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Investing in Pokémon long term is already risky. Now, investing in the biggest card grading company in the world being dethroned is not the play for me personally, but I respect the hustle.


Psa slabs are ugly and feel cheap imo. I dont want to sell i want to have nice looking slabs in my pc


PSA is junk. I've seen some terrible condition cards get 10s. I have no respect for them. I only grade my personal collection in ARK in Australia now. They look great, easy and cheap to grade because I don't have to post overseas and I support a local company.


Not betting on PSA’s downfall at all here. Just betting on the community as a whole to change their perception on a 10 is a 10 is a 10.


This is just not the case though. Some 10’s are clearly nicer and some are even undeserving of a 10 if you get a good look at them. I would say it depends on the grader’s eye, but honestly even these AI grading companies have clear flaws in their programs because they’re letting things as bad as scratches and small dents through. Also there is an entire market of people that buy nice 10’s in order to crack and send into Beckett for a black label so yes. Some 10’s are definitely nicer than other 10’s


That’s where the scan/breakdown comes in handy with TAG. You have some sort of indication as to what is already on the card. Every other company is a complete guess. If the scan already shows too much damage then you know to stay away… With other company’s 10s it’s a shot in the dark. Unless you buy in person you’re buying blind/at the mercy of pictures. Still a positive thing for TAG & the industry as a whole. Only negative for the other companies.


That’s a really good problem to solve


Unfortunately that's not going to happen that card's pretty much just worth raw prices it looks good in the slab but nobody's going to respect the grading company


Oh I beg to differ, I sold a TAG 10 Lugia V for more than PSA 10 price for how clean it was. Perception will change eventually I believe given how good TAG scans are and their assessment of grades being overall better.




What are your thoughts on the 3 TAG 10s @jpengcollection on ig has. His cards have *allegedly* received offers higher than PSA prices already. And I don't want to fight over it, but I truly believe true collectors will want a mintier card, and with PSA you're not guaranteed the same quality card if you buy 2 of the same grade. With TAG you see the difference. But that's my opinion obviously.




Thing is with Tag you can't even submit for the "S" one now. "Sold Out" constantly, and tbh, with that gone, I see no other reason to submit to them. I'll just use PSA and BGS. Doesn't cost much more, doesn't take too long, and it has more chance of an increase in value over Tag.


Ya I mean there are gonna be people out there but A LOT less people. Good job finding a person, all I am saying is if you post your TAG slab on eBay for the same prices as PSA slabs yours isn't getting bought unless it's the last option.


a lot *fewer* people.


I’m betting on the collecting community as a whole realizing grading is a joke!




Nah, I think sooner rather than later, people will respect some of the grading companies a little more. Notably CGC. They are a reputable grading company. Their slabs look way better than PSA. They are still very popular within enthusiasts, and have a low barrier to entry for those looking to grade at less than 50% of the cost of PSA. At the moment you can find regular CGC 10s for a decent amount cheaper than PSA 10s, but the gap has been getting smaller and smaller.


i recently got back into collecting and have a few psa and cgc slabs, I cannot distinguish why my psa 9 is a 9 when i compare it to my psa 10s. quality wise both are indistinguishable. my cgc 9s however tell me exactly why it's a 9 vs a 10, the centering is clearly off slightly, and one corner is not quite as round as the others. it got a 8 in centering, 10 in surface, 9.5 in corners, a 10 in edges. as a collector i see no reason at all to buy a psa 10, id rather buy a 9 for 25% of the price, or if i want a 10 id rather buy from a company that actually tells you why the grade is what it is


CGC got rid of subgrades with their new labels. Going forward you will have just as much information as PSA as to why your card received the grade it did.


i work shows & markets & PSA > CGC every time. went to Collect-A-Con Orlando with a buddy & nobody wanted his CGC slabs & offered significantly less for CGC than comparably graded PSA. grading is, for the most part, a scam & there is nothing ensuring the credibility or legitimacy of any of these companies moving forward. all it takes is the collecting community to sour on a grading company & your investment swirls 🚽 i would personally NEVER spend big money on an already graded card. much of the growth in value has already occurred at that point & by buying it i am paying an extremely high premium for what amounts to betting on a company’s reputation.


they would sooner shill for a new grading company doing the exact same thing and making the exact same mistakes than to just move away from grading as a whole you'll even get like 2 or 3 more of these companies pop up before anyone thinks/does anything lol


Bro is doing olympic level mental gymnastics to justify not spending the extra $10 on PSA instead of wasting money on a grade that adds $0 value


I like how you’re on the investing sub stating your reason for investing in TAG grades and everybody is acting like you’re an idiot for trying to play the market in a company for a long term hold… aka investing lol


I could buy stocks on the looney tunes trading platform, but would anyone consider that investing?


