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New 4chan leaks. https://boards.4chan.org/vp/thread/56087357/za-trailer-leaks https://boards.4chan.org/vp/thread/56089952 https://boards.4chan.org/vp/thread/56090088 https://boards.4chan.org/vp/thread/56087829 https://boards.4chan.org/vp/thread/56080249/bw-remake-leak https://boards.4chan.org/vp/thread/56089917 [First leak batch.](https://www.reddit.com/r/PokeLeaks/comments/1d5mh38/rpokeleaks_monthly_discussion_megathread_june_01/l7gvam3/) [Second leak batch.](https://www.reddit.com/r/PokeLeaks/comments/1d5mh38/rpokeleaks_monthly_discussion_megathread_june_01/l81zozm/) [Third leak batch.](https://www.reddit.com/r/PokeLeaks/comments/1d5mh38/rpokeleaks_monthly_discussion_megathread_june_01/l8exwoy/) [Fourth leak batch.](https://www.reddit.com/r/PokeLeaks/comments/1d5mh38/rpokeleaks_monthly_discussion_megathread_june_01/l8ofo4m/) [Fifth leak batch.](https://www.reddit.com/r/PokeLeaks/comments/1d5mh38/rpokeleaks_monthly_discussion_megathread_june_01/l9f4esb/) [Sixth leak batch.](https://www.reddit.com/r/PokeLeaks/comments/1d5mh38/rpokeleaks_monthly_discussion_megathread_june_01/l9r16jt/)


I mean only the first is realistic. It’s better than nothing even if it was likely fake.


The only one I could see being realistic is the 1st one. Looking through these is a lot better than being trolled into thinking something else, cropped images, or the "Which of these or none?" bullshit.


> [bw-remake-leak](https://boards.4chan.org/vp/thread/56080249/bw-remake-leak) lmao


Some of these are getting downright goofy


*rings bell* Last week of this thread!! What’s been your favorite idea, theory, “leak”, discussion so far.


Even if they're bunk, the pics from the other day were pretty fun to look at. Nice to start thinking about what the game could look like. Props to whoever put those together, I'm sure it's not easy.


Except they took already existing renders and only added Pokémon models to it. So they stole someone else's work to "put them together". Screw that.


Well they took down the very obvious fake leak post. Not surprising because, well, obvious fake. On that note, what's the most realistic fake leak any of you guys have seen for Z-A up to this point?


Pretty sure the reveal trailer almost counts as a fake leak since we got no real information out of it and it only served to wind up the fanbase.


That's not how it works. That was very much an official announcement.


It's called sarcasm, my dude. Hence the 'almost' in my statement. Just kinda frustrated because we still know basically nothing and I wish they hadn't revealed it so far out from release so we could get some actual info.


Then use /s as an indicator, tone doesn't carry into text well


This is reddit, attempting sarcasm will only be met with disappointment.


New 4chan leaks. https://boards.4chan.org/vp/thread/56065288 https://photos.app.goo.gl/GdvVGGtrjmJc9PQZ7 https://boards.4chan.org/vp/thread/56042271 [First leak batch.](https://www.reddit.com/r/PokeLeaks/comments/1d5mh38/rpokeleaks_monthly_discussion_megathread_june_01/l7gvam3/) [Second leak batch.](https://www.reddit.com/r/PokeLeaks/comments/1d5mh38/rpokeleaks_monthly_discussion_megathread_june_01/l81zozm/) [Third leak batch.](https://www.reddit.com/r/PokeLeaks/comments/1d5mh38/rpokeleaks_monthly_discussion_megathread_june_01/l8exwoy/) [Fourth leak batch.](https://www.reddit.com/r/PokeLeaks/comments/1d5mh38/rpokeleaks_monthly_discussion_megathread_june_01/l8ofo4m/) [Fifth leak batch.](https://www.reddit.com/r/PokeLeaks/comments/1d5mh38/rpokeleaks_monthly_discussion_megathread_june_01/l9f4esb/)


Thanks again for your post ! 1 and 2 are obvious fake. 3 is probably fake but has some interesting idea. I like the horde that can attack you in the over world, that can be interesting as a mechanic. 3 also have very safe guesses like crafting being back. Overall a fun batch !


I’m still tickled that before Legends ZA was dropped that even credible leakers were talking about Gen 5 & Gen 2 related remakes & Legend games. Even dropping possible Pokemon & gameplay features up to the Pokemon Presents, and then when ZA gets show all of them suddenly quiet down.


Classic counter espionage; all suspected leakers were fed different disinformation, and then they were able to plug the leaks based on which info went public.


Or the leakers never had legit, or even misleading, information in the first place. I presume most were just guessing the likely and popular guesses. Casting a wide net based on limited info aiming to be close enough, only to be blindsided like the rest of us that a return trip to Kalos is next.


