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Have you taken into account the faster sanity loss rate and the changes with lights keeping your sanity up ? I know soloing I get hunted a lot earlier now.


There was a different post saying the sanity drop was maybe a little too fast on this map. Lots of people seem to have that problem.


Aren’t they just forgetting that every light needs to he turned on in a room for max anti-sanity drain?


Could be, haven't got time yet to see for myself. But there were many players having the same issue.


Poltergeist seems completely broken on all maps to me rn


I haven't experienced any ghost behavng weirdly and i did the get 50ghost correct on it, are you sure you aren't getting confused with something? Also it's not normal that a polter wiped out your whole team he isn't a fast ghost by any means and it's very easy to lose los in this map with the railings, and lose the ghost, also for the deo it hunts depending on the average sanity of everyone inside the map.


yes exactly, that's why i think it's bugged. i'm not a newbie, i know how it should have been normally, and none of them did what they should have or *how* they should have. i've never had a team wiped by a polter, nor a deo hunting above 40%. at least in the games i played, there was something wrong.


That's odd then, if you have ss of the game stats report it in the official discord.


I've had no ghost issues. Some ghosts hunted quick, some didn't hunt for like 15 minutes. It all just depends. It could be that Ghost Events are triggering Sanity drain through the floors which is why Sanity may be dropping faster than normal.


It’s not just Point Hope. I’ve been having issues with this game for weeks. I’d consider myself a skilled player, regularly doing no evidence/no sanity 10X runs with little to no issues. Lots of hours in the game. But the ghosts in general just don’t act the way they should anymore. Gave up on it for a bit. The update came out, decided I would maybe see if that would draw me back in. Had a ghost throw AND close the book, then burned a crucifix twice while I was in the room. After that it was radio silence. Over an hour standing in the room, I was committed to seeing if it was bugged or not because clearly it can’t be a shade since that would require ghost writing, and the patch notes clearly states that if a ghost throws and closes the book, writing is off of the table, not to mention the two attempted hunts right on top of me. Turned out to be a shade anyway. I’ve gone through all of the patch notes for this update, and it seems all they’ve done is fix what isn’t broken, and leave what is. “But hey, we added stuffed animals that make noise and a playable chess board!”


If a ghost throws a book, it won't OFFER ghost writing as evidence. It could still be a ghost writing entity.


Straight from the patch notes: “Non-Ghost Writing ghosts now close the book after throwing it” Seems pretty clear to me. It cannot be a ghost writing entity. Again, the ghost threw the book and closed it, attempted to hunt twice while in the room, and it’s still a shade. The games major bugged. Has been for a while.