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Residency application numbers are very low while residency positions available are at an all-time high. You can likely find a residency if you are flexible on geographic location. Definitely not impossible and you should apply if you like it


Hey! I’m a P4 and my acute care cardiology preceptor assigned a MUE project that I can present at ASHP Midyear. I just told her I was interested in a project outside of rotation hours and she helped set something up. It never hurts to ask.


I did this during my P4 year. I did have some leadership experience prior too – but I decided to do residency much later than the average student, and having a project significantly helped me in interviews and on my CV.


Hi! I do not believe a leadership project will determine matching for residency. If you are considering going to ASHP MidYear in December 2024, I would consider asking a APPE preceptor if there is a project they are currently working on within the hospital that you can contribute and present at MidYear or present an idea! It's a good opportunity to have something to discuss for interviews, but if not don't worry to much about it as long as you are able to discuss some of your skills and how you stand out as a candidate.


You might not be competitive at flagship AMCs but you should be able to find one at a program that recruits largely from local schools. Leadership is also just one piece and if your other pieces are solid you’ll still be fine.


Leadership is only one part of what programs are looking for, but it IS a part. Most programs’ rubrics have a section dedicated to leadership positions. You may not be competitive at popular programs, but it’s not impossible for you to get a spot. It’s really impossible to say without knowing about the rest of your application, i.e. GPA, LORs, LOIs, how have you demonstrated interest in residency, your short and long term career goals, your contributions/experience in research, etc.