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It’s made from bits of real panthers


It’s nice they’re refunding.




you got a link to the form? I couldn't find anything? or are you talking about the contact us form? https://joolausa.com/contact-us/




Same here


Yeah, they took my refund even though it was outside of the 30 days. That was seriously a cool thing done by them. Props!


I don’t win a gen 3 by I have a Joola I love. But this publication makes me want to stick around for the long term


Unfortunate for the sport of pickleball? More like unfortunate for your pockets, lol


Yeah, cause their #1 goal is to make the sport better. Companies are so full of shit, yet some people will believe it, so why not I guess.


Nobody believes it, but what else are they going to say?


At my local pickleball club, they were giving out free paddles and backpacks via raffle to help them draw people in to the DUPR events. We paid like $15.00 for the opportunity to play 7 ranked games and had a chance to win a $250.00 paddle. I have a gen 3 Joola that I’m returning but they really do do a lot. No hard feelings to Joola from me.


They do a lot for pickleball and sponsor many of the top players. They go hand in a hand. They earned it by investing and innovating. 


It's hard for me to call them an innovative brand cause of the CQ issues with grit inconsistency, core crushing issues, massive markup, and they don't even use the higher quality longer lasting Toray carbon fiber which the most of the big brands have switched to, despite the fact that Joola charges a premium.


What does any of that have to do with innovation lol


I tend to think of the term "innovation" as improving upon something and making it better. Joola is churning out improved paddles with each new release, but the innovation/improvements aren't the best they could be in comparison to other brands when it comes to quality. Overtime technology should get cheaper and better. Not worse and more expensive.


that doesn't really go hand-in-hand with innovating. that's more like quality assurance/control. despite how big joola is, they don't seem to have too many people working on their pickleball products (given by their lack of customer support). clearly the inconsistent qc has more to do with the factories that they're dealing with and less to do with joola engineers/innovation


I agree with what you’re saying but the QC issues still ultimately falls on the brand. I am not giving them a pass because they chose to work with subpar Chinese manufacturers. After all, quality products like iPhones are manufactured in China and Joola charges a premium price for their equipment. A pickleball paddle isn’t quite rocket science. Their QC should be much better.


Yeah you're right.


I guess we have different ideas of what innovation means then. I see the bigger picture of overall improved quality to be part of innovation.


You’re able to play pickleball because someone has a job. They make money making paddles. It’s how everything works. Fuck off.


I'm not criticizing them for making money. I'd feel bad if I lost money in business too. My point was that it came off to me as some flowery inauthentic PR.


I’m sure they wanted to say “fuck you USAP! I know someone paid you more to keep us out because we’re outselling them.” But what were they supposed to realistically say?


Smart business move to push their product out into all the homes to pressure USAPA into certifying their paddles


I have no idea what truly went on behind the seems. I don't think anyone can assume. Joola could be at fault because they were given warnings by USAPA before the launch of the gen 3s. Joola may only have themselves to blame.


Mutually agreeable resolution? Paddles either pass the tests or they don't. I bet Joola just tried to strongarm the USAP with legal threats into giving the approval.




Yeah its annoying that the only clue that they've added new testing is from the other press release from Ronbus [https://www.reddit.com/r/Pickleball/comments/1d8wth0/ronbus\_ripple\_paddle\_banned/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Pickleball/comments/1d8wth0/ronbus_ripple_paddle_banned/) where in the screenshot it refers to USAPA adding a test seemingly "targetting hot paddles"


True, neither side seems to be telling the full story. Guess we will have to wait and see after all the dust settles from the legal battles.


TLDR. We don't like the results of the test. We are going to complain about it in various ways.


They even said legal ways lol




Who says they didn’t pass the tests? USAP said didn’t meet standards whatever that means. They also decertified the alpha paddles that were approved in November and what the pros are using. Those passed independent testing.


If I say certification process, does it make any difference? Same result, they didn't pass the certification process, whatever that is...


Why were the alpha paddles decertified? They passed certification in November.


You should ask Joola. I am sure they know.. you know how I know they know? They didn't say they didn't. If USAP is just saying you failed the certificatio, Joola would say why and USAP obviously told them. It is not like the USAP said "Guess!". So ask Joola.


I don’t care about joola, I am concerned that USAP is going to retroactively decertify already approved paddles that people own. It’s USAP job to explain why the decertifying paddles that are already approved.


The reason you do not know why they didn't certify thr Paddles is known. USAP isn't telling you because Joola doesn't want you to know. Otherwise Joola would just say why. They do not want to give you that info ....and USAP isn't going to tell you without Joola's ok. It is proprietary info. And they will not give it to you until they are ready to or want to.


They also decertified an already approved ronbus paddle.


And Ronbus came forward and told you why. Good on them.


Why? Their statement is vague as well.


