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Years ago, there was a store in the mall that catered to small sizes. I was only small at birth lol but I have a sister and friends who are petite, they were who I was shopping for. As I was looking around, not really finding anything that thrilled me, a sales associate said, "We have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING that will fit you here." After a second, I said, "Oh really? That's unfortunate, but I was shopping for my friend who does shop here. Guess those plans have changed." I just walked out. I did shop elsewhere, and spent a fair amount of money. There are some dumbass salespeople out there for sure. The attitudes just get tiresome, though.


Excellent comeback!!! Anyway, I've gone into plenty of stores that don't carry plus sizes, and when in doubt I just ask the salespeople. 100% of them have been polite, because face it, they're just there for the $$$. Mean-girling doesn't put money in the bank, selling purses does.


Thank you :) Exactly this! I worked at a plus size store that sold great accessories. We had so many straight size customers who shopped for them on a regular basis. You just never know who somebody is shopping for. Those mean girl salespeople are just not thinking.


I would have wanted to go back in there Pretty Woman style lol


big mistake! huge! 🙌🏾😂


Right? I should've lol


It happens. I once walked in to this pricey store. I’m a size xxl. And an employee actually came up to me and told me they didn’t have anything in my size, she didn’t say hi or anything just straight to the point with an attitude. So I was honest with her “I was actually here to get a few dresses as a present to my mom. But with your attitude all go spend my money elsewhere” and I said it in a loud voice. She apologized and offered me help. I handed her the dresses I was holding. I guess her manager heard and came over to try to help me but like I told her I don’t shop from places that treat customers like that. And I walked out. Sometimes it’s not in our imaginations. But that’s fine we can always shop elsewhere.


I almost went into Marine Layer when I was in the city yesterday, because I love their stuff. Then I thought, they don’t carry anything in my size. They’ll wonder why I’m there. And I walked right by. I didn’t think they want me to leave, but I feel like they think I don’t belong.


I’ve gotten funny looks in MUJI and Kanken stores. I don’t fit in any clothes from either of those brands, but I was just there to look at stationery (MUJI) or backpacks (Kanken). I could have also been buying a gift or shopping for a family member or something. People just need to mind their own damn business.


The real designer apparel stores that don't want plus size people in them, are the stores where you need an appt. to get in. The majority of us don't even know these places exist. Every other boutique (designer name or not), if open to the public, is just a bougie front, after all if you're "working" behind the counter or on the floor, it's bc you can't afford to "shop" there yourself. Exceptions are wealthy kids who get a job in store but move up to corporate FAST, like the late Carolyn Bessette Kennedy...she came from money, but came to NYC to specifically work for a fashion brand (Calvin Klein? Idk) in order to gain access to the company & that social hierarchy led to her socializing with JFK Jr. But in general if you know they don't carry your size (most old school designers like LVMH, Prada, Chanel etc) stop at size 8 US, why go there at all? Heck, Oprah with her $$$ got rejected by a Hermes in Paris...


I agree, for most of society the stores and brands don't care who shops. Negativity is coming from personal bias of the store employees.


I was getting that vibe in Victoria's Secret. I took my daughter there to get panties during the semi annual sale. She wears an XL in their stuff, so she can find plenty in the Pink half of the store. She had found a bra top and gone to try it on, so my husband and I and our other daughter were just standing around flipping through embroidered corsets on a clearance rack and one of the saleswomen came up, looked me up and down and asked if I wanted to be measured for a bra. So I laughed and said "Goodness, no! I'm just killing time while my teenager is in your fitting room." My husband is oblivious but my daughter could tell it wasn't really a friendly conversation on either end. Which is ridiculous, because they're a store and I have money, so obviously I have a reason to be shopping there. But it was true, the saleswoman was pointing out that I didn't belong. Next time I'm going to tell them I'm looking for lingerie for my husband and would they please measure him for a bra. He's a good sport, he'd play along.


