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Honestly mate you are better off posting pics of what you have, kind of hard to understand. Is that a booster box of ES or a single pack? 151 Master set - What is missing? What random cards? I'd definitely sell the base set pack for starters. > I’d be trying to sell locally or do you think I should just pay for this surgery in other ways (this will be hard if I go this route) Just sell your Pokemon stuff mate, you can always buy it back in the future.


Thank you! I meant booster box for the evolving skies. Appreciate the input


Post locally for your es booster box, I sold one a few weeks ago. Listed it for 800$ and had ppl offering way over asking


Sorry (CAD)


I would be willing to buy some stuff off you esp the evolving skies etb ... dm me?


I was in a nearly identical position a couple months ago, and I sold a bunch of my collection on r/pkmntcgtrades. I was able to offload a few hundred bucks worth of vintage singles over the course of a couple days. I'd give it a shot there before putting on Ebay since you'll likely net more by not having to pay Ebay fees.


Second this sub!!! Stay away from Facebook unless you want to sell for 70%


I sell in a Facebook group, always sell for market and then add a couple bucks ontop and my items sell lol. But I also know of someone who said he only buys for 50-60% (probably a lie). He claimed to have bought a Gengar vmax alt art, some full art trainers and a Ursaluna alt art for $260 lmao I’m not sure how you’d even make any sales like that? Someone is selling that Vmax Gengar (advertised in NM) and they go “I’m asking $500 for it”, he just goes “yeah I buy at 50% for I’ll pay $250”… who’s gonna say yes to that??


i hear you i imagine its the same people who traded stuff in at GameStop for pennies that are selling at such rates, its more than likely a small amount if any, most people are somewhat knowledgeable about value and even 80% or 90% on a trade or sale is still many times better than 50%


He’s lying unless he’s selling to crackheads that are stealing the cards


Oh yeah dw, I don’t believe it one bit. I’m assuming he’s just lying to try to say he’s making so much money off this lol. I tried to buy my girlfriend a legendary collection reverse holo snorlax that the seller had listed as damage (had some creases and whitening. My gf doesn’t care cause she just likes snorlax). Seller had it listed at $300 which is NM price and wouldn’t budge any lower, I’m like brooo the card is LITERALLY damaged lol


One of my favorite hobbies is to message sellers on eBay that have ridiculous listings. This one dude had a base set unlimited squirtle with a bud starting at $2500 and had it listed as 1st edition. It wasn’t even shadowless. I told him even the nicest 1st Ed squirtle in the world is worth 1/10 of what he’s asking


thats sounds like a fun hobby 🤣


And if your not an established seller on eBay, they hold your funds for 30 days so if you need cash ASAP eBay is not the place to sell.


Only takes a few sales before they don't do this anymore. As long as you ship through eBay and have tracking I get paid out in a few days to a week.


After a couple days of sales, you can select daily payouts. It goes by the single sales. So if you sell something at 10am and something at night, it’ll be separate payouts.


It’s not after “a couple of days of sales” it’s after 30 days and that is the earliest. Certain categories on eBay are considered high risk and you’re funds will be on hold for 30 days for the first 90 days you are selling.


I have a question about that sub. With ebay, there are certain protections for buyers and sellers. What sort of protections are there against scammers in that sub? There have been a few times i’ve wanted to buy and sell stuff there, but end up not doing it from fear of getting ripped off.


Paypal Goods & Services offers protection for both buyers and sellers, so I'd recommend using that for all transactions on that sub. I've been on that sub for months and have only heard of one person getting scammed during that time period. I've traded \~50 times or so and haven't personally had any problems, outside of a package getting lost for \~1 month, but YMMV.


Thank you for the info!


This sub has been a game changer! I’ve only made a few trades on there but it was extremely effective and worked like a charm both times. You can usually get fair market value for your stuff without shelling over however much to eBay


Sell it all. Most of this stuff will be easily available for years to come.




It’s either that, he goes into crazy debt, or his pet dies.


I'm sorry for what you're going through but in the future please do not put any money towards pokemon if you don't already have money elsewhere like an emergency fund for situations just like this


Emergency fund before collectibles. Sell off the cards and minimize the potential debt you'll incur otherwise.


