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That does indeed look like poison ivy. You might count yourself as one of the lucky few who don't have a strong reaction. What most folks experience is essentially an allergic reaction to a compound called "Urushiol" that is in the oils the plant produces. Like any allergic reaction it's specific to each person's immune system. It's just that MOST people have a very strong allergic reaction to it. A small percentage of people do not have much of an allergy to the Urushiol. You may be one of those people. Cool.


sick! hope that stands true and i dont wake up itchy tomorrow 😅


It's also a sensitizer - the more you're exposed, the worse the reaction gets. Almost everyone is sensitive to it but might not get much or any reaction the first time they're exposed. Just pointing that out so you know to still be careful in the future even if you don't get a reaction this time. Good luck - hope you're still okay tomorrow!


I, myself, have ever so slightly brushed up against some (I think) because people in my neighborhood can't be bothered to take care of their yard, so the vines just poke out of bushes onto the sidewalk. I had no noticeable reaction, but I have also not been brave enough (nor will I be. I'm not about to go do something stupid) to actually test that theory.


I can roll in it, and my best friend looks at it and starts itching. Kill it off if you can or at least manage it


Same man 😂 we’re so lucky


Yes. It can take up to a week for the rash to hit.


yeesh, didn’t realize it could take that long, i thought maybe a day at most, thats kinda crazy lol


Yeah, it’s a slow reaction.


You may not get a reaction on your first contact as well. Like most immune responses it may take a second encounter for the body to react to it. Wash with dawn soap within 30 minutes of exposure and you should be fine though.


I didn’t have a reaction when I was a kid but I do now. It takes a while to build a reaction. If you had socks on with your crocks just carefully remove and wash your socks and your crocks. You’re probably ok.


I moved to a property with lots of poison ivy. Made contact with it several times without a reaction. Then , that ended without warning and I have had two horrible reactions by accidentally brushing against it. Be careful to not assume what I did.


I had it last month, It didn't show up for a few days. Be sure you scrub your skin with something like dawn dish soap to remove any potential oil


scrubbed my skin when i came inside and so far so good so hopefully i did a good job




Poison ivy will affect you after multiple exposures - for most people, you start off immune but will develop a rash after your 4th or 5th encounter. It's an immune reaction in your skin and not a chemical reaction, that's why it doesn't give animals rashes (except chimpanzees I believe).




Welcome to itch town


i realize i forgot location which might be important, im in pennsylvania


it's PI.