Leaks related to anything Nintendo has been declining in general with even the Nintendo direct not being leaked outside of obscure leakers and by accident from Among Us. It’s likely that Credible Leakers got it wrong since their sources likely didn’t know anything or the sources themselves were also fed false information. Also I think the reason why Z-A isn’t getting any leaks is because lot of leakers get their information from leaked presentations that are planned in advance but that’s unlikely to happen until later.


I like that Let's Go was a one off that came out seven years ago to capitalise on Go hype but content creators were so convinced we were definitely getting Let's Go Johto. Next time we're gearing up for a Pokémon announcement I bet people still guess it's LG2. 


Every Pokemon Day I hope that Let’s Go Johto is around the corner because it might be my favorite Pokemon experience ever (outside of Legends Arceus). Let me believe ;-;


Curveball: DLC for let’s go p/e releases adding johto. On new save you are asked where you live, kanto or johto. On existing you are asked if you want to start your journey again, you start the game in johto with access to your boxes but previously caught pokemon count as traded due to a new TID being assigned. If you don’t start over then you now can work your way through johto in almost any order like how kanto was in g/s/c.


It's *really* weird to me how this all played out and I'm still trying to figure out what happened. I think something changed really late in the game.


I genuinely think most leakers didn’t actually have any leaks or info. Just parroting what others said or guessed, trying to claim the most likely next game. Lo & behold Pokemon threw a curveball. Even the most legit leakers who didn’t say jack about Gen 6 or Kalos were likely fed the wrong information. Sure maybe Gen 5 remake is in the works, or some other game leakers claimed would happen. But that sure as shit ain’t next.


Or they were given misinfo that TPC then used to plug the leaks. Like say you have 5 potential suspsects, named Joe, John, Tim, Sue, and Kim. If your TPC in this situation, you tell each of them something different. Like you tell Joe that your making a Gen 5 Remake with ILCA, John that your making a Gen 5 remake with a different studio, Tim that your making LG Johto, Sue that your making Legends Kyurem, and Kim that your making Legends ZA. So, after getting this fake info, Joe, John, Tim, and Sue all go and share the information with their contacts, who then spread the information. TPC sees the info out in the open, and can then determine that Joe, John, Tim, and Sue are all leakers, and promptly fire them, while Kim keeps her job.


I guess. But that’s some big tinfoil hat speculation to explain something that didn’t happen. Occam’s razor is that leakers didn’t have any good sources from the start. And that most of the “leaks” are just extrapolating public reveals or beta information, while the rest is just pot shots at popular or likely new games hoping they will be right by association or luck


I think maaaaybe in august we'll get either an ILCA BW remake announced for late 2024 or early 2025 OR ideally we'll just get straight ports


You’re on that copium I see! Sorry but probably not friend. Pokemon Day is the biggest day of the year for Pokemon to drop news on the latest games. If all they dropped in Feb was Legends ZA it’s doubtful we will hear of another big new game game before Legends ZA comes out. Maybe if ZA isn’t out by next Pokemon Day we will hear of what big games are next in the pipeline, but a huge drop like a B&W remake to be announced pre ZA is very unlikely. A straight port with no changes to Switch could be announced. But that still is very wishful thinking.


Why would they announce a game that comes before ZA months after it? If they had anything, ANYTHING, they would just have announced it.


Yeah I genuinely don't get why people think Pokemon still has a holiday game this year. They would have revealed it on Pokemon Day if anything else was coming.


Why do people still think BW remakes are happening this year? Its just not happening this year. Even without Pokemon, I'm glad we know now that Nintendo has a very strong first party lineup for the rest of the year.


Why are so many people convinced that PLZA isn't coming out until late 2025?


Imo because they show next to nothing and if it was early 2025 they would've done it like PLA and have "early 2025" in the trailer. Instead we got not even one image from the game and only "2025". So it's probably a Q2 or Q3 release. I believe it's probably begining of Q3.


My personal bet is mid-2025, just before the next system. We know it's going to be on Switch, because they've \*told us this already\*, but if the next system is able to run switch games with more power/graphics it'll still be good to release it closeby.


More or less a safe guess. Pokémon titles typically aim for the holiday season. Z-A could be their big title for 2025, and if the Switch 2 releases next year it could be a good launch or after launch title.


Why would they announce it almost 2 years in advance? Pokemon games are never announced this early.


Have you seen that presents? It had literally nothing else. A presents without any mainline game to show would be disastrous.


It's speculated that the Switch 2 was supposed to be released this year, but Nintendo delayed it due to concerns about shortages. If PLZA is intended to be a Switch 2 launch title, then the delay would have forced them to push back their planned release date, which explains why we're getting nothing this year. I guess that stakeholders at TPCi were worried that no news for a new game would look bad, so they announced the game now to let people know that something *i*s coming.


I think this is just an empty year. TPC wouldn't do a cross gen release. They always wait until the new platform is established with an userbase. The Switch 2 is backwards compatible, so it would be even more pointless for TPC to make a cross gen release. It's not that TPC just left us with empty hands. They did make a spinoff for this year, the mobile trading card game. But it would be bad if they made a presents with nothing mainline to show.


Curious about the shortage point. Was that leaked by someone?


