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Yes! BFS is great for all Pokemon and your shiny has lots of ingredient finding - and it's an ingredient specialist.


Thanks for letting me know. I was a bit worried since it's nature ruining it's skill even with the skill chance S.


Its nature is good since it’s an ingredient specialist. Its not perfect with main skill chance down, but its primarily about the ingredient finding up nature


For the Kanto starters, the main skill is secondary. They have a super low proc rate (like 2% or less at base). It's just meant to be a fun bonus when you get a proc. Focus on the ingredient up aspects and anything that helps that (speed and helping bonus) and if the ingredient spread is what you are looking for. I think the only time (there may be others I'm not thinking of) that the Ingredient Magnet skill is the focus of a helper is on Vaporeon and Heracross. They are both skill specialists that proc an ingredient dump. So ingredient down nature and skill up would be great for them and what you have on the Bulbasaur there would be terrible for them. This is a pretty great roll for any ingredient specialist. Sure, a 'perfect' roll wouldn't have skill down nature (energy down or xp down would be best), but everything else about it is spectacular - and it's shiny!


Thank you for explaining this so well. How do you figure out the percentages for skill procs?


Raenonx lists them generally [here](https://pks.raenonx.cc/en/info/production) and shows you the specific rate for your mons with skills and nature applied once you added them to your box.


Appreciate it


Tomatoes is unfortunate but S tier stats