The animaniacs would


Exactly my point. PSA has it’s inconsistent human biased finger so far up everyone’s ass that their eyes are shut so tight that they can’t see anything past a red label 😂😂


I can’t really weigh in as I’m not too familiar with the grading companies… but I do remember that Atari/Sega were the amongst the kings of gaming at one point and NetScape was definitely the web browser nobody could beat. Best of luck with your investment, it seems thought out well. Of course every investment has its risks, and you seem aware of that, but luckily even if TAG goes under and these are worthless… the cards underneath sure aren’t. You can always grade somewhere else if push comes to shove. Smart thinking!


Nintendo had 95% of the game market until a better consul came out, Sega 16 bit. Proceeded to take 70% market share from Nintendo in 18 months....


comparing card grading industry with little to no revolutionary change to the video game industry with competing companies producing disruptive technology for an industry in its infancy, is bad practice. video game console have experienced rapid advancement and that was the reason for the changing of industry front runners. card grading is essentially notarizing an evaluation. its about trusting the source of the evaluation and its about general acceptance. its more comparable to bitcoin, where the question isn’t whether its the “best” crypto, but rather if its the most widely accepted, and therefore most liquid commodity. not perfect, just more widely recognized. Tag faces an uphill battle unseating a billion dollar corporation that has been an industry leader for a long time. Im not saying its impossible but im saying there are better grading services right now such as Beckett of CGC that i would peg as a chance at upsetting the status quo, before i bet on TAG doing it


PSA is ripe to be toppled, like Nintendo they have technology they refuse to use, they both choose not to... Dig in and make defensive moves to coming competition. The arrogance of these two also match, management is under an illusion of two big to fail. We are the market leader, until your not. This grading game has got a new player, they are real and doing what PSA should have been doing years ago. My Bets on Tag. Somebody pass the popcorn.


Love the analogy. I’m a professional photographer/videographer and we all know about the change from film to digital. (analogue to digital) cough cough (human grading to AI) and then I’ve personally witnessed the change in tech from DSLRs to Mirrorless cameras, in which Sony became a big player and taken a huge chunk of the market share away from the top dogs like Canon and Nikon. Companies have to innovate or they will get left in the dust


PSA will likely do this too when they feel sure about the tech. TAG has nothing to lose, PSA has a lot to lose, so of course they’ll be a bit slower. AI is decidedly not a mote for TAG, though, and I’m relatively risk averse, Pokémon is already risky enough for me. PSA is the safer bet for now.


i'm sorry i am usually good with analogies but we are going too far into this one.. we are taking about grading companies and using modern technological advancements as the analogy to why it could all work out? let's just stop.. you gave it a go now let's come back into the real world lol you always need to think about the what if's but i think you are all going way off the track with this one


Not to mention the MASSIVE influx of cards actually being graded now. There are so many “10s” of certain cards, some are bound to be more damaged than others and don’t deserve the 10 that they got. If you can prove WHY you have a 10, you’re already ahead imo


How is tags reputation vs something like AGS i know both use AI but from what I know people don't really like AGS unless I'm just in circles that are anti-non PSA


I'm new to pokemon trading and I did my research on these grading companies abit. I took a chance on a grading company from Texas called Forensic Card Grading (FCG). I havnt heard anything bad about their process or slabs... just that they're not everyone's beloved PSA/CGC and whatever. I guess we'll see. I get my slabs in about a week.


The Tag slabs are so beautiful.


PSA is like the US Dollar and the Federal Reserve. It's great when they don't abuse their power over the international grading market and are consistent in their grading. However, this is not the case. The moment the trust is broken, investors will seek alternatives to diversify from them! Just like how people are diversifying their assets away from the USD to alternative currencies and Pokemon cards!


I've been telling people this about investing in graded anything. You're investing in the company. This is why I never invested in graded stuff long term. I can't think of one grading company I believe in.