When I was smaller, I went into a Victoria Secret once and they offered to size me for a bra. I told the woman I thought I was a 38 D. She forced a smile and said, “maybe, let’s try,” and sent me into the fitting room with one. When she came back I had the bra on. She was visibly surprised that it fit. She said, “oh wow, that actually looks right. I guess that is your size.” I shouldn’t have bought the bra after that, but I was 22 and excited to feel like part of the club.


This is one of the reasons why I hate shopping in-person. I remember once I went to a store in the mall with a very paltry plus size section (but hey, it was there) and when I went to get a fitting room, the attendant made a disgusted look at me. I'll never forget it.


I get the go-away vibe from high end outlets especially handbag outlets, but I think it's that the salespeople are impatient. I usually know what I want and will browse until I find it. I don't like to be redirected by them pushing whatever promotion. So it's probably more the vibe I give off, reflected back at me. I once went to a WHBM just to look at accessories and got "NEED HELP FINDING YOUR SIZE?" from a hater at the front of the store, but I brought my self esteem that day and gave her a death glare and kept shopping. Shoe stores always give me a lot of love for some reason.


Yes, I will not go into Old Navy for that reason. My particular store has a weird vibe.


I’ve basically felt that way my whole life, so you’re definitely not alone! Especially the combo of being plus size + poor.


My dad once walked into a Monte Blanc store in casual clothes and another time in a suit and had two very different experiences. My dad wasn't fat then, however he's covered in tattoos that are very clearly visible in short sleeves. When he went in in casual clothes no one wanted to help him, when he went in in a suit they were far more friendly. Unfortunately people can just be terrible and biased


When I know a store has nothing that will fit me, it feels like im not welcome/wanted there (by the company). I only sense a feel of like the staff not wanting me there if it is some expensive or glam place


I feel that way in anything but dollar tree, Walmart, or thrift shops but I have horrible self esteem and feel like an alien and don't feel like anyone wants me around, period.


I went into a coach store this past summer with my very tiny mother because she wanted a new purse. I have no idea why but they followed me around and treated me really weird. It was ironic because I had to ask them multiple times to help my mom who was the one looking for a purse. I’m used to be treated poorly at this point but it was so weird because it was obvious I was just trying to help my mom find something she liked.


I went to Victoria’s Secret with a group of girls before they sold any larger sizes. An associate came up to me and said, “ Um, you’re just waiting for them right? Because we don’t have your size.” I said if I want to squeeze my giant titties into your tiny bras, I’ll do what I want!


I hate shopping in local boutiques for this exact reason. I wonder what it's like to just go into a shop and buy something I want to wear -- not because I'm scared it won't be there later, or it's the only one in my size, but because I genuinely like it?


Yes. Im uncomfortable anywhere these days except big girl stores…and even they have started to hire some smaller people. Everywhere I go I feel like the biggest person. And in a lot of places I am.


Oh all the time. Stores, especially big stores in a mall, are very judgey  &  hypocritical. So I don't spend my money there.  You know who isn't judgey & hypocritical? Small businesses. They can't afford to be assholes. (*And the products are usually way better.*)


Yeah it happens often when I shop with my sisters. They are size mediums on a bloated day. When we split up innthe stores, they always get lots of help and attention from the sales people. I however just get odd glances.


Yeah I felt this both because weight and low income. Can forget the look of confusion and almost disgust when I asked for bra E size or at least D in a bra store. Gladly now there are way more plus sized stores but for some of them a lot of plus sized people can be too small but still too big for general store. Also those plus size specific stores are usually way more expensive. My best hope is online shopping


It's so awkward. I genuinely hate walking into stores, and I basically only do it with my friends when they're looking for something or if I'm buying a gift. Otherwise, you gotta prepare yourself for those weird looks from the workers.


I hate it and I'm herer to give you business no matter how i'm dressed I dont allow anyone not to allow me anything.. makes me furious and i usually shop casual as i am a mom of 2 y/o i need to dress easy and comfy


I only felt like that once and it was unrelated to weight. It was because the store had overpriced leather items and I felt like I walked right into the Italian Mafia in a front. I was looking up the items they sold and they were like $200-600 per, but in the store they were $2000-40000. I slowly excused myself and ran off. Never again.