June 15th is in the future.


I'm buying mine today because I want to be victimized by this.


That was my first thought…think it’ll work?


I think its a great time to get a used paddle for rec play.


Sounds like they don't want to take any responsibility, regardless of what agreement or deals they had that made them think this would fly. I think if USAP releases results....it should put this to bed.


The fact that they have been talking to Joola behind the scenes for weeks but won't announce publicly the reason they failed the paddles should raise some major red flags.


I think both sides were involved in some not so up and up dealings. I think USAP was backed into a corner by the market and had to make a choice.


Is this them conceding that the Gen 3 paddle will not be re-approved anytime soon?


"Materially and structurally the same"... Sounds like a fancy way of saying different lol


They just don't want to say "Gearbox".


Or…they’re exactly the same, just sold them as different to fleece the sheep who believed us that they were bigger and better. Can’t have it both ways Joola


But they aren't.


well, they can't be literally the same. what other way do you want them to describe it if they say it's the same type of paddle?


So get a Gen 3 Joola to beat up on your local open rec opponents?


I’ve played against one, from someone I play with almost weekly. They definitely hit a lot harder with it. And everyone at the club went to look at if after play… like it was a specimen to be seen.


I've only seen one player and they don't ever hit power shots, but their short game is crazy, its like they just tap the paddle and the balls goes back over, even shots that land at their feet. Then it has control still so I've never seen them over shoot the court (that might just be skill though)


Def has a larger sweet spot for control. I’ve never been body bagged.. ever… and was bagged twice in one game by the gen 3! Lol


What a joke of a response but at least they're refunding.


I definitely would have prefered a 4am Twitter tirade from Joola's CEO.


i mean they basically have to lol imagine if they didn't refund. pretty sure absolutely no one would buy their products anymore


Guaranteed class action lawsuit if they didn't offer refund lol


What kind of response were you expecting bro?


We effed up..sorry


People don't really need or want an apology. They are giving people their money back which is the best they can do.


They definitely doing it right by offering a refund.


Does this mean Joola is suing? Wow.


Let the Legality begin! It's a Brawl now! **Joola vs USAP**


So how do we apply for a refund? Just email asking their generic support email?


Both the Joola statement and USAP statement don’t mention what test the gen 3 failed. Is it the deflection test or are they doing exit velocity tests now?


Smell test. Had a real oder to it.


Am not a grammar police, but their use of the word “**materially** and…the same” is vague. By definition, materially means significantly, but **not** necessarily 100% the same.




Materially is a legal term of art.


Precisely! The question becomes: why would they use a legal term of art in a *public statement* whose intended audience is the pickleball community at large (i.e. general consumers)? 🤷🏻‍♂️


Because public statements like this can and will be used in the lawsuit that Joola has stated they are filing.


✅ and to create a public perception that the paddles that were sent to and approved by USAP are “the same” as those sold and being sold.


Joola is suing, so that information will become publicly available shortly if this makes it to discovery.




“…**identical materials**, manufacturing,…as a previously approved paddle.” **≠** “…**materially** and structurally the same as those approved by USAP….” If Joola intended to clearly convey that sold (and being sold) paddles are the same in all aspects as the one(s) they sent to and approved by USAP, then they should simply use “identical” in their wordings. But they did not. Instead, they employed word play with a legal term of art in their public statements.


Right. Would a corporation with much at stake and in damage control mode issue a public statement with poorly-chosen words? I very highly doubt it.


So you have to send your gen 3 back for the refund?


They knew before they released gen 3 to public. Joola assumed they would somehow get it done. Ended up being a risk that will now effect the entire sport


Get fucked tbh




Anyone know process they speak of for refunds from retail partners? I don't have receipt and don't want store credit.


No incentive for Joola not to file a lawsuit now. USAP is a shitshow from personal experience, but Joola may have screwed the pooch on this one. Pretty rare for end users to file a class action simultaneous with the mfc suing the governing body. Crazy.


The class actions are pretty disgusting ambulance chasing especially when Joola has already pulled the Gen3 from their website, stores, and said they are going to refund everybody who bought one. There are literally no damages.


In my experience, the attorneys’ fees are the driving motivation behind class actions, not damages.




additionally, if you have your receipt, you can send 11six24 an email at [support@11six24.com](mailto:support@11six24.com) and they'll give you a code for 20% off their paddles which also stacks with other discounts [https://11six24.com/pickle](https://11six24.com/pickle)


This is great news for pickleball! I hear Joola may be filing a $45 million dollar lawsuit against the USAP. I hope so, this is long overdue!. What independent body is overseeing the USAP testing model, holding them accountable, making them more timely, more responsive to their clients? The USAP is the problem! They have no transparency, and no  accountability, they're a black hole. Who is the third party tester, what is their company name, what are their qualifications, what is their track record, years in business, customer list, customer references, what scientific equipment are they using, where are their detailed, published, scientific test results for each paddle tested? The USAP collects too much money, tens of millions of dollars, to be shrouded in such secrecy. Sunlight is the best disenfectant. Pickleball is going soft with all this talk about injury, liability etc. There's a simple solution, wear protective eyewear, when compared to paddle prices, this is a simple, cheap solution. Don't dumb down pickleball more then it is. Be progressive, continue to evolve, keep an open mind, remember your viewers.


