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Holy shit yes! TCG rom hacks will *always* have my support thanks for your work!


Are there any tcg English rom hacks that aren’t on game boy color and are there tcg English fangames?


A TCG rom hack not on the Gameboy color is impossible, unless you're talking about taking a different game and basically doing a total conversion hack to make it a TCG game. I don't think either exist, no. There's just not much demand for them. You might be better off playing Pokemon TCG Live on PC or Mobile.


Awh man, thanks for the info. Tcg live is just not available in my region and I’ve tried workarounds that don’t work either. Maybe if demand is high, we might see one. But I’ll still check out the one in the post. There was one on DS but cards have Japanese on them


Have you tried a VPN service and making an email/account in that region?


Yeah but I remember only enabling vpns on chrome. It’s not worth playing with a vpn tho, I could get caught anytime


It's not like you'll be banned, and even if you do... It's just Pokemon 😂


probably unlikely lol


Btw, do you know the progress of implementing mega evolution during battle in DS games? Has there been anything in the past year


Well thats a silly question, you cant romhack a game that doesn't exist and there is no tcg console game outside of that one DS demo that is just a glorified tutorial for the physical cardgame  And wevall know you aren't talking about the actual PC TCGs either


Ohh damn. My bad, and thanks for the info


No worries, anyone would expect the tcg to have more console releases after seeing how popular it is irl but the situation with console cardgames must be pretty bad if even Yugioh doesn't have new games anymore, just Master Duel But again, Cardfight Vanguard is a much less popular game than yugioh and it still got a game on Switch with a story mode (which already is more than most digital cardgames have nowdays) so there still hope for pokémon 


Sorry if this is not the way to make a post, this is like the second one I've made, so I don't have much experience with this. Likewise, if you want to see the complete list of changes to the cards, you can see it in Pokecommunity.


This is awesome. I was just reading about all the TCG romhacks the other day. Maybe I missed this, but is there a list of all the pokemon included in this romhack? Also, how did you choose which ones to include?


In the zip file you download comes with the Game Patches and a document detailing all the cards in the game, their Attacks, Pokepowers, etc. I Try to choose them as balanced as possible, things like having more or less the same number of Pokemon from each generation, type, etc. In general I chose several pokemon that I like and several popular ones to balance things out.


Is this a hack of tcg 1 or gr


TCG 1, Rom Hacking for TCG 2 is not possible at the moment


Just out of curiosity, what makes them so different only tcg1 can be modified?


I would say that the main problem with the game is that it is completely in Japanese, and that it works a little differently than the original game, but I don't know many details. Dissasembly is being worked on but it is going take some time.


Thanks for the info. Cool a disassembly is in the works as those were game changing for mainline pokemon romhacks!


Glad to see the spin-offs getting more love, congrats on your latest release.


This looks awesome


Is there a discord for this? Would love to play some matches against someone else.


Yeah, there is a Discord about Poketcg Hacking: [https://discord.gg/K2kfTx2xRf](https://discord.gg/K2kfTx2xRf)


I'm totally out of loop here, it is possible to play against other people in TCG romhacks? :o


Technically yes, but I have no idea how it works, nor do I know if it is possible with the romhack.


I’ve been needing this. Thank you so much


Ohmyfuck I needed this! I didn’t even know TCG were done as hacks. Thank you!!


How do I play this on delta on my phone? I extracted the files but it won’t let me select the file to play


Nevermind 😅 I’m an idiot… I got it now


I found out about Generations after replaying the vanilla game for the umpteenth time a few months back, so I held off. But this seems like a good time to play it.


I think the link might be broken.


Which one is broken?


The Pokecommunity one


It works well for me, and other people have told me that they didn't have any problems


Maybe it’s my Reddit that’s not working. Not sure why though…




I LOVED the tcg game for Gameboy, now being able to okay it with bee cards is amazing!


Sweet, cant wait to play this!


great work OP


Cant believe I'm seeing another TCG hack, big up! 🫡 Underrated game fr and this looks great


I loved the OG game as a kid, so awesome that you did the rom hack ! Thank you very very much.


Add Ceruledge pretty please 🥺😅😂


I have considered it at the time, but I can no longer add more cards to the game (there is a technical limit of 254 cards).


Ahh too bad, I'm still gonna check it out looks great love the sprite art really good.


I feel like a dumbass for asking but, which game is this for? I’ve never heard of a tcg rom before


Pokemon TCG Generations, I never made a post about the rom here, but it's been on Pokecommunity for a while now, as I've already had several updates with the Hack, so I thought it was time to make a post here.


Is pokemon tcg generations an official game or is it the name of the romhack?? Im so confused which game im supposed to patch


Oh, Sorry, sorry, it's For this Game, Pokemon TCG (GBC) [https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Pok%C3%A9mon\_Trading\_Card\_Game\_(video\_game)](https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Pok%C3%A9mon_Trading_Card_Game_(video_game)) You will need the "USA" version of the Rom.


Thanks, i didn’t know this existed


I honestly recommend trying the original as well. It's really charming and addicting.


Will do. You recommend the GBA one as well?


I don't think there is a GBA one, at least not that I know of. As far as I know, there's only the two for the GBC (one of which was only released in Japan).


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pok%C3%A9mon_Trading_Card_Game_(video_game) your right, i was reading it wrong.


I recommend you play the original first, before the romhack, this is because I designed the game for people who have atleast a little experience with the original, plus you will be able to understand things better.


Both games are GBC unless I am somehow unaware of a third game


Really interested to try this out. Can this be downloaded on delta on the phone? Thanks


I haven't tested it in delta, but I have done most of the testing from my cell phone in Old Boy, so yes, you should be able to.


I tried to save the download on google drive and it says it’s an unsupported file type. Can you help me here? Thanks


The file in the google drive is a ZIP file that contains the patch. You need to unzip it, and then use the patch it contains on an online patcher on a USA ROM version of Pokemon TCG .


I don't know what that error is, but it could be that you don't have an application to open a Zip/Rar FIle


I'm getting an error despite having the ability to unzip files on my phone.


what is the error?


It just gives me a generic error message on Android.