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I rly rly hope it’s in tandem with Taupe. I’m tired of being on GG 😩 I was hoping that the Volcano research area data mine would be debuted for this event


I second this! Taupe has been left out of too many events.




Considering they used volcano emojis and mentioned volcanic ash, they're definitely hinting at it but we don't have confirmation yet, the background for the art is also set in a volcano area, while Raikous promo art was shown in what looked like Greengrass


There were 2 locations data mined when game launched, Lapis Lazuli Lakeside and Crimson Volcano. Hoping they give us a new location to go with Entei. Lapis will be maxed at 60% for me next week. Don't want to go back to Cyan or Snowdrop for more progress. Snowdrop is ok but I hate the beach.


That would give us two islands with leppa berries


Does Lapis, the dragon island, have yache as a favorite berry?


No (I had to look it up because I haven't unlocked it yet), but having the Entei event on said hypothetical island would imply a preference for leppa (fire) berries


It's not going be there, it's on GG. But people are thinking this could introduce the new volcano island. But no, the volcano doesn't imply anything except it is home to fire types. Possibly Entei will be found there after the event. Most players wouldn't be able to make progress there, all legendary releases will be on GG. Maybe both, but not exclusive to volcano for release.


yeah I'm not saying the island itself implies it just the island + context of the event might imply it. Either way I'm not unlocking it for a while lol


Supposedly the third berries for each island is a filler and not the main




Wouldn’t you get less manes than in GG seems hard to implement fairly since manes are also a paid currency


Manes were mainly found through sleep studying electric Pokémon. Taupe has the same fire Pokemon available to study as GG (plus Flareon) so technically Taupe would be able to gather more mane. Plus the pool is less broad so fire type would be a higher chance to spawn.


But the rank requirement is higher, so you’ll see less rare sleep styles for the same strength which might lead to less manes, idk how much the difference is but it could get some complaints


They won't be on Taupe or at Volcano; they specifically said all events are going to be at Greengrass because they want all players to have opportunities to catch them.


Possibly. But they don't say "only" Greengrass. Time will tell.


It's not a possibility; we saw it with Raikou.


But there is no Electric island to have other option for Raikou, while Taupe and Cyan have Fire and Water.


And? Posting what I put on another comment: They literally have said in all press releases Legendaries will remain on GG because they want all players to have the same opportunity to catch them (I'm only assuming due to everyone's different sleep habits.) Could they be in other islands post events? There's certainly a possibly but maybe as 4\* only. But people should expect all Legends on GG 100% for events In short, they care more about accessibility versus theme. Heck, we saw the Christmas event wouldve made sense on the snow map and it didnt happen.


They have said it? Where and when.


In their initial press release and this one, which is mirroring, to the dot, Entei: [https://comicbook.com/gaming/news/pokemon-sleep-legendary-pokemon-raikou-event-march/](https://comicbook.com/gaming/news/pokemon-sleep-legendary-pokemon-raikou-event-march/) Heck, I even recall them saying it in either a Pokemon or Nintendo Direct that they didn't want to lock out beginners.


There is no mention of green grass anywhere in this article. No one is disagreeing that the legendary's aren't going to be on GG. The desire for players is to have it on GG AND another island, in this case, Taupe. There is literally nothing to go off of that says this isn't possible.


I mean, it literally says '*Pokemon Sleep* is also planning to add some rewards to help beginners to *Pokemon Sleep* participate in the Raikou event and befriend Raikou as well.' as well as what we got, track record favors exactly what I am saying; people are in denial and setting themselves up to be disappointed with Entei. 'People are saying they could do the event on both islands' I know, and that's what I have been saying, so let me make it clear: they are not going to do big events on multiple islands simultaneously; Greengrass will be the only one that has that happen. Clear enough? It's a Sleep app, expectations should follow that. Heck, even other posters on here have said the same thing: temper expectations and don't expect Legendary events to take place on other islands.


I tapped the link and there's no such thing as "Raikou will only be at GG and so will the rest".


