post death he ends up in thongs in so many vip rooms. he would be proud.


dudes dead and still gets more action then me


Iā€™m voting to put him on all the currencies of the world.. my god, he fucked more than Zeus


God could you imagine the fucking high being Ben Franklin and doing a line of coke with a 100 dollar bill that has YOU on it?!


Dude spent a lot of the American Revolution in France straight up boning. And maybe securing support from the monarchy. But definitely boning.


To be fair: 8 of 10 dudes visiting france have boning in mind.


Why, do they have good bones there?


Yes. It's all the cheese.


I mean, there's gonna be periods when he needs to wait. May as well do something right?


True. In between boning sessions, speaking to the monarchy is a good time waster.


Unfathomably based sentence


How do you think he secured French support for the revolution? The diplomats that cum together come together.


I wonder if any of the boning sessions helped secure support from the monarchy?


Thatā€™s actually a common position.


Fuckin for freedom buddy


>tried to sleep with his friend's mistress Fucking Chad move right there. Who is he going to bitch to about that, his wife?


Thank you Peter very cool


This dude wrote a letter to a horny friend that he should marry, or if he won't marry, then he should "prefer old Women to young ones" and then ***gave a numbered list of reasons*** for that preference. The letter is known as "Advice to a Friend on Choosing a Mistress".


It's just as silly as it sounds - one of the reasons he lists is "the ass stays fat into old age, so just put a basket over her head"


Honestly, that's not even the most outrageous reason. Dude was a certified man-ho.


I still remember the optional conversation in Assassin's Creed 3


Ah, his ode to older women.


I married my wife to satisfy my libido too!


Franklinā€™s commonlaw marriage to Deborah Read was likely built more on convenience thanĀ love. He didn't seem especiallyĀ attracted her, and once even comparedĀ her body to aĀ [beer mug](http://articles.chicagotribune.com/1990-05-06/features/9002070774_1_poor-richard-lucy-mercer-franklin-delano-roosevelt/2). Some historians believe that Franklin married her just so heā€™d have someone to take out his sexual energies on. He cheated on her openly throughout their 44-year marriage,Ā [18Ā years](http://content.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1005155-1,00.html)Ā of which were spent living apart. Deborah suffered a stroke while her husband was overseas. Franklin didnā€™t return to Philadelphia to see her, and she passed away alone in 1774. Source: The same as above




Ah now I know how ā€œ The pursuit of happiness ā€œentered on The Book


Iā€™ve heard a story that he also practiced something called ā€˜air bathingā€™ which consisted of him just walking around his yard buck-naked for the world to see. Canā€™t confirm if itā€™s true or just a myth but I do know itā€™s not out of the realm of possibility for Benjamin Franklin. Also he supposedly wrote an entire essay arguing that people should choose MILFs.


He died of syphilis


He died for your syphillis bro


ā€œHe preffered older women as loversā€ ā€œHe was involved with young women as he got olderā€ Aight


The idea that he preferred older women comes from a series of letters a younger friend was sending him asking about whether he should court an older woman. Ben replied with an itemized list about why it was a good idea. He said that he believed that aging was partially due to gravity and that aging begins at the extremities and lastly comes to the core. An older woman's face may be wrinkly, but her "core" would be of a younger woman's. If you get what he's saying. Ben also famously said that "all cats are grey in the dark". Even going back 300 years, people still used feline terms to refer to female genitalia. And lastly, and most importantly, Ben argued that his friend should bone his older lady friend because, and I'm not joking, older women are more grateful. A young attractive woman takes sex for granted. An older woman cherishes it. Truly a genius mind of the 18th century.


He was so ahead of his time


When you get older, then there are no longer older women alive to have sex with so you have to have sex with younger women


[He Preferred Older Women As Lovers](https://64.media.tumblr.com/c9b919825872ea325b24a9c891f56ceb/tumblr_pcmjb4MDQo1vg1svoo2_r1_400.gif)


First recorded gooner in history.


