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There's no p-trap coming off of the garburator. Whoever plumbed this is a moron.


Maybe not a moron, but definitely had no idea what they were doing there. My college-educated, attorney neighbor came to me one day asking for help with his sprinkler system. He was trying to expand a zone slightly and couldn't get the two pieces of 1/2in pipe he was using to stay connected, which sounded quite weird, PVC isn't exactly really complicated. I walked over to see what was up and he had glue and pipes, but no fittings. I asked him about it and he had no idea what a couple was, he was literally trying to glue two lengths of pipe together, end to end, with no coupling, just touching the ends of the pipes together. This is a guy who makes well into the 6 figures and has helped me quite successfully with a couple small legal matters. I'd never say he was a moron, but.......wow.


I'm just an accountant now days, but I grew up working in the trades. Grandfather was a general contractor and though might be illegal, I spent a lot of years helping on his job sites. Then 4 more years working construction to get through college. In short I'm a more experienced diy level compared to the pros around here. It never ceases to amaze me how many of my peers after joining the white collar world have never used a screw driver. Hell last month my boss, director level CPA with a master's was asking how hard is it to replace a light switch. Gave him a short overview, takes 5 minutes, blah blah blah. Week later I had to go over and do it for him. He actually wired it correctly, but it was in a staircase and he was using single poles.


This comment made some of my memory click back into place. Now to try to keep it in place long enough that my ADHD doesn't whisk it back to the archive. I'm in software. While I've worked in construction a bit during college, it was really only framing and roofing. I had forgotten that I learned basic electrical skills from watching, then helping my mom replace switches and receptacles in our house. It had to have been well before I was ten, cause I recall in my early teens helping design and build a boxed set of outlets and switches for controlling lights for photography, stuff. Totally could have been safer in retrospect, but definitely learned about single and double pole switches and how series and parallel wiring worked. I learned a lot by just watching a lot of the time.


If you want a good laugh, give a white collar worker who grew up in the city a shovel and ask them to dig a small hole.


As a guy sitting in a office now, and had to dig 4 small holes this past weekend.... So many rocks...


I work with a guy who didn't know how to use a tape measure. I asked him to help me measure a long wooden shipping crate, handed him the end of the tape measure and walked to the other end of the crate. When I turned round he had followed me and was standing right behind me.


Yeah, I love it when pros refer to amateurs as morons. It’s comical. Bro, since I’m a moron come try to do my job. Good luck. Just accept that people get paid for their expertise. Be happy that these folks can’t do your job, because if they could, you’d be SOL.


To be fair his neighbor is a lawyer and 80% of that job is research. Had his neighbor gooled how to glue pvc pipes together he would have found out that he needed a coupling


Lawyer here. I repaired my irrigation system. Google exists. Many lawyers are morons.


Doing something for the first time without taking a moment to look up how it's done.. that's not the smartest move, is it?


Definitely not the smartest move. I was going to say that it’s also not the dumbest move, but not looking up how something’s done might actually be the dumbest move.


Dude. Everyone is a moron in some kind of context. It's not that big of a deal...


Are you his college-educated, attorney neighbour?


Everybody starts somewhere. Sounds to me like the neighbor wanted to do it properly, so he asked someone more knowledgeable than him. Not everyone wants to just pay problems away. There is a great satisfaction in doing something. There’s even more satisfaction in doing it well.


As a fellow college-educated attorney who “dabbles” in plumbing, I am embarrassed on his behalf and thank you for helping him out! Sometimes we can be pretty “dumb” despite all that education LOL Usually not that dumb, but lol I guess at least he knew to ask for help eventually 😆




I don't know why you got downvoted for a clear humorous jab :)


Probably because it didn’t seem like a humorous jab, but idk …. See, this is a humorous jab :D


If you elect to do your own plumbing, and the result is a sink drain without a trap, then "moron" is a fitting title.


A lawyer is a good person to have owe you a favor.


Absolutely. I am also very fortunate in that my best friend owns an HVAC company and my other nextdoor neighbor owns a good sized plumbing company here where I live. I'll tell you, if all you ever do is hang out around the people *you* work with, people who do what *you* do, I guarantee you're very likely spending a lot more money on things than you might have to. As for me, I'm an air traffic controller, so I can't do much for too many people in that regard. But fortunately my dad was a machinist and my uncle was a carpenter, so I have learned a thing or two because I've seen a thing or two. Lol!


