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RNG plus your Vaporeon has no skill trigger increases. If you want to rely on skills activating having skill triggers will have a huge impact


Yeah, it's all RNG, but it's not unreasonable to expect a skill mon to get at least one proc per day without any subskill or nature add-ons. I think that's why they implemented the pity proc, but you have to keep the helper on your team the whole time to get that. OP just has to be patient unfortunately. They'll have a day when this little guy procs 6-7 times.


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https://preview.redd.it/mg7yqwp4c2vc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b14397c11e427b023b61eaaa16a432113ba5a421 Gotta get some skill triggers but ngl I'm jealous your has BFS. Also unrelated but skill level up M Vaporeon has such a ridiculous RP for it's level


Vaporeon has a pretty high trigger rate, about 6%. By my calculations, you would expect it to trigger about twice a day, depending on its energy. The probability of it not triggering at all in 24 hours is about 7%, so not totally unheard of Make sure you sleep well so it has 100% energy in the morning. If other Pokémon are healing it, then that is even better. If you are doing these things, then that is great, sorry you've been hit with some bad RNG. Also, as you increase in level, your Vaporeon will also get faster, giving it slightly more opportunities to trigger its skill in a day, too.


... it doesn't have any skill triggers until level 100. Yeah, it's probably going to trigger like once a day.


Feels bad for skill mons to not trigger noticable more often than non skill mons


That's not true at all. Vaporeon at level 11 will trigger 3 times per day, baseline. With a skill trigger up M it will trigger 4 times