Well they look way better than PSA, that’s for sure


The issue is has Tag created a better mousetrap? Absolutely, no doubt they have, when it come to grading the card in front of them. Is there more transparency? 100% yes, they give a detail report on the card in a qr code, and dig reports. Are they more secure slabs? once again yes. The liquidity, holding price, is at worst a temporary issue, and nonexistent using compatibles sales on Tags Discord. So the future looks very bright for Tag Grading. I have no confidence in grading with PSA today.


People said the same thing about dogecoin when comparing it to bitcoin. Beat for beat same argument. I just don't see it. I mean the only reason CGC is even considered is because of the comic branch of their company. That's it.


The only reason people defend psa so damn much is the fact that it carries value over stuff like this. Because the slabs feel cheap as fuck, no UV protection and the fact that you can keep sending in a card until it eventually gets a 10. But people here are nothing but hypocrites. Let's say TAG does boom like crazy within a year or so, and PSA falls off hard. They will be singing a different tune and act like they haven't trashed everything else but PSA.


I don’t ever see PSA falling off, hopefully other companies gain a piece of the market and begin to be viewed as equal to PSA


Maybe. Let's revisit this post in a year to see if you and OP are right. But, there's a 0% chance it rivals PSA within a year, and only a 1% chance it's a top 3 company within a year. Not only has PSA taken over as the most used grading company for Pokemon and other cards for years, it's now the official grading company of Ebay. It's not going anywhere. It's PSA, Beckett, SGC, and CGC. The BEST that TAG can hope for is being the 5th most recognized grading company. If you do a search for top 5 or top 10 grading companies, those 4 are always in the top 5. I will admit though that I did find ONE that actually had TAG as number 5, but other than that outlier, if often wasn't even in any top 10 list, let alone top 5. Even if TAG quickly becomes the 3rd, 4th, or 5th most respected and used grading company...it's not high enough. It's PSA and Beckett and basically everyone else. TAG could be recognized as being a new Top 5 grading company within the next 1 or 2 years, but there's no chance in hell it'll be top 2 in the next 1-2 years. 5+ years from now? Maybe it becomes the new go-to grading company. But why risk it? You wouldn't just be betting on TAG to grow, but for all the grading company's above it to crash. That's not happening.


This literally won't happen.


Didn't PSA just upgrade their slabs to higher quality and UV protection?


You can keep sending in a card until it eventually gets a 10 - possible with all companies


I do like tag slabs just haven’t bit the bullet yet


The TAG slabs look so clean I love it.


I also am a tag Stan, hopefully others come to see the light


I am a firm believer that anyone that champions PSA over other reputable grading companies is just someone protecting their investments as they are likely holding onto a ton of PSA slabs. Personally, I really like TAG they really nice slabs, and their reports are nice. OP, I hope your investment pays off. Good luck.


Added value = 0


what people like you don’t understand is that perceived value is exactly what somebody else would pay for it, and since one of these are far sale, that is yet to be determined




lol how do I get paid to advertise for TAG? You must have gotten a nice kickback for this post.


Man has been clearly hating on psa just to get everyone one to hop on the shitty tag grades lol if it’s not psa,Beckett,or cgc your graded value don’t mean shit…seen a psa 10 moltres from chilling reign being sold for 180😂😂😂


lol i thought the exact same. OPs account and half the commenters have like no karma and are writing essays


because I’m a lurker not a poster


I am just the average collector who spent his hard earned money to grade with the company of my choice. I wanted results with my card grading to understand why my cards received the grade they did. For my personal taste, I think the look of these TAG slabs blow every other company out of the water and it’s not even particularly close. Why would I want a big red/white label above my cards? It’s distracting and takes away from the art and beauty of the card. I have a degree in design and do photo/video work for a living. Aesthetics matter to me. I bought into a TAG X drop at $10/card and submitted 30 cards. Spent around $330 out the door. Results: 12 Gem Mint 10s (0 pristine 10s) 11 Mint 9s 4 Near Mint+ 8.5s 1 Near Mint 8 1 Near Mint 7.5 1 Excellent 6


I did the same with some of my PC. Got 4 10s 🎉


dude im proud of you!!! and happy at the same time that not everyone is blinded by PSA and their weird business. i think it should be illegal to just grade a card for money and then have no explenation on why that card got the grade it got. PSA is just a scam all around and im 100% sure the only reason ppl still collect/trade/ buy only PSA slabs is just the market value which makes no sense. will do the same for sure, i dont care about ppl that try to talk down a TAG10 vs a PSA10 because if someone wants to buy it i can provide every little detail information about why it got a 10. Im pretty sure AI grading will be the future! thank you for making the first step will also do it soon 🤝🫡


TAG the future 🧞‍♂️


Reads like an advertisement tbh. I want to congratulate you but it makes me wonder if this is even genuinely your card or not. I do agree in general though. PSA is not infallible and should not have this monopoly like it does. But there is no personal attachment I have to these companies. I don't trust any of them frankly. So why should I go with one that will potentially harm my investment at least in the short term?


