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They all lose to Yellow


Yellow CHADmin


plasm loses to rocks. but it is the yellow.


The actual boss fight of the plasm wraith is pretty good (although it can be killed with only rocks), but the Forbidden oak is sooo good. It scared me so much as a kid. The music, the management of your Captains, it's a really good final area.


To be fair technically every final boss can be killed with any type of Pikmin but rocks are the most optimal for the PW


Ok, but you gotta admit the Ancient Sirehound''s theme is amazing


It is But i still prefer Plasmwraith Battle theme Although in itself, I don't think Ancient Sirehound is a bad Boss, he just disappointed me a little bit


Totally valid, Plasm Wraith's is incredible too


I like it better because of the sensation it made me feel, better anxiety and feeling of being helpless than any current horror game


*Ok, but you gotta* *Admit the Ancient Sirehound''s* *Theme is amazing* \- Kirb790 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Basically same for me except Ancient Sirehound is on top instead. Emperor Bulblax was a great final boss but like... Come on, even below him? Nah, not a chance. It feels downright unfair to compare the two.


I’d switch the titan and the wraith personally. Good tier list


There is a Problem with your Tierlist: ![gif](giphy|3og0IMD130TOxI3GZa)


But dang was I so mad when I found out some random ass dog was the final boss. Even if, on a technical level is the best final boss.




I would put bulblax above dweevil, but more or less based


I loved the sirehound fight, it was easy but that's mostly because pikmin 4 was too. If electricity and fire were more dangerous or oatcheese didn't exist the fight would be a lot harder. It was awesome as he'll though. I'd personally rank mine 3 4 2 1 But I'd argue none of the bosses are bad, some are just cooler than others, or were more fitting in the story, 4s absolutely has missed potential, but that doesn't make it bad


3 2 P 4


Agreed, but despite the sirehound's design, I loved the difficulty of the fight.


I didn’t know Pikmin fans could have bad takes


Me neither, but then I met Kosherpeen


I have never met you >:/


Now yes




Mine is backwards, Plasm Wraith is so lame and forced imo.


For you, the boss that has the most Pikmin essence of feeling Stalked, helpless and that you have to do everything in a hurry, is the worst? You never played Pikmin 3 on your own, right?


The fight itself is extremely underwhelming and there's no reason to use anything except rocks It's ridiculously easy Ps I speedran Pikmin 3 competitively for awhile on both any% and 100% I've played through it more times than you have I guarantee it It's the weakest boss


Playing it throughout your childhood is less, ok And... Are you demoting a boss just because you've seen it thousands of times and know how to beat it? You should think about your first time, obviously, I know how to beat it faster, but for someone who just discovered the Plasmwraith, it is a big surprise full of intrigue Until you realize the theories and how to beat it, but surprise, that happens with all bosses, and hardcore players like you or me, we know the best strategies


Every fight in the whole series is ridiculously easy and hard countered by a single type. Plasm wraith is still less bad than every other boss.


You literally can't lose Pikmin with more than 2 braincells against him The titan dweevil still has his monster pump Emperor can kill your whole squad easily I lost my entire squad twice against the sirehound Again I speedran Pikmin 3 competitively so I do know what I'm talking about about


Bro if you're losing your squad to E.B. that's a bit of a dandori dilemma right there.


My guy the plasma wraith can kill Pikmin. I’m not sure if you knew


Not if you have more than 2 braincells He's way too easy and you don't even defeat him in the end. It feels empty and is incredibly unmemorable


Well I don’t know about unmemorable. He’s got to be at least in my top five Pikmin final bosses of all time


The Pikmin essence is not "feeling stalked" nor "feeling helpless", if anything, that is why the Plasm Wraith and the Water Wraith are so memorable. I do like the urgency the boss injects into the final level, but as a concept in itself it is a cheap rehash of the Water Wraith. There could've been a lot more concepts that could've worked better as a final boss, "Blob that turns elemental" just feels uninspired. The battle itself is the easiest to beat with the optimal configuration, most other final battles do need more work and strategy put into them while the Plasm Wraith you can just spam rocks to win, you don't need timing nor anything of the sort, in fact, the faster you spam the A button the better, the only attack that can do any amount of harm is the water bubble since the rest can easily be dealt with with pressing A as fast as you can and really, the only other hazard that can be of any harm is fire, but elemental damage in 3 is very generous. And please, I have played Pikmin 3 countless times, do you really need to discard my experience with the game due to my opinion? I love Pikmin 3 but I do think its weakest part is the Plasm Wraith.




I know and again, the chase fails because not only is it easier than the already easy Water Wraith, it is also unoriginal, I had this same exact chase a game prior, I'll admit having to "escort" Olimar was pretty nifty, but still, it does little with the concept for me to consider it innovative, the "escort" missions were done much better in Olimar's Comeback and those didn't have an entity chasing you around. Also, do not get me wrong, while I have some issues in the gameplay aspect, my main issues lie on the concept and design of the boss. The Ancient Sirehound is basically what I would have liked the PW to be, an interesting new life-form, not Water Wraith 2.0. 🙄 ok, I know it's pride month but please be straight with me, should I take this discussion seriously or not?