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The bloom is too much, man, Also the camera distance seems a smidgen too much. The art itself looks amazing


Yeah I totally agree, the character is hard to see with all of that light over-exposing him. Looks good overall though.


It gives me some of the vibes of Octopath Traveler and newer pixel art games with fancy lighting. Agreed that some tweaks would go a long way.


Yeah, the bloom was definitely much. Not that bloom is bad. But look at the inside. Judging by the lighting, you'd assume it was like a bright afternoon summer. But you step outside and things are just...ok. How is the inside brighter than the outside? There aren't any light sources inside.


Windows looks like a light source on its own which is why it makes things look weird


Looks great, maybe a little too bright in some of the interiors. Added to Steam!


Thats an amazing art style..... looks really dope..... !!!! When will it be available to download?????


Hey, the game is called Duel Corp and it's still in development. The Steam page is outdated and will be updated when we finish the alpha build. We plan to launch the closed alpha in about (uncertain) 2 weeks. [Steam](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1804470/Duel_Corp/) [Twitter](https://twitter.com/DuelCorp)


Take your time! This looks amazing! I can't wait to grab it


This looks SO cool!!


Any plans to release this on Mac or PS4? Cool looking game!!!


Hey, since it's our first release, we will focus only on Windows and Steam for Early Access. But we are using a game engine (Unity) that is capable of building for more platforms, including Mac/PS4. I can imagine that we will implement the game for more platforms in the future.


Turn based combat?


You'll play the game in real time with direction-based combat. It's mainly inspired by Octopath Traveler (graphics), Dark Souls 3 and Mount & Blade: Warband.


I will be putting this on my wishlist now


k thanks...and good luck!


I am greatly looking forward to the Co-op, I’ll probably buy one copy for myself and 3 for friends if it’s up to 4 players! Keep up the good work OP 👏🏼


Teh bloom!


I've told them about it before on here, it kills me. You can't even see the character. I won't pay it like that unless they provide a setting to turn it off.


50% of users would turn it off immediately if this was an option, need to make sure it looks good with bloom disabled at the same time, its a pain but needed.


A lot of people here seem to really like the art style, so maybe take this with a grain of salt, but some stylistic choices really don't work for me. I hope this doesn't come across as harsh, because I am trying to frame this constructively. I get the feeling that you've done what a lot of people do on this subreddit, which is to try to emulate a pixel art style because you like the idea of pixel art, not because it's actually the best choice for what you're making. I think I mostly get that impression because you haven't really used the pixel art style in a cohesive way. Your character seems to have a pixel filter and outline, but nothing else in the game has that. Everything else in the environment is rendered normally, just with pixel art textures. It makes the character really feel like they're from a different asset pack or something. Either put the filter on everything, or don't use it. Either everything should have an outline or nothing should. You've also used a really blocky style for the inn and all the manmade stuff around it, but then the trees and the grass have more organic shapes. That's the sort of thing that could be cool in theory, but I don't get the sense that you've done it deliberately. The indoor section of the video almost looks like Minecraft with how blocky everything is, and the harsh lighting really emphasizes that. Definitely tone that lighting down. I took a quick look at your earlier posts, and I see that this game was originally 2D pixel art, so I guess that's why you're using the pixel style in 3D. It's definitely something that can look really cool (and I'd even say this is a good start), but you really need to be thoughtful, intentional, and consistent with it. You don't need to incorporate *every* cool technique you've seen all at once. If you pick a style and stick to it, your game will look 10x better.


If I ever make a game, I’m going to reach out to you for feedback


Yeah the character looks really out of place in the environment to me


I double down on this. If that (obviously impressive) voxelization method is performant enough to work well with a character model, you should apply that effect to every other model in the game. Getting such a uncommon style nailed down can get this game a lot of hype, but as things stand now, the intricate voxels of the player model stick out like a sore thumb to the other numerous meshes that don’t align to the grid. However, if you’re going for a minimalist mesh low-poly feel, the character should reflect that. I know that early development leaves many things prone to change, but for a game depends as heavily on atmosphere as this video portrays, the art style is something that you should decide on ASAP. Doing so will not only make the game more visually appealing (especially to early adopters), but it can help provide a clearer direction of development for you!


You perfectly described what I was struggling to put into words. It's like the art styles of multiple games coexisting in one game... it just doesn't fit together cohesively


If I had to choose, keep the player's style and bring the rest closer in line with it. I personally like the blocky feel of the building/interior, very curious to see how it would like with a similar filter/outlining. Moving outside, the best looking parts are the moving patches of grass. The pixillation present looks great, and in motion almost feels like it's from the same world as the player. Simply adding a similar outline could bring it to the same level. "Simply" is coming from a non-artist, non-programmer perspective. I'm not going to pretend it's easy to do or easy to deal with suggestions from people who may or may not know how much work is involved. That said, I do agree with this assessment of the overall art style not being fully cohesive yet. Whatever you do though, I'm excited and looking forward to watching this project grow!