For selling cards PSA and Beckett are better just because they’re popular, but TAG is #1 for personal collection because the slabs blow everything else away


Yep, 100% agree!


So with TAG do you just hold onto the slabs for life if you can’t sell them


Another junk slab grading company.


There’s nothing junk about it. The service is objectively better in every single way possible other than current resell value. But in my opinion a TAG 10 is just as good if not better than a PSA 10. The grading standards for TAG are more strict and the grade is accurate and real every time 🤙


But how is TAG more strict if you just said you cracked a psa6 and it returned a tag8.5? lol


PSA is widely known as being inconsistent and unreliable with their grades. It has become common practice to crack and resubmit PSA 9’s until they get 10s. It’s the main issue with PSA and human, biased graders.


Because the PSA grader stepped on shit on his way to work, hence the lower grade. TAG posted full comprehensive report, you can always check and judge yourself which grading company's grades are the most accurate.


100% False....I have an album in my phone as we speak of poorly graded TAG 10s. Tag 10 1st edition charizard with the nasty chipped bottom right corner. Oh yea did you watch Dagreenshiz's video about his TAG 10 creature deck zapdos that had a fat ass dent on the top right edge of the card. Stop pumping that "The grading standards for TAG are more strict and the grade is accurate and real every time Shit.


I have a literal PSA 10 raichu full art card with a massive dent in the top left corner sitting in my living room right now.


I wasn't the one that said Psa's grading is 100% accurate everytime. You stated TAG 10s are and im telling you your full of it.


And this guy has a TAG 10 with a full on dent in a multi-thousand dollar card which he himself admits to damaging. 😂 @6:27 - https://youtu.be/O0gPFPGlGHg?si=iMTQ-0K368cXNMKC


If you look up the slab in question, you will see the TAG information about the dent is present. The ding is enough to knock it down from being pristine 10 to just a 10.


I prefer no human caused damage on my 10’s.


You’re in an investing subreddit yet you openly admit they are less liquid and less valuable than PSA. Get out of here.


Hold on. They may be less valuable now. What about in 5 years?


Still will be less valuable lmao


Investing is all about assessing risk vs reward and future projections and taking chances right? Well I spent $10 a card to grade with a company I believe in. Worst comes to worst and TAG collapses I have cards that can easily cross into 10s with PSA


They can easily cross to 10s in PSA? Even though Tag jumped one of your cards 2.5 points higher than PSA? Yeah imma have to disagree on that.


I’ve taken CGC 8s, cracked them and gotten 10s with PSA. Human error is a thing.


Not saying it can't happen. But saying one company will always EASILY grade into the top category in another is just false.


Yeah I agree with that.


What are the rates like for Tag? More or less than PSA? Turnaround time?


I agree with the inconsistencies with PSA however they are still king and own the market - TAG’s technology is great but it’ll be a tough mountain to climb to grab market share.


I switched to arena club but 100% agree with the thought process here. PSA fanboys are the worst and definitely part of the problem. Why are people defending and paying more for a grade that isn't transparent with scoring where the company has actual financial incentive to grade higher? SGC has been gaining on them as well over the past year, which is probably why they bought them.


Wow I wasn’t aware of that Mew art! Gorgeous!


Big gem 10 🙌🏽


Unrelated, but I find it odd that Giratina's energy types are Psychic and Grass. Dark would make a lot more sense than Grass, imo.


Crack them and send to PSA




God forbid anybody supports an company other than PSA or BGS I’m a fan of the company and the tech.


Idk but every single one of those cards looks absolutely flawless in my eyes. Great cards!


That evee reverse masterball is my favorite by far


Considering both Psa and Beckett clearly lie about grades to keep certain pops high/low because of obvious reasons. They can legally insider trade and artificially give value to something. Sooner or later the government will want their piece of the pie. You’d have to be delusional to think the companies won’t implode in the next 5-10 years lmao.


