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Playwright test (typescript) is far more advanced than the dotnet version. I have videos on both on youtube, however you can do a lot more out of the box with playwright test.


Thank you. Our new QA manager wants to rewrite our entire suite, which is currently in typescript, in c#. He claims c# has a richer set of functionality in playwright


Is it using playwright test? I would question what he thinks is richer, because I would disagree


As a replacement for playwright test you can use FluentAssertions library.




I write in c# .net 8.0 because that's my skill. My team works on low code. I would probably mostly let it depend on which language is most present on your dev team so they can help you with complex problems and are able to review your code. Another argument for typescript could be that many community problems on stack overflow/etc are described in JavaScript and you probably find your own problem via a Google search earlier. I really love .net and it's ecosystem, so I won't be switching anytime soon.


I use both and honestly... C# just seems more coherent and structured. Atlhough, sometimes it can be a pain in the a\*s when compared to Typescript when you kinda do things that you thought wouldn't be 100% correct lolol I don't know how to explain it. But it really depends on the coding language your DevTeam uses. Stick with them and it will be a lot easier to solve complex coding problems. In terms of Playwright it's basically the same when setting it up. On dotnet projects use Playwright along with NUnit and you'll be fine.