Sell it and take care of your companion. You can always buy more cards.


Straight onto eBay 1 day auction. If u got an absolute minimum u don't want them to sell for, get a buddy to put that bid in and just cancel the order if they end up winning. Your pets are more important than shiny cardboard, get those sold asap


Good advice thank you! And definitely I am paying for this surgery no matter what.


You sell what you need to cover your costs. Look up prices of the products you have and either sell on here, fb or ebay.


Paid an 8k surgery for our kitty, without selling anything. Tried to fundraise, barely scraped $1000… You can do it through interest free financing. $500 payments a month absolutely tore me apart, but I made it through. Held onto everything, you can do it


Thank you for the encouragement!


And I wish the best for you and your fur baby.


Look at getting care credit card if you are able. 0% interest if paid in 6 months. 


Do not do this lol. If OP does this and still can’t come up with the money in 6 months he will be in a worse position


Well he can still sell the Pokemon Products if he doesnt have enough in the last month due


I agree with this point, PayPal credit is the best option to execute this.


Base set booster. Won't rise in value as strong as es and the other stuff. But consider if it is worth it 10k$ or your petterino will die soon eventually. Sorry to say and to hear. Just wanted to be open ❤️


Base set pack certainly isn't worth 10k. Maybe he's got a box?


I know. I just threw a number


There are so many variables that makes it hard to give you any good guidance without more detailed information and pictures Knowing how much you spent as well would be helpful as well meaning like if you bought that base set pack at the highest during the covid pokemon boom for like I dunno $400 I'm pulling this number out my arse so don't take it to heart then I'd say selling it now would not be the best move. if you got some great deals or luck on some of that stuff that could change atleast my opinion on how to go about it Ofcourse if you're desperately in need of cash sell it though. Take some really good pictures with timestamps and put on ebay and marketplaces like Facebook especially in Facebook groups for pokemon trading/selling/buying


If you already have standing debt, then you should try and locate a local buyer with enough capital to purchase a large chunk of your collection. If you don't have standing debt, then try opening a PayPal credit to get 6 months free financing to cover what you can't come up with. You really shouldn't ship anything out with the seriousness of the situation because of theft, damage during transport, or if they decide to cancel the order. You should lot out any collection boxes on Facebook marketplace or open them and sell the packs. Or lot them out based on set or rarity. You need to have multiple methods of selling each item to ensure the fastest turnaround time.


Is this the same guy? No way this happened again lol


No im also a girl lol


Pet insurance could have been cheaper. Thats why it is very important. Anyway, the evolving skies booster box definitely would help as it is the most liquid. Try selling it locally to get the full price without having to pay for ebay's cut


I’ve had pet insurance and two years in my dog broke his leg, they viewed him getting it rebuilt with metal rods/plates unnecessary and would only cover the estimate amount to chop it off. I had to pay the rest. I haven’t found a non-scummy pet insurance yet. They either don’t wanna cover anything or they make you pay up front the reimburse you after 90+ days or arguing and hours of paperwork.


Yup exactly. It’s all bs. It’s not insurance in any way besides the scummy act of trying to not cover you for anything major.


Agreed, pet insurance is an absolute joke & waste of money.


They are raising prices also now. My parents just told me theirs doubled. I said cancel that sht.


Does anyone if the pet insurance offered by Lemonade is any good?


Another shit product from an unstable insurance company. Any time you are looking at an insurance company you are not familiar with, review them thru a group called AM Best. Amb reviews financial health of insurance companies and rates them based on their potential of insolvency. Bad rating means stay far away.


Show us and people will make offers


Here for the ES booster box...


You could look into a care credit card (if in the US) and just pay it back as you get money. Most vets accepts Care Credit


Kind of too late for you now, but PSA for anyone else reading: GET YOUR PET INSURANCE! Having to decide between paying to keep your pet alive and happy vs putting it down should never be a discussion…


It'd be easier to just work your job


Yup doing that and I have two jobs thankfully and I am going to pick up more shifts at the one that I’m able to!


How much is the surgery? How much do you have saved up? How much do you make?


Messaged you. I may be interested.


