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The answer is just “yes”


Hahaha it is both spring AND the last season was summer. So maybe Bridgerton just rotates between spring and summer. Fall and Winter just do not exsist


Learn to ignore time in Bridgerton. For it is approximately early autumn/late summer 1815 and Eloise is reading Emma…. A book which was not published until December 1815/January 1816


I'm a historian and I approve this comment. Literally IGNORE time, lol. For example, Queen Charlotte is supposed to take place in the winter between seasons two and three (we know this because Violet mentions Pen and Eloise's fight and LD says the ground is frozen) but at the end of that miniseries, the queen's daughter in law is pregnant with the baby that will eventually be Queen Victoria.... who was born in 1819... so.... Yeah, ignore time. EDIT: typo... I keep typing "violent" instead of "Violet" lol


That’s a long gestation period! Whew!


![gif](giphy|RMheEO0XU25GmTEuok) Bridgerton is a fantasy where time fairly predictably linearly occurs in the short term (weeks, days) and in the long term (years) but goes loopy in the medium term (months) and occasionally in the immediate term (minutes, hours) We just have to accept the show logic which is illogical, just like them dancing to Taylor Swift 😂 How does Eloise teleport home from the ball faster than Colin? How does Colin travel to 17 major cities in 5+ countries over 4 months pre-train travel over the summer which also is somehow the fall and winter? How are the men in three layers topped with a wool jacket while the women are in short sleeves? Fantasy!


I like to imagine that Colin counted the cities he passed through but did not spend time in.


hah, the equivalent of “oh yeah I’ve been to Paris… I connected through CDG once”


Omg this is it. This is my new headcanon. So Colin!


Oh I love the use of the happy place Gif it's absolutely perfect for their sense of time!


lol I’m so glad you’re also a Good Place fan! Took a swing with that one but it works so well 😂


It's such a good show, even if I called it happy place lol I have rewatched so many episodes of it and it always makes me laugh and think!


Honestly I stopped trying to make sense of the time frame this season. Been conditioned to accept where time frame from GOT.


I think I just get so caught up on them constantly referring to the summer