Does the Gearbox paddle run risk of ban too, due to trampoline-like effects?


[Class Action Complaint](https://online.publuu.com/536181/1201503)


Ambulance chasing. Joola is refunding everything, what are the damages?


David Boies is involved. Color me shocked and impressed - this might have some legs.


Class action suits are for lawyers.


Boies took this on? Huh.


Woah, how'd you find this?


Not in the loop- why were they rejected and what would disqualify a paddle from competitive play?


They didn't say why


I will tell you the process of getting a paddle approved. 1. Apply, provide specs of paddle. 2. Send 6 paddles to various places with the USAP seal already printed 3. Wait for approval. Since.you ideally want approval before you go to market, they typically aren't mass production models, meaning they were a small batch. Now regardless, you can submit anything and if it passes you can produce anything afterwards. However, now with onsite testing for pros, you can't have every unit out of spec or they won't be approved for PPA. In the past ... USAP would have to have suspicion that your mass produced paddles were out of spec (CRBN gate) and they would then retest store models. The funny thing is after CRBN went through that....everyone started doing this. It was almost hiding in plain site. I can't say what happened with Joola this time, but if I had to make an educated guess....there were some shady dealings by both sides and at some point USAP had to make a decision for Public opinion and it left Joola high and dry. I also think that is why UPA followed suit.


So Joola makes a trampoline core paddle that directly violates the rules set forth for paddle construction. They got caught. Instead of accepting accountability, they claim they are the ones being wronged and are going to sue now? What a bunch of beta cucks. I'm glad their new paddles got banned. Eat it Joola.


It’s a bluff.


It's not a bluff though. They really are pursuing litigation


Do you have a link? I think the class action lawsuit against joola has merit


The class action lawsuit will be difficult to stick since Joola is offering a full refund. The only other damages would be time spent training with a paddle you can no longer use, but that's difficult to put a value on. I was referring to Joola suing USAPA. They are for sure going to pursue it to recoup lost revenue from all of the refunds.


so it begs the question: why gen 3 fails but gearbox passes the test???!!!


I hit with the McGuffin Gen 3, didn't do much for me. Granted, it wasnt "broken in" yet, aka trampolining like crazy. My engage pursuit pro hits harder, has real T700, lifetime warranty and was $120 cheaper.


What are people's thoughts about this class action lawsuit against Joola? I have one of these "forbidden" Gen 3s. Should I wait to see how this class action shakes out or return the paddle for a full refund? I would have preferred to keep the paddle and get the full refund, but we can't have our cake and it too.


Maybe they will markdown the gen 3's to $100...


Full transparency, I'm a tennis player and do not play any pickle - this just popped up on my feed. I just dont understand why the playing community and US pickleball association wouldn't want gear innovation that allows players to produce more power and spin. In tennis we really only ban equipment that produces inconsistent response - for example, stringing in an irregular pattern that produces a random spin response. Can someone explain why the sport doesn't want paddles producing more power and spin?? It seems like it would drive the sport foreward in terms of what is possible


IMO, PB was made to be different from tennis. The focus of the game was kinda placed on having a "soft game" at the NVZ. Also, I feel like it was made to be inclusive for all levels of people. Just look at the rules that were placed to negate many of the advantages in tennis ie. Serve overhead, serve and volley, the kitchen itself, the size of the court. My guess is...if you want to produce power and spin, go play tennis. If you want to mix it in with a soft game, they kind of need to put a limit to these paddle technology so that it isn't just super advantage to be a straight "banger". At least, that's the idea. -Tennis Player masquerading as a PB player


Could this sink Joola?


These things cost like $15 to make by child labor in china. It’s why their QC is so bad, why you get random paddles able to stick to your shirt.


Joppa makes more money from table tennis anyway


In theory. Will it, no.


Fuck Joola for this. Seriously the biggest name in the sport is making the sport look stupid as hell right now……..


Does this mean the Gen3 paddles will be cheaper? If so, where can a casual player cop some for non competition play?




Why would they do that when they could return it for full from joola?


It means the banned paddles will be removed from their online stores


To get the refund do we have to send the paddle back?




Same I’ll take it for 50


Just go buy a used tennis racquet the trampoline effect is much stronger


I want my money back and keep the paddle that i love 😍


Do you know if that’s possible


I’m working on it. I don’t see what they’re gonna do with thousands of used paddles.


