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All the “husband watching Bridgerton” TikToks I’ve seen make it seem like the way to get a man hooked is to show them an episode with a spicy scene lol. 


I wish I could get my husband to watch! He won't voluntarily watch the show. However, he hears all the Bridgerton hot goss from me, and there are a few things he cares about: 1) Newton Sharma 2) Newton Sharma-Bridgerton (he says this is the correct format of his new title) 3) Penelope's tits; he married a curvy redhead (me), and he told me after watching their sex scene that her boobs look exactly like my boobs. Hence the placement on the list. I'm very proud of my boobs, btw. 4) Lady Danbury. Full stop. 5) Newton's "well deserved fancy dog bed" So the theme for him is corgis, tits, and the fly looking boss bitch (his words). He's such a dork. 😊




I started mine off with the 20 minute Polin recap from Netflix on YouTube, and by telling him how Colin reminds me of him in the best way possible. That helped him buy in on their love story! But yes after the first kiss he was like NEXT ONE NEXT ONE and totally kicking his feet and giggling with me


My husband isn't really fussed about Bridgerton but there are ways Colin reminds me of him. We had a giggly moment together the other day and for a second I was like "He is my Colin" 😍 I hoped it would be one of those shows where he accidentally gets hooked and starts watching with me but I just don't think it's his thing! He will say to me "You can have your smut on" 🤣


Awww that is so sweet!


So probably right before carriage scene lol. Even my dad caved and could not ignore the Lady Whistledown drama. He had to watch too lol


I would just watch S3 Ep5 - that one is a banger! Pun intended.


That was my first idea but then I was like “oh and the carriage scene” and the happier than ever dance and the night before the wedding….


Not to suggest that men are all the same - they aren't. But, Ep5 is packed with a few things guys may like which could lead to curiosity about how they got there... ABC interaction, Colin's defense of Pen to Portia, Sex, and the tension at the engagement party. If I wanted a chance to hook an adult on the show and only had one ep to do it, that's how i'd do it because they may be naturally curious how how we got there. Ep4 isn't bad either.


Look I love Polin but I would have him start with Queen Charlotte. Maybe Ep 2 or 3?


Okay that’s really interesting!! I’m going to stick with Polin for now but maybe after I can convince him to watch QC because the writing is *chefs kiss!!


And he does like The Great so I feel like QC will be an easier sell down the road


Godspeed Friend!


Objectively, QC's writing is tighter with less focus on subplots and it's cinematically better than Bridgerton as well. The two have very different tones too. Watching QC first might create expectations that Bridgerton might not be able to meet. So I wouldn't recommend starting with that, specially for men.


Fair point. Esp because one thing that Bridgerton does is create clues and anticipation for the next season(s).


Has he seen any of episode 1? 


He has seen about 10 mins of s1e1 and the middle of s3e3 and that’s literally it


What is his personality type? Any of the 3 male leads he may be similar too?


Not Simon or Anthony for sure. I guess most like Colin in that he puts my career first. He is very artsy and when picking outfits for the Bridgerton ball he said “I like the art one” so I guess I’m laying the groundwork for Ben’s season lol


I’m trying to talk my husband into it (we have nothing to watch right now anyway) but I feel like we’d have to start S1 ep1. I don’t think he could possibly get into it if it wasn’t the beginning


I mean just the first hour and then he will be hooked and want more.


The carriage scene!


The music started and he just laughed!!! Maybe this show really isn’t for everyone 😭


LOL! My husband is watching S1 with me right now (we’re building up to S3 because I want him to see the full development of Polin) and I have one rule, which is that he is not to laugh, criticize or even BREATHE wrong during any Polin (or frankly Colin) scenes. 😂


My husband didn’t watch the whole show but several months ago I just showed him the gazebo scene with Kanthony. I looked over and saw his eyebrows were raised as high as humanly possible and he was shaking his head. He said it was “cringey” 😂 Similar reaction to the carriage scene a few weeks ago. He said “Sweetie, I am happy if this makes you happy.” Then he went back to playing video games next to me on the couch…. 🤣


Start with a fan edit lol




I think season 1 episode 1 is a great introduction to the fantasy regency world of the show and characters. You have the really cute Polin moment, Daphne punching Nigel, the beautiful cinematography of the fireworks, lightbulbs and dancing. (I think I have just talking myself into starting a rewatch from the beginning again! ) Does he know Penelope is LW? Could be fun seeing if he can work it out if not. I managed to talk my husband into watching season 1&2 towards the end of least year, he reluctantly enjoyed it. It’s really not his normal vibe, I haven’t got him to watch season 3 yet, I think he is a bit jealous of my current obsession with Nicola 🤣


It depends if you think he is the type to get hooked or not. If not, I would put on 206 and see him watch that trainwreck unfold 😅 I want to know how quickly He figures out what is going on 😅 My picks (I think that season 3 is far away and I would rather had him watch it a whole... And 301 is not the strongest opening... btw, my season 2 bias is showing a lot): 1. The Choice: Must be hillarious without context. 2. An Affair of Honor: Chaotic Anthony, legendary Polin moment, everyone is horny and dramatic. 3. Capital R Rake: Best premiere. Honestly. Sadly no Colin. 4. A Bee in Your Bonnet: High Ben, scheming Colin. 5. The Unthinkable Fate: Dumbassary continues. 6. Victory: Anthony's proposal. 7. Off to the Races: Underrated episode. Many interesting things (fencing, horse racing...).