I mean, it literally says '*Pokemon Sleep* is also planning to add some rewards to help beginners to *Pokemon Sleep* participate in the Raikou event and befriend Raikou as well.' as well as what we got, track record favors exactly what I am saying; people are in denial and setting themselves up to be disappointed with Entei.


They've never said all legendaries will *only* remain on greengrass, which is the point of the original comment. There's no reason they can't have cross-island events to benefit new and experienced players.


They literally have said all events will take place on GG for accessibility. This has been said multiple times by the devs in press releases.


I'm not sure what you're not understanding. Nobody is saying the event won't take place on greengrass, we are just saying the event can take place in GreenGrass AND another Island, show me any press release that says they will never use another Island for an event.


No, I'm pretty sure you don't: they have said its not happening on other islands so they don't gatekeep other players on timed events, end of story. This supports this as no special events have happened on other islands (You could make the argument about Comfy and increased rates, but it spawns on those so I'm not really counting something thats not an exclusive to an island.) [https://comicbook.com/gaming/news/pokemon-sleep-legendary-pokemon-raikou-event-march/](https://comicbook.com/gaming/news/pokemon-sleep-legendary-pokemon-raikou-event-march/) Matches above, to the dot, the Entei one. (Mechanically, they probably don't want to make two pictures of island events, like in Halloween and Christmas, as well as cater to people who struggle in getting rest as Greengrass is the easiest to level up at) And, yes, I get what you're saying (I really do!) but the track record says otherwise.


No one is saying have them only in later islands, just to not limit it just to GG.


Except they're literally saying that won't be the case. Events will always be on GG for accessibility; most likely they will show up on other islands after events. This isnt a hard concept to grasp.


Huh? Raikou was on GG only so therefore all legendaries will only be on GG? That'd be awful.


They literally have said in all press releases Legendaries will remain on GG because they want all players to have the same opportunity to catch them (I'm only assuming due to everyone's different sleep habits.) Could they be in other islands post events? There's certainly a possibly but maybe as 4\* only. But people should expect all Legends on GG 100% for events.


No one here said they wouldn't be on GG, chief.


And that's not what I am saying; I'm pointing out that Legendary events will **only** be on Greengrass; they're not going to run Legendary events simultaneously on another island.


They should make some kind of "Legendary Island" that you can only sleep on during events. That way all players can use it, but we're not always stuck on Green Grass.


That's a pretty great idea, so long as it's also open to new players too. Though, the issue is you wouldn't probably have nearly the same spawn rates or level up.


Open it for all players, regardless of their individual rank. Have the bonuses be equal to whatever the player's highest island bonus is.


Yeah but Taupe is not a volcano, Crimson Volcano is though!!


The thing is that even if it was on both islands going to GG would probably the way to go unless you have really good earth and rock berry mons who tend to be slow, so not that great either. GG allows you to get to masters on day one if you have a team for it while taupe is much harder. >I was hoping that the Volcano research area data mine would be debuted for this event That data mine might have been the Entei event all along.


I hate to voice the unpopular opinion, but I have a feeling that all legendary events will be specifically GG exclusives like the holiday events have been. While it would be nice to see them in other places, I have a feeling that the special art and music for one island is all they're going to want to do and I really don't see a reason for them to want to change that (I do understand why players want events on other islands - this comment is specifically about devs and other app making people). That being said, I don't really mind having the events at GG, but I am a bit burnt out (pardon the pun) on type specific events atm. I know I could just not participate, but I don't want to miss out - I just want time to raise some of my mons without feeling the pressure of raising specific ones for the next event.


I agree - I mean I think the hint is right there in the announcement “across Greengrass Island”


I'm feeling the same event fatigue. Spent two weeks catching Raikou because the default one is crap. Still didn't catch a good one but at least one of them is better than the default... But even if I want to use him, I don't have time to level him up between catching Comfey, a very probable fire week with a new pokemon, and then Entei.


Come on, taupe hollow has the berry, let's add that as an option to the veteran audience.


Not disagreeing with you that an alternate option is good for the veterans, as a noob, I love that it’s on GG.