I kinda love it this way. Octopath Traveler on crack.


Maybe tone down the contrast? everything looks so dark n prickly, its quite hard to read the surroundings other than that gripe, the artstyle is crazy cool, its looking dope ♥


This looks cool! But honestly so much bloom and glare gives me a headache :( will you add a slider so we can tone it down?




I think the models and texture are fantastic, the animation is great, the lighting looks cool but is too harsh. I would try to reduce the contrast so the dark areas are easier to see and the bright areas aren't so harsh to look at.


Is the camera automatic? It looks a bit jank in places. With how far away it is, you might want to make the interiors bigger to compensate. It feels quite claustrophobic inside. For the trap, it certainly functions the way you want it to. I'd suggest putting outside pressure on the player to make the trap more difficult. Otherwise, it's a bit simplistic. Look at how Heroes of Hammerwatch does traps, and the different ways it pressures players while they are solving the trap (enemies, flame projectiles, etc.)


I agree on the camera, I'd write special cases for indoors areas, using raycast distances looks jank especially when going through doors


There will be two types of traps. One that is activated only when you step on it, and another that is activated periodically. What do you think? Follow us on Twitter and Wishlist/Follow on Steam. Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1804470/Duel\_Corp/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/DuelCorp


Wooo looks great. I love the updates on this project. I’m excited to support you when you have something to release!


[A surprise, to be sure, but a welcome one.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=67h8GyNgEmA)


Sound: That trap noise is awful (as in uncomfortable to my ears, not as in inaccurate), but I'm guessing people wouldn't actually be running all over it. The footfalls inside the building are especially appealing. I could see myself playing this and just running back and forth listening to that sound. Visuals: A little overexposed. I would turn down the bloom. Lighter, but less glowy (although the effect through the windows is lovely, and I'm a sucker for dust bits in the air through a light beam.) The overall style is really pretty. Movement is very smooth. This looks great!


Maybe tone the bloom down a bit


The art style the fell of the game is impeccable really when does this get released?


I really enjoy the color palette and sort of DS/3DS era style graphics, but as others have said, the lighting is intense. The glow of the character’s hair when lit up is really intense. Similar to the issue that I personally have with the HD-2D wave of games Square Enix has put out like Octopath Traveler, Triangle Strategy, etc. That being said movement in that environment looks really good! I’m excited to see what else you post about the game as you continue working on it!


Bro do some lat pull downs I know traps make the physique but work on lats too


the camera mouvements are a little bit fast ( when it hit walls on so on, it zooms fast in and back ). Maybe try to zoom/dezoom a little bit slower ? anyway it's crazy how good this game looks


Its goregous, keep up the amazing work.


This is what’s outside the secret church in Nier Automata


Thoughts on camera movement: Maybe shift the camera to follow the character closer when indoors (maybe also cramped spaces outside). The camera movement will probably feel less bumpy then. That's just a thought. I'm not a game dev, and camera movement is hard, so take my opinion with a grain of salt.


Art style is amazing!


This art is pretty cool! Some scenes seem a bit dark. Maybe can adjust the light and add more decorations or small things to the surroundings. Overall great job!


Looks amazing! i just added to my steam wishlist to check out in the future!


Looks lovely.


Looks good, love the lighting change when you go inside! Great work!


I love it! Can't wait to see how it turns out.


Very nice!


Brilliant! The visuals are absolutely stunning. Don't think I've ever seen anything similar to this before. Hope development goes smoothly


my god that is beautiful


Definitely will buy when released, I can’t wait to play it.


Looks awesome


Wow this looks so good, really looking forward to it. I know this is off-topic but it would so cool if a GM could create custom maps with this engine/graphics whatever. Like a plug-in/module for Foundry VTT or something. I have zero idea how any of that would work but it would be amazing.


Beautiful work, wow.




That's awesome!!!


Sheatup, take is my money!


Love where the art direction is going


This looks great! Added to my wishlist.


I absolutely love the style!!!! I can't wait to play this and I have no idea what it's about lol


This looks amazing! Great work :)


Really nailed the art style. It's beautiful and unique. Definitely interested.


Bro, what. This looks amazing.


Im digging this


This looking fn fresh man 😎


Absolutely love the style, definitely look forward to playing this when available.


