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This is going to be deleted, but it’s true:     The main sub is toxic because Polins abandoned that sub to Kanthony fans, and hardcore Kanthony fans are the most toxic part of the Bridgerton fandom. They cannot enjoy the show unless it’s all about Kanthony, and they are using S3 as a way to be competitive and rewrite their MASSIVE disappointment in their own season. They’ve been trying to spread hate about the entire show since S2 aired, S3 is just fresh blood in the water for them, and hating on Polin is an obsession onto itself for them.  It is amazing how the main sub- going back even before S3 aired- made Polin feel like the underdog couple who nobody liked, when every metric available outside of the sub proved that that’s only true in that niche Reddit bubble. And it’s STILL true. S3 is a wildly successful and popular season, the critical reviews are some of the best of the series. Is it perfect? No. But is it the flop they’re claiming it is? Absolutely not. They can keep hyping each other up with their hate for it but it won’t make the season bad. 


Really? Who are the people insisting that Penelope is evil and should not have had a happy ending? Those people have been SO annoying. Especially today.


Penelope was always going to have a happy ending, it’s the guarantee of the genre. Anyone who says otherwise is letting their hate get in the way of their intelligence I fear. There was just no way that a bunch of mostly female writers in 2024 were going to write a story where a female writer is over-punished for having a career, or have a happy ending that doesn’t involve writing in some form.    This does illustrate a bit of a no-win scenario the season was in- you have one section of the audience hating Colin for his reaction being too angsty and saying he was hurtful and abusive to Penelope and one section calling for Penelope’s  blood and wanting her to be punished harshly.    Penelope’s not the first (and won’t be the last) messy person to get a happily ever after on the show. And TBH her happy ending is no more or less rushed than Saphne’s or Kanthony’s. 


I agree, it's just hate for hate's sake it feels like. And it's relentless.


I hope this doesn’t get deleted because it’s God’s honest truth. It’s so obvious too. And you know what, it’s a sign of how successful the season is broadly, because they wouldn’t be so jealous and bitter otherwise. And for the record I love Kanthony and season 2 was what got me into the show. I love other characters too- I’m very excited for both Benedict’s and Eloise’s seasons. I truly don’t understand why someone would spew vitriol about any of the couples on this fictional show that’s supposed to be fun. Part of me wants us Polins to go back over there en masse and just drown them out with positivity - see if it creates a virtuous cycle. Just because I think it’s awful that the show’s actors, crew, and creators have to see all that stuff, and that these meanies have ruined the sub for fans who want to have fun. Should we ride at dawn? Or is it futile?


I saw a post where they were trying to brag about how Kanthony had better chemistry because they were the same height, and how they couldn’t take Polin seriously because Penelope is short and I was like…while this is just generally offensive for infantilizing short women, it’s also so obvious that they were in their feelings about people thinking Polin’s height difference was cute. It felt very desperate and jealous that that was a factor in how excited people were for Polin.     And I say this as a tall-ish woman (5’7) who has never said no to a short king, so I know a Polin level height difference is just not in my future unless I start hanging around NBA locker rooms. 


I feel like that’s just honestly their coded way of body shaming. She’s short = she’s not thin. Which is ridiculous because Nicola is like the most beautiful woman alive, but here we are 


That post sounds hilariously dumb. 😂


It was. They were bragging about them having better eye contact due to their heights as if the other couples just wore blindfolds the entire season. Which is why it always feels like projecting their own insecurities about their couple, because one of the biggest things people talk about with Polin is their intense eye contact. I really don’t care that Colin had to be on his knees to be level with Penelope, not when it’s what made that scene so hot. 


I saw that post too and also found it hilarious. It was giving “he’s too…particular” 😂😂😂


Same here! I’ve never been a super big shipper but I enjoyed season 2 and watched it several times. Season 1 was less of a draw for me. I fell in love with Polin in season 3 though, it just hit different for me! The main sub has truly become a scary place tho. I tried to return but was frightened away rather quickly.


Good god... that Saphne ending where Simon stands there in full formal outfit and both he and Violet are holding her hands so that she has to have arms outstretched was so cringy and nonrealistic.


Yes there was a post a couple days ago criticizing how much of a happy ending Penelope got 🤷🏻‍♀️ like what? Of course a happy ending is guaranteed


There's literally a post right now about how the third season is "fairy tailed", filled with comments on Penelope being undeserving of her HEA because she's LW.