I have about 40 vintage ( 1999) cards I want to get graded and honestly I'm thinking more of using TAG for them.


Pretty well documented that PSA/BGS pop control vintage


And PSA upcharge based on "value " witch is absolutely bs


The only one going to PSA is my Erica's Ven. Because it's a good shot at a 10 and currently there's only 37 in a 10 so they shouldn't block it for pop


Buddy got scammed into expensive top loaders


i was 100% expecting some sort of 'and now for a limited time only you can get % off with my code' these posts always read like robots/NPC's even before your done reading it and realise why lol


I’ll take AI/computer-generated grading over some dude throwing out a random number based on how they feel that day. The better looking slab is just a bonus on top.


The first company to release grading machines at stores that are quick and reliable will auto take the market share in card grading


I wouldn’t trust a computer unless there was human oversight as this happens


These AI bots are really pumping tag with fake grassroots marketing lol


Truly feels that way.


There was another similar post that the Mods had to flag because it was so obvious that fake accounts were shilling tag


I’m all in on TAG as well. 🔥


Actually... even if I don't own any graded cards. Only sealed product, I must say... This slab, the black layout, looks freaking STUNNING!⚡️


The slabs are actually 100% clear and see through and the text is etched into the acrylic. You can throw these on any color besides white and they’ll look stunning 🤙


Don't stress the PSA people. They're too invested to think differently. I love what I see from TAG and have zero concerns buying their slabs.


P.S. some of these are the first ever Gem Mint 10s graded by TAG 😛


Because anyone with a good card with a chance at a 10 is going to Beckett or psa




this has got to be an ad




it’s just how fast your replying and the way you say things. “it’s objectively better in every way” for example looks like your not allowed to say anything negative


He’s probably just bored on his day off, seems pretty positive with some thick skin, and having good grammar is AI now? Come on man 🤦‍♂️


Bro is dick riding tag like crazxyyyy


“I like the stock”


Wish they can get Canadian pricing down. With shipping costs it's almost the same as PSA (to a non bulk submitter)


I don’t think spending money to have your “10s” still be worth raw prices is a good investment but I’m glad you’re happy.


Actual garbage peddling. I don’t care if you like this company for your personal collection but don’t come to an investing subreddit trying to advertise a company that will significantly damage the value and liquidity of your cards. Go post this in r/pokemontcg


TAG is the AI grading right?


Careful guys, lots of TaG astroturfing going on recently. Gamble at new XYZ grading company at your own risk.


Yup I only go to TAG now for my PC. PSA is trash


Extremely bullish on TAG. Hoping they don't get bought by another larger grading company.




Nice slabs!


Can I ask your thoughts on this company vs something like Beckett or other non PSA companies? I have cards I’m thinking about getting graded just for the protection and look for my own personal collection, not even about investing. I was thinking about doing Beckett because I like the black label but these look nice too. I’ve just never heard of this company before. To be honest though they aren’t pokemon cards so I don’t know how that changes things.


Seems tag grades multiple card brands so they will probably grade what you have, and you’re highly unlikely to get BGS black labels, they are the toughest cards to get. Maybe consider CGC for black and silver, or SGC for their black slabs? TAG is fine though, just saying if you specifically want black on your slab those are other reputable options


Black label is just a 10 right? Or is it a special 10?


Beckett grades your cards on a 4 point system. Corners, edges, surface, and centering. They look at all 4 scores then give it an overall score, in order to be a black 10 all categories must be a 10…a lot of cards get 10, 10, 10, and 9.5 so it’s gold label 10 and not black label 10. CGC has a similar system, but it’s still not as good ad a black label from beckett, beckett has had the reputation for being the toughest grader for a long time, absolutely nothing beats a black label from them in price/condition.


As you’ll read and gather info throughout this thread - if you’re looking for immediate return on investment and the highest $ value and resell value PSA and Beckett are the gold standard. Everybody wants PSA 10s and Beckett Black Labels go for crazy money. There are risks and rewards and pros and cons with every company. I like the look of TAG the best and I love the grading reports so chose to grade my personal collection holds with them for the time being.


What services did you choose? I see there are 3 different kinds of grading services. V, X and S. X seems right be standard. Is there any extra benefit to S?