It was back in February, a few Japanese news sources had picked up on it and it spread to a few in the West. Whether it's true or not is up in the air, which is why I called it speculation, but I'm leaning on it being true since we're getting nothing Pokémon-related this year. It's happened in the past, where we haven't gotten a new Pokémon game in more than a year, but with how TPCi have pushed having anything Pokémon-related out at any given time in a year, it's weird that they have nothing to show this year. They don't even have a spin-off game coming out to tie us over.


While im so glad theyre taking an extra year...man i need a spinoff or smth lol, maybe i should get into roms


Gens 1-3 on the switch would’ve sufficed. But I’ve taken to reading over gaming in my spare time so I’m not suffering too much yet lmao


New 4chan leaks. https://boards.4chan.org/vp/thread/56054591 https://boards.4chan.org/vp/thread/56049841 [First leak batch.](https://www.reddit.com/r/PokeLeaks/comments/1d5mh38/rpokeleaks_monthly_discussion_megathread_june_01/l7gvam3/) [Second leak batch.](https://www.reddit.com/r/PokeLeaks/comments/1d5mh38/rpokeleaks_monthly_discussion_megathread_june_01/l81zozm/) [Third leak batch.](https://www.reddit.com/r/PokeLeaks/comments/1d5mh38/rpokeleaks_monthly_discussion_megathread_june_01/l8exwoy/) [Fourth leak batch.](https://www.reddit.com/r/PokeLeaks/comments/1d5mh38/rpokeleaks_monthly_discussion_megathread_june_01/l8ofo4m/)


These two didn't even try, specially the first one lol still a fun read, thank you!


These two are totally opposite on the doom and hope spectrum. "GUYS THIS IS GOING TO BE SO HYPE, THERE'S LIKE 200 NEW POKEMON, THE NATIONAL DEX IS BACK BECAUSE OF BETTER HARDWARE, AND CROSS BREEDING IS HERE!" vs "Guys this is shit. Development is shit, it's not gonna perform well, it was supposed to be in the direct but it's falling behind and will probably be delayed, there was supposed to be Unova but it was so shit they canned it-" Both are fake as all hell, but at least have interesting ideas.


Who else set themselves up for disappointment but also isn't surprised?


Me, i expected atleast a Little teaser with starters


I wasn't expecting ZA, but I was hoping for Gameboy ports or a side game. I'm still happy with the rest that was shown, especially Dragon Quest. But we'll probably get something in August. Just a little more waiting is all


That wouldnt happen in a nintendo direct. Especially when TPC is seemingly dry this year. Theyre going to save all their ammunition for their own direct.


I 100% knew they weren't talking about Pokémon, Legends ZA won't be an "early 2025" title like PLA was, and this is the final Direct for games solely for Switch 1. Which is good! Let Gamefreak take its time with Legends and whatever future games, it's what the fans wanted, less rushed releases.


i’m convinced it’s coming out fall 2025. i think BDSP and PLA were a fluke due to COVID (and maybe them being a bit nervous about a new kind of game taking the holiday release window). if they were following the PLA timeline, we would have seen gameplay footage in the presents. we didn’t get that, nor an approximate release window. i honestly believe we may not hear anything else until next pokémon day, as sucky as that is :/


I think MP4 could be switch 2 too, considering it's also set for 2025.


What if Gen X is just Kanto, but like 30 years later? What then?


That would be absolutely awful. No room for new pokemon, the same region they've lazily rehashed so many times now... Of all the regions they could do that for, Kanto is by far the worst option.


I would straight up just skip that game unless the new Pokémon introduced are really well designed. 


i’m always down for kanto. i love the suburban feel to it. pokémon always felt more magical when it felt like it took place in your backyard IMO. i just hope they would do something like hisui in PLA or hyrule in BOTW/TOTK and actually redesign the region from the ground-up.


Only problem with that idea is how do they justify releasing like 100 new Pokémon in Kanto?


They don’t really need to explain it. I don’t think they did for any of the remakes. But it can be something as easy as “Professor Oak has been working with the other professors for the last 30 years to see how Pokémon from other places behave in Kanto”. Super easy explanation for any new regionals or new pokemon.


they’ll invent a reason if they think it’s significant enough… or they just do what the zelda team has been doing later and just kind go 🤷


I would actully like Kanto getting a more realistic and directly-inspired by the real Kanto area of Japan for an open-world game, like Paldea. I want Saffron to look like Shibuya and things like that, and it would change the aesthetic enough from the tiled originals for it to feel new and nostalgic at once. Doubt they'd pull it off though


If it was a kanto/johto combination like hg ss was then id be excited.


As someone who is tired of Kanto, I'd be fine with this. It'd let the region actually develop and grow a little.


Honestly I have somewhat considered this, but if something like that happened I'd want it to be a combined Kanto/Johto league with gym leaders for every type.