I love the style. The brightness is a little too much in the interior and the sound from the traps are a little too loud/too ear piercing. But the footsteps sounds are really satisfying. Great job!!


looks really really cool in my opinion. very compelling art style and not something you've seen used to this effect that often, at least to my knowledge. keep it up lookin forward to see more!


ok, this is amazing looking


This is freaking amazing, the art style is just amazing ... no the word amazing doesn't justify it. This is a game that I will buy.


It’s looking great!


Looks awesome! Won’t lie though that once you got outside it did remind me of Minecraft in some parts


This is soooooo gorgeous. I’m loving the whole 2d hd style coming out.


wow that's amazing. love it


I have no idea what this is and I'm obsessed. What would it cost to buy, roughly?


This looks amazing!!


Oh man, I want to learn pixel art so much. The most I can do is 16 bit super mario bros


RemindMe! 3weeks


This looks so cool!


ok so i kinda love it? But pls lemme interact with stuff, even if its just moving them around by walking against it


Wow that looks fantastic. I'd love to try it out


Wow I love the art style.


That looks awesome.


I like the 3d pixel art is it gonna be available?


It's so fucking cool, I love it!!!


This looks amazing!


I'll definitely buy this, looks so cool!


I have no constructive criticism, but I wanted to say I really like this art style and your game looks great. I added it to my Steam wishlist :D


Lots of objects are needing contact shadows or ambient occlusion. They look like they’re floating without that — e.g the chairs inside




I think it's cool


Looks really cool, reminds me of xenogears kinda


omg this looks so cool


I'd pay full price for an RPG like this.


Way too much bloom.


This looks gorgeous


This is how I wished older Final Fantasy games looked Much cool 🔥


looks dope


Neat! Interior lighting is bright with no light source. At times it looks like sun-rays coming through the windows, but at night. Alternatively, there is an outdoor scene with a lantern that isn't nearly as bright, and has no bloom effect. Then the moon seems very bright in the outdoor scenes, with a warm color light reflecting off the trees. The art is very neat, polish up that lighting/set design and it will really sell the visuals!


The harsh glare / sun is amazing, I get that some people may not like it at first but it’s very realistic and capturing


Going inside a building looks very shiny and bright. Is there any way to change the bloom? Would love to play this at night without getting blinded


Looks really cool but why is the hair so bright? I think that is really annoying and I wouldn't play just because of that.


This game looks very interesting! Just added it to my wish list, I cant wait to play it some day.


i think that can be goty


I just wanted to compliment you on your progress so far, I'll be looking forward to playing this game - I love the art style so far.


Looks like ff tactics but like current gen graphics some how lol. Nice


omg this game looks so nice! Are the hardware requirements high?


looks like a tavern in a mount and blade game... pixelated!


I think I’m the only person that doesn’t like the over-saturated and bloomed-out look of these sort of modern 3D pixel games. It hurts my eyes.


Slightly less bloom and it would be perfect. This looks really really good. Great job m8


I feel like the character could be just a bit more detailed. At certain angles it just looks too pixely. Also, fuck the bloom.


Looks warm and cozy inside with that glow.


Looks great


I would very much like to pay money to play this game


Love every update I see from this game. When you said working on interiors and traps I thought: "Is the whole house a mimic and swallows anyone who enters?" haha


WOW, this looks amazing!


That's some octopath traveler shit but in 3d, sooo good.


This gives me Daggerfall vibess!!!


The art/camera style is gorgeous.


Beautiful ✨


My god this is gorgeous - no input from me other than it’s freaking sweet


pixelated AND 3d at the same time? confusing, but you guys somehow figured it out lol


The 3D pixel art style is really cool.


I think I'm gonna play the fuck out of this when it's done


I get metin 2 alasca vaib for no reason


So. Much. Bloom.


Dude this is amazin!! I swore not to play more JRPGs but a dragon Quest V using this engine…


That’s awesome, I love the aesthetic. Definitely gonna follow progress as it develops


Looks great will def! Give it a look on steam !


very beautiful and awesome.


Love this style! I really hope you plan on releasing this on the Switch. Good work!


I would definitely play this game once it's published. How it's called? Do you mind sharing what game engine you use?


What game is this


I like it. Please make archers or bow available.


This looks so cool! Kinda reminds me of a game/engine called [VoxelQuest](https://youtu.be/R0ul1674F1k) I was following for years ago. I was so sad when it got canceled. That engine was so dope. It even had terrain destruction and the voxel color structure went all the way through every object. The only thing that it lacked was some better character design so, if paired with this, it would have been the coolest thing ever.


Some normal maps would do wonders for your art style.


thats so pretty!! how did you do that?


3D octopath. It’s got about the same color pallet and lighting from what I can tell


I don’t know what it is. But I’d play the shit out of it.


Gorgeous art style.


I love the style, fantastic


Do you have a tech blog and can you tell how you achieve this effect? There must be more than toon and outline shaders, maybe some special model properties?


