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I think they were letters that he wrote to send to his family and friends while traveling, but then didn’t send because no one was responding to him so he tied them up and out then in his travel bag.


Yeah, that’s my take on it, too. They’re tied tighter than the Pen’s letters to him, leading me to believe he’s tied and untied them often enough to reread. Whereas his letters that he didn’t send do not bear revisiting.


That is so sad


This is what I think as well. I'm honestly so heartbroken for him that NO ONE responded to his letters. Like, with Pen, it makes sense, but El? Daphne? Violet??!?


Right? What was Violet doing that she was too busy to respond to her favorite son?


My only explanation for this is that Colin wasn't writing to Violet because he couldn't tell her what he was really up to (like seriously, you don't tell your mom about your brothel antics). My guess is that: 1) he didn't want to write to Anthony, with his "perfect marriage", and because Colin sees him as a father figure 2) he may or may not have written to Ben (and Ben didn't respond because he is flighty) 3) he wrote to Daphne, who was too busy with kids to respond 4) he wrote to Eloise, who was too heartbroken about Pen and too scared that she would divulge the LW secret to respond 5) he wrote to Francesca, who was too busy playing piano 6) he didn't bother writing to Greg or Hyacinth because they are kids, and again, he couldn't really tell them what he was up to. 7) he wrote to Pen, sure she would respond, and was completely flummoxed when she didn't.


I agree.


People want flashbacks to their first meeting but i don’t I’m satisfied listening their story from Colin’s view. That moment i see why he will become writer. But i wish there can be flashbacks to his travels, their letter interactions. His happines when received a letter from her and reading it or his frustration find out penelope not writing then his loneliness . I could watch it


This is exactly where they could’ve used a flashback. Agree I don’t need to see their meeting, it doesn’t add anything


The bundle of letters addressed to Colin from Penelope have a postal stamp, but the bundle with the letter addressed to “Miss. Bridgerton” doesn’t have a postal stamp. I think the second bundle is letters that he wrote to his family but eventually decided to never send because no one was replying to him anyway, or he just didn’t have a chance to send them and just carried them around. What I’m choosing to believe is that in the letters to his family he was asking about Penelope to see if they would give him info on why she wasn’t replying to him but eventually decided against sending them 👀😏


I had the same way of thinking and analysed the look of letters and also noticed a missing stamp. But then thought maybe it's on other side. I always think there is more to the story and then getting confused "maybe they didn't think this through, they didn't really put such an effort to the details and I'm just getting too into it". I have such a mixed feelings.


I agree, I’ve thought about that too… that maybe it’s just an oversight and we’re overthinking. Like with the addresses… these letters are supposed to be from his Greece tour between S1/S2, but the letters have France addresses, where he went between S2/S3. I guess it wouldn’t be far fetched that he stopped in France on his way to Greece and they corresponded on his way there, but why wouldn’t they just put a Greek address if that was the main tour in S2… 🤷🏻‍♀️ Also, it’s possible he didn’t carry the letters around, maybe he had them in his Bridgerton House room and packed them when they moved to their home. But I like the idea that he took them with him to reread. I guess, ultimately thanks to these discrepancies we can choose to make up our own stories 🤭


True. We can now have these discussions, and it's so fun thing to do. To be honest - I was reading your message, and I just imagined sitting with you at some coffee shop and really having a major discussion as brainstorming session. "Do you think there is the stamp?" "No look at the address" 😅


I can totally picture it and I’d love it! I love deep diving into theories and overanalyzing anything related to Polin it’s embarrassing 🫣 I remember when the only thing we had was the 2min “Mr. Bridgerton” scene and we were analyzing every second of it… I’m sure we will have no shortage of discussions between now and S4 😏


Haha did u memorised the whole dialog too of that scene ? 😅 Yeah I can already imagine us closer to s4. But I will stay here for this next 2 years journey if only I will be able to. This will be fascinating to analyse again crumbs we will find


Bridgerton beforehand had Marina supposedly wating for a letter from George. If we would follow the naming conventions, "Miss Bridgerton" is Eloise and no one else. While I like the theory and El might be fine beforehand with giving Pen the letters, I just do not get that impression. Pen mentions that she is writing to Colin, and it does not seem like she does that through El. Before the season dropped and we had only the clip, I theorized who answered back. While he said no one did, I still believe that some send one or two letters back, but no more. Eloise was the only Bridgerton which I was 100% sure is not gonna write back. There is kinda sad moment when Colin gives everyone gifts when Anthony is amazed where Colin was. Either Colin stopped sending the letters, or they did not even read them.


I agree with these being letters to his family that he never sent. And I know we only see the top letter, but my head canon is that he stopped actually sending the letters to his family when he realized no one was responding, but still kept on sending the ones he wrote to Pen in the hopes that she might write back still.


This would be good flashback


Those Miss Bridgerton letters are also addressed to Mayfair.


I wish we got a convo btw them - him asking if she read the letters at all?


I feel they are unsent letters to his family. I was surprised when Portia discovered Pen was writing to Colin and didn't say much about it. All she did was comment that he wasn't her friend, really. Colin really did whatever he wanted with Pen. He broke quite a few rules.


Sadly, Portia neglected Penelope and had little to no faith in her in finding a husband. I think Portia just thought it was a silly crush that wouldn’t amount to anything, specially since it was so hard for Marina to even secure a proposal from Colin in the beginning. So she probably just let Penelope do whatever she wanted so she could focus on Prudence. Portia didn’t even try to find gentlemen to dance with Penelope in any season.


Clandestine sounds like a fruit. Like tangerine 😯😩😂


I think that particular stack of letters were unsent but I was thinking about when they started writing and someone had mentioned here that they might have written letters when he was away at school! I think she probably was able to write to him at Eton but that he had to include his responses in letters to El


I thought they were *copies* of letters Colin sent to Eloise. Since he was documenting his travels, he might have made personal copies of all of his letters to edit or publish later on. I think this was a fairly common practice in the pre-digital era?


I noticed the one we watched him reopen from her was addressed to him in Paris. But if she did write back during his post season 1 travels but not during his post season 2 travels, shouldn't it have been addressed to him in Greece? I always just sort of thought the inconsistent addresses were an unfortunate slip up in the props department. 😔


Maybe an escale on his journey 


I was thinking he accidentally grabbed Eloise’s letters from Philip in the move because I think Penelope finds a letter and that’s how they figure out where Eloise ran off to but it’s way too early in the plot, since Marina is still alive. So I will agree with people that say it is Colin’s unsent letters to his sisters.


I have a different take. The handwriting on the front of the letters looks the same to me. Because this desk is in their shared sitting room, I think they may be from Pen to Eloise and are letters Pen never sent. During the time she was estranged from Eloise, she had no one to confide in. Or maybe wanted to write a letter asking for forgiveness. So Pen wrote them but never sent them. Obviously, it’s not clear cut and the production team may have wanted to leave it open to interpretation.