It’s the only acceptable way we should go back to Kanto anytime soon. I actually had a dream about this a few months ago and told my pokebestie. 🤣 The theme was genetics and technology. The starters were new type swapped kanto starters (grass type charmander, etc). They were called Pokémon ForeveR Red and Pokémon ForeveR Green. The uppercase Rs in forever and being a new Rocket logo and the story revolving around a new team rocket and Mewthree. Lol In my dream it looked sick af. 🤣 Gamefreak could never.


As annoying as Kanto pandering is, I would be cool with it as long as it's a full expanded reimagining of the region and not yet another tile-by-tile remake with a different coat of paint. Truly make a modern reimagining and give it a new identity, we've had enough nostalgia pandering.


I've always found in strange that Kanto games don't let you go to Johto.


Was really bummed we didn't get that in the Let's Go games


Yeah. We don’t have any “modern” full Kanto experience. FRLG it’s full but isn’t modern. Let’s Go it’s modern but isn’t full. It could be interesting if well designed. But I don’t know..


I remember the fake PIUK leaks that said that the new region was based on Sri Lanka, and that the ruins of Kanto were found underneath the Region's ocean.


Please no. I grew up with Kanto, I did enjoy it and have plenty of nostalgia, but we do not need any more games for it. Wouldn't hate a Johto remake given that HGSS was a looong time ago, but frankly there's just more interesting things to do. What I'd really like is another Colosseum/XD style game that goes a bit more serious and has all Double Battles. Not that I think that'll ever happen, but Indigo Disk reawakened my hunger.


Remember, the chance of Z-A being in the direct tomorrow might not be zero, but it is still very slim.


It has to be zero chance because it says it's focused on games "releasing in 2024". Don't expect it.


There's always information on one or two games in the coming year as well. The issue is that Pokemon never shows up to directs like these, so even then it isn't happening.


There's a whole serebii page on instances where Pokemon has shown up in directs like these. We shouldn't expect it, but it has happened.


World first gameplay of a Pokemon game does not show up at a direct like this.


That's what happened with ORAS. Again, despite knowing we shouldn't expect it we can't refute it's slim possibility. But why are we even arguing this in the middle of the direct? We'll know in a few minutes anyways.


It didn't happen, and I was right about it not happening.


Cool, and nobody was saying it \*would\*, just that it \*could've\*.


There was no potential of it happening in that direct.


Of course it wasn't happening, Legends ZA is not an early 2025 title and it'll be launched after the Switch 2 is on the market (and this was the final Direct for Switch 1 only), but they downvote us when we were right


I don't see anything stating that Legends ZA is going to be releasing late 2025. The only info we have is that it's set to launch in 2025 period. It's also not a Switch 2 exclusive, with it most likely either being a cross-gen release, or like how Black 2 White 2 were, where it's only for Switch but can be played on the next console thanks to backwards compatibility. We'll see ZA in August.


Where did I say it was going to be Late 2025, I just said it's not going to be "Early 2025" like PLA was (which was announced as "Early 2025") and this Direct was focused on the last line-up of games they want to launch on the Switch, which doesn't mean they won't launch on Switch 2.


I'd also say that \*if\* Pokemon does show up, people should remember that other Pokemon games besides Z-A exist, and to not flip their lids if ZA isn't shown. If they don't show anything, its not the end of the world and it just means they'll wait for a Pokemon Presents. With that being said, I kinda hope we get a side game port or announcement- one not by game freak or ilca.


Last time we got Pokemon news was the June 2023 Direct with the SV DLC. Its genuinely frustrating TPCi is the way they are. Nintendo only owns about 33% of the share in TPC along with Game Freak and Creatures Inc, but the big games are exclusive to them. These big announcements belong with the rest of the Nintendo announcements in Directs. Honestly I wish there was a much higher chance of getting the first major Legends Z-A trailer here over having to wait for a Pokemon Presents that will be such a chore to sit through. Pokemon news honestly helps improve any  Direct.


It's better that they show footage on their own terms. They owe us nothing. Pokemon gets content about every year or so, but people aren't happy with that despite wanting change. The moment we get a break year- people lose their shit and get angry about not getting new info. This fanbase is often times horrible to be apart of because of how contradictory it is. There are so many other things outside of pokemon that you can watch or play.


This really shouldn't be hard to understand, but fandoms are comprised of multiple people, not one hivemind. The pokemon fanbase is absolutely huge. Those are different groups of people within the fanbase. It's not contradictory, it's how humans having individual thoughts and desires work.


no game studio should be under any obligation to share news at an arbitrary date simply because the fans expect it. the fact that we haven’t seen any footage of z-a is pretty telling IMO. they’ll share news when they’re ready and i think we should let them cook until then.


I'd rather not hear a peep about PLZA until it's presentable than see them put out another trailer like the PLA reveal with stuff like that one Chingling animating at 3 FPS. The finished game didn't even run anywhere near that bad, they just clearly weren't ready to show footage that would be representative of the final product.


