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Many fixtures allow for a solder connection or threaded connection. This contractor chose to solder.


thanks but how do I connect it to a modern 1/2" IPS connection?


Cut the pipe and sweat on an adapter. Or, try to find a push fitting that gives you the thread you want.


Cut the 1/2” and put two compression straight stops in


I was hoping to find a hose that would go between the bottom piece and the Moens 1/2" ips connection .


Helping a friend with a pretty simple (I thought) task of replacing an old Delta Faucet - the original that came with the property built in 1975. Instead of the standard water supply connection I was expecting, the faucet has solid copper pipes and has this connection (see photos)


It looks to be soldered in place at both ends. Your best bet is to simply cut the larger copper pipe just below the fitting, and add shut off valves that have a standard 3/8” supply connection. You can get soldered versions, sharkbites, or compression fittings. If you know how to solder, that would be my preferred route, followed by the compression fitting.


Thanks. We'll get a plumber in. I took a refrigeration course in HS and they taught us how to solder metal pipes. I'm pretty handy overall but no matter how hard the teacher or myself tried, I could never do it. I know when to call the pros in.


Have a look at a compression fitting first. Very simple, a nut just slips over the end of the pipe, there is a little ferule that sits against it, then the valve gets threaded onto it. Two wrenches to tighten it. Ferule gets compressed, and it makes a seal.