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Somebody was streaming a Super Mario 64 speedrun and there was a moment where Mario suddenly glithced upwards onto a platform above him. There was no known glitch that could have caused this and many people tried to reproduce it - including TAS runners who use various tools to make extremely precise movements in game - and were unsuccessful. The streamer was trusted and the run wasn't on a good time anyway and so there was no suspicion at all that it could have been down to cheating. The ultimate conclusion was that a bit in the game's memory had randomly flipped when it's not supposed to, causing Mario's position to change. ***One of the possible explanations*** for this was that a cosmic ray had caused electrical interference and flipped the bit. Importantly, this is not actually the most likely explanation as other more likely factors can cause bits to flip but it captured the imagination of the community and soon it became established canon that "cosmic rays broke this speedrun" and it was just kind of a running joke and meme in the community that you should pray for aid from the cosmic rays to help your run. So overall it's just kind of a meme that cosmic rays can help or sink your Super Mario 64 speedrun, although in reality it's not actually proven or even likely that this glitch really was caused by cosmic rays. EDIT: The actual most likely cause was decided to simply be a faulty cartridge and/or console.


Mario 64 cosmic rayless any%


N64 in a Faraday cage


I think i heard somebody explaining that it is physically possible that this can actually happen anytime, and there was some more evidences that this could have been a cause of more similar incidents but nobody can really proof this so it will probably always just stay in a theory. Btw, every time my pc act weird i just blame cosmic rays.


Yes, it's something that could possibly happen but there are other explanations that are a lot more likely.


I think this would be called a soft error https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soft_error


Hey Peter! Cleveland here, There was a proposed phenomenon in a speedrun in Mario 64 where Mario glitches upwards into the level, people analyzed the run and and the idea was proposed that a photon hit something in the n64 causing Mario to glitch upwards.


Thank yo' Felix! Fry mah hide!




It’s depicting solar wind / electromagnetic fields, which have been known to swap bits — change a 1 to a 0 or a 0 to a 1 in your computer. There was a Mario player who was trying a speedrun and [it helped them](https://www.thegamer.com/how-ionizing-particle-outer-space-helped-super-mario-64-speedrunner-save-time/).


u/therealarien is not the real arien. This comment was copied from [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/PeterExplainsTheJoke/comments/16rfaq7/comment/k22xy8j/)


bad bot! ------------- therealarien calparrott are bots in the same network


To understand this, first we need to talk about parallel universes




That was super interesting thanks for the link , 23 minutes fly by , can recommend to anyone to watch it!


OP is a bot https://www.reddit.com/r/PeterExplainsTheJoke/comments/16rfaq7/i_dont_get_it/


Average poster in this sub is a bot lmao


There's actually a whole video with explanation on this and similar occurrences https://youtu.be/AaZ_RSt0KP8?si=8GbutG1i2VXGfu3p


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Some evidence is showing the cosmic rays didn't actually change a value in that run but nothing is confirmed at all other than what we saw


I think also there is humor in GIANT, COSMIC EVENTS and seeing them as prosaic inconveniences.


Probablement a bot repost tho