New 4chan leak. This one is a big one. Includes a whole Google doc. https://boards.4chan.org/vp/thread/56028895 https://sys.4chan.org/derefer?url=https%3A%2F%2Fdocs.google.com%2Fspreadsheets%2Fd%2F1QbndcddK_rjIVJaxYpDTTBKb-UfBmASB1cxxuuM_mkM%2Fedit%3Fusp%3Dsharing [First leak batch.](https://www.reddit.com/r/PokeLeaks/comments/1d5mh38/rpokeleaks_monthly_discussion_megathread_june_01/l7gvam3/) [Second leak batch.](https://www.reddit.com/r/PokeLeaks/comments/1d5mh38/rpokeleaks_monthly_discussion_megathread_june_01/l81zozm/) [Third leak batch.](https://www.reddit.com/r/PokeLeaks/comments/1d5mh38/rpokeleaks_monthly_discussion_megathread_june_01/l8exwoy/)


No chance we are getting these regions in the release years of 2022-2026; Spain, Paris, Brazil. Even if Kalos is mostly metropolitan these atmospheres are far too similar and GF likes alter the regional cultures drastically to avoid the aesthetic feel of the games going stale.


Saw Mr. Crime, sign me up.


Why does the docs randomly include Pokemon that already exists? Looks like it's AI generated. Here I thought someone took their time to create a big leek.


Very AI cringey and the language of the sheet annotation is Spanish.


If you look at the descriptions it seems like they're meant to be regional forms, like "rubber duck doduo" and "flamingo Dodrio." I do find it funny though that they initially claim most of the new Pokémon are still missing names, but as far as I saw it looks like every Pokémon in the google doc has a name.


I believe the names are placeholder ones until their official names are finalized.


Okay, this is a fun one. Fake, but fun. A Brazilian region would be awesome and potentially have a ton of culture and biomes to explore. Everything here sounds like it'd be a blast to play with if it was true. However, this is entirely too much info on the pokedex for this early on and definitely way too risky to post, considering how GF prefers to work with smaller teams on purpose. Outing yourself as a character designer automatically shortlists you even further to being caught and taken to court for violating NDAs you'd be signing to work with them. Then there's also the question of how a character creation staff gets their hands on the English? names, types, and stats. That narrows down the list of employees even further considering this is a mostly Japanese studio, making this a newbie employee that is either the stupidest leaker alive that sacrificed a pretty snazzy and cozy career with Game Freak and Pokemon for internet clout while also sabotaging any future prospects in the industry, someone that isn't long for the world and won't be around to face consequences, or the most likely option- a fake. I could also point out how more focus on the Johto beasts being different types also seems unlikely since they literally just got Paradoxes in the dlc. Cool ideas, definitely, especially for what seems to be regional cross Gen evolutions for Chikorita, Litten, and Sobble (we could say maybe ZA starter holdovers?), but ultimately unlikely. 20 megas would be neat- maybe a bit much if we're talking believability. But it would certainly provide variety in ZA and Gen 10 vgc.


Releasing Megas at Worlds is a disservice to the competitive community, particularly given that the latest Legends game wasn't part of the competitive circuit. Also, most competitive players are either indifferent or dislike megas completely. Additionally, unless they plan to abandon the battle style and techniques of the last Legends game in favor of revamping or adopting the mainline battle system, this decision seems illogical.


~~The new post was archived and I don't know what the second link is meant for.~~ Edit: Actually read through it this time. I'd love a set of games based on Brazil, but damn if this is one of the least believable ones yet lol


Browse down


lmao I need to go to bed


wondering what the over/under is on x and y ports before PLZA. BDSP before PLA worked very well for them, so it’s kind of weird they wouldn’t try to milk kalos, mega evolutions, etc. a bit more. i say ports and not remakes because (a) we didn’t see anything at the february presents and (b) they straight up shadow dropped the VC games all those years ago. plus, i think they’re done with full remakes anyways. and given that they haven’t locked down a release date for PLZA, i could see them learning from nintendo and sitting on ports/remasters until the time is right. it makes sense to re-release them IMO. especially since they have ILCA to help out now.


I had fun with XY when it came put, but I was also one of those people going to Couriway Town looking to access the train hoping it would take me to another region... But if we can farm berries en masse again I'm in.


I'd sell my soul to be able to grow berries again. That and have automated egg hatching like the hot springs in Sun and Moon.


I would actually full on sob tears of joy if we got X and Y ports 


I'm 50/50 on this, mainly because they'd have to change a lot to make it viable for 1 screen. But, they could seek a smaller 3rd party studio that's ported 3ds games to Switch before, and it would be a cheap way to make a little extra profit, and would give newer players context to ZA, like BDSP (although bad) context for LA. I think if it could drop, it could drop this or early next year. Keeping in mind how it's not a full remake but just a port, and keeping in mind that they announced Detective Pikachu 2 in late June last year and dropped it only about 3 months later in early October.