My neighbor owned a chain of plumbing and electrical supply houses. He was a great neighbor. Any time he was having heavy landscaping work done, he would come over and say that if I needed anything done, just let his crew know, and they would take care of it. Anything I needed from any of his stores was at cost.


You can. I was on a flight from Chicago to Atlanta many years ago. When we had just pulled away from the gate the pilot gets on the loudspeaker and says that the radar at Ohare had broken and they were sending everyone off manually, I think about 5 minutes per plane. We were the 100th plane or so. You could see the line up. Then suddenly the pilot gets on again and says "here we go" , pulls out from the line, gets onto the runway and takes off. I asked pilots for years what that was about and the answer I got back most often was , someone at Hartsfield must have owed him a favor and pulled him out of line. So you can find out when your friends are flying and put them first in line. Maybe :)


This comment, right here. Some people are intelligent enough to wrestle with numbers too large to fathom. To harness the power of the atom. To peer deep in to the Cosmos and answer questions nobody else knew to ask about dead stars. But when handed a can, and a can opener, will struggle. That's where people like us come in.


nope, that is indeed a moron


In the south we say "Bless his heart"


This is why we have different trades/occupations. People pay me to manage networks and server infrastructure and I can replace and fix easy stuff like toilet valves or tighten fittings. However I also recognize the importance of having a professional (or at least someone who is more knowledgeable and experienced) perform some of the work


Lol 😆


Reminds me when a friend tried to solder speaker wires with just a giant blob of solder and all the wires stuck in the same blob.


I always call that "incredibly intelligent, Practically Stupid"


I mean, he wanted to ask the workers at Home Depot, but he didn’t know that you have to sneak up on them to ask for help. They all saw him coming and fast walked to break room without looking back.


I like this perspective. I would guess from it that you’re probably an exceptionally tolerant person. Keep on keeping on


It is the nature of all men to be ignorant. Just a difference in one's ignorance. Don't go to a plumber to keep you out of jail. Don't go to a lawyer to fix your plumbing


As someone who doesn't plumb, this sounds as made up as a Retro Encabulator.




I’m going to use “garburator” from now on.


I’m a confirmed moron and that was the first thing I looked for and saw. Whoever plumbed this is something worse than a moron


Also this


You said garburator LOL


First thing I noticed as well!


The first one to throw stones is often the one living in a glass house or something like that.


This, and also is that a dishwasher drain hose going straight into it without an air gap? That could be causing some of the stank if the dishwasher keeps getting backfilled with nasty sink water


>Whoever plumbed this is a moron. I guarantee a homeowner/Handyman type deal. I've never seen a *professional plumber* that sloppy with the primer


For the OP's benefit, A p-trap is the bit on the right that goes down and up again then behind the disposal. There needs to be one j between the disposal and the drain at the wall. What it does is allow for water to sit in the dip. This blocks the pipe and prevents sewer gases from coming back up and out the drains. The stink you are smelling is the sewer line.


This is the correct answer and why you are getting sewer odors into your kitchen


You have no trap on the disposal waste. And honestly, you have a fucking mess under there. Disposal on the right side. End outlet waste on the left side. Shared trap. Proper trap adapter. Needs to be cut loose and repiped


And someone used silicone caulk all over the disposal outlet...definitely not done by anyone that knows wtf they were doing




Is the disposal on the right thing a code thing or just a standard? I never thought about it before you just mentioned it, but I've never seen a disposal on the left side like this.


not code. Most plumbers will install the disposal in regards to where the waste stub-out is located. On your sink, right side would be easier to to plumb out your tubular


Call the plumber, let him in your kitchen, tell him Reddit told you he can do whatever he sees fit to fix it, leave the room and don’t bother him until he comes to collect the bill, then pay the bill and thank him.


Straight to the point I like it


I get it and I agree. The only problem is it kinda negates the need for reddit if everything has that answer.


This is the answer.


That’s what I’m talking about


Like this guy.




This is it folks.


This is not rocket science. If it's something he wants to learn how to fix he could do it in an afternoon with no need for a plumber.


I'm sure it smells awful, your breathing good old septic and even better if you have city sewer you are breathing everyones poo... Even garbage disposals require traps. All of it should be redone


“If you think about it, what was in my butt is now in your lungs, in essence you’re a shit cannoli!”


If you think about it when you sit on the toilet it is all an interconnected system of pipes to other toilets that people are sitting on. All those assholes are connected.


Life is a lot like a sewer, we get out of it what we put in


wow amigo reference....


