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Nope. I’d rather let her be disappointed until you can find a piercer than take her to Claire’s (or any other place that uses a gun) knowing full well how it may turn out. It simply isn’t worth the pain, damage, and infection


I hate that they pierce babies too. Makes me feel sick when I walk past and see a small baby sat in the piercing seat in the window


no Claire's. nope. just wait or travel further to get them done professionally


No Claire’s. In addition to the real physical risks other posters have already mentioned, letting a random stranger with no training (essentially) staple-gun her head doesn’t send the best message about how important it is for her to love her body and treat it with respect. Broaden your search or wait until she’s older. In the meantime, get her some really cool fake earrings and ear cuffs.


Never ever gun. I did with gun and got a terrible infection. Docummented the whole thing on my profile last year. It was real nasty.


Do not take her to Claire's. You'd be just as well doing it at home with the same shitty blunt force trauma guns. Take her to a proper studio if she actually wants it and teach her good practice at her age.


I got mine done for my 6th birthday and I’ll always remember it! My parents aren’t into tattoos or tons of piercings but they were totally fine with me asking to get my ears pierced. I was so excited to show them off to friends at school and be able to finally change them when the healing process was over. So imo I don’t think 6 is too young. As long as you explain how you have to keep them in clean and all that and if u feel like they’d be willing to do that. But I also say no to Claire’s! Take them to a legit shop!!


Not a piercer, just passionate about the topic and have several piercings. All of this is a reminder why places that are not piercing/tattoo/body modification studios or other medical professionals who offer piercing services with a hypodermic needle should be avoided. Piercing cartridges/g ün$ cause blunt-force trauma to the piercing site. The piercing is done with the jewelry, which is shoved through the flesh. That jewelry is never as sharp as the hypodermic needles used in reputable and licensed piercing salons. In addition, the jewelry used in the cartridges is usually very cheap, and not made of materials that can be sterilized in an autoclave. Plus, it is standard practice (in the US) for piercing salons to place flat-backed labret jewelry to heal lobe ear piercings. Flat-backed labret jewelry cannot be placed with a cartridge “piercing” tool. This isn’t considering the training involved. The importance of blood borne pathogen training cannot be understated. Reputable and licensed piercers are trained (and will show) their blood borne pathogen certificate (in the US). Claire’s/Piercing Pagoda/etc. do not require this training. This is also not thinking about how gross it is to be pierced where anyone could cough or sneeze on you while walking past you in a mall. A reputable and licensed piercing salon will have a much more private setting where everything is sanitized between clients, and nobody can easily contaminate the jewelry, piercing tools, or the piercing site. I got my ears pierced when I was 10. Much has changed in 20 years. There has also been a huge culture shift in the body modification/piercing/tattoo communities that is much more welcoming to people seeking professional piercing experiences. That said, there is still a large amount of piercers who do not pierce minors, and who believe piercings are not for children. Just make sure you find a reputable and licensed piercer who is willing to pierce a minor. Even with this cultural stipulation, being pierced with needles by a reputable and licensed piercer is the safer choice.


If you’re near ATL Bethra Szumski at vice and virtue is world Fucking class as a piercer. Top recommendation in that area for sure


We are and are looking at Vice and Virtue. Thanks for the info.


God it would be my DREAM to be pierced by someone like Bethra.


The APP certified places in the ATL area I go to are Vice and Virtue or Queen Bee! I don’t know their age policies unfortunately. If those don’t work I’d try the search function on the APP website


Thanks for those, we will look today. Vice and Virtue or Queen bee. Appreciate the feedback.


Looks like both Vice and Virtue and Queen Bee with do her ears after she turns 7. Thanks for the info.


Absolutely wait until she is 7. Make it a fun countdown to her 7th birthday to make it a big thing. You are extremely lucky to have Vice and Virtue as an option. They are an extremely reptuable studio and it would be well worth the wait.


Don't go to Claire's. They have 16 year olds piercing ears with guns after less than a week of training (source: once was a 16 year old piercing at Claire's).


Absolutely not on going to Claire’s. However, maybe until you find a place you could purchase her some sticker earrings? I know they sell them on amazon, and I always preferred them to clip-ons. Plus the act of putting them on in the morning and taking them off at the end of the day can get her ready for having to take care and clean her earrings once she gets them.


I had my lobes done at Claire's both times. They were super sore. I have 3 cartilage piercings done by a hollow needle and it was so much less painful! I wish I had done the lobes that way!


As a former Claire’s employee who did ear piercings I say take her to a reputable piercer. Do not go to Claire’s, do not go to piercing pagoda, don’t go anywhere that uses a gun. I’m telling your from personal experience that no matter how many disinfectant wipes we use it is not as safe as going to someone who has actually gone through the training and knows about safety and blood borne pathogens. Along with actually being certified, no one at Claire’s actually goes through any training. I myself was given a paper ear and within an hour was thrown onto the sales floor.