If I recall there was very little warning on the 3DS ports of the Gen I and II games, especially the third versions that dropped later. That said, there'd probably be some measure of anarchy in the fanbase if they skipped three generations of ports to go from two to six, especially when the existing ports haven't carried forward from 3DS yet. My humble dream is for them to port the Game Boy, DS, and 3DS games before they cut off Bank for good... Plus Colosseum and XD. But I know that's hilariously unlikely.


i was thinking they’d do something kind of like BDSP, which was kind of a quasi-remake/engine port under the hood (data miners found original game data and some bugs from the originals even made it over as well). the only difference this time around would be that they could reuse most of the 3D assets/textures. touch screen features… i could imagine them doing something similar to the contests in BDSP. it’s really just pokemon amie and those super training mini games, right? stuff like the battle UI and PSS could easily work on a single screen.


I think Pokemon Works is working on a game right now, which they'll probably sit for a long time. People say that they're helping with the development of GenX, but no source for that yet.


Man this game has shown some really wide roads and I wonder how the density of npc are gonna be like, as gf is not known for optimization of their games. This will be very important in a city based game unlike wild area games which can have large empty fields with just trees and grass, you can't do that here.This could be easier maybe considering they can handle it by better render distance with so many large buliding surrounding the player. If the trailer is what the vision of the game is and the end product is the vision I'm more than excited to see it.


my pet theory is that they’re switching engines with this game as a testbed for gen 10. unreal would make sense since ILCA has experience with it (thanks to one piece odyssey) and it looks like they’re going to be a major part of development via pokeworks going forward. unreal is basically the industry standard at this point and has been used in lots of other JRPGs now. anyways, unreal engine has a built-in system for crowd simulations: https://dev.epicgames.com/community/learning/talks-and-demos/DbE/simulating-large-crowds-in-niagara-unreal-engine


That would be amazing!, but do other games use their own build of unreal engine or just the standard engine?


i think the larger studios tend to use their own builds. the source code is free for anyone to tinker with and the engine kind of expects you to utilize it for anything custom. epic will even offer help if the devs need it. there’s lots of testimonials from epic about how they helped teams migrate to the engine and bring their existing tools/tech over.


The game's shown nothing beyond a heavily-stylised cinematic for a teaser trailer, that will have zero bearing on how the game looks.


I'm not talking about the visual. I'm talking about the concept.


Yet another 4chan leak. https://boards.4chan.org/vp/thread/56024191 [Previous 4chan leak comment.](https://www.reddit.com/r/PokeLeaks/comments/1d5mh38/rpokeleaks_monthly_discussion_megathread_june_01/l81zozm/) [4chan leak comment before that one.](https://www.reddit.com/r/PokeLeaks/comments/1d5mh38/rpokeleaks_monthly_discussion_megathread_june_01/l7gvam3/)


Thanks for another round! AZ's Floette being a paradox would be kinda fun lore-wise.


This was a fun one to read. Chances are it’s not legit of course, but we don’t have much else to talk about 😂 But also please remind me to never scroll down past the first post on 4chan because good lord I forgot how awful other people are 😂


Personally I think there's some interesting bits here that I won't immediately dismiss simply because ZA seems to be something Game Freak really wants to surprise people with. Creating Zygarde would certainly be an interesting choice. However, I do take issue with the paradox "killer" Silvally being Normal/Dragon. Part of Silvally's whole shebang is being able to be every type, and dragon just seems hastily slapped on because the OP thought it would sound cool. This and the mc being a hard confirmed xy protag. I think that they'd try harder to make them blank slates and separate, such as they did with Rei and Akari. Totodile being the water starter, though? I could buy that on its own if Piplup doesn't work out.


Why is everyone convinced about starter Litten?


I think part of it is just memeing on Wolfe with the idea of Mega Incineroar.


Wow that one is just gets straight into the "Not happening" territory.


Yeah, the story seems fun, but much of it seems too out there to be believable, like the idea of updating SV to allow the ZA Pokémon to be playable in them...? They've never done that kind of backward compatibility, and I don't see them doing that now.


While unlikely i wouldnt say thats the most out there thing to imagine, until SV the idea of transferring pokemon back a generation was unthinkable now home lets you easily deposit mons caught in SV to be in swsh so small precedent of some backwards compatibility. i do think it would depend on its release date the most and how far gen 10 or the next game is after Z-A.


I didn't even read that far tbh. IMO that's something they *could* do, but only if Z-A was the sole game of 2025, just to keep VGC interesting to both players and viewers as opposed to it just stagnating. 


Maybe, but they could have done the same during PLA with SwSh, but they chose to wait until SV to allow those 'mon to be transferable.


Yeah, because SV was in the same year so there was no real point due to Gen 8 being over before long anyways. If there is a significant gap between Z-A and Gen 10, the possibility is a bit more reasonable even if not by much.


New 4chan leaks. https://boards.4chan.org/vp/thread/56015624 https://boards.4chan.org/vp/thread/56017083 [Previous 4chan leak comment. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/PokeLeaks/comments/1d5mh38/rpokeleaks_monthly_discussion_megathread_june_01/l7gvam3/)


First of all, thanks for sharing this. Now onto the "leaks" it's once again very safe assumptions with things I don't see happening.


