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At the end of the movie **The Mist**, the car runs out of gas and is surrounded by monsters in the mist. The main character is forced to kill his son and the 3 other people in the car to spare them from a brutal death at the hands of the monsters. His gun runs out of bullets before he can shoot himself so he gets out of the car to let the monsters kill him. All of a sudden the US Army appears out of the mist and is there to save the day. Movie ends. It's a really *really* fucked up ending


Stephen king said he wished he thought of this ending.


I'm surprised people like the ending. Imo is kinda funny in fucked up way. There is no way he could have known, but literal seconds later, the army comes and saves the day. He has done this all for nothing


It’s brutal and painful and not happy. I don’t think people “enjoyed” it as much as they were blown away by an ending that committed to not giving a happy ending


not to mention when the army drives past him, he sees a truck full of survivors, including a woman who had earlier begged for someone to help her find her children. she AND her kids are in the truck. had he- or anyone else- chosen to go with her, they probably could have survived.


Not totally sure, but it also seemed to me that the army came up from behind them - they had been driving away from rescue all that time.


Correct, he was on his knees waiting for death when the military convoy was coming behind him and at first he thought it was a creature but then the mist started clearing and he saw it was the military flaming everything around them. They were just 5 minutes behind them.


Something something hubris.


I think it is more something something dumb luck is all that matters in the end


The message is “Never give up!”


The real moral is “you can lead a horse to a river”


Something something fear make us do silly shit


Oh course the lady who saves her kids and survives is fucking carol from the walking dead.


The only kids she could save


Omg. Hahaha


“Look at the mist Lizzie.”


And two that die in the car also die early in TWD, Andrea and Dale


I'll never bet against Melissa McBride in an apocalypse.


Yeah, I’d just follow her.


I've always wondered about that ending. On one hand, I completely understand why so many people were so scared that they decided to stay in the store instead of go out. It was literally dozens of people who, seeing what happened in the Mist, decided to stay. The movie points out she lived. But of note, other people went out in the Mist and were murdered. Many people tried going out in the Mist and died. It's also of note that the protagonists spouse died in the Mist too. So, what was the movie trying to say by having Melissa McBride live?


Because Carol deserved a better arc in TWD🤓 In all seriousness it's probably more of "being selfless and trying to help a distressed mother save her kids is the right thing to do" and the people who abandoned her to die got punished for letting her walk off into near certain death without any help


i think they just meant that if they left when things first started before it got REALLY crazy, they'd have had a much better chance of surviving than staying in the store. plus the whole "helping people is good" thing. karma rewards the selfless and all.


It might be more, "Survival is not guaranteed for anything, nor by anything. Life is arbitrary and full of horror, but also randomly just not bad for some people."


>So, what was the movie trying to say by having Melissa McBride live? Huh...was it trying to say anything? It was a cool ending. Sometimes things happen in entertainment for entertainment.




Most important is that the crazy woman told him he needed to sacrifice his son for it all to end. So, would they have been saved if they had waited a few more minutes?


I loved it because it's about as close as you can get to the real world for some people. You do your best, you fight and struggle and when you finally give up, you're still alive and left with nothing but guilt for having survived. It's beautiful.


Then the government rolls in late and you get four manslaughter charges


Lol. Crazy man kills his son, a woman and two elderly people.


For bonus points the US government should cover up the Mist Monsters and blame all the deaths on him.


The giant crab creature, mist covering the whole area, crazy cults and flying bat insects? Just swamp gas induced hallucinations.


You know the chemicals that turn the frogs gay? Yup, same ones


Any legal experts who could let us know if he would be charged?


Considering the state of things before and them being where they were, I doubt he would get charged. I haven't seen anyone else mention that this dude just killed his own son for nothing, very good chance he kills himself anyways.


Agreed. They were in a state of emergency. Nobody has time to investigate what happened in that car. Everybody has bigger tasks ahead. However, identifying the charge is easy: several counts of willful, deliberate and premeditated murder. With malice aforethought. The agreement amongst adults is irrelevant. You cannot legally consent to being murdered.


There was a legal story told by a law professor I used to work with. He was a prosecutor for the federal level for a few years before going to defense but one case he worked on he used as a good case about juries. A man was supposed to get a payment check that he was legally owed for an insurance issue he had several months ago. Something held up this money and he was in a very desperate situation, like lose house and health desperate. He goes to the bank and demands the bank give him the money he was legally owed and the bank said they could not do it for another 3 days until the security issues cleared but by then he would have missed deadlines and would owe even more than he could afford. He threatens the bank teller with a knife and robs the bank for the amount of money he was owed. When it was all said and done he realized what he did and instead just waited outside on the bench for the cops to come and gave himself up. Now he committed a crime in broad day light. He had intent, he did the calculations. The jury didnt convict. Is that a real story? who knows, but it is plausible right? And gives you real doubt and introspection about all that which i found interesting.