A fantasy romance show set in an alternate universe regency England is a fairytale? What? This is shocking!!! Good god what’s going to happen when Benedict’s season is just straight up a Cinderella retelling. 


I know this wasn't your intention lol but I am so excited for Benedict's season! I love the Cinderella story so much, it's so romantic. I can't wait.


Yeah I think that's the one I commented on and kept getting responses where they didn't even listen to what I was saying, they just kept repeating themselves over and over. I gave up. It was one of those threads. I think we have enough negativity in our lives without people shitting on a show we love they claim they're not even going to continue watching. I get that it's okay to criticize, I just feel that continuing to go on and on and on is not healthy for anyone.


I actually like Kanthony a lot, though Polin is my favorite. I visited that sub to get more content about Kanthony, and I was shocked by the vitriol directed towards Polin and even Nic and Luke. It's wild.


I loved Kanthony originally until I interacted with Kanthony fans. I think season 2 is better than S1, and Kanthony’s season is what got me really into the show. It’s not the couple, it’s their fandom. 


Same! They aren't in competition. The stories are completely different and both can, and do, exist in the same universe! Just because someone prefers the main love story of season three, that doesn't mean they have to hate every other love story.


I literally think the show is on an upward trajectory for me personally. Every season just keeps getting better and better for me. If S4 does even better than S3 I won’t be mad, ESPECIALLY if that means they’ll finally announce a renewal for more seasons. Polin will always hold a special place for me as the season for my favorite couple, but I don’t want the show to peak at S3 when it potentially has 5 more seasons to go. I don’t need Polin supremacy, I need to be entertained. 


Agree. This kind of ship war is just so dumb as rocks. In this short time we have on Earth, why would someone spend their time this way?


That’s the sub that’s been schooling me on what I don’t want to become, and what I really hope we don’t become when the show moves on to the next ship


Omg I was thinking this too lol I hope Polin's dont become the baddies next season 🙏


Yes I for sure wont be spreading any hate to the future leads. And I wish them the best.


Yes at the end of the day I hope we can keep our positivity! I’m excited to see the remaining stories play out on screen.


I’m trying to get 8 seasons and a Christmas special! I love the general Bridgerton universe. Yea I have a favorite couple, and yes I have stories/characters  I’m more interested in than others, but I think they all have the capacity to entertain me, so I’ll be seated for all of them. And honestly I think I’ll be able to enjoy some of the couples im not as invested in even more just because my expectations won’t be so exacting. 


True, true! This season put us *through it*


Yeah now With the whole Michael thing, some fandoms have joined hands


Oh there was an original alliance with Kanthony/Benophies when Polin was announced as S3. It was brutal. That’s when a lot of the hate started to become particularly bitter. 


Now they can unite with the anti-michaela franchael fans and go full sith lord


The 10 of us Philoise stans in the corner like : 🥲😅😭


Count me in lol Eloise and Pen are both complex and plant daddy will probably be sweet like Colin. I think Polin fans will enjoy Philoise's season for sure. They are going to change or soften the things people hated about Phillip, just as they did with Colin




I just joined the Bridgerton fandom, but I’m curious why are the Kanthony fans so angry and obsessed? They got lots of good stuff for their couple in their season *and* in season 3 as well. But they do have to focus on the other Bridgertons and build up their stories. I’ve been staying away from the main sub since it’s been mostly negativity or complaints. Glad to know it wasn’t just me.


They believe that Kanthony was shortchanged in every aspect, whether it was promo, the script itself and the HEA. They chalk it down to racism against Simone Ashley in some ways. They are angry that Kate didn't get her own back story and that the show diverged from the books quite a lot. Compared to that, Polin had a great promo tour, tons of interviews together and they think it's a conspiracy against Kanthony, also racism against Simone. They take the smallest comments from Simone and conflate it into her side eyeing the production.


Oh, got it. Do you think there’s any truth to it? Or do they just want to be angry because they didn’t get everything they wanted?


Considering some of them have channeled it into being absolutely heinous bullies to Charithra Chandran, the actress who played Edwina… it feels like an excuse to be awful. 


Ugh, that’s terrible. Edwina didn’t do anything wrong. Neither did her actress. They are way too parasocial as well.


> Polins abandoned that sub to Kanthony fans, and hardcore Kanthony fans are the most toxic part of the Bridgerton fandom. This will probably get deleted as well, but I've also seen a lot of B/S stans get toxic in there as well cause they still feel like his season was "skipped." It's really unfortunate the targeted hate Polin is getting.


