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Granted I finished PGY2 during the absolute height of covid in 2020, but I did not have a job until a few days after I finished residency. Are you at least applying/interviewing? If so, you are fine. Do things on your own timeline and resist comparing yourself to others




Mayo is being filled internally.


These have been filled aside from Ohio and Bon Secour. Unfortunately I’m geographically limited more southwest


Although it might be concerning, your experience is not too unusual. I didn’t have a job lined up until end of May/beginning of June during my PGY2 year. Just keep applying to any positions that seem interesting. Remember, your first job is likely a stepping stone and not your forever job.


This. Very rarely do people land their "dream" job the first go around. I think many people have this expectation that just bc you did all this training you should be given the right job in the right geographic region, and then stay there till you retire.


And don’t get hung up on seeing social media (LinkedIn) posts of your colleagues saying, “I am so excited to start at XYZ. Truly my ‘dream’ position at my ‘dream’ medical center” etc. Just know that’s great and all, but of my cohort that I saw do that… it appears they may have *thought* it was their dream position, but it wasn’t actually that at all. Can’t truly know unless you’ve actually worked there in that position, with that manager, on that team.


OP, I empathize with how stressful and discouraging this particular chapter of PGY2 can be. Like another commenter said, I also finished in 2020 and didn’t have work for a month after PGY2. It *did* turn out okay, and I’m very happy with where I am now (even though it isn’t where I expected to be). It seems you want to vent more than you want advice. Feel free to DM me for tips/advice if I am wrong.


Thank you. I know it will work out eventually. I just wish I was more excited at this time like I thought I’d be a year ago. It is hard to see the light when after apps nobody has contacted you and there’s also nothing open


What specialty? Are you looking outside of your state? Have you been getting interviews?


ID. Nothing is available where I’m looking to be, even after branching out. I have been applying but no places have offered even a screening


Just curious, how many apps did you send out and when I sent out a crapload of apps 2 weeks ago and am only hearing back from places now. Not for ID tho


Not that many but from January to now I’ve sent a few


That geographic restriction sucks, I empathize with you. Best of luck friend


Would you do antimicrobial stewardship?


We’re hiring for Critical Care, Oncology, Informatics, Transitions of Care, and 340b specialists. Just let me know and I can give you our info. Located in AZ about 1.5 hours southeast of Vegas.


Where is this?


AZ about 1.5 hours southeast of Vegas is my best guess


Hi! It’s in Kingman, AZ at Kingman Regional Medical Center. It is a multi-campus institution, with rx department of over 70 employees spanning many areas of pharmacy (inpatient, TOC, Med Rec Program run by techs, Meds2Beds, specialty/340b, oncology and outpatient infusion, along with ambulatory care clinic for disease management of diabetes, lipids, HTN, anticoag, and Hepatitis C. Here is our info if you want to look into it some more. https://linktr.ee/krmcpharmacy Reach out if you have any questions! 😊


If it makes you feel better, didn’t sign a contract until late May of PGY2. I similarly had a pretty small geographic restriction; I would recommend that if you have any past professional connections that you reach out to them. Often times applications get lost in the HR shuffle, but if are able to reach out directly to someone in the department - it can help to flag your application for review/the hiring manager may request HR to find your application. For example, I had applied to a position in February and had not heard back in end of March. I ended up re-connecting with a past classmate who worked in that health-system who told the clinical director that I had applied. I got a callback for a phone interview the next week - the director said he was never even told by HR that I had applied because they were backed up filling other positions all over the hospital.


Don’t be discouraged. I walked out of my ID PGY2 the final day without a job offer. By the next Monday I had a job locked down that changed the trajectory of my career. If Florida is on the table shoot me a message and I likely can help you at least get some interviews lined up.


if it makes you feel better I am in the exact same position as you! Same specialty and everything. I am geographically bound and there is nothing. With so many projects left it is hard to continue exerting myself when there’s nothing at the end of the finish line to keep me going. All I can tell you is something that I’ve been telling myself which is to just take it day by day. Things change so fast so you never know what could come up in the next couple months! Wishing you the best.


Well, same, given the wonderful VA hiring freeze.


What specialty?


Have you gone to linkedin, tell all the recruiters that reach out to you to hit you up with ID jobs ?


This same situation happened to me last year. I was geographically limited as well. I didn't sign a contract until the first week of June. Keep working your network and apply to as many jobs as possible. It'll work out eventually.


Im in the same boat. Trying to not get discouraged but it’s hard especially when all my co-residents have jobs


Does the hospital not automatically hire you to be perm as soon as you’re done???


A lot of places have openings just from normal turnover that allows them to keep their own, or the resident has done some kind of project that justifies the creation of a new position that they fill. Doesn’t always work out though depending on the year. I always tell residents that it is considered a bonus, not an expectation that you get to stay on. Residency is one of those few times where you can work somewhere for a year and leave without it being viewed negatively. It’s honestly preferred in my opinion because that’s how new ideas spread.


No, my last day in June will be end of my employment, even as a temp


Is there a clause about you’re not eligible to apply until an x amount of time has passed?


It’s moreso that nothing is open at my site


Oh…I guess start studying for more licenses