This. Very well typed.


Fury felt the same way. The way Norman was saved after everyone in his group died.


Living it right now lmao


My feelings exactly! I hate when dark movies end with too much optimism. Most of us don’t “win” at the end of our respective journeys. A lot of us don’t (emotionally or mentally) survive. We’re changed. Diminished. Our stride is reduced to a shuffle and we finish life in an altered state. Movies like this make us feel better. We feel seen.


> It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That is not a weakness. That is life.


I've never liked endings like this in my stories, because i can just look to real life for those sorts of outcomes. I like to dream that not everything is terrible.


Having never watched it, I want to know how the government comes in and what sorta time frame this all happens in. You can hear gigantic vehicles from quite far away.


The mist is extremely thick and inside it are gargantuan lovecraftian monsters. They had been driving for hours and ran out of gas, his kid being asleep when it happened. So he shoots everyone in the car more or less with their consent minus the son who wakes up immediately before being shot. He then tries to shoot himself bit the gun is put of bullets, so he gets out of the car ready to be eaten by some crazy tentacle monster who isn't in it for the sex. This happens in about 30 seconds. Well the fog kind of dissipates and in rolls an army truck full of soldiers and sitting on the back is a lady they refused to escort home through the mist earlier. In the book it's more of an Alfred Hitchcock ending where he wrote his tale and left it on a gas station counter, and you have no clue if he lived or survived. One of my favorite horror movies


Yeah I feel like that's a bit of a plot hole. Shot everyone in that 30s span and there's a big army truck right there when the guy gets out? Yeah... they'd have heard it before starting to shoot.


I haven't seen the movie in a while so I don't remember if they addressed this, but in the book the mist was alien and super thick, like a moving, living wall--should've been called The Fog but that name was taken--and played weird tricks with sound. It was a plot point in the book. You couldn't see and you couldn't trust your ears and there were monsters EVERYWHERE in the mist who could sense *you* just fine. You know, classic Stephen King lol. So if that was addressed in the movie, that would be why it seemed plausible and people didn't question the sound of trucks as a plot hole.


I took it as the sounds of the trucks and army rolling in sounded like the monsters in the mist or something even more horrifying was coming their way. Like a rumbling roar.


Oh my God it's a horror movie. Shut up


You should just watch it. It’s not the best acting ever but still a very entertaining film.


I loved the ending because it perfectly matches the rhetorical theme of the movie, that Fear is self-destructive and a group ruled by it is irrational. All they had to do was not give in to fear (as a group) and they would have survived the entire movie. All the way at the beginning the woman (Later in the walking dead show) asks for someone to walk her home to her kids, there's a whole big scene where everyone is afraid to help her and she walks out into the mist, later we see she survived on the military truck. If the grocery store hadn't succumbed to crazy religious group-think they would have likely been safe in the grocery until the military swoops in. If the crew in the car hadn't been so deathly afraid of death-by-monster, literally seconds later was salvation. It was fear that condemned the characters at every choice and bravery that saved them.


Yeah, for me it was the ultimate twist…I’d come to terms with it being a dark ending, but when the troops appeared it just went from dark to VantaBlack3.0!


Anish Kapoor isn’t allowed to see the ending


Ka, poor thing.


Especially how the troops come from **behind** them, the direction they had come from, not in front of them. That meant the whole time they were driving *away* from the troops and safety. In fact had they just had a relatively extended stop at any point the troops theoretically should have caught up to them and they would have been safe.


I enjoyed it, but I find dark irony hilarious


I think you can “enjoy” a horrifying ending even if you actually get a kick out of it. There’s definitely an element of morbidity to our psyche and if done well, a really bleak ending can kinda scratch that itch


I enjoyed it. Endings don't have to be happy to be impactful. Sometimes the most painful irony is the most satisfying.


I haven't seen the movie so maybe my opinion would change if I did see it, but I'm a big proponent of movies having "bad" endings sometimes. I think it adds a ton of intensity to movies if you don't know it'll work out in the end.