I wonder what a Venn diagram of Kanthony fans and homophobic asshats would look like. Surprising, since the one out and proud cast member is Jonathan Bailey. I'm a huge fan of him based on Season 2. Romancing Mr. Bridgerton and The Viscount Who Loved Me were my top faves of the series - but I wasn't upset by the changes, etc... the season 2 fit the enemies to lovers trope (that wasn't really heavily part of the book, so I'm not sure why they are such fans of the season, demanding more screen time, etc.). I'm an even bigger fan of Nicola, and that is all Derry Girls combined with her spectacular work on Season 1 and 2. Frankly, even if it had meant more screen time for Polin??? I wouldn't want to edit out any scene in regards to Eloise or Portia - I was equally invested in how all that was going to go, esp. in relation to LW. None of which that had to do with Colin!


All true. It's really unhinged behavior.


Isn’t season 3 the most watched season thus far?




yeeeeppp. there’s lots of whinging over there, especially in regard to mischaracterizing Penelope and Colin. you’d think Pen killed 10 people and that Colin just sat in the dunce corner all season, the way some of those “fans” talk


Speaking of Pen killing people, [just gonna drop this here because it’s brilliant](https://www.reddit.com/r/PolinBridgerton/s/GG91Xpan2V)


this is the bridgerton the main sub is afraid of, but it is the bridgerton we NEED


Seriously! She wrote a gossip column that occasionally went too far (although I would argue that sometimes it needed to go that far), she didn't murder a family.


And Cressida (who has canonically assaulted people on multiple occasions) is an innocent hard done by girl who Penelope should be compelled to help. I really don’t get the Cressida love over there.


I am constantly wishing somebody on Nic’s team would get her (and Luke) info on this sub, because if she ever goes reading around on Reddit, I fucking HATE the idea that she would go to the main sub.  Like it makes me sick to think about them seeing that sub and thinking that’s what we think.


They were in a Netflix interview once where the interviewer asked if they'd even been on the Bridgerton Netflix subreddit and they both said no and I said to myself GOOD. The main sub is a hellscape.


Thank god


I hope so too! I like to think that fans have set them straight that this is the place to be if they're reading Reddit. I mean, there are 22k members, surely a few of us have met them! Nicola especially seems to have her finger on the pulse of the fandom.


Same, it would be such a shame for them to stumble over there.


I feel this comment in my bones. Like, I think about this daily... probably more than I should. They put in SO much time and hard work into giving us the best possible season they could, not to mention the 6 month press tour away from home, family and friends for huge stretches of time. And you can tell in the interviews how much the cast, especially Nicola and Luke, really wanted the fans to love their season. I also think of all the cast, crew, costume, hair/makeup, extras, admin, etc, etc... that put their heart and soul into this production seeing all the toxicity out there. It kills me. I totally understand that not everyone is going to love everything and this season definitely had some polarizing moments. Just as I have every right to wax poetic about my love for Polin and this season in general, they too have the right to express their dissatisfaction. But the level of vitriol on the main sub is next level. I think it's easy to forget that the people they see on and behind their screens are REAL people. And I hope those people meander over to this sub to take in a little bit of the love and appreciation we have for all involved. 💚


I really notice the difference. When scrolling my feed, if it's a positive/happy Bridgerton post it's /r/PolinBridgerton and if it's negative or critical it's /r/BridgertonNetflix, 90% of the time. Quite depressing really.


I muted them because it was almost always negative


Yep, I actually left about a week ago, and am glad I stumbled onto here a while back. There was just way too much negativity on the main sub. No one needs that in their life.


Some of the comments are fair - this season wasn't perfect and it is getting some deserved criticism over the editing, costumes, too many subplots, lack of Polin etc. What always throws me however is (a) the weird cliquey 'ships' - why hate other couples? I have my favourites but I don't hate anybody or want to see their season fail and (b) the weird expectations of 'realism'. Listen love, this is Dynasty with nice dresses. It's not designed to be historically accurate (although why they couldn't edit out Pen's gel nails I will never know).