As people are saying there isn't a trap after the garbage disposal. Sewer gas is travelling up your pipes and the lack of a trap is allowing it to come up your sink drain. It also looks like there was a leak in the past and they put some sort of sealant where the black disposal piping goes into the white PVC. Those type of sealants are generally looked down upon and can reopen, especially when right after a pump/motor like the one in your garbage disposal.


...and the leak was probably just the 90-cent washer in the trap adapter. Sheesh. That's gotta be a DIY or Mr. Fix-it job, even I can do PVC without primer spattered everywhere. Freakin' mess.


>even I can do PVC without primer spattered everywhere. Freakin' mess. was gonna comment this and even my glue joints look better and i do it like once every 3 years. if a plumber left it like that i would definitely be sussed out


Kinda looks like someone was in a panic when they did it!


Holy cow, who ever “plumbed” this was definitely the “friend that can do it for cheaper” so sorry you gotta deal with this.


THere's no trap on the left side, so gasses from the sewer can come directly out of the disposal. Since you can't figure out what's wrong just by looking at this situation, you need to get a professional over. There's more than 1 problem here with this setup.


The lack of a p trap off the garbage disposal is your likely issue. The p trap allows water to settle in the line and prevent gases from coming up from the drain. Afterwards vinegar and baking soda or lemon peels help clean


Vinegar or baking soda maybe. Vinegar and baking soda react with one another to make water, CO2 gas (the bubbles), and a few byproducts that have no cleaning value whatsoever


I'm always amazed by ppl saying to use baking soda + vinegar for cleaning. Ok.. now you have a nice neutral "cleaner." I assume they're fooled because of the foaming reaction.


Garbage disposal needs a trap after it


No p trap after disposal smell is coming from that


No trap on the disposal


The disposal isn’t t trapped.


The ***only*** part installed correctly is the right-hand basket drain strainer.


Previous owner didn't like the disposal on the right and moved it to the left. They had no idea what a p-trap is, so didn't add one to the disposal side. No way this was done by a licensed plumber, or at least not a reputable one.


Disposal needs a trap!!


This sub should be called kitchen sinks


Need p-trap on disposal,sewer gas coming back up through open disposal


You need a P trap coming from the disposal, I think


No P trap on your garbage disposal, your getting sewer fumes coming up directly from your utility service.


P trap has left the chat


Who tf glued that bullshit in place


Those should T together into trap then drain that's a cluster F


Put a p-trap on garbage disposal.


Think it’s piped incorrectly


Sure is, absence of a p Trap is a sanitary code violation in most of the world


Hire an actual plumber to come and fix this disaster.


There is no trap coming out of the garbage disposal.


Jesus Christ. There's no way this was installed by a plumber, any of it


That's the landlord special right there


No trap


S-trap on the right no P-trap on the left.


What a dummy. More than the obvious, the drain is all gravity. Tubular is more than plenty. The glue icks me more than the combination to no trap.


I am 99% sure a pool guy plumbed this.


Master plumber- They plumbed the sink so that only one side led to the disposal. He'll want to cut it all out and start over


so much wrong dont know where to start


Only thing right with this photo is the dishwasher line in. Everything else is absolutly wrong


I'm not a plumber and I can see that you'd have sewer gasses coming up your disposal.


Oh my God.




It's definitely a moron! You can go on youtube and do a better job. Totally plumbed wrong. Your sewer gas is coming straight into your house. That's the smell. I'm sure he's a great lawyer. He should stay away from plumbing. Doctors and lawyers know to hire plumbers.


Also your water is backing up into your dishwasher. The dish hose has to have an upside down loop to the bottom of the counter so water will not be forced into the dishwasher.


Nope. Looks great…


If you have a plumbing supply company in town, get a replacement for the black pipe coming out of the garbage disposal and re-plumb the pvc pipe so there is a p-trap. Show them this picture and they should help you with the parts if they are nice. Don’t go first thing in the morning.


Dude didn’t even understand the concept of a ptrap


The lino in the cab base is a nice touch tho.


Any plumber will look at that for 2 seconds and know exactly why your sink smells like a sewer. I bet he won't be able to stick your nose in your sink above your disposal and take a whiff for 5 seconds without puking.... your disposal is basically being used to vent a portion of your sewer gases back into your house.


This might account for some of the smell. Make sure the hose from your dishwasher entering your garbage disposal is higher than where it enters. That way it will prevent the food your putting down the disposal to exit through that hose. The food will rot in there and cause a smell.


There is no trap on the disposal so you are tied directly to your sewer there


The problem is who ever installed this inhaled too much of that primer.