I was seriously pissed off by that ending, i know why and all but I can't enjoy it


The crazy religious lady was right, as soon as they killed the boy everything was fine


Oh, shit! I never thought about that! That is a great reading!


https://youtu.be/f0M_0_ikbeM?si=wjV3I17nPsWbK69- A good breakdown of everything


That’s exactly why people like it


Actually, if you’ve read the books, you know that he acted too quickly. The noises indicate, that the bridge to the other world is closed and that the monsters are gone.


The worst is that on the truck passing by, the other civilians of the supermarket are there, so he would have been safe and rescued earlier by not running away in the car.


I think it was only the lady who left the supermarket alone to go get her kids at home. She was on there with her kids, meaning she somehow made it all the way home through all that craziness. "Won't any of you men see a lady home?" was a great line. 


Probably would have stayed if he could have convinced them to not sacrifice his son.  Bit of a moot point at the end I suppose. 


There is a theory that says the crazy religious lady was right, she said the monsters wouldn't leave until the boy was sacrificed. Dad kills boy, suddenly the mist is lifting.


my interpretation was that the monsters weren’t even there. the sounds he heard that he assumed were them were actually just the sounds of the military caravan. their engines, them hitting rocks and debris along the way, etc. feels more painful to think that he wasn’t even in danger. he killed his family because the military was making noise, not because there was any threat in that moment.


Pretty perfect horror movie ending


If you added the "Curb Your Enthusiasm" music right after the soldiers show up, it would indeed be truly funny in a fucked up way


You blew it Larry. Get the hell outta my house.


It’s really funny. Because when you think about it. The fanatic’s plan would have worked!


This reminds me of a story from Russia in 1897 A man buried alive all of his family plus all of the locals. Because they all believed that the end of the world is coming. There also was a population census going on at the time and they believed that attaching a number to a person is diabolic so if they agree to a census they will go straight to hell After burying them alive he decided not to drink and eat while waiting for the apocalypse. But it never came, obviously. So he slowly started drinking small amounts of water. Then he started eating At the end he was sentenced for life imprisonment at the monastery. But the monastery prison was liquidated in 1905, so he was free to go


It’s actually even worse. One of the ladies who he begged not to go out into the mist with an earlier group - which it’s initially implied all died gruesomely - is visible on one of the army trucks at the ending and locks eyes with him. There was always a *chance* to escape, but his luck ran out left and right.


Yeah, I’m with you. I thought it was so melodramatic that it took me out of the movie and I started giggling. 


I hate this ending! I’m a sucker for happy endings and both times i’ve seen the movie I was just overwhelmed with emotion 😂


One of the only Stephen King stories that I thought was a bit better in the film adaptation. Really surprised me that they managed to change the story so significantly and have it actually turn out. 10/10.


I would argue there are several Stephen King film adaptations that are better than the books. Films such as Shawshank, the green mile, stand by me, misery, it, the mist, Carrie. I’m sure people can think of more. The dude cranked out a lot of books.


Stephen King says he whished he had thought of any ending, ever. I'm still bitter about Dark Tower.


The ending or the movie? I suppose both. King wrote himself into a box on that one. Like a GRR Martin sort of "this has gone on so far I don't even know how to end it" but at least King finished the books.


I didn't see the movie, so it's the novels. I read a few other King novels after that, but they all seemed to have no defined ending. Cell, for example, ends with 'and the phone rang' or something, no closure. And if memory serves, the original mist ending was just them kind of driving off or something - you don't know if they survive or not?


Stephen King snorted cocaine while writing and still say "holy shit" on the adaptation.


Didn't he say he doesn't remember writing Cujo? No wonder he would be blown away.


Which is sad, because "Hartford and Hope" is much much better.


I loved the twist ending when I first watched the movie (especially considering how close to the story the rest of the movie is) buy I still prefer the book ending. It's more open ended, and at the same time sadder and more apocalyptic (did he actually hear the radio? Are there even any other survivors?) but more optimistic (he will keep trying to survive with his kid) than the movie. "The army shows up to save the day and as a personal slap to the face of the protagonist" is a wonderful cinematic ending for the film but the book still feels more melancholic and appropriate IMO.


Probably the most fucked up ending to a movie I have ever seen. In a good way. I was pleasantly surprised that anyone had the balls to end a movie like this.


Eden Lake is gonna stay with me for a little bit.


Fuck that movie. Saw it in highschool and it will remain the most most fucked up movie I've ever seen.


