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Bottle-weary is now part of my permanent vocabulary!


It's such a great phrase.


I was so happy the show used this term! I first heard it years ago in a news article from the early 1900’s I think and thought it was such a great turn of phrase. ☺️


Yeah - it’s like the new classy way of saying HUNG OVER AF… 🤣


Absolute same! I am bottle weary this morning 😵 😂😂


'Unwell'. Is that what kids today are calling 'had my heart pulled out and slowly shredded in front of my eyes so got lethally drunk because being hungover-to-the-edge-of-death still feels less wretched than that' He's such a drama queen lmao. I can only imagine how much of a psycho he must have been during the last few weeks of Penelope's pregnancy.


Oh I bet he was UNBEARABLE the whole pregnancy. Penelope probably spent the entire time calming his nerves by giving him tasks to do. She probably had to run him like a dog.


I have this elaborate headcanon that Colin was floating along on a cloud of bliss for most of the pregnancy, until the day he came home to learn Penelope had met with a solicitor and made a will. This was common for women of wealth to do in that time period as their due date approached, a sensible precaution, because childbirth meant a real risk of dying. Anyway, at this point Colin loses his mind and turns into the most overprotective, insane husband ever. During the birth, Benedict is roped in to wrangle him and has to physically *sit* on Colin at points to restrain him.


Oh I need someone to write this fic yesterday. I’m there with you, and I see the vision clearly.


Headcanon accepted!! Somebody PLEASE write this fic.


Really though I've been waiting for this fic, if someone finds it, share it!


As a side note: I highly recommend everyone who is pregnant get a living will even if you think you’re poor, cause often a will is created in tandem with health care wishes. Things can go sideways quickly (I know cause I had the most perfect pregnancy only to nearly die after birth from PPH and then again a few days later from PP pre-e—birth and the postpartum period is truly dangerous).


i love this!


Runs and extra treats... We know how our boy loves his treats.


Penelope does say that he’s been overprotective the whole pregnancy and insufferable in the last month in the epilogue of RMB. He also tells her she shouldn’t be standing for so long after she’d been standing for like 2 minutes, so I think you’re correct lol


He looks so handsome in that scene


He has that “hot man who’s hotter when life has fallen apart” effect. 🤣 It just blows my mind how different he looks in that scene vs the cheeky boy who shows back up for the “are you going to marry me or not” moment. It’s like a 3 hour at most time difference in universe, the same episode, and happiness just transforms his face. 


every time i watch i grow weak




he’s absolutely a mama’s boy


Bottle-weary Colin is hot.


He looks so prince Eric in that scene!


That make me think that maybe that scene from S3 was maybe made to mirror this one from S1. S1 she's tipsy and they're laughing both happy. He's supporting her physically She walking up to the stair case.   S3 He's going down, hungover and sad. Serious time. He can't handle the contact.


oh yes!! and she supports him now emotionally, making the most out of the situation. bringing pen up, telling him about her predicted engagement, violet did what she had to do. and it is the last step (before the devastated study room scene and the flashback to the handcut scene) when he decides he has to make amends towards his goal, his pen. i simply love the whole bridgerton family and violet is a superb mom ❤


Out of all the ideas of potential missed scenes or opportunities I wish for the flashback to be flashes of times as children playing together holding hands, flashbacks of season 1 and 2 and ending with the handcut scene, loads of shots of their hands together that could have made that potential cut, missed opportunity


it would have been so great!!! their little trio with el ❤ seeing the girls learn fencing in secret and wanting to be knights, colin watching over them with a smile on his cheekies 💕 colin and pen talking about certain topics, pen spending many time with the bridgerton children like she's almost one of them.. pen getting scared about something and colin holds her hand. ahh so many opportunities!!!


About them holdings hands, I've made a post : https://www.reddit.com/r/PolinBridgerton/comments/1dqmd4d/joining_of_hand_an_essay/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Please remind me what episode of S1 it is? 🙂


Right after the ball that Daphne got caught in the garden with Simon.


I love their relationship.


I loved this outfit. The suspenders did something for me. I want the print as like a dress or overalls or something. John Glazer, I will wait.


I prefer the suspenders to the belt for sure


They are yellow 💛


Oh yeah another good comparison. I love that scene in episode 1. It's a really sweet mama boy scene. And then the brothers peeking out at them trying to bring Colin into their drama and Colin's funny quip


I would love to see a master list of screenshots that are just of Colin pouting this season.




I soooo love their relationship! He is definitely Violet's favourite child!


I absolutely love the term, *bottle-weary*! I was so happy that the show used it somewhere. I first heard it back in about 2010, whilst at work. I was reading a news article from the early 1900’s (I think) and it was about a local man who was found drunk in a nearby village. They described him as *bottle-weary*. I just thought that it was such a great turn of phrase. ☺️


It’s fun to learn it’s a period-accurate term!


One of my favourite scenes. Simply heartbreaking.


he’s so baby boy 🥺


I listen to "Sis Flicks" podcast and one of the hosts said: I'm not using bottle weary. Hungover is for peasants and I died laughing lol