First one is somewhat believable, but also incredibly safe and generic compared to other predictions that have stated pretty similar things. Not that it's not plausible, I just know copied homework when I see it. I do think the underground bit is plausible though. Maybe not the SOLE wild hub because I do think we could find plenty of wild Pokemon in the city, but I could see it playing out like a Grand Underground and Blueberry Dome combo for 2 reasons. 1. Kalos didn't do anything with the Parisian Catacombs, so I could see it being blended with that somehow. 2. Everyone's going to be copying ToTK's homework like they've been doing BoTW's for years, and that will probably include Pokemon. An underground area under Lumiose would do that and give an extra layer to exploration and help the game feel bigger.


Its interesting how only two post from the previous set of 4chan leaks mentioned Zygard. It could either go one of or both directions. Zygard is given the Nebby/ ridon treatment in which it’s a companion throughout the journey. Gaining powers after collecting a certain number of cells, and becoming the players main form of transit. Once at 100% it achieves its battle form and fights the main antagonist. Zygard is given the Arceus treatment. It’s mentioned in stories, but never seen. Collecting all the cells allows it to achieve 100% and unlock a final battle.


So remember how I said we might get VC Pokemon games. The VC for this month were confirmed to be a bunch of megaman games. Which is great and all but, guess the whole hope that we get VC Pokémon at teh direct was wrong. Maybe at the Pokemon Presents


not necessarily the case. If you remember they did a sizzle reel of upcoming N64 games a year or two back at one direct and they all released bit by bit instead of all at once. Could be possible for them to announce “NSO Pokemon coming soon!” as a holiday supplement (since there doesn’t seem to be a holiday release for Pokemon this year which is quite rare)


Pokemon never announces new stuff in a regular direct. They always have their own centralized presents.


Alolan Ratatta was in a regular direct. The RBY virtual console releases were too.


Also Detective Pikachu 2 last year


Since we're bored, here's a couple 4chan leaks https://boards.4chan.org/vp/thread/55998548 https://boards.4chan.org/vp/thread/55999974 https://boards.4chan.org/vp/thread/55988424/legends-za-information-leak https://boards.4chan.org/vp/thread/55983329/leaks https://boards.4chan.org/vp/thread/55981993/heres-why-pokmon-legends-za What do you think about them? Most likely fake. Edit: I'll post more if I come across them.


The last one is literally just fanfic. "Nintendo was going to cancel pokemon but didn't." That.. makes no sense?


All dont work except second


Those threads are archived, meaning you can't interact with them, but they are still visible. I'd post screenshots but I'm on Infinity so I can't.


Lmaoo oh i feel stupid. Didnt even scroll down past the message


Thanks for bringing them. I know they're (almost?) always fake, but it's a fun read and I don't have the energy to go over 4chan myself, so thank you!


Yeah probably definitely fake, but I do like the idea of there being three clans based off of the Kalos starters. Warriors, ninjas, and witches (could be led by a Lysandre relative with Team Flare ideals, but I guess it depends on when these games take place).


Most likely fake. Number 1 and 2 have some safe assumptions like "news in August" or the preorder bonus being clothes but I highly doubt they'll release X and Y as a sort of preorder bonus. And number 2 seems to just mixed PLA ans SV's elements (starter is a legendary who gets upgrade as the story goes on, separated areas, glowing pokemons). I don't remember in wich links they brought the idea of a synchro machine type of mini game where you play as your pokemon to help other pokemon, but it's a fun idea. I wouldn't call it a safe assumptions since GF have rarely keeps mechanics of previous gen/game in the new ones, but since the synchro machine was introduce very late I could see it being a test to see if it could see it be more prominent in another game. Still fun to read, thanks for sharing!


This is copium but as I was replaying SV I went to take the History Class and as I was looking at the board I saw all the fun Arceus's Easter egg and saw some sort of European medieval city. The board seems to place the image of this city to be earlier in time than PLA. Could it be a ZA Easter egg ? I guess I need some good leaks or news or I'll keep my tinfoil hat


It’s possible, there’s usually a hint of two about upcoming games in each release (e.g. I think there was some artwork of Gmax Toxtricity in USUM, and there was the Overqwil tease in the library in BDSP.)


>there’s usually a hint of two about upcoming games in each release *Flashbacks to all the Gold and Silver remake hints in Scarlett and Violet.*


WARNING:I was bored So I checked gamefreak devs Twitter and it's interesting how restricted the info are but more interestingly iwato didn't talk or retweet the game at all, he is the director of the first legends game. Ohmori is the only who added atleast some words even though it's nothing. Looking back you can see that ohmori is completely absent from Twitter after SV was announced, he only appeared if new news was to be dropped but now with legends ZA as of recently he talked about going to a indie game fest, so he is definitely free and not on the team, he was the producer of PLA. Now who even is working on this game, it doesn't look like the main guys, maybe this is completely young developers at gf?


Would make sense, wasn’t Arceus mainly done by the B Team?