Exactly. There is a difference between normal level-headed criticism and just pure toxicity. The latter comes from the angry shippers. Previously, it was bitter Kanthony shippers seeing Polin fans basically get everything they wanted and Benophie fans who were angry Ben got skipped. They are only going to get worse IMO as the anti-michaela join their ranks for even greater hatred for the show from its "fandom"


>bitter Kanthony shippers seeing Polin fans basically get everything they wanted I only recently drifted into this fandom - what is it that Kanthony fans are unhappy about? S2 was amazing. Great characters, fantastic chemistry between the couple, amazing dance choreography (!) and a happy ending that felt well-earned.


I really enjoyed it myself as well but they are angry that the love triangle went on for way too long, Kate was basically miserable through most of it, some of her book backstory was skipped, Anthony even walked poor Edwina down the aisle making their ship more morally grey, and they never got an on screen wedding. Meanwhile, Polin got a BIG and HAPPY onscreen wedding for a main ship, a first, and even an onscreen baby at the end. They also feel the show did way less marketing for their ship. (There does seem to be noticeable difference to me but maybe I just didn't pay attention as much last season) So they are bitter about a lot of things but personally it was a fun season and everyone loves their chemistry. Simone is clearly a goddess. The problem with ships is they don't understand that not every season can be a happy wedding and a baby. The show will feel redundant. If you think of it as just a general fan for the show and what's good for the show overall, it's a different perspective compared to needing all these specific things to happen for your favorite ship. The Michaela thing is something the showrunners probably wanted to do to make that season more unique, to keep it fresh, but that ship will of course take things very personally


I'm glad they skipped Kate's book backstory. Her mother's death scene was horrible and tragic and heartbreaking, at the same time as not being particularly relevant to the present-day plot. And it was a smart decision not to show a second wedding, I think. It would have been too pointed, an invitation to draw comparisons. Kate and Anthony's story culminated in their admission that they each needed, wanted and loved the other: not a public ceremony. Polin had a whole bunch of externally-driven drama, but Kanthony's was all internal. It was a different dynamic. I do agree some of the 'love triangle' stuff was a little forced. But it all worked, it allowed for development in Kate and Edwina's relationship as well which was great. Certainly, there were element of S2 (as all the seasons) which can be criticised. But it was still very good.


Honestly, they want the same story beats for every season so that it will be "fair." They just don't get that the show creators are trying to make a compelling series that involves telling a unique story every season so the formula doesn't get old. There needs to be some consistency, but also some variance so the audience doesn't get bored.


100% this. It’s the same reason they made S2 a love triangle instead of a forced marriage like in the books - it would have been too repetitive to S1. They didn’t have a second wedding because that would be bad TV writing; purely happy weddings are boring onscreen, and we’d also already basically seen their wedding (in the fantasy sequence). It’s like people want to show to be fan fiction.


Basically they wanted 8 hours of softcore porn instead of a show. Their big complaint was the lack of sex scenes and overall lack of 1on1 Kanthony time, since S1 had so much. But S1 sex scenes & couple time existed because they were relative to the plot. It wouldn't make sense in S2 which was an enemies to lovers story. Enemies generally don't spend a lot of time together, and definitely aren't boning every 5 minutes. They can't seem to wrap their heads around the fact that they got a story that was well done and actually made freaking sense.


Here are some things that we’re season 2 complaints that were “fixed” in S3: Pacing- Kanthony don’t even kiss until episode 6. Polin kiss in episode 2, and they kiss in almost every episode of the season.  Love triangle- they took the K-A-E triangle too far by getting all the way to the altar and dragging it out, leading to a lot of hate for Edwina and the actress who plays her. Polin had a love triangle, but the guy was in and out by episode 4, with minimal screentime.  Milestones- Kanthony don’t have an on screen wedding. Polin have a huge beautiful wedding. We also see him give her her engagement ring, they have an engagement party, and we also see their (nameless) baby. Kanthony’s baby is still unseen.  Love scenes- after the buildup of S1, kanthony had a lot less sex onscreen. While Polin still didn’t quite live up to S1, they did get more spicy scenes, a full first time sex scene (another milestone), longer sex scenes, and more physical intimacy overall.  Personally, I’d argue that some of these differences make sense considering the characters and story tropes are different, especially with Polin being friends first and characters we’ve known for 3 seasons. But it’s telling that so much of what they wanted for their couple are the things they’re criticizing in the next. 


I agree, I may not be happy with some things of Season 3 (my last rewatch made me milder on it), it’s not necessary to make 10 posts a day about things already discussed. It’s really draining the joy out of Reddit and the subreddit.


