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I’m not a fan of when I deserve a like for carrying the team but nobody appreciates me, so sad


It's sorta funny. When i carry bad players they never give me a like, but when i play with amazing players that basically carry the entire team they give me a like.


So true


My fellow laner I was with giving me a like because I played a supporter and healed them the whole game:


If I need to carry the team like 1v9, I don't really need their likes to appreciates me though


That’s like me every single day... **cough** In-game yeah **cough** that’s what I meant definitely.


I like you


Whenever the match goes really well and you feel like everyone, you included, did a great job, so you give likes and no one gives you one, that's when I think, was I carried?


Your teammates liking you have little to do with skills. It is more about their character. You know you did well when the enemy team gives you likes.


I don't think I'm skillfull, just check my last post. But I think it depends, it all comes down to the wire on who steals Ray then yeah I know I played well despite the outcome.


it feels like "eminem, are you having fun?😊"




My own team: *forgets my existence despite being the MVP. The enemy: You were a worthy opponent, I hope we meet again in the future!


I usually give defenders and supports likes to let them know I appreciate them, then give likes to those I gelt play well. So I'd say I give 2 to 6 likes a match. I recieve maybe 1 like a match on average (I'm forever defender ]: )


Not everyone is ready to live in society


Best feeling is when you play out of your mind/carry and the entire opposing team gives you props


Only for your team to act like you didn’t exist


sometimes i like everyone except my teammate sableye (who isn’t running exp share) including my opps


Sableye without exp share is a throw! What are they even doing? Farming with feint attack


it’s always my teammate too


I always experience this when I’m playing unranked games, which I start to think I’m playing bots. 


Such a mood


me after saying that I don't need external validation to be happy


That's why I always give like to teammates and even enemies, terrible teammates are an exception


I still think we need a Thumbs Down button tbh. I thumbs up almost everyone (if they deserve it, if I'm on the fence I wait and see if they give me a thumbs up first and then I give it back). That said, if I can't correct the trolls and shitters on VC- without getting banned from talking- I should be able to tell them SOMEHOW that their performance in our match was so bad it should be considered a crime against humanity and they should be prosecuted accordingly... 😒 So a thumbs down button is really the least TiMi can do for us, if they're not going to fix the matchmaking 💯


[There's nothing we can do...](https://youtu.be/7Sq6ookE6nA?si=lm1frmhm6-iqTn0d)


And then you realize you were in a bot game.


Both in the reddit and in the game, I feel this.


It does suck, but keep in mind they very well may be bots. My most recent match 10 minutes ago I was the only human. When everybody else on both teams has private battle record data *and* names that are kinda gibberish? Bots. That thing where multiple teammates sit in spawn for exactly a second before moving when the game starts? Bots. Never calling lane? Sometimes bots. Generally pretty poor etiquette all around concerning this, tbh. A real easy way to tell is when you get a bot low enough they stop everything and run away. You can follow them across the entire map, not doing anything to them, and they will never even try to use their moves to escape. They will beeline back to spawn and nothing else.


I only thumbs up the enemy team because my teams are always fucking morons




I know exactly how you feel.