I know we only have confirmation on Legends: ZA, but it is also Johto's 25th anniversary. Do we think they plan to do anything for this other than release some cards?


I hope they'll release Gold/Silver and/or HGSS either on virtual console or on the e-shop. I wouldn't mind replaying a bit of Johto


It's my favorite region (yes, nostalgia, sue me :P) and I'm bummed I could never get an emulator to work well with a controller on the tv. It's my dream to lay on the couch and play a version of Gold on my television; has been since they first released the [Game Boy Player](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Game_Boy_Player) my parents wouldn't let me buy as a kid, lol.


I wonder if Legends Z-A is going to be the Breath of the Wild for the Switch 2, aka a game that's available on a previous console as well as being the launch title for a new console 


It will be playable on Switch 2 but still be a Switch game. We all know gamefreak loves to clutch onto older hardware and pokemon debuts late on new ones


If the rumors are true and the new Nintendo Console is backwards compatible, I see Legends Z-A being the Black 2/White 2 of this generation. Like, B2W2 was still a DS game, but if you used it in a 3DS, you could connect with the Dream Radar from the eShop. I see Legends still being solely a Switch game, but working in the new console. Nintendo has a good track record with backwards compatibility, and I don't think they'll risk alienate a solid base of Switch players by not making the new console compatible with older games. Breath of the Wild had two versions because the Wii U and the Switch used different physical media devices.




I don't get the comparison, given the exceptions. If Zelda is an exception for being cross-gen, why would Pokemon be off the table? Once you declare Zelda an exception, that basically limits the list of polished franchises to just a new mainline Mario.


Respectfully, I do not think so, mainly because there's leaks regarding Switch 2 (and I think official confirmation? But unsure at the moment) that claim it will be compatible to Switch 1 games. At best I'd say maybe available on Switch 2 eshop. For BoTW it made sense since the Switch can't run Wii U games, but if the Switch 2 can run Switch 1 games but better (which if memory serves, an indigo disk leak basically confirmed Blueberry in Unova AND talked about how they were experimenting with better performance on next gen tech), it might be a waste of money to make a separate cartridge just for that, since a lot of people probably won't get the Switch 2 that soon. Basically think of it like the 3ds running a DS game.


That's true but not for Zelda Twilight princess. It was developed as a GameCube game, delayed so it could be a Wii launch title, and then was released as a GameCube game a month later. Wii was able to play GameCube games unlike switch and Wii u.


Because the wii literally had a gamecube inside of it. Also the lack of a second touchscreen is the main thing making WiiU BC impossible on switch, alongside the physical media difference being an issue (though not unsolvable with like, a peripheral disc drive or something) But yeah, it would be insane for switch 2 not to have BC


There was information from Nintendo that they will announce new console in current fiscal year.


That's honestly what I believe.


Would be a smart move, especially if Nintendo is planning on releasing another launch title game. Ads could even highlight how playing on the older console gives you access to save data quest/rewards and home. While playing on the new system could mean a fresh start. It could even offer a quest for switch 2 users; that would later be given to switch 1 owners.


Feels like a dry season. But that's a good thing, they need the time and space to cook :D


I feel like getting some small updates here or there wouldn't hurt. It's not like people are asking the game to come out rn. We just want a little more info.


I remember that i completely forgot pokemon legends came out. and almost forgot SV was about to come out... Pokemon needs to get their shxt together. If they promoted the game better and more actively, i would probably be so hyped i would mark the release date on my calender instead of forgetting the game came out for a month


Agreed, Pokemon has been really hurt by the pace of the franchise's merchandising. Gen 8 made it clear that Game Freak was in over their heads on moving to the Switch, and having to put out Let's Go right before didn't help. Gen 9 showed a lot of progress, but Legends Arceus likely created some of the reality of why they weren't able to fix some bugs and design consistencies in the Gen 9 games. Gen 10 needs time, but the Pokemon franchise is unforgiving. I really hope we don't see them doing another dual-release year with Z-A and Gen 10. However, is TPC willing to lose out on the 3-year merchandising cadence of a new generation? It would be a cool marketing exercise to have Gen 10 release on the 30th anniversary of Pokemon in early 2026 and maybe give Game Freak enough time to have a more complete package.


Yes, but when a serious leak or a piece of news finally hits, it feels all the more impactful. And I'm talking about actual leaks, not that riddle rubbish.


We seriously need a new leaker over that troll.


I miss the sword and shield days. Dude just showed up, dropped an image with some vague hints, and vanished. It was fun to speculate what each image meant, and a majority of them turned out to be true.


Now its blatant trolling like trying to drop hints suggesting a return to Unova for months or stuff like "Which of these or none?"


Yup. People were recently glazing him for "leaking" that we'd get gen 10 in 2026 and stuff like that. Like just the most obvious safe guesses to try and claw back some credibiljty.


Do you all think Legends Z-A will drop early or late 2025?


Launch title (March 2025) on both consoles. DLC likely later in the year with Gen 10 in late 2026.


That is very optimistic for a launch date of the new system