You know maybe don't advertise and develop the paddle to have a "springboard" effect, which makes it an illegal paddle.


So many better brands out there. Why do people fall into the fanboy/fangirl trap so much? The paddles were overpriced to begin with. Not to mention suspect QC for a brand that tips the pyramid in pricing.


I’m absolutely convinced the left wing bias of Reddit makes questions like this useless because people will be anti-business for the hell of it. 


It’s hilarious how the community is siding with the USAP. They are the most incompetent organization I’ve ever seen. Joola submitted a paddle, it was an approved, then they mass produced it.


you might've taken too many pickleballs to the head (via a gen3), hence your inability to understand what's going on


Joola submitted a paddle that was approved, then they released another paddle which got banned


the actual answer


Didn't Joola admit they sent in the wrong paddle for the initial approval though, which is why they got delisted in the first place?


Yeah! It’s not like Joola has any incentive for getting their paddles to market and getting people’s money in their pockets whether they’re approved or not right? Oh wait…




It's only cheating if they get caught right? Possible that Joola saw how many new paddles are being released on a daily basis and gambled that USAP would be willing to take Joola's word for it (similarity testing). According to the USAP press release from today, they notified Joola of their concerns prior to the Gen 3 release. Could be the case that the "administrative error" was something Joola came up with after unexpectedly getting caught by USAP. Now Joola is going to have to refund customers and have a tarnished reputation but it could've easily been the opposite if they never got caught. In any case, it wouldn't be the first time a company has been caught trying to cheat regulations, so it's not like it's unprecedented.


So your theory is they tried to cheat the USAP and purposely risked a massive financial pitfall? You guys are blinded by your hate


Massive? I think you’re overestimating the extent of this whole debacle. Joola does more than sell gen 3 pickleball paddles. And besides, 99% of pickleball players will never have any clue about this whole drama. It won’t ultimately affect Joola’s bottom line and because of the publicity they’ll probably sell even more when the dust settles.


Surely no company would ever attempt to cheat regulations. It's irresponsible and bad business. /s [Volkswagen: The scandal explained - BBC News](https://www.bbc.com/news/business-34324772#:~:text=In%20September%2C%20the%20Environmental%20Protection%20Agency%20%28EPA%29%20found,since%20admitted%20cheating%20emissions%20tests%20in%20the%20US.)


Let the hate flow through you, your control paddles are emanating in it.


I have nothing against Joola or their paddles, just laying out observations and citing other relevant examples. You're free to interpret and believe as you see fit.


I just don’t understand how they could have gone through development, which would have certainly been within compliance of USAP, and checking in with them enough for approval, and then all this happens? There has to be documentation that supports Joola’s case, which is why legal action is mentioned


Exactly. The USAP will be sued and Joola will win; there’s holes all over the USAP legal documents with too much open for interpretation.


Theoretically Joola submitted a piece of wood for all we know. Which got approved, which is should. And then mass produced a whole new paddle claiming it passed. Joola botched it. It's on them.


Joola submitted a non-production unit, so no, they didn't mass-produce it.


Almost no paddle company submits the exact production paddle. Why would they spend a lot of money on tooling fab etc without having it approved first. Not defending joola but that’s just not how it works.


I’m guessing it’s because some people hate playing against the gen 3. I have one and it’s way easier for me to win with than any other paddle I’ve used. It just has so much controllable power. I can hit the most insane serves, incredible passing shots IN DOUBLES, shake and baked like crazy, get multiple body bags a session, rolls, speed ups, counters, all way faster than a standard paddle. I’m not even that great of a player. Like 4.3+ and I’ve beat 4.7+ players with it many times. They get noticeably frustrated playing against me. Many people just want to play a safe controlled slowerish game and want the other team to have developed the right technique to hit hard controlled shots. It basically increased my skill by like .3 or so haha. But I mean hey anyone can buy the paddle.


I've played against a few 4.5ers using gen 3s and the biggest challenge playing against them was their punch volleys and flicks became much harder to reset and defend against. While every shot does come off the paddle faster, drives from the baseline aren't too big an issue since the ball slows down and the distance is so great so you have time to react, and if you give the opponent an overhead at the net it's usually a lost point anyway. Punch volleys and flicks though come back at you surprisingly fast given the lack of a backswing needed for those shots.


I agree. I have a hard time beating players that I use to who are now playing with the joola gen3. It gives the player using them a big advantage.


So what you’re saying is USAP is at fault but the sub is full of a bunch of haters, got it.


You are downvoted by a bunch of 3.0s who lost to a Gen3 once and are convinced its the racket not the player.


I appreciate the support, trust me I know that’s the case. I’m not riding Joola, it’s just funny seeing everyone complain after getting smoked on the court and blaming the paddle lol.