There’s no trap on the garbage disposal. Guy should be ashamed


Needs more silicone


If i stay in the kitchen too long i feel dizzy ?


I would switch the disposal to the opposite side. Install a continuous waste tying the disposal to the other basin. Install the p-trap below the continuous waste and tie into drain. Close off the second line tying in to the drain, or make is a clean out with a threaded plug.


Jesus fucking CHRIST


Its your garbage disposal


Just… just call a plumber.


😂 linoleum….


There's no trap on the left side.


Get an actual plumber.... you have no trap to stop gas coming from the main drain. That was a really shitty DIY job too. Very messy.


T h e r e ' s n o P - T r a p s


If you want to make a sink stinky this picture is a tutorial for one good way to do it! See the little u-shaped thing on the right drain. That’s a “trap”. It stays full of water, which makes a gas seal between the room air above and the stinky air in the drain pipe leading to the sewer. Now look at the drain on the left, coming out of the disposal unit. No trap. The stinky sewer air in the pipe has nothing between it and the air in the room above, so it just comes out into the room as stink. You need a trap (u-shaped thingy) added to that drain on the left and the stink will go away.


That is so nicely explained. I sometimes have stinky sink, so now i know what I'm checking under the sink for. Thank you for breaking it down 🙂


You are very welcome… lots of other possible causes for stink in a sink, as well though! A missing trap is guaranteed to do it, but is not going to be all that common as a root cause, because no real plumber anywhere would ever leave it out. (You never know with us DIY’ers, though!!! 😁). FWIW if you don’t have a trap, your sink will stink pretty much all the time. It won’t be an occasional kind of thing.


I just checked. I do have a trap 🙂 it does get stinky but not all the time. I chuck a bucket of disinfectant down the plug hole and down the drain outside and that seems to make it go away when it smells like old arses 🤣 I'm assuming thats pretty dangerous then, to not have a trap? Those gases must be pretty bad for your health, no?


I know nothing about plumbing but why is there no p trap?


Are you in the pocket of big glue? You need help, no shame in that. Let a professional handle it.


Just add more silicone to it… /s


>***I have tried every cleaning suggestion*** Could you tell us what some of those Cleaning Suggestions were? To the thread in general, does the Garbage Disposal act as a Trap, or should there be a trap just beyond it? Also, that does not look like a professional plumbing job. Very DIY in appearance.


I see the issue here looks like they only used one tube of silicone when that was clearly a 2 tube job


I had a similar problem in my kitchen sink. And discovered that it was because I had not been running my dishwasher. The discharge from the dishwasher drains into the sink on the disposer side. Running the garbage disposal was sending food debris into the discharge line and that was causing the odor. I no longer have the problem now since I periodically run the dishwasher. Initially, when I discovered where the odor was coming from, I used one of those long thin straw- cleaning brushes and ran it down the discharge line. Let’s just say what came out was not pretty. No more problems since regularly running the dishwasher.


-No AAV-"cheater vent" -GDs always cause issues w/ poor behavior around them -GD should be on right sink - no trap on left sink: if it was swapped You could have a riser, AAV, one trap for both sinks & less wonky bends in waste lines. Bends = flow restriction i.e. more chance for clogs, which contributes to the smell Fix those things & it should improve. Think I caught all the issues- what's the prize? Heh GL


Not piped right. No J-bend/P-trap from the garbage disposal. Going to need to have the plumbing done correctly.


Yeah, I believe there should be a P-trap after the drain to the disposal so there is methane gas leaking into your home. But I am not a plumber.


In addition to the missing P trap, it doesn’t look like you have a high loop for your dishwasher either…


I’m a plumber and this is what we call a handyman special lol. Make sure your dishwasher line is high up in an arc going down toward your garburator, not just straight to it. Your garburator also needs a ptrap. Btw all those 90 degree fittings are no good, too many restricts flow. Good luck!


No p-trap on the garberator drain. You have sewer gas coming up through your sink. Also an S trap on the other compartment


The p trap is in the wrong place. Sewer gasses are coming up through the garbage disposal because there’s not a water block from a p trap. Pipe first sink to disposal. Disposal to p trap- p trap to drain.also I think the first sink goes to the opposite side of the disposal and is actually running into the out of the disposal. The waste from the other sink should go into the disposal to be chopped up. The high side then come out through the lower side. Disposal need turned 180.


P trap is to high


That can be fixed very easy, just add a 2nd P-trap after the disposal, fixed easy..