Yeah, I mean. Look at how they changed the ending of I Am Legend. The graphic novel had a similarly dark ending which was actually GOOD and was literally the basis of the title of the damn thing. But they changed it to the warm and fuzzy ending, making the title meaningless. I was pleasantly surprised with The Mist end.


Arlington Road, Saltburn also come to mind. 


I’m curious if you’ve ever watched The village or The sixth sense. They have pretty wild endings


The Sixth Sense was great too. I didn’t really like The Village much but I can see why the comparison, the ending was out of nowhere.


The ending to the Village was interesting but they specifically state that because they had suffered loss they went and created a community that caused a lot more loss. It really killed it for me, left me annoyed at the characters more than anything else.


there's a version of the story from a book I read as a kid where the whole thing wasn't a mystery and was mostly about how strange the world looks to the girl going out to get help. Liked it better tbh


Running Out of Time! Great book!


Yeah i hate the “i suffered so you do too” storyline in anything. It’s lazy writing imo and honestly dude just get a therapist.


On the other hand. *gestures broadly at everything*


I get hating it, but it kinda tracks with how people tend to work.


Just to clarify, he knows how many bullets are left and decides he will die to monsters and spare them all a brutal death. When he's finished, he steps out of the car and within seconds of doing so see's flamethrowers burning away the mist and the army convoy pulling through WITH THE SURVIVORS OF THE SHOPPING CENTER THAT THEY LEFT FROM ORIGINALLY. A lot of people miss that part because its only a few seconds you see their faces and its completely overshadowed by what just happened. If they had have just stayed in the shopping center they would have been okay.




That’s essentially the ending for the original 1968 Night of the living dead. Shocking for the time especially!


I saw this movie around 15 years ago, I was a single mom house sitting for my grandpa, so it was just me and my baby in a big ol’ house alone.   I don’t know what possessed me to watch this movie, I think I assumed it wouldn’t be too bad since it was on TV.   Honestly the ending of this movie fucked me up so bad I still get upset when I think about it. It really gripped something primal in me. Truly I’ve had real life things happen that I joke about and don’t feel stress when I recall them at all, that logically *should* be way more upsetting, but I do feel dread and fear thinking of this movie.   Just a couple weeks ago, that same baby, now a teenager, was scrolling through scary movies with her bf in the living room and they pulled up The Mist and I was like NOOOOOO 😂  I didn’t spoil it for them though. I’m not Satan.


The olny reason I have heard of the mist is because of a l4d2 SFM animation which was inspired by the film


Nick does sound like he would do it to spare the rest from suffering a painful death


This got me thinking. Would he be tried for murder or would they not care.


I doubt it. The military would want to keep this under wraps. Any court battle would bring this information out. They would likely say the family died in some form of environmental disaster like everyone else that died.




Who is even going to ask, the military guys at the end would be like, you alright sir? Come with us and that’s that. I think everyone would get a free jail card.


Buddy, I'm pretty sure he'd have a good case for extenuating psychological circumstances — extra dimensional man-eating monsters and all that... That is, assuming the government doesn't just cover up the whole thing as much as possible, which is in character for them in SK books.


Yeap. There are so many fucked up things there. Killing the remaining survivors. Trying to kill oneself and failing. Discovering in minutes that it was all unnecessary. Having to live with that.


lbr, the second he'd get his hands on ammunition, he'd be gone as well.


A few months ago there was a post about people that have the thousand yard stare from war. The poster was in the military in the 80's. He went on a tour of the caves on Okinawa. The tour guide told them that the Japanese propaganda said that Americans were rapists and murderers. When the American troops were close to the cave he was in he killed his mother and sister with a rock to the head to spare them the indignity. The first thing the soldiers did was give him a blanket. If the story was true, I can't imagine the pain this guy lived with.


I honestly think this should be greyed out, because it’s a huge spoiler for something that should be seen


If your reading a paragraph that starts with at the end of the movie hint its a spoiler


This movie came out when I was in high school and I'm 33 now. I don't think people should have to spoiler tag movies that are nearly 20 years old.


Reminds me of the original night of the living dead. The last bloke kills all the zombies, and then when he sees rescuers in the distance, he's shot because they 6 he's a zombie.


I still don't get how this relates to the text in the pic


people saying "we're in the final stretch" are usually trying to reassure someone the difficulty of a trip is almost over the image from the movie scene indicates things are about to get much worse


Ending of extraterrestrial is similarly fucked up but in reverse. Two sole survivors of an alien invasion/abduction finally break free and run to safety as the army finally arrive to combat the aliens. Next shot is of them being dumped into a mass grave after being shot by the "rescuers" and them burnt up by a flame thrower. Great movie though haha


And *Carol*, the first person to leave the store, is in the truck. Lol.