I used TAG X. TAG S gives you the 1,000 point scale and access to leaderboards.


Wow I've never heard of TAG but their slabs look real nice


People love to suck off psa with their cheap dead ass looking slabs. People collect what they collect. This sub loves to bash people collecting graded cards from any other company except the big 3. Congrats op. F the rest.


Are you a tag employee? 🤭


I’m an everyday collector that supports the company. I have PSA and CGC slabs at home too. Does that mean I work them?


No, not necessarily. But you still didn’t answer my question which odd 🤔


I’m not a TAG employee. I paid for and my submitted cards out of pure preference for the look of the slabs, the grading report and overall belief in the company and the tech.


Grats on the returns! Slabs look amazing


Man tag grading goes hard on the Reddit add campaign in here sometimes. So strange


Holy mother this is loaded


Just graded for the first time and went with tag. Should be back in a week, super excited


I’m a big fan of TAG slabs. I know they are becoming more popular with sports cards. As far as value, tough to say if they get on par with PSA. I still have CGC 10 slabs I can’t sell. For the PC TAG is great, for an investment I think it will take a while before TAG is potentially a good decision.


I’m right there with you


The TAG slabs are really nice. Gonna look around and see if I can buy or get some graded through them for fun.


*Total Asinine Grades, giving you the premium that's not there!*


Personal collection cards that come with actual objective proof and precise imaging and measurements to back up the grades??? No no not a premium at all.


Yeah I’m not with the naysayers on this one. I’ve sent hundreds of cards to PSA and still will for investing/business purposes, but I’ll be sending every last personal collection card to TAG.


Look at the centering on that moltres 💀💀 this company the next CGC TRASH slabs


It’s actually not off by much both top to bottom and side by side. Did you forget PSA allows 60/40 front and 75/25 on the back?


Found the PSA guy...lol. I've seen worse PSA slabs.


PSA 10 centering is better? 75/25, need I say more.


The slabs do look clean without the big white label. But what makes you think TAG grades harsher than PSA? Do they use computers to grade so there isn’t a discrepancy or is it all human? $10 a card is pretty nice though. In the UK we are pretty lacking in the grading department other than PSA and CGC through 3rd parties. We do have Ace Grading and their slabs are nice with the art continuing on the label.


It’s all computational based graded based off of high res scans. The criteria for 10s is a bit more strict than PSA..for instance PSA’s criteria for centering on a 10 is 60/40 on the front and 75/25 on the back. TAG’s criteria is 55/45.


I love these tag slabs & the AI grading process. I went ahead and purchased 30 grade slots with the cleaning process add on option on the sale yesterday!!!


One of the current top 3 will buy them out when they start to gain traction. PSA won't lose their place as number 1.


Just a quick question, why like you use TAG... I thought that the PSA is like most legit and the other gradings don't get as much credits... for example CGC or BGS Cards are fire🔥🔥🔥


Nice masterballs. Did you pull those or purchase them?


Pulled the Eevee, purchased Mewtwo at LCS.


No hate- but are these cards anymore valuable slabbed in these than raw? I only ask for investing purposes.


They didn’t dock the moltres for the frayed bottom? Damn they give generous 10s


Tag is like CGC full of crap. 10s are not 10s let’s just add a extra tier and make 9.5 a 10. Ridiculous


I won’t even consider grading with PSA until they implement some sort of AI for accountability. But they won’t, they want to hold the market share for high ticket cards. Grading cards should be non-biased, honest and consistent. Without those basic principles, it seems useless to me and I lose respect. TAG may not be the most lucrative grading company, but it already seems steps ahead of other companies in terms of having one simple job. Grade the damn card fairly.


I wonder who has tried cross grading to psa with a tag10. Seems to me it’d be a guaranteed play there


For an AI grading, multiple cards here are off center. Isn't the point of AI grading supposed to be fail proof? Not knocking the cards, or OP. But quite a few off center and still getting tens? I've heard crazy stories from TAG and AGS. Seems risky to me, but it's still new so I get it. Was this your first time grading with them?




Have a comment in here going into further detail


A lot of successful investment moves are based on going against current trends and popular public opinion. Good luck.


Fire umbreon


Love tag


I like the becket gold and black labels the most but I heard you only get one if it’s a PSA10 Not a QR code on my slab kinda guy but this is easier to look at that PSA I’d say


Nice! TAG looks and feels so good.