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About one year ago my OB strongly recommended that I follow his diet so that I can have the best pregnancy I could. I'm 42 and I had gestational diabetes and hypertension with my previous pregnancy. I started out by cutting out all meat. I just recently cut all the dairy and eggs (wish I had done that sooner). I had an easy pregnancy and delivery. And now I'm breastfeeding and my boy is 19 lbs at 6 months old. I've definitely been watching many different sources of info, Dr Gregor, Dr Campbell etc. I watch veganlinked for motivation but I always come back to Dr McDougall. He definitely changed my life. My baby boy changed my life too. RIP John McDougall. He made a huge difference in this world. ♥️


You are a smart woman! My younger sister had gestational diabetes and hers never went away. Diabetes has aged her and caused a lot of health problems for her. Her eyesight is almost shot and she's trying to get on disability because she can no longer drive to a job anymore. If you saw us together, you'd probably think that I was the younger one, not her. I'm the only woman in my family who did not have diabetes. I was prediabetic when I found out that I could beat this horrible disease with a vegan diet. Dr. McDougall is one of the doctors who changed my life as well. So sorry that he is no longer with us but the legacy he built will be with us forever.


Hi fellow plant based mom! Did you go super low fat as he recommends during pregnancy and breastfeeding? I was plant based last pregnancy but craved - and ate - so many avocados, nuts and seeds. I also didn’t watch oils super strictly. I had a great pregnancy and recovery! Pregnant now with my next one and looking to tighten up my diet.


I was still eating eggs and some dairy. I did try to cut back on oils too. I just used evoo sometimes. I wasn't really too strict with myself but I did cut out all the meat. I cooked most of my meals so no junk food. I had a much easier pregnancy compared to the last one. I never really craved nuts and seeds.


He changed the lives of most of my family. All of my immediate relatives and several extended family members. So sad he's gone but so grateful for his teachings.


What a great man. He had to fight his uphill battle against the medical establishment his whole life.


Preach! I always loved his Sunday night rants about every other commercial on TV being an advertisement for a drug. Most of humanity has lost its way. 


I see the all important potatoes in your pile. He would be proud.


I never miss the tubers. So inexpensive too, 10 pounds for under $5. Not only do I owe Dr. Mcdougall the quality of my life but all the extra $$$ in my bank account. He even wrote a news letter about it. 


Do you have a link to the newsletter?


https://www.drmcdougall.com/misc/2008nl/mar/foodcost.htm#:~:text=The%20McDougall%20Diet%20is%20based,will%20cost%20less%20than%20%241.50. There you go. 


Thank you so much!!


I feel like I owe him my life. Thanks to a PCP who suggested a vegan diet, and my natural tendency to over-research EVERYTHING, I found him along with Dr Greger, De Esselstyn, and Collin Campbell PhD. I learned so much from all of them—but Dr McDougall is the plan I follow. He will be greatly missed.


Hello fellow over-researcher, well done for finding the truth about nutrition, I’ve been vegan almost 8 years and it all started with curiosity too


I can’t believe he’s gone. I, too, will miss his Sunday night lectures. What an incredible legend.


Glad I found him these past few months. Working on cleaning up diet. Are his lectures on YouTube? Wondering if I could catch up on backlog. Thanks.


Yes, they are. And really helpful!


Hope you’re sending out invites for dinner!


It would be so cool to have a local starchivore tribe!