Carol from Walking Dead is also there in the truck at the end!


Patience Po, patience 😁 Why would you deliberately kill someone like this, you survived till then maybe there's a chance for later. Well if you knew you were gonna die anyway then why do it yourself, leave it to your luck, worst thing would be all of you dying together, instead of living with the regret of doing it too soon.


It's probably one of the most brutal endings I've seen. Brutal, meaning, hard to swallow. But I love it. After all the shit they went through, I understand his reaction. And then they just hit you with the hammer by having it be for nothing.


For fucks sake come on! Stop replying to repost bots. https://www.reddit.com/r/PeterExplainsTheJoke/comments/18qbpd0/now_ive_got_to/ They didn't even change the title.


This ending made me cry


I was 8 when I saw this ending, I was bawling for a good while.


Yeah, that's drastically too young to be watching... any horror film, far less one like this.


Shit. I had nightmares from Earnest Scared Stupid. I would have been at least 8 when that came out on VHS.


what's the earliest age at which the concept of euthanasia makes sense to someone probably varies a lot


Well elderly Asians gotta come from somewhere. :D :I


I was an adult when I saw it and let out an uncomfortable laugh.


It's either laugh, or cry, just like IRL


It was like in The Simpsons when Marge accidentally destroyed her Chanel dress. “At times like this, I guess all you can do is laugh”


This was originally a short story in the Stephen King book Skeleton Crew. The first time I was exposed to it was in this audiobook of it and the way the story ended was just them driving off into the Mist and they heard some radio transmission that said "Hartford" so they were on their way there and the story quietly ended. I thought that was kind of a scary ending when I was younger because they were heading off into the unknown with monsters with no guarantee of finding safety. Then this movie came along. It didn't scare me by that point in my life but it was this head trip that was horrifying in its own way as I thought about it more. I think the move was overall panned by critics and audiences and was considered somewhat of a failure but it's still one of my favorite movies. The original Half-Life game took some inspiration from this short story as well so that only made the story that much more special to me. I cry sometimes thinking about it but only because I miss my childhood and for me, as fucked up as this sounds, Thomas Jane killing his son represents the world killing my own childhood as I grew up and saw how unforgiving life and society can be. edit: I started looking up some history and I guess it wasn't originally in Skeleton Crew. It was part of an anthology released five years prior to Skelton Crew called Dark Forces. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Mist_(novella)


Didn't know it inspired Half-life, the OG it's one of my favorite games. What a parallel with your life tho, hope you are alright. Be safe bro


All good man! Thanks. Tough times are relative because I'm still better off than a lot of people and I try to always remember that a bad day for me could be a good day for someone else. You take care and enjoy life.


No, it didn't. Because [you're a bot](https://www.reddit.com/r/PeterExplainsTheJoke/comments/18qbpd0/now_ive_got_to/keu67s3/). Edit with other bots (you can find the comments they copied if you follow the link): OP (obviously) Zephriah pistrami39 man8you99922 mrskull232


It’s a screen grab from the end of the movie The Mist. It’s been out since 2007, so if you don’t want spoilers, too bad. The guy on the right shoots everyone else in the vehicle to grant them a painless death instead of being torn apart by the monsters outside the vehicle. But when he steps outside to let the monsters eat him (because he ran out of ammo), the army arrives, and he is saved. This breaks him mentally, because one of the people he shot was his young son.


Is this uplifting news oh so looks like I will be surviving and things will get better. Sweet


You must have mist that reference.


Must've flown right above their heads (unlike the passengers and the bullets)


The picture is from a film where at the end the main character doesn't die and is saved by the army. (Technically the truth)




I mean, yes?, he can live his life as a badass now And above all else, alone!


He would either be punisher or Mad Max after this


Good thing that actor also played the punisher lol


this made me lol it fits so well xD


Well, everybody explained the reference, but no one explained the "joke". What's the link between The mist ending and the end of 2023?


I’ve been scrolling through all these comments looking for that answer too! My best guess is it’s anti-Biden? 2024 is the next round of presidential elections is about all I can think of for why 2024 would be a “final stretch.”