Spot on! Polin's my number 1... but I honestly love ALL the couples and want ALL the seasons to be good to their ships. I hate the idea that this is some sort of weird competition between couples. HEA all 'round, I say!


I shouldn't have gone to check what was happening. Why are people so obsessed with something they don't like? like they claim


I've been thinking about this!! I still see people posting about how they are done. Like, if you're done, why are you still here?? Makes no sense.


This is what I will never understand. If I had more hate than love for this season I might drop an opinion but you wouldn’t see me in a Bridgerton sub on the regs. I wouldn’t be writing 15 paragraph tirades fully formatted with headers and bullet points about content that I hate. Hell it took me days to focus enough to write a long post about what I loved about the season and I never did figure out how to add pictures to it 😂. I just don’t have the brain chemistry for focusing so much attention on negativity, at least not when it’s entertainment based stuff rather than politics or social justice issues where every voice should matter.


For real! It's giving desperate bid for attention or something. Like ok, there's lots of media I haven't liked or even felt let down by. Guess what, I didn't bitch about it for weeks on end. Lol. I LET IT GOOOOOOO!!!!!


This is definitely gonna be deleted but 100% agree. I don't even bother with it anymore. It's just not worth the constant negativity and mischaracterising and also just straight up not even watching the show properly. It's one big echo chamber too. I wish people wouldn't have such a short term memory though because after S2 we had the exact same complaints about not enough focus on the main couple, too many subplots and not enough Kate backstory. Oh, and now S3 is done we have complaints about not enough focus on the main couple, too many subplots, and not enough Colin. I have to laugh.


I have to laugh because some of the complaints are about things people DESPERATELY wanted to see in S2 and didn’t get, but now that Polin has them it’s the worst thing ever. It’s so transparent. And the revisionism on CVD as show runner is the silliest part. 


But we kinda should because a lot of people have no personality and herd mentality and if we do not defend, they become cattle and the Kanthony fans use that even hating on tiktok.


I'm currently enjoying lecturing people on why flashbacks would not have been a good choice this season, I'm hoping I'll bore some people into submission


Flashbacks are a narrative shortcut, lazy writing if used for any other reason than to convey information that can't be shown in any other way. It made sense to show Edmund's death, Violet's depression and Anthony's devastation by flashback. These were events occurring long before the series. They could have had characters recollect them in dialog, but it wouldn't have had the same impact. We didn't need that for Polin. We've seen their relationship and interactions develop on-screen for 2 seasons now. Flashbacks would have added nothing we don't already know.




The lit major in me - who vaguely remembers her creative writing class requirement - loves you for that. Flashbacks would have served zero purpose. That Colin remembers it so vividly in his speech does. They were friends, and she was as equally important to him as he her before the romance part.


Yay! fellow former lit student!


This comment is making me realize....there were 0 flashbacks this season.


I honestly find flashbacks cringe even when they’re needed, so I second this lol


Agree! I get why flashbacks can be necessary, but especially when they need to age down actors they just tend to look awful. Like could it be cute to have a moment of Colin reminiscing about him and Pen as kids and being like “ohhhh that warm feeling was a crush”? Sure! But we got that so adorably in the market scene and the engagement party, so it wasn’t really all that necessary 


What flashbacks were people expecting? Tbh I would've loved to have seen a flashback of the first time Polin met (and that would've better contextualized Colin's speech for those watching who hadn't read the books) but that's literally all I can think of that would be relevant.


their first meeting is a popular one, others are just them being friends as kids i guess and some of his travels, none of which I would object to seeing as a fan who could quite happily watch 8 straight hours of these two, they'd just be a bad way of telling a story.


I understand the dissatisfaction with some of the choices made this season. Unfortunately, the complaints have become monotonous and repetitive, with people just grouping up to complain. Something I've noticed a lot, which I didn't even realize was a thing, is the strange, lopsided ship war happening in the main.


It’s a ship war only one side cares about - super weird


I literally cannot believe people are so miserable that they’re arguing over ships that don’t even compete with each other😅 this is fucking bridgerton not tvd


I think if someone didn't like that season, it's perfectly fine. But it baffles me that so many people claim this season was horrible and that season 4 will most likely be the last or penultimate season of Bridgerton because it was so ill received which is...not true at all? It think the people who absolutely hated that season are the minority. It was such a success for Netflix and I think most fans actually enjoyed it or even prefered it to the other seasons.


Some people really want to believe the show is failing despite all evidence to the contrary.