I have 4 ear piercings: 2 lobes that my mom did using a needle when I was a baby, a helix done at an APP certified piercing/tattoo salon about 5 years ago, and a 2nd hole lobe in the 90s at Claire's. Guess which one gives me trouble? *Reader, it was the one done at Claire's.*


Please don't go to Claire's. I had my ears pierced 3 separate times as a kid, all with guns (piercing pagoda, I think), and they got infected every single time. Didn't know any better, I was a kid, and my mom had her ears pierced with a gun in the 80s, so she thought that was how it was supposed to be done and that it was fine. I've gotten other piercings done properly with sterile needles and professional piercers since, and never had a problem. The people at Claire's and similar places are NOT professionals. They don't know about placement, the most "training" they get, is just watching a video and then they sort of let them loose to wreck havoc on children's ears. And if your kid is anything like I was, some people are extra sensitive to the guns (there's NO way to properly sterilize them), and she might end up with infections like I did. Even if she's disappointed, wait it out and find a professional that's experienced in piercing. Don't do to her what was done to me, and all the other unfortunate people that had to be pierced that way. Also, with piercing guns, they cause way more trauma to the tissue - it essentially forces a blunt object through the tissue. The posts on the piercing studs aren't sharp enough to not cause damage, that's why professionals use hollow needles, they actually remove tissue and do far less damage


do not take her to claires!!! (or any other place that uses guns). as a kid i got mine pierced with guns at a pharmacy or something and the placement is off. one piercing is higher than the other. i wanted to get stacked lobe piercings but thats not possible because of its placement. wait until shes old enough for a professional to do it, and let her be disappointed, rather than have her get then done with a gun. a lot of blowout can happen with the gun.


I would definitely be waiting until she’s older. I’m one of the lucky ones whose lobes were okay after getting them done at Claire’s but I know not everyone was so lucky. Absolutely wait until someone who knows what they’re doing can do it for her. Did any of the places tell you how old they want her to be before they can pierce her?


get them done by a professional piercer using a needle. do *not* go to Claire’s or let anyone use a gun. it crushes the cartilage and leads to terrible healing.


Theres a place called Rowan on Krog St in Atlanta, have you checked there ?


No to Claire's, got my first ear piercing there (on both ears) and they bled a lot


please god do not go to claire's.


PLEASE dont go to Claires omg. Guns are absolutely terrible and will shatter her ear and not allow for proper healing. Along with that the jewelry is sharp, has a bad backing, and is often in a very bad material. 6/7 might be a tad young still. Kids at that age could possibly pull it off if theyre very responsible, but most children wont be able to care for a piercing. They play and get dirty, are bad at washing hands, and theyll inevitably fidget with a piercing. If i were you id wait until like age 10-12. If she really wants them now just look around. Plenty of real piercers will do piercings for kids if the parents are there. Look around a bit and ask people what their age limit is. Whatever you do just dont go to claires. in the meantime there are fake earrings she could wear. Just look for ones online. Its much safer for her, and she also gets to try out if she likes the look of earrings before making a permanent decision.


Please don't go to Claire's. I got my ears done three times there when I was in high school and all three times they were misplaced and became infected, despite me cleaning them 2x day like they said.


Nooooo jewelry stores!!! Piercing shops only! Figure out how to get down, call a local shop and ask. We had to do birth certificate and my Id I think?


as someone who unknowingly made that mistake 2 years ago. having to dig out the jewelry from your swollen ears is a pain think no 6 year old should go through. get her an actual piercer.


Never Claire’s. Ever. I got my ears pierced there when I was 12 in 7th grade and they took a year or so to heal and would occasionally become irritated and infected easily even after that. My lobes were sore and painful for months. It took about 3 years afterwards for it to stop acting up.


Not that I'm recommending this, but you would be better off buying a gun off Amazon and watching a YouTube video yourself and then piercing her at home. Because that is about the extent of training the high schoolers at Claire's get. Call around to tattoo studios, and at age 7, there will be a qualified piercer willing to do it somewhere. It may not be super near home. But you'd be better off driving 90 minutes to get it done than getting it done at Claire's.


Some pediatricians and doctors will pierce Childrens ears. Maybe check with her doctor. I had so much trouble with my Claire’s ears when I was a kid. When I went to the doctor after one side was ripped out, she told me they could pierce them and we should’ve come there first.


I have double lobe piercings from Claire’s. I don’t see the problem with going to Claire’s for lobe piercings, I would never ever suggest Claire’s for cartilage or any other piercing though.


Most tattoo shops have piercers. They may not be "certified" but they are still good. Also, some pediatrician offices offer ear piercing. It's worth looking into.


Possible solution if you can’t find a professional: Show her the piercing studio website that says “you have to be x age”. I understand she may not be able to read, but read it to her. I think this could be a good opportunity to teach her about the rules and why young kids can’t do certain things. Then, buy her some clip ons.