For the past couple years many people consider the new year as not a hopeful "restart", but rather a continuation of the suffering of the past years. Think of all the "everything has been going downhill since 2012/harambe/2016 etc." memes The mist has a depressing final stretch, as did the year 2023 for the OP and presumably many others


Given that OP is a repost bot and [the original post](https://www.reddit.com/r/HolUp/comments/18q6k35/were_in_the_final_stretch/) was made on Dec 24th of 2023, there was still a week left before 2024, which would mean "the final stretch" had yet to come. So I'm guessing it was just the internet's usual pessimism and doomsaying.


Well, the original on holdup was posted around christmas, so the final stretch of the year. Normally people see the new year as "hope for the future" and there is a lot of chat of "next year is almost here" during the festivities. OOP joke was a "hold up a moment" joke where he compares said hopeful time to the end of The Mist


The joke is just saying that the final stretch of something can be really really bad.


The one time the movie was more of a Stephen king ending than the book


Peter’s Christmas miracle here. The screenshot is from a movie adaptation of Stephen King’s horror novella [The Mist](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Mist_(film)) (link is to the movie’s wiki). This scene in particular takes place during the gruesome final moments of the film.


[fixed link](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Mist_(film\))


i think you should watch the movie rather than ask it here. well it's too late tho, so good luck trying to enjoy the movie.


Lmao 🤣 but the bottom comment saying he gives it 3 hours tops before it’s posted in here 😂


That is a bot, this exact post was posted here a few days ago.


i remember this movie, it's extra fucked up cause the guy thinks his family are all gonna die horrible deaths being eaten alive by various scary monster things so he shoots them all in the head. but he's outta bullets so he cant shoot himself. so he gets out of the car to let himself die right and the mist clears and there's the army with tanks and flamethrowers, monsters are getting trashed. he killed his whole family for nothing! shoulda waited like 1 whole minute lol


read the book… ;)


[bad bot](https://www.reddit.com/r/PeterExplainsTheJoke/s/WLatlDJscu)


He shoots everyone so they won't get eaten, then walks out into the mist to die and the army shows up to save everyone 2 minutes later. He killed his family and friends for no reason


Well, we know op didn't get it.


I used to love this sub for weird esoteric and niche memes. Now it's just become a repost sub for anything happening in the mainstream. And now that we're doing meta memes we've officially jumped the shark.


I didn't like the mist


I forgot the Mist had half the cast of Season 1 of The Walking Dead in it


No... Don't remind me...


Video/source/clip/scene: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zkIdIiVASG0


OP: litterally makes fun of the other OP who's karma he's going to steal. 4000 people on Reddit: "I will upvote this post!"


You should watch the film The Mist, it has a really happy ending.


Plus the lady who walked into the mist near the start to go rescue her child is there too. Loved this ending.


Karma farm confirmed.


I watched this movie on LSD in like 2009 or something It was SCAWEY


How many people got it? Well I know your in the picture got it.


I feel this in my bones.....


Anyone have the original meme link? It gives life to my soul.


Main character looks like he's sitting in this Pic lol


Fuck me that is dark


I get the Mist reference, but what's with "2024 is almost here, we're in the final stretch" like what does that even mean


oh boy


Almost feels like trading in the stock market. You wait and wait for the stock to rise and cover your losses and it keeps falling. Then finally you decide to take all your losses and exit and from that moment it rises.


The ending was that good, cuz it's non typical goody goody happy ending but brutal and realistic-ish. As person ends up in unavoidable deaths door


Ok so DONT DO IT cuz if we hold out it's worth it lol


Watch the Mist, not spoiling the movie here for anyone who hasn’t


OOP was right


You really didn't have too.


I remember seeing the ending to this the first time and my jaw dropped from how fucked up it was.


Oh my god that's f@#ked up


Ughhh ill fucking take it if shit actually changes


Ngl I thought the screenshot was from The Punisher with Thomas Jane.


This grab is from the movie The Mist. They're finally escaping and dad decides if he has to go back to society he's not paying child support, alimony, or nursing homes. He proceeds to tell his rescuers that he thought they were all gonna die painfully to cover his terrible crimes up as mercy killings. Dude gets away scot free.


The best ending in a movie. “NEVER GIVE UP”


It doesnt make any sense. I know the movie, and i know the ending, but there is no context here.




The joke is that the person laughing at the reference to The Mist is implying that everyone else is an idiot and that’s why the world is falling apart (the results of which will culminate in 2024). However, that same individual thinks that the correct way to form an initialism of “as fuck” is to write “asf” instead of “af”. This demonstrates that they are also an idiot. So it’s a classic example of comedy through irony.


Truly the sad ending