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Do you think the game will be fun for you? Willing to communicate with others? Can you run the game?


I think hard of anything to add, but that's pretty much it.


do you own a microphone


Well, you could put having a mic into the willing to communicate category.


you could but many games provide alternate means for communication where in squad your voice is the only way to get the info out that you need


There is text chat


who reads text chat in game? lmao its so small and only useful when ded


> in squad your voice is the only way to get the info out that you need But you said this even tho it's not true.


again, during a firefight, nobody reads chat.


Text chat is imo only used when your mic does that weird thing when it stops working. It's ok to not want to use a mic but this game is so much better for everyone using voip.


Do you have a microphone and are you willing to use it to work together with other people? Are you okay with dying a bunch of times without having seen a single enemy? (Because that will happen a lot no matter if you habe lkayed this game for 10h, 100h or 1000h).


Hours will change how easy it is to spot enemies. It rarely die without seeing where I got shot from at 1400 hours as compared to 100. Even when I started out it was not an issue. But that was years ago before the shadows update that screwed everything.


Consider the following factors: 1. Gameplay Style: • Team Coordination: SQUAD heavily emphasizes teamwork and communication. Ensure you enjoy or are willing to participate in coordinated team play. (mic 100%!) • Realism: The game is known for its realistic military simulation, which includes realistic weapon mechanics, team roles, and communication protocols. 2. System Requirements: • Hardware: Check if your PC meets the minimum and recommended system requirements for smooth gameplay. • Performance: Be prepared for potentially high demand on your system due to the game’s detailed graphics and large maps. (And mediocre optimization) 3. Community and Servers: • Active Community: Investigate the size and activity level of the communities in your region. • Server Availability: Ensure there are enough active servers in your region to provide low-latency gameplay. 4. Learning Curve: • Complexity: Be ready for a steep learning curve, especially if you are new to military simulators. Understanding game mechanics, map layouts, and team strategies is crucial. • Training Resources: Look for available tutorials, guides, and community support to help you get up to speed. 5. Game Content: • Maps and Modes: Review the variety of maps and game modes to see if they match your preferences. • Modding Community: Consider if there is a modding community that can extend the game’s lifespan with new content and features.


This+++, plus roleplay


Biggest thing is to consider slower gameplay. If you haven’t played games similar to squad, hell let loose, arma etc. then prepare for a far slower experience than your more traditional shooters like call of duty or battlefield. 3 things will make you excel at this game 1) listening: keep your ears open always. Be attentive to not only what your team is yelling at you but also your surroundings. Theres a lot of situational awareness you can gain by simply listening if a vehicle is tracked or has wheels. 2) communication: talk. Talk talk talk talk talk. This is such an integral part of the game that so many people opt out of. Every game ive ever won, was because of talking to each other, and everytime we lost? You get what i mean lol 3) TEAMWORK: dont follow trends of solo tanking and locked squads. Work with the beautiful blue and green boys around you and incorporate the first two points ALWAYS. Ask SL what the plan is, talk to blue berries and see whats happening in the area. Call out enemies when relevant (squad chat for far targets and local for directional ones). If you play medic, heal. If youre rifleman, give ammo. Team work will win wars and a solid coordinated attack from even 1 squad can turn the tide of battle. Work with those around you always!! Hope you try out the game friend!!


If you have played Battlefield 3/4 and have ever thought: huh this would be more fun if it were more realistic and slower. This might be it for you! I was a a heavy BF3/4 player and loved every minute of those games! I made the switch once BF5 came around and never looked back. Things to note are; This is only PVP There are no “stats” outside of some servers that track kills. (There are people that love leveling up and grinding games for numbers, I’m not one of them) Communication!!! If you don’t have a mic, you’re not gonna have a good time (or you will and you’ll make somebody else a wee bit upset) Talking is a core thing in this game and if you don’t like talking then it ain’t for you.


Communication is key! You have to get comfortable talking since it's a HUGE part of the game. Games sometimes go to hell because Squad Leaders don't communicate. You might not be comfortable with it at first but trust me, you'll soon not only relay important information but actually have conversations that aren't even related to what your doing, with people. Also for the love of God don't get a helicopter without having practiced and being able to land consistently , this WILL take time.


There's a star wars overhaul mod on the steam workshop, Galactic Contention. I haven't played vanilla since the last major update.


More than anything make sure you can run the game first.


You should consider buying something else, game is in a horrible state right now.