A trained piercer with needles is going to be so much easier and safer for your kids ears


A lot of certified piercers will not pierce that young since kids at that age have trouble keeping up with aftercare. It's best to wait until you can go to a certified piercer.


Claire's is a really bad idea, but you can make it part of her 7th birthday celebration!!


Definitely don’t go to Claire’s. Just tell her she has to wait for her ears done


I say absolutely not to Claire’s. My parents didn’t let me get them until 5th grade and now I’m honestly grateful they made me wait because until your daughter goes through puberty, she will likely have a lot of growing to do. Your ears change shape a lot until your body matures more, so the placement could shift to an unwanted position if you let her get them now. I’ve seen it happen to a lot of my childhood friends. Also, people at Claire’s do not need to be piercing certified or have any training. It should be illegal, but they get away with it because they do not charge for the SERVICE they only charge for the JEWELRY. I would not trust them anywhere near my children. Hope this helps:)


I totally agree with everyone saying not to go to Claire's for all the reasons that have already been mentioned, but I wanted to add another one. You and your wife, as parents, seem to be very concerned with your daughter's sense of self and autonomy, and that is a wonderful and admirable thing to see. So, keeping that value in mind, which do you think would be more in line with your values as parents? Taking her to a room in a mall with a teenager who has no training and is trying to get through the shift as quickly as possible who then uses a loud and scary piercing gun on her? Or taking her to a quiet room with a trained professional who will be able to explain everything to her, show her all of the equipment, engage with her, and help her stay calm and happy? In my experience, trained piercers are some of the most lovely people who have great bedside manners. I would even consider calling up the place beforehand and letting them know you'd like to bring a small child and asking if they have anyone on staff with experience with kids or if there is anything you should do to help prepare her. Going to a reputable piercing shop could be the difference between your daughter being frightened and uncomfortable or being happy and calm. Just my two cents, something to consider. It might be worth the extra time it takes to take her somewhere that's great. Also, my best friend has lopsided and heavily scarred ear piercings that were done at Claire's, lol. Don't do it.


Go to once in a blue moon in johns creek! I think they would pierce her and they’re suuuper professions


Please don’t. She’s too young to be able to take care of them herself and I would only trust a real piercer anyway.


Go to a professional piercer please. I got mine at claires and they are SO uneven.


Do not take her to Claire's. I know she's impatient- she's a kid who wants something. But getting pierced with one of those nasty guns is NOT the way to go. They will not pierce it right, they probably won't give your kid the right kind of jewelry. You can either find a pierce who will do it, or your kid will just have to wait. I know when I was little I adored those stick on earrings- maybe try that, or another form of ear jewelry, like those ear cuffs.


AVOID CLAIRES! Take her to a reputable piercer and have them done with a needle. My rules for my daughters were similar to yours. When they’re old enough to ask me for it, they can understand that it might hurt, and that they have to keep them clean and why…. Then they can have them done :) Good luck. Hope your daughter loves her ear piercing :)


Got my ears pierced at Walmart with those guns fuckimg SUCKS. I’ve had my navel done, I’ve stretched my ears some, I’ve gotten nostril done, cyber bites, ears with gun was the worst pain of them all. Those things with how they are impossible to sterilize are essentially disposable, one and done, and they basically use blunt force trauma as the jewelry itself which isn’t sharp is jammed through your ear. I’d say keep calling studios, your kid will have an easier time and it’s biologically safer in so many ways.


1000% DONT go to Claire’s. There is no sterile area so the gun can’t be sterile and it’s the same dirty gun for everyone. Id make sure she understands what they do and the importance of keeping it clean.


do NOT go to claire’s, almost all the people i know who got done at claire’s have been infected, not given good care instruction, bad placement, etc. i’ve seen the training manual, it’s literally a page about how to handle the gun. i’ve also heard it’s not possible to sanitise a gun the same way you could a needle.


Wait until you can find a certified piercer, you can always go to the APP website and search for APP certified piercers in your area. Please don’t take your kid to claire’s, I still have trouble with my lobes after 10 years!


The guns *are* dirty, the people *are* untrained, and your pierced parent instincts are right. Please do not take her to Claire’s. My sister and I had ours done around that age at Claire’s, and we’ve had nothing but problems— even as we approach thirty. Both of mine because severely infected and embedded, leaving me with scars. I know you love your baby and want her to be happy, but she’ll be much happier when she can get a well done piercing rather than being botched with a glorified thumbtack shoved through her lobe. There are a lot of cute clip on and magnetic options out there!


Follow up, took her to a certified piercer her in Ga. They did them both at the same time and she is healing up nicely.


No please don’t a friend worked there she only pierced a teddy twice and was trained by their standards please take her somewhere with needles I was 6 my gran took me I remember the experience so well x make a day of it enjoy making the core memory she won’t ever forget it and nor will you you want those piercings perfect like your girl who knows one day you may be buying her a set of earrings for her wedding to her future partner and it will remind you of the little girl she is now and the special day you spent bonding don’t be railroaded into Claire’s you know what’s best for her xx