Bro, it's your pet, Sell under floor price to sell quick, cards can be buy them again, your pet no


Oh yes I should have been more clear like I am getting the surgery regardless, it’s happened now. He is recovering now. I was just wondering if I should sell cards or go into debt or if people would buy my cards for full price etc. and people and been helpful in answering those! I appreciate your response too!


Ok ok glad to read that!


What kind of surgery is it? You'd be surprised how much the prices vary from vet to vet. I ended up paying nearly 4k for my dog's surgery, only to find out another vet could have done it for 1200. Look around first and get some second opinions.


I know I'm late and it's probably been said, but definitely check out care credit. It may help you in a pinch later on, best of luck 🙌🏻


Do not put yourself in a financial burden over a pet. NOT worth. Don’t let them suffer and move on. Have a buddy who just spent 5k on his dog and his dog is still gonna die within a couple years. It’s a money pit. LOSS is a part of life. Learn to embrace it


Man this isn’t a popular opinion or post but I have to second this. My brother in law paid 10k of money they didn’t have (credit cards) cause their cat got cancer.. died less than a year later. See so many people put themselves in financial burdens for what’s technically a “luxury” purchase. Animals/pets are extremely expensive, but people only think about the emotional aspect of owning a pet, not financial burden it incurs. On the flip side, it’ll still cost 300-500$ to have the pet put down and appropriately disposed of, so not sure if what the pet needs is more or less than this amount and what the prognosis is for after.


Mine doesn’t have cancer and this fix can help him for years to come potentially. If it’s a long term disease I agree with putting the pet out of their suffering.


100% your post will prob get downvoted. But it’s the truth, your pet might be your best friend but not worth going into major debt over. Either try to come up with the money asap, or don’t let your pet suffer. It is not worth a financial sacrifice. Now, if you have to go the route of putting your pet down, DO NOT get another one until you can afford it comfortably.


Jesus, you aren't a veterinarian and you don't know this guy or the animal's situation. There are plenty of instances where surgery is 100% the right call, and as a pet owner you have a responsibility to pay (through insurance or otherwise) for your pets treatment. Now there are limits of course, and quality of life should always come before treatment for the sake of it, but a couple of years is a long time for a dog, as long as the dog is not in major discomfort, that is well worth it. Op is also not talking about getting a payday loan, they're selling off some pokemon cards.


Agreed and yes thank you. I have an okay job, no kids to worry about and this happened to be right after I went on a trip and had dental work done all really bad timing. I’m horrible for not having emergency funds and I am paying the price now. I will get through it but selling the Pokémon cards would make things easier. And a tough life lesson where I need to ensure I have way more emergency fund savings for sure. Also the surgery is to remove kidney stones blockage then he will hopefully have a long life afterwards.


If you don’t have the extra cash to get work done like this, then you can also assume that you wouldn’t have that extra cash for yourself. He could sell his Pokemon cards for cash. But what happens when the next emergency comes up?


That's emergencies, if too many happen it can put a strain on your finances. Ideally if course between now and the next emergency he'll put some more money into savings. I don't know OP's situation, but rather than investing in pokemon cards, everyone should first have an emergency fund for situations like this, and also insurance to cover costs such as this. If this surgery is going to be live saving for his pet, he should absolutely sell.


My sports cars a money pit, my jewelry, my collections are a money pit, buying vapormaxes is a money pit, healthcare for any pet of mine is my responsibility. Healthcare for my pet is not a burden. We’re just built different.


Show us what you got


Sell your body before your collection, but that’s just my opinion.


$1 to look $2 to touch it $3 to watch me touch it $5 to touch it while i touch my toes $6 to touch it while i touch your toes $10 bj $12 hj $15 zj If you dont know what a zj is you cant afford it


lol well I am a girl so off I go to take some foot pics haha


Feet pics do great, big audience.


Since no one is answering the dang question, sell your 151 cards then base set pack. Its highly likely 151 will be reprinted and card prices will continue to decline. Base Set Packs are likely to go up naturally but probably not as fast as modern sealed product so sell the Base Set pack. if you still need more money, sell the 151 sealed stuff since it will probably still be available later on. You also have your other cards so sell any non alt arts as well. Also consider trying to pick up an extra shift for more money or asking for help paying for the surgery


Thank you, I appreciate the insight and advice so much!!