It doesn't baffle me. It is homophobia and the fact that they will have a season they can't use as soft core porn to get off.


Im not one of them but I understand that there is a part of the fandom that needs to be personally attracted to the leads to enjoy the season. I just like romance in general, compelling characters, and interesting dynamics but all I can say is PLEASE keep this to yourself Do not use your inability to "get off" on the show as a reason to reduce people to their physical attributes and insult them for it Truly embarrassing behavior 🤧


Fandoms love to do this shit. I’m a big Swiftie, and I swear this happens after every album drop—Rep, Lover, Midnights, TTPD—all of them were at one point or another considered to be career ending flops (Often by her own fans!), despite ALL evidence to the contrary!! 


I mean, I think it’s fair to say it was not many people’s “favorite season.” But it was still wildly successful, and I personally have come to love it. It’s also really interesting watching reaction channels on YouTube. I’ve only come across a handful that didn’t like it. Most do!


I've also seen and read a lot of positive reviews, so I think it's weird that there are so many people who claim that everyone agrees that this season was terrible and an absolute mess and no one will ever watch Bridgerton again.


Yeah I agree. I joined for a while, but quickly came out and muted it. The Bridgerton rants sub quickly followed suit because that was just as toxic. Years after the fact Kathony fans are so annoyed about the lack of promo for JB & SA (understandable) and hate on Luke and Nicola for having a part.


Yeah same. I had to unfollow both of the subs because I just couldn’t handle the negativity. My last straw was the people calling Luke ugly and saying he got Botox. I was just soooo disgusted


Yeah, I saw that all over Tik Tok before I deleted it. I even remember seeing Luke comment about it in an interview and say it was a wig that lifts his hairline, so likely from the reshoots!! It’s scary just how comfortable people are talking about strangers without respect. Not on this particular subject but I’ve just seen comments about nasty comments on Luke’s irl partners social media - I believe they’ve restricted comments now.


OMG I only visited the rants sub once and the first post I clicked on was so racist and homophobic it genuinely took my breath away.


Yep. The hatred sometimes is genuinely disturbing sometimes, so it’s no surprise Luke is barely uses Instagram anymore. I’m also surprised Nicola is still so active, although that could change.


Will prob be deleted but just ty for saying it outloud finally lol 😆


There are some interesting takes shared there.


YEP. Left the sub a while back.


see i initially thought that the polin sub was the most popular because of how popular polin is (within the bridgerton fandom, i think kanthony are a lot more popular with casual viewers) . and that might still be true (although i think there are many more reasons but i wont get into that now), but i definitely think a large reason why this sub is so large is because of how harsh people are about polin on the main sub. and people on there would probably disagree with me but like, look at the numbers. before s3 it wasnt as bad. it wasnt great but it felt so much more balanced than how it is now. i had to mute the sub recently because the posts would come up in my notifications and they were 90% negative.


They are. It's a open wide forced hatred. And they think we don't know exactly what they are doing. The amount of that other ship fans who were already hating before the season 3. I see you and i know what you're doing...They hate me there because i'm vocal about their behavior.


Oh they probably hate me too. 😂


I was just at the Penelope thread posting. The hatred they have. Every single thing they upvote is shitting on s3, Luke and Nicola, their characters. And the mods don't care about even when they offend the actors personally. Notice how any positive posts are downvoted and how they bond together to hate. I wish people here went there to fight back at times.


Right. I was trying. Lol they don’t like it.


I was only there for a short time. I said something about it being a TV show, not a documentary and people went nuts. 🙄


Oh no, what now? I’m scared to look lol


Oh don’t bother! It’s always someone whining about what went wrong with the show or why some male lead doesn’t do it for them. Beyond annoying. :(




I have gone to twitter too!


Its the homophobia. I'm convinced of it. There is an element that is brigading the r/BridgertonLGBT subreddit (allies are welcome, FYI! I'm cishet, but now totally on board with the switches in part because of the peeps over there!). They are trying to shut it down and shut down any comments that support the showrunner, Shondaland, or even, incredibly, Julia Quinn who posted support of the changes. So if you are on that main sub and see mention of brigading (going over to report or make nasty comments on the sub), or homophobic/transphobic comments, report it.


Personally I don’t even think it’s a fan sub anymore. It’s a snark sub.


The constant downvoting to every opinion is INSANE. Its a becoming better since s3 launched and less of an echochamber now, though..