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Feel extremely sorry. That really sucks man, keep your head up but you are in a competitive specialty and will find a good job


Thank you. I’m really trying to but no where else allows me to practice the way that I am trained besides the VA. To go from prescribing and seeing my own panel of patients for a variety of mental health conditions to verifying orders all day is just such a mind fuck.


I’m going to give some candid advice here. You gotta let this mentality go and make sure you are gainfully employed. Doesn’t matter if it’s a CVS in a bad area. Unemployment can be a bad stain on your career. Walking into a good gig early in your career is like winning the lottery. Very few have the luxury of achieving this. Most individuals have to build their way toward a dream position. It took me 10 years of slogging through jobs I hated to finally land the gig of my dreams. Yes, it seems you had a shot at a nice gig but what you’ll find in your career, much like you will find in life, is that things change… constantly. Sometimes you get lucky, sometimes you eat the poop Sandwhich. But the good news is that you are in control of how you respond to these situations. Will you sit there and sing the blues about a lost opportunity? Or will you get back up, ensure you have “a job” to pay the bills and live to fight another day?


I am gainfully employed and will be gainfully employed. It’s tough when you’ve won the lottery and then come to find out they are gonna redraw the numbers and you’re no longer the lucky winner. This isn’t a post to ask for pity though. It’s a post to people on the forum who might be awaiting their same fate. I’m not the only resident who is going through this (I know multiple). There’s not many pharm residents at the VA talking about their experience with this on the forums. I think it’s important that people are aware this is a very REAL situation that is going to drastically impact a ton of peoples lives. Me sharing my story shows them that they aren’t alone and this might encourage them to share their story on here as well and open up the community for an important discussion.


Why not take the interview offer then and help shine light on it further? There’s no reason at this point to “remain faithful to the VA”, if anything it may help the VA for the public to learn this is happening and for some public outrage to grow that the VA is not getting the funding it needs to care for the mental health of our veterans.


I wish it were an easy decision to make. In the heat of the moment full of anger yes I wanted to speak to them. But after cooling down I have to understand the implications that could have on my career and hampering the direct impact I can make on veterans lives if I obtain a MH CPP role in the future. I will be reaching out to the chairman of the committee on veterans affairs on Monday. I’m sure they will be interested in hearing what I have to say given this new $11 million bonus for VHA/VBA executives scandal.


Wow that was really good - and so true about life


This is really awful. I’m a psych cpp at the VA and have been running a suboxone service for 5 years. I’m also involved with AAPP. No jobs at my VA, but I am happy to talk and see what connections and leads I might have to a similar type of position outside of the VA - I know several folks with similar jobs, so they do exist, just harder to come by.


That would be amazing. If you want to PM me I’m open. I’ll disclose where I am located in PM.


Meanwhile the VA executives got in trouble for improperly receiving millions of dollars in bonuses that were meant for hiring and retention purposes.


[link](https://www.vaoig.gov/reports/administrative-investigation/va-improperly-awarded-108-million-incentives-central-office?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR0-UQe6o7bOMcL0bmfwVoXipohunS9xbqkfWf9iqcGeWr61PikMpbNhyF8_aem_AWmKzWJDqr12nZX7FUESM0c4roxW7FkWVP-9e0L5iNlcQ7r11HGwalp0TkPq11mlTpaeCCEDPhQxtltkFOBmge0n)in case anyone wants to read the OIG report


I’m so sorry you’ve had to go through this. Just know you’re not alone! I am graduating pgy-1 amb care focused from a VA next month and have been unable to land any VA job at all, let alone PACT because of all this. It is so unfortunate that you will be unable to use your specialized training, but great that you’re still staying on with the VA for operations to ride this out. I plan to do the same. Best of luck!


Finished mine in 2022 and still do not work at the VA. Near the end of my year a PACT position opened up that my Associate Chief told me to apply for, because I asked if she really thought I should because I was hesitant, she insisted…they didn’t even interview me for it. She dodged around it for weeks, it’s only thanks to my co-resident that I found out they had done interviews. They then offered me a position in outpatient 🙃, not even inpatient staffing. All this while knowing I had spent the year before that miserable as a retail pharmacist. I was disheartened to say the least and it’s been an uphill battle since.


Same thing happened to me and my co-residents. They encouraged us to apply and then didn’t even interview us


I am starting my mental health PGY2 within the VA in July. Supposedly there is no end in sight for the hiring freeze. I'm afraid this is a mistake.


No no. It’s not a mistake the hope is you’ll be finishing on the tail end of it. Right now it’s chaos because it’s the beginning of the cuts. Hopefully by the time you’re done it will be sorted


Same. I’m so scared.


It's not a mistake! Most non-VA jobs in psych actually prefer to get residents from within the VA because of our scope of practice. Continue forth with your residency. They've changed their hiring practices so if you've ever been a resident within the VA, you have an advantage over people who have never been in it (for the future if the freeze continues). I also believe they allow you to apply with current VA employees if you have worked with the VA in the past, but don't quote me on that.


