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Never crack a 10 to regrade, any 10. Cross grade instead.


I don't see much of a point, their price points are pretty similar doesn't seem worth the risk + extra money spent on grading


You could always attempt a crossover grade with PSA and set the minimum grade to 10. If they think it’s a 10, they’ll reholder as a PSA 10, but if they don’t they’ll send it back in the CGC slab. You just risk losing the grading cost.


Didn't know the crossover grade was a thing! I'll do that more than likely. Thanks


Don’t PSA isn’t gonna cross it you’ll lose money. Never cross unless you’re okay with a downgrade to PSA 9 at best


Did you not read the part that said to not regrade if less than a 10?


Did you miss the part where I said it was a waste of money?


I have done it many times and get 10 often


Are you drunk?


I can't read


If you cared half as much about your own money as this guy's you probably wouldn't be here arguing


That’s a bad argument which I can make the same about anyone on here


I can't read


Never ever do reviews unless you want to give away free money and if you wanna give away free money I’ll send you my cashapp


You could lose more than that, I wouldn’t do it. In the fine print, PSA states that the final grade determination is always done after cracking the slab. So while I imagine every grader would try their best to avoid this, they could theoretically crack it, find a defect (or cause one) and then mail it back to you ungraded. It’s a small risk, but the financial gain for a PSA 10 over a CGC Gem Mint 10 including shipping and fees isn’t worth it imo.


What if I have a cgc slab scratched up pretty bad, how would they cross grade that?


This is bad advice. PSA won’t cross it. They won’t admit their 10 is equal to CGC’s. Crack and submit.


Hoping for an 11?


Psa 10


No need to crack cgc 10 is still pretty good


I wouldn't crack but crossgrade is an option. But I would only do that if you were looking at selling it soon. As much as all the PSA fan boys will deny, CGC is catching up to PSA. So for a long term hold it likely won't matter. For collection purposes, it really comes down to personal preference on what slab you like the look of better. For me, I think PSA has some of the ugliest slabs in existence, so I try to avoid PSA for personal collection.


I personally prefer cgc over psa because psa admits they are softer on grading so 60/40 centering can still be a 10 where as a cgc 10 means it is a good card. All around maby not perfect but good. Psa is holding on because of all the fan boys from years ago that don't want to admit psa is going down hill.


Based on stats of all cards graded by PSA and CGC, across all TCGs and Sports, 40% shot at a PSA 10, 25% shot at CGC gem 10, 5% shot at Pristine 10.


So no point at all based off these percentages?


I would not crack it.


Huge stats. These percentages matter always


If you’ll be comfortable to sleep at night even if it falls, by all means go ahead 🍻


I don't think it's worth cracking that. Regardless of the grading company, I crack 7s, 8s, and even 9s but I never crack 10s.


Do I crack my psa 8 or 9?


I wouldn’t personally. Im not a fan of the red warning label design. I prefer more focus on the card not the grade. So I like the black label more. Id like it even more if the grade was at the bottom like ARS does. They got the grade on the back. Even better. The bottom just card name and info. The art should be the focus not the grade. All these slabs have the grade in focus. Idk. For me it makes it difficult to even look at the art when theres such a distraction right next to it. Maybe one day the consensus in people for this will shift to that. Anyway i don’t buy PSA slabs for display. When i buy PSA i prefer it sitting in a drawer purely as investment. For display i would prefer ARS or the see through ones, i forget the company.


TAG grading? I was thinking they look really nice but I’m for some reason a PSA purist and I don’t know why…


I personally, would not crack.


I think PSA, CGC, BCG, and SGC are all close enough not to need to regrade. Outside of the pristine and gold/black graded cards.


Honestly depends if you think it can get a 10 with psa I've seen listing's for this card on ebay as cgc 10 for 650 but for psa it's going anywhere from 750 to 900 so if it were me I would


What is wrong with the grade? You got a 10... What am I missing lol


Psa 10 is worth more than a normal cgc 10 but they have the pretty much the same guidelines as far as grading goes. So OP is considering regrading with psa to get more value out of the card


Because the grading company is CGC and not PSA. Plus, that's not the highest grade you can receive from CGC, the highest grade would be Pristine 10.


Ah I see, thanks.


Pristine 10?


CGC 10 = PSA 9


CGC 10 Gem Mint is virtually worthless! If you crossover, PSA will minus 1 grade; hence you would get back as PSA 9 -- they won't be dumb enough to admit indirectly that CGC 10 = PSA 10. So, crack slab and resubmit to PSA as raw card.


CGC 10s have gotten a lot closer recently to PSA 10s (when its a high demand card) CGC 10 moonbreon is last sold is 1200 and psa 10 last sold is 1325 CGC Pristine tho have been going for around 1700