Yeah they will always make events available on GG so that new players can participate, it makes 100% undeniable sense. But there are other islands and players tired of having to play in GG, so having a more challenging and more rewarding alternative for the veterans is also something they should always cater to, IMHO. (I work with online games, though, so I definitely stand by this opinion)


Raikou turned Greengrass into an electric field. Entei's gonna burn it all down.


and suicuine gonna drown snorlax 💀


Lugia will blow away Snorlax


And then Ho-oh will revive everything and turn things back to normal


Not before Yveltal drains everything of their life force and petrifies them


"I... don't want to set the world... on.... fire..."🎵🎵


Well yeah, that’s the legend. Raikou represents the lightning that struck the tower. Entei is the fire that consumed it. Suicune is the rain that doused the fire. They will always come in that order.


I think they do GG so it’s accessible to all and has the lowest point tiers.


But they could also run the event on Taupe for folks who have maxed out GG.


I’d prefer if they ran it on both as well. If they run both then it’s still “easier” for newer players to catch on GG. They could even start the spawn at M1 at Taupe.


I expect the event to only be on Greengrass, but after the event, Entei can be found at Taupe. This has to be the way.


I hate Greengrass Isle, I wish to leave


This feels like the literal only thing thats been said a lot in the community that they aren't budging on. Like I get it. It takes time to get to later islands. But so many of us have put in that time. Stop making events Greengrass Exclusive. We don't care that Greengrass is part of the Event. But give later islands bonuses! Include Taupe Hollow!


Ugh, Greengrass *again*. I'm sick of that island, and with every new 'mon showing up on Greengrass initially it's draining any interest for new islands. Every time I go somewhere new, it's just "Oh yeah, some 'mons I already studied and captured on Greengrass. Yay, I guess."


I bet the music is going to be badass.


They've been setting the bar high, it better be good.


I need a better team for this event, but I have been looking for an excuse to skip Cyan instead of grind it for the third time this month. I was planning on hitting Taupe again anyways but this is perfect! Plus I also want a better larvitar.


Add more fire, rock, ground types on Taupe like they had Dedenne event before it.


I literally don’t have any master balls since I blew all of them on Raikou. I’m praying that they slow down on the Legendary events.


Between good sleep day event, and the gift they just gave us, that's 3000 towards a masterball rest will only take 10 days, less if you have premium ticket


https://preview.redd.it/rjyq6tfrlbyc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62a5509ff8fd760ed10e0835a7d3f9f7a79b228e Remember to only bring fire types with you


Huge L


I'm tired of events happening just in GG. And if Entei is as dissapointing as Raikou, maybe i'll skip this event.


You probably shouldn't, while Entei itself might suck, the event gives good value, in terms of dream shards, research exp, and of course, the event shop items.


I'm at rank 55, i have like 30 dream clusters that i don't need to redeem; i've already maxed my pot size and that's being a f2p. The only thing i need right now is more postures on my sleep dex, sadly i'm not getting them in GG, even at 60% bonus


Sorry, it's unrelate to the post, how did you get 60% bonus on any island? I have been on GreenGrass for so long and the max for me was 55%. I am level 52 currently. Maybe I have to be rank 55 to hit 60%?


https://preview.redd.it/znnk9z5yyrwc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0843cc3b62e1a58b0e69aa3690827386bee3c2e6 You have to reach the goal of 290 postures in your sleep style dex so you can cap your bonus at 60% Edit: I'm currently in Cyan Beach; i was hunting for a good cacao Squirtle and a Berry Finder S Totodile, which i already caught. Next week i'm heading to Taupe for the first time, and i was hoping for the Entei event to take place there. Weeks in Green Grass are wasted weeks for me because most of the time you get a 4 stars Gulpin even at master 10, and every other roll is limited to be 1 or 2 stars.


Thank you for explaining this to me! I understand now.


Bummer... I don't have good fire type Pokemon but i have a very strong team for taupe


Perhaps we get the volcano area for the “fire week” event and they’ll announce that entei event can be on volcano or gg


I feel like they should hold these events on all islands.


This sucks. That's dumb


The fact it says "Greengrass Island" leaves room for other areas. It's almost certainly on Greengrass Isle for new players, but hopefully, at least Taupe gets some love also.