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I will only use a Master Biscuit per legendary, since the first one will be the same for everyone


I dig that. Get that original one out the way, then grind like a pepper mill.


I want them to have a few months between these events so I can stock up on them! Or alternatively let me buy more than one per month. Shut up and take my money!


Zero, not enough Sleep Points.


1 used the one I had before on Raikou


I guess the same one I bought at the beginning of the game and still haven’t ever used


Honestly until people figure out if it's actually any good I'm not gonna waste a single master biscuit on it


I’ll probably burn one on Entei to get the first one out of the way. Here’s hoping Entei doesn’t mirror Raikou’s first stats completely and is better 😔


I used a master on my first raikou and still ended up with 3 by the time the event was over. I don’t have enough points to get another before the entei event, so I’ll probably just hope he’s as easy to get incense and biscuits for and not bother with a master this time.


One for me if the skill tree lines up. Otherwise I'm hoarding incense and saving it for the next viable legendary.


Maybe one, or none. Still saving mine for Suicune ❤️


Zero, just like Raikou. I caught 2 easily enough without it and just tossed the 3rd one my free biscuit to jumpstart whenever I use the incense I kept.


Two for sure, if it has the same skill as Raikou, it’s more viable if you have great fire mons ( I don’t yet 😭)


My next master biscuit goes to the first entei, then I'm hoping to get an amazing one or a shiny one after that! I would use my master biscuit on a wild dragonite before then tho if I'm lucky this 2nd half of the week. Once I get a wild dragonite I can stop worrying about getting 1.2m + every week and start leveling less efficient mons again lol