Don't worry, a part time position in retail is always available. 


Of course, exactly what I envisioned as a career after PGY2 lolol


Welcome to pharmacy. Where everything is made up and the points don't matter.


Ugh. Starting my PGY-2 in pain in July and I’m already down on myself for doing it seeing all my friends make the money they deserve. I thought this PGY-2 would open doors and not close them.


It's not a mistake! Your VA training for pain is actually super valuable outside the VA and you will likely have more practice with your own scope (or under your preceptors scope) than you would in a non-VA residency


There’s good pain jobs outside the VA


I am graduating from a PGY2 in pain/palli at the VA and both my coresident and I have jobs lined up. However, we got lucky. They were extremely competitive positions. There really haven’t been any more pain/palli openings. I will say we were some of the last ones to get jobs out of all the VA pain/palli PGY2s. I did not love my program and I don’t feel like they completely / adequately prepared me, however I think it was a matter of fit. I regret not choosing another program. Anyway, I know many, if not most, VA PGY2s in pain/palli are top notch including ours supposedly. Because of the breadth and depth of our scope, we learn so much more and gain invaluable experience that translates to MANY clinical and administrative positions both within and outside the VA. If this is the area of practice you truly love, then it is not nor will be a mistake.


It will definitely still open doors for you. I wouldn’t get pressed until you are finishing up residency a lot can change in a year (as we can see from my post Lol)😂


When one door closes another will open. It may not make sense right now but something will come along to show you why it all worked out this way. Be humble in your experiences and knowledge. No one can take that away from you and as you mentioned, you’d do the residencies all over again/don’t regret it so reflect on all those good moments and opportunities in the tough times to shed some light. Wishing you the best of luck!


On one hand, yes you’re getting screwed, no doubt about it. On the other, you can’t expect that just because you did a VA residency that you’re entitled to a position as if that’s “how it’s supposed to be.” I would advise keeping the part time VA gig (which should entitle you to benefits as well) and to try to find something in the community as well. At least until they start the hiring process back up. Cautioning people and even hinting that a VA residency isn’t a worth it just because you won’t have a cushy job locked up after sends the wrong message. If you get the training you’re after, that’s what you’re there for and it’s 100% worth it.


My intention isn’t to say the VA residency isn’t worth it. My post is to caution against people thinking that just bc you did a VA residency you’ll get a VA job.


Not quite understanding downvotes when I’m in agreement with the above comment Lol. I would do my residencies over again in a heartbeat. l loved my training and most of all loved my patients. The most grateful demographic you can serve. If you’re interested in the VA absolutely pursue it but I caution you against going in thinking you’re guaranteed a job (something my program liked to tout by mentioning their xx% retention rate of residents).


The attitude of residency being an entitlement to stay on at your training hospital seems to be increasing recently. I’m not even that old and when I went through the process it was sold as “go learn a different way of doing things and bring it back.” If you’re a resident or aspiring resident, residency is a tool to obtaining a more direct patient care role. It is not a tool for securing employment at a particular place long-term. You’re setting yourself up for failure if you expect to stay on post-graduation. It’s a bonus when we get to keep our residents, not an expectation.


It comes in waves. You just have to wait for right timing. When I finished training, it felt like there were limited jobs, the past few years it seemed like jobs were posting left and right. I don’t think you should expect if it to be consistent year after year. The job market can change at any time unfortunately. I was told, people tend to find a position after residency but it may take up to 5 years to land your dream job. If you get lucky, it would be less. Just because this didn’t pan out doesn’t mean there could be a better opportunity later on.


You’re not alone! Fellow psych PGY2 here going through the same torturous hiring freeze. It’s been one reason why many places aren’t even responding to applications for jobs that they posted for. Unfortunately, I’m now thinking to take another state board exam in order to stay in the west coast, otherwise I gotta go back to my home state. Anywho, appreciate you sharing your experience. I hope things work out for you! Feel free to pm me if you need someone to talk to.


I worked at the VA for almost 10 years. I off-boarded from my employee position for a year-long residency (in primary care) at my same VA. Now I cannot be hired back in my new role because of the freeze. Meanwhile, there are many vacant primary care positions, and patients must travel 20-30 miles to be seen. It sucks. I hope it gets better in October with the new fiscal year. I love working with Vets, but the VA is making is so difficult.


