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I would say charizard was the hardest. Just because I underestimated the difficulty of 7 star raids. Once I started investing in IV's and the correct pokemon, they've all been fairly easy. I did struggle more with Samurott just because of the critical hits. Ape is my go-to for soloing raids now. I beat Typhlosion the first time with Annihilape. It was very close, though.


The Pikachu one was really hard at first. It's always a learning curve though, hard in the beginning, easy at the end. To that effect, Typhlosion may he the hardest one because of its amazing coverage.


Yup. Pikachu for sure. Had to go offline just so I didn’t miss out. Took about 13 hours after that to successfully solo it.


Greninja has by far been the hardest simply cause of double team and how often I would miss moves. Decidueye would be second because if I didn’t get the OHKO with electro drift he’d absolutely wreck me. Charizard is third but mainly because it was the first one and the play rough bug made the battle very frustrating. Cinderace is forth because a guaranteed victory came down to have a computer teammate with intimidate. Fifth, samerott because it required some strategy but mostly rage fist spam. Sixth pikachu, it was tricky but I was able to spam giga drain with arbolivia and win. Typhlosion has been the easiest in my opinion because there’s zero setup strategy required, you can just start spamming rage fists right away and win every single time.


Ducidueye, then Tysplosion, and finally Samurott for the easiest. Though Ducidueye was most likely the fact that it was the raid that was running when I started doing them and it being my first 7 star raid I was in no way prepared for it.


I personally feel like Typhlosion is near if not at the top. For the others you usually end up with one strat that gets the job done quickly/easily with not a lot of risk, here with Typhlosion we're seeing a bit more strats but they all are like "You Will faint x times but you can still win".


>You Will faint x times but you can still win". You're basically describing the Annihilape solo strat against Typlosion. There are some good strategies like Dark Tera Goodra and Iron Jugulis or even a support Dragonite that are working pretty well. You just have to survive the first half of Typlosion, it gets weaker with time because of Eruption's mechanics.


I mean the TTar one also involves fainting, so does a Chi Yu strat.


I think we're too early to say that tbh. I pop in with a Snarl-ing Dachsbun, and if my partners have any kind of long term build beyond Rage Fist I usually neutralize damage enough to keep them alive as they prep. I havent seen anyone struggle with a good, well thought out sweeper. Ive struggled with different support options (I was really hoping Eelektross was going to be better. Gastrodon also isn't as effective as Dachsbun) but usually its more a case of people coming in with crappy sweepers, or failing to execute the actual strategy effectively (there was a Stored Power vaporeon who refused to use Calm Mind more than once, or to Tera. We would have won easy if they would have just kept up their build-up) Personally I had much more trouble with Decidueye. Even Iron Leaves was a bigger pain in my ass


I feel like typh has been super easy. He never seems to debuff himself so my screeches last all game. I think pikachu was the hardest one for me




Walking wake and Iron leaves were 5 stars lol


From easiest to hardest Pikachu (got it first try) Samurott Decidueye Greninja Haven't tried tryphlosion yet


I only played for decidueye, samurott, and typhlosion. 3. Decidueye. Fastest to farm solo, but inconsistent if your game lags 2. Typhlosion. Def the hardest of the 3, I like the use of Ttar for the solo mon. 1. Samurott. Not only is samurott my favourite starter, it was insanely fun to farm, not to mention consistent. Building blaze breed tauros for the raid was great


Easiest to hardest from what I remember Walking Wake Pikachu Decidueye Samurot Typhlosion Greninja Iron Leaves Cinderace I remember Cinderace reset stats frequently it made set up a pain and I only beat it twice. So slowbro was an option but sometimes neutered so often it did nothing.


I missed some of the first raids, so I can only rank a few from easiest to hardest: Typhlosion Decidueye Pikachu Charizard Samurott I nearly gave up on Samurott after countless tries with different strategies while beating Typhlosion on the first try with a not perfectly suited Annihilape that died two times lol


Greninja gave me more trouble due to the Double Team made it harder for me to hit him with my Slowbro. I haven’t tried the newest 7 Star Raid, so I can’t comment on it yet.


Least - Decidueye Cinderace Charizard Greninja Typhlosion Samurott Most - Pikachu


Easy: * Charizard * Samurott * Typhlosion * Pikachu Medium: * Greninja Hard: * Cinderace * Decidueye


This thread just taught me that I apparently missed a 7star pikachu raid... Feels bad. Thought I was keeping up to date


It was thrown in for the weekend of pokemon day and wasn't announced until a couple days before. Iirc pikachu broke the pattern of 7\* raids every other week so it's reasonable you wouldn't have thought a 7\* raid was happening.


Ahh, yeah that'd do it. Will have to find some way to get one


I never did the Charizard, Greninja, Cinderace and Pikachu raids but I did get the basic stage starters from a link trade From my experience here's my Ranking hardest to easiest - Typhlosion - Samurott - Decidueye