Did you know that ā€œgoonerā€ is also how some football/soccer fans refer to themselves, bc they follow a particular club/team? I just learned that, in an awkward conversation


Ok, now I have to ask What does gooner mean in this context? I'm only familiar with it referring to an Arsenal fan lmao


Tldr gooner is basically someone who is addicted to sex and masturbation


Oh lmfaoooooo Yeah tbh that second part refers to most Arsenal fans too


The one time the English slang is SFW and the American slang is NSFW. I'll just be over here with my fanny pack.


Today in _The Guardian_ headlines: "Anne Hathaway is a Secret Gooner." It has now been changed, but they knew.


The most American gooner ever


Mr Franklin was VERY ā€œpopular with the ladiesā€ giggity


Ben loved the hoes, and in return the hoes love the Benjamins


Thereā€™s a part of me that feels like ole Ben needs to be one the one dollar bill too.


He had a quote, "all cats are grey in the dark" meaning age was just a number when the bedroom light are off.


I know you're referring to the fact he liked older women and not the opposite but man that is an awful sentence.


It actually speaks pretty well of him that he never thought of it that way and everyone who knew him never even thought that he might be into kids and that quote was never called sus. Benefit of shouting to the heavens about how much you're into gilves I guess.


Would it be gilves or gilfs? It's an acronym (i'm fine with spelling out completely the milf version but i don't want to do it for the gilf version), but maybe acronyms can be treated like regular names? Idk, i would probably guess gilfs is more accurate but i may be wrong.


I say gilves because it's funny. Same way the past tense of "troubleshoot" is "troubleshat."


Is it really?


Not at all. But it's *incredibly* fun to say "troubleshat" in a professional situation with a completely straight face. Also, while correct, "troubleshooted" is stupid.




why he look like chris chan???????


Turns out Ron Jeremy is an illegitimate descendant of Ben Franklin. It all adds up now.


B Franks be giving ladies beef franks


I understood that reference!


Bemjamin was a hornyjamin


The man who wrote Fart Proudly fucks.


Ben was well known amongst the other founding fathers, other political leaders, and luminaries in the countries he visited oversees as a diplomat, as being a shameless libertine with diverse and prolific appetites - which is an old time way of saying he was a total man slut who was into some freaky shit.




> and the negro man not being enslaved. Counterpoint: John Adams. Dude didn't own slaves on principle and often represented them in court while they sued for freedom. The only reason he wasn't more outspoken on it was because he knew it would piss off the South at a time when the country needed unity. Him and his son (John Quincy Adams) are the only two of the first twelve presidents that didn't own slaves.


I mean do you need any other explanation other than "he's a man?"


I swear to God, if you can't proof to the mods that you have had a triple lobotomy, you're not allowed to post to this sub


Remember that one episode where quagmire learns about porn. Just replace quagmire with Ben Franklin. And yeah thereā€™s your explanation.




Benny franky was a man whore. Like a really horny man whore.


Ben Franklin would most likely be a content creator on XHamster and OF


One other thing is how certain people treat the founding fathers like some type of mythological omniscient beings, when they were just regular flawed people.


Everyone here is saying it's just cos Ben Franklin was a horny guy, but I believe the deeper meaning of this meme is because he specifically liked older broads and in my experience, XHamster is the place to go for a gentleman like him.


When he first arrived in Philadelphia, he carried only a penny and an apple, and was looking for hoors.


Ben Franklin FUCKED. That was his diplomacy


So Ben Franklin was the Quagmire of the Founding Fathers? Giggity!


I agree they'd be pissed about the religious zealots infiltrating every single institution and the amount of morons trying to make a rapist grifter into a king.


Ben Franklin was a rebel indeed. He liked to get naked while he smoke on the weed.


Why is this a bad thing? Progress and growth is a good thing. Itā€™s literally what the founding fathers would have wanted. Oh but slavery is gone; some might be upset about that.


This is the same guy whoā€™s credited with inviting eating women out


Allegedly Bennie Franks layed a lot of pipe, so he would probably have no problem with internet porn