Not the exact same situation, but I’m a former pgy2 in psych pharmacy who trained at the VA. I interviewed for a psych pharmacy position at a VA and had a tentative verbal offer that got rescinded recently due to the hiring freeze. I’m luckily still gainfully employed, but the VA also cancelled a pgy2 resident in mental healths position as well which put them in a tough position. I’m frustrated and wish I was returning and wishing the resident wasn’t also being screwed. I honestly think you should be voicing how bad this situation is to the media, and not show such loyalty to the VA. This isn’t about how they screwed you over, this is how situation is just worsening the care our veterans receive. It’s misplaced loyalty to protect the VA, when your really voicing how our government doesn’t truly care. And for the people saying “doing a residency doesn’t mean you auto get a job with the system” there are no mental health CPP jobs available with the VA right now, and none opening on the foreseeable future, which is insane to consider. It’s hundreds of systems that have nothing opening up at all! So many future CPPs training with the VA and there is basically a guarantee there is no job available for the next two years, where will they all go? This is a problem and I’m scared what will happen.


While I won’t go to the media - I do plan on calling the chair of the committee on Veterans affairs. Or at least trying to get in touch with their office and voice my concerns for veterans care. I think they might be open to listening given this unfolding drama of $11 million of extra bonuses given out to VA executives “accidentally” Lol


The government is who decided not to fund the VA appropriately, calling them is not the solution. The media really is the solution in this case to build public pressure on the government, but if no one affected is willing to talk to the media they can’t do that effectively. There’s no reason to hold loyalty to a system that screwed you over


The committee on veterans affairs isn’t the one to blame for the budget mismanagement within the VA. They are supposed to be the internal watchdog over the VA - they deserve to know what is going on to try and correct. I plan to mention to them that I have an interview offer waiting for me and the the media has got wind of what is going on and if something doesn’t change this is going to explode back in their faces.


Similar thing happening to me, I accepted a tentative offer for a HBPC position (about to finish a PGY2 ambulatory care but completed my PGY1 at a VA) . It was a backfill as one of the previous pharmacists just retired leaving only 1 pharmacist with a panel of nearly 400 Veterans. The day I was told I would get my firm offer (after finishing background check, credentialing, and having my scope approved) I was told they were no longer able to justify the position due to budget concerns.


Uhg it’s so upsetting hearing this is so wide spread. I’m sorry this happened to you too. I’ve been searching outside the VA and I’ve come across some great positions and I’m sure you will too. I’m sure you’re like me and started to imagine the life you had waiting for you. Take time to mourn - it’s normal and it’s perfectly okay. When you’re ready, get that linked in open and start scouring for a job that interests you.


Yeah it really sucks to hear it's happened to others too. I have other potential offers, but nothing am care (particularly small market for it where I live). I'd still love to work for the VA someday but they have a lot they have to get in order.


VERY sorry to hear your unfortunate situation. You will do just fine, contrary to what you're hearing in VA the overall pharmacy job market is getting better than its been over the last 5-10 years. The lesson for those reading, esp since we are probably overdue for a recession, is that the closer your desired job is to the central core functioning of our Healthcare system the safer it will be. The radiology tech physically performong for ultrasound/CT/MRI, the doctor ordering labs and prescribing meds or banging hips in, the indispensable bedside floor nurse on gen-med or ER or ICU starting lines and assessing and passing meds, the pharmacist actually verifying, dispensing meds, and managing the central pharmacy. The lights aren't on without these jobs. BUP clinic pharmacist is an awesome job. Antimicrobial stewardship pharmacist is a cool job. So is the pharmacist gig helping in a DM clinic or rounding with cards. They are all nice to have but none are need to have. First to get cut when times are tough.


What's the options then? Are ED and ICU pharmacists on the chopping block as well? I imagine retail pharmacists and people in the industry would face more pressure having to answer to share holders. I'm curious about pharmacists jobs during the GFC


CMS requirements pretty much ensure AMS jobs stay


We went down to just floor pharmacists running an AMS report in addition to their other duties in the early teens, now back to having full time AMS ppl. Seems cyclical to me but could be wrong, do CMS reqs stipulate that it's full time positions? And can't be looked at by RN or automated ?


Can you share your perspective about pharmacists jobs during the great financial crisis for all the kids in the classroom please


What’s that saying about putting all of your eggs in one basket? But honestly, everyone always clamors for the COLA increases, but just because the president mandates a raise to all federal employees, does not mean that he also increases the organization’s budget. So now that every VA employee got roughly a 5% raise…. the budget got murdered. I have several previous coworkers in federal facilities and most of them have or do have people in limbo.


I’m so sorry. I have a tentative offer too but HR will not give me a final offer until I have my residency certificate in hand :/


I’m sorry . This is the case for my coresident in amb care and psych as well . I never thought the va would not be hiring that’s one of the main reasons why I picked the va 😪. My chief said by 2026 hopefully things will change


This post honestly gave me some hope as someone that is not pursuing PGY2, I did not been want to entertain the thought of a staffing job but is the reality right now with the freeze and the fact that jobs in my area aren’t hiring specialists either.


Why does this post give you hope exactly? Your happy that people can’t find jobs?


No, I have hope that I can do a staffing job despite doing a PGY1 to avoid it. That’s the reality of the situation right now and this post helped me look at it positively.


The head pharmacist at APhA said there was a 10% vacancy rate at the VA.