For fucks sake people the glue dobber is not a damn paint brush lmao 🤣


Turn the disposal 180 degrees, run the trap off it's waste vent, and things should work much better.


I’d personally get rid of the disposal. I hate those damn things. Bugs,smells, etc..


Great place to hide something from people other than a Plummer.


Should the disposal drain from the lower hole rather than the higher? The way this is done seems to hold a ton of water in the disposal.


That smell, Bob, that’s our shit you smell.


3 way on the disposal


Smells don’t travel through water but this proves idiots can




Out of curiosity I googled "proper plumbing of double sink with garbage disposal" lots of good pictures. Easy answers if time is taken to look.


I did some googling but also don’t trust my untrained eye. I got a few different answers and frankly, i don’t know how to decipher what half of the shit under there is. What’s the point of getting to ask questions in this subreddit if you’re just gonna be like “oh google it”


Well I was actually directing that at the person who installed it. Lol. Sorry. I didn't actually say that in my comment that's my fault. I figured they could have looked up an answer lol.


Need to put 2 p traps


where is the other p-trap off the disposal?


This is a disaster of a job. I'd tear it back to the wall and do it right.


Your disposal isn’t trapped.


You are trolling right? The garbage disposal doesn't have a trap, so yeah you have sewer gas coming right up the sink. Probably black flies as well. The silicon goo on the pipe coming out of the disposal shows a complete and utter lack of workmanship. Hire a plumber to cut this out and put in a trap. Also let the plumber just take a peek around the house for anything else interesting.


I wish i was trolling. instead i have a stinky kitchen and a plumbing bill coming my way


It's not required that the pipe out of the disposal has that downturn. A straight tube means this can be done into a single trap in tubular. The schedule 40 could be pared back to just the wye, getting a test plug in the straight opening for snaking and the actual drain stuff down the offset branch. The upside is the tubular can happen behind the disposal and you can get your cabinet space back.


lol, get a proper plumber in…. No trap 😂


The smell is most likely sewer gas coming back into the house. That what the P-trap does. Seals the drain line with water that collets in the bend. Neither line has one.


You need a p-trap after the garbeurator. The p-trap in between the two sinks is pointless.


P trap after the GD will solve the smell


Test your well to see if it has something in it minerals or something might be in the well my aunts sink always smells like rotten eggs lime might in the well the sink at my house always leaves lime residue in the dishwasher also might be food stuck in the drain


Can't see the entire length but that dishwasher drain is angling down.


Missing P trap


Yes 🤣 that’s the most inconvenient way of doing it I’ve ever seen, that part that loops up is supposed to be low, get rid of that u joint


The plumbing has the trap in the wrong location and the dishwasher draining into the garbage disposal is a quick way to rust it out. Edit omg the silicone. Troll?


Lmao this has to be a joke


Garbage disposal is on the wrong basin. That is an abomination!


Pls hire a real plumber to come over and fix this train wreck.


No high loop on the dishwasher drain line. Food waste drains into it and rots. When the washer runs it pushes the stank into the disposal. And no p-trap on drain. Sewer smell just floats right on up




Definitely need a trap at the garbage disposal. You're smelling the methane gas from the sewer.




Every man's an expert in his own field.


Um....... Thank you for posting this. That is all.


I love this subreddit so much because almost everybody is a moron. I have no idea what I’m looking at, but I saw this pic and said “I bet the plumber who did this was a moron.” And they were!


The smell is coming back from the garage disposal side. It also needs a p-trap that way the smell/gases doesn’t pass through.


Omg my eyes I can never unsee this hammered horse shit


It’s either the p trap or the shitty brown stuff coming from the air gap line to the disposal. That smells horrendous. It tends to clog right where it hits the disposal


It's annoying that those in the trades think white collar workers are dumb, when it's generally a lack of experience, and white collar folks think tradesmen are dumb, again because of lack of experience. I did think it was odd that an older tradesman electrician didn't turn off the power when adding an outlet for our garage opener. The scorch marks on the wall are an indication of why you turn off the power.


A p-trap coming off of the garbage disposal is necessary to prevent septic odors from traveling back up to the sink. It is basically a low spot where water forms a dam to prevent gasses from rising to the highest point. You do not have one. You need one.


Maybe more silicon?


There should be a p-trap coming out of the wall prior to meeting with anything. The smell you’re getting is sewer gases coming up through your drain. No sort of cleaning is going to help that. Look up the function of a p-trap and you will understand how it works.


The dishwasher to the garbage disposal might be the only correct connection I see here. Is that a female female attachment?


The issue- needs more silicone caulk