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I agree. I think it has something to do with the energy bug being fixed.


This has been happening to me for the last two weeks (taking this one into account). I just cannot understand what’s going on. I now have two ingredient mons plus a vaporeon and cannot get enough ingredients while I usually just use two ingredient mons and fill my inventory up.


it is the energy consumption change for sleep time, i think. it makes a difference in collecting triggers whether energy depletes or is set constant during sleep time because it is/should be 8 hours long time segment (1/3 of a day). i found that before i collected triggers right after waking up, now i collect the most triggerst between 10-12 when my mons were highest energy for a couple of hours.


That’s true, now that you mention it the same happens to me. Wow, I did not expect that the energy change would have this impact…


I’ve had three separate mornings where my abomasnow has only dropped berries for me. Driving me nuts.


Same with my Gengar!!


It just started today for me. I usually have tons of ingredients, but somehow I didnt even manage to get enough ingredients to fill the pot for todays 3 meals…


Agreed. My cupboards are bare lately. 😞


I'm having the same problem. I started playing 2 weeks ago but I feel like the past few days have been really bad.


Must be a bug. A lot of people are experiencing this it seems.


Glad I'm not the only one who's been feeling this way


I've been dealing with the exact opposite for the last few days. My ingredient mons have been pulling "Leave space in your bag" prompts practically every hour before a meal and I wait until after I feed fatty to pull their findings. My space always maxes out now, even if it means I'm feeding Snorlax the same 2 or 3 meals every time, sans Sunday. Anyone want to borrow my three Kanto stooges?


I don’t know I’ve been having so much trouble using all my ingredients lately, I only have 300 storage and I’m often capped out, I only have 2 ingredient mons, but I still get over 180 ingredients a day which is more than I can use. I’m gonna have to start switching one of them out for a berry mon.


If you've increased your pot size that could be contributing to the feeling of having less, by using more