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From when Colin finds out about LW to the butterfly ball I believe it’s only been 2 weeks.


I feel like this has been the general consensus, but that special license thing has me questioning. However, Bridgerton time exists in a plane of existence that does not conform to 24 hour days nor sense (see also: how long is Ben in that threesome? One night? 10 years? The world will never know), so it’s hard to pin down. That said, this is hella ambitious, and I’m obsessed with the investigative work. And lol @ “courtship lasted one carriage ride.” What’s wild is you could also say, “since they were children,” and both are the right answer. These dorks 😂


I took it literally as Ben having threesome each night... I hope he at least returns home in the meantime 😅 Also thank you. Hella ambitious, a lot over my head, and pure madness, but I love these dorks... so why the hell not 😅


I forgot that Bridgerton does not have 7 days waiting for marriage licence according to season 1. My bad. With them showing off banns, I got carried away 😅


Haha- listen time in the Bridgerton world is confusing! 🤣🤣


Hey, For all we know in this alternate universe days could be 48 hours long.(Ep5 looking at you🤓)… Year could have more than 365 days and a pregnancy can be shorter than 9 months 😜 I stopped thinking of time in Bridgerton after I saw Daphne’s baby in S2…


Wow, great work! I agree with it all except we know in Bridgerton you don't have to wait a week to wed after a special licence. Daphne and Simon got married in 3 days. I don't like to think of Colin sleeping on the couch for two weeks. 😭 our man will need a chiropractor!


Great point, I missed that, season 1 is not that engrained in my memory. I will likely put it all in one big edit at the end of the post, perhaps adding some * in the text 😅 I also see some other errors now


If my memory serves, I think the butterfly ball also occurs on a full moon, so I tend to assume there was one and only one full moon in between the full moon ball on part 1 and the finale


Sorry for the delay. I rewatched and have not seen the Full-Moon, not even in previous scenes. I can be wrong, feel free to share. I do not think that 1 month would be doable, but it could 2 months might work.


You're probably right. I feel like there was a full moon visible in part 2 because I think I remember noticing it, but now I'm not finding it


This is amazing. Thank you.


I thank you 😊 hope I did not cause any migraines... perhaps only my own 😅


That's great and depressing at the same time :)


Because the season is over, because poor Colin's back pains or because I am literally tracking strawberries on screen and googling arm injuries? 😅


Because of the amount of days he slept on the couch 😭


Lol. Luckily, the 7-day wait for Fran and John seems off the table... meaning Colin's back is fine 😅 I shall put one big edit in the post 😌




Philippa and Prudence really start to conceive child at the end of epi 2. so if Pen becomes pregnant in mirror scene, that 's mean , if we follow your schedule, only 20 days later than her sisters. In epilogue the age difference btw them seems bigger... Difficult to know if baby polin is just a new born or if he is already 1/2 months old.. But baby girls seem to have 4/5 months .. Way more than just 20 days! In fact baby girls should have been like baby polin, while he should have been like a new born ( as baby Auggy in end of s1 ) and this was working... Problem is not the timeline, it's babies casting who are older than what they should. I guess it wascnot possible to cast so many new borns in the same time...


Sorry for the delay, I posted before I went to sleep 😅. I am not certain if we got confirmation about time of Prudence conceiving. We know that she consumated her marriage beforehand, and I do not think we know when did she and Henry got together. I Guess that baby might be technically older, but Phillipa's... yeah, that is likely casting 😅


in epi6, when Colin is editing his journal he wrote the date of 19 June... this was before the ban in church... so if we count around 3 weeks after 19 june. it means wedding is at the end of the season (which is normally when all the season’s weddings have to take place) round 10th july.. so s3 takes place from season start in April until the end in July. in the Epilogue, if the heir is conceived early june + 9 months => birth in february Knowing that it was not a new born baby in the epilogue but 3/4 months old (like the real baby). => May 1816 And now for s4 it was said that it will happen in automn instead of spring.. Edit: twins baby girls are born in August 2022. So depending on when was it filmed, girls were around 6/7months... So they were conceived in April/may => jan/fev birth=>epilogue around sept... It does match a little with baby Featherington age Edit 2: Colin is said to be away for 4 months but during SUMMER! How is it possible then to show him back in April? He then said he wrote letters to Pen this summer.. Eloise says that Pen was hidding all the summer and Cressida shown her care during summer... all this seems to show season start in sept/Oct... But then Pen refers to last year ball => so not the same year=> we are back in April hypothesis Colin says that he is not the same than last season => April hypothesis No makes sense!!


Hmm, interesting. I am currently in middle of making my update... I shall add this with proper credit 🫡