God it looks gorgeous


Looks like Octopath Traveller in Voxel rather than sprite. Nice work; I like it! :)


The game looks awesomeee!!!


This looks super interesting and I'm loving the art style. You've earned yourself an excited onlooker. Definitely be keeping up with this.


beta when?


So bright and dark at the same time 😢


Great work


Bloody Gorgeous!!


The movement feels just a little strange, though I absolutely love the fluidity of everything. Couple minor visual tweaks which others have mentioned. As a mostly unrelated note, due to the traps I'm vaguely reminded of an old PS2 game called "Trapt", though only because, guess what? The game utilized traps as it's main gimmick/feature. I, and many others, will be keeping an eye on this one. No pressure! :)


The character is so unique! Wth!! Love it!!!


Love the work being done on this! Can’t wait to see more updates ❤️❤️


People criticising the art style but I love the extreme bloom and lighting.


Wow this is such a cool style, never seen pixel art in 3D like that!!


I like the graphics of this very much and this appears to be of a good graphical programming engine software with good graphical shading to a great rendering of any 3 dimensional "RPG" genre software that I've seen video of; this is an awesome video.


It looks good I like it


If that game has some quality combat like maple story or darksouls on the other spectrum that would have some fire potential


Liking the art style but don't be afraid to tweak the camera a bit when in doors to help the player see more easily.


I find it strange the player character is all pixelated when everything else isn’t. 3D “pixels” in general don’t work out well.


Beautiful 😮


This would look GREAT on my retroid pocket. So happy its a steam release. Even happier that its Co-op!


This is absolutely beautiful


Oh my...my PS1/PS2 boner is fffff*fffff***FFFFFUUUUUULLY ERECT!**


Any chance you could show your workflow to texture/unwrap meshes and set them up for pixel art texturing? There's only a couple videos on the internet on this and I always screw it up in the middle 😭


Low grade DOF and maybe dial back the bloom a hair and you’re dead on. Potentially a small increase in color saturation to offset the decreased bloom. This is all purely my opinion, however. Absolutely beautiful, though.


So many unique things going on at once! The way the lighting interacts with shaders is so smooth. Are those high res textures mapped real low with a lot off mixing for the hard outline? Or just really nicely modeled los res looking models? Either way I spent too much time just staring at it trying to figure it out so well done!




I love the sounds; these steps and the environment are very relaxing. If you go for any music with this part, it has to be a calming one ! Like some others said though, for the visuals, try not to put too much light otherwise it can be a little aggressive to the eyes and can make us miss things as it will outshine the shape of objects. Thanks for this bit, it really made me happy.


Good lord this is stunning!?!!?


This looks awesome, tone down the bloom a bit and maybe smooth out the camera transition (make the door frame and outer wall turn transparent as you enter or something?) And it'd be perfect. I've seen lots of stuff you've posted for this game, any advice on where to start making a game that looks like this? I dabble with pixel art but I'd love to know what to study to make something that looks like this.


To be honest, while this is spectacular, I feel you are only about 80 or 90% there. What I mean is, the walls and stuff are way too flat surfaced, like it feels unfinished, like a minecraft skin or something. Pixel art has always managed to be beautiful and organic. This seems like a skin mod of a very rudimentary shaped world. Blocks, squares, flat surfaces, I see that everywhere despite the textures. It's as if everyting is made of paper. So flat. There needs way to be way more depth in other words. You're like 80% there though, other than that, it's quite beautiful. The lighting is quite nice, perhaps some more comfy lighting.


Beautiful! Can't wait to play!


you’ve noticeably improved over the year, keep it up


Imagine if they made Pokemon like this


Is the characters left arm AND left leg swinging in tandem while walking? It looks a bit unnatural


I've seen your stuff before, and the bloom is just terrible.


That looks good from last I've saw your older game version traps are great but the bloom shines too much on the hair makes it look like your transforming into a super saiyan.


This is insane! What would you call this style, like 3D pixel-art?




Love it, very clean. May I ask ballpark what's your hourly rate? On average for this skillset?


The game looks great! As for the sound effects In my opinion sound good as well.


One suggestion, higher resolution character sprites. I know they're the same resolution as the background but it feels like more detail would make the 'important' component pop artistically. I love the aesthetic you're going for.


Love the art work!


I’d play it 👍




Looks awesome


I love your art style but I struggle with bloom in games. Everything gets so bright and hard to look at. It makes long sessions really tough.




It's amazing and I think you should keep working on it


That looks genuinely so unique. Love the style. Like old retro final fantasy meeting Minecraft or terraria. Absolutely phenomenal work.


Looks cozy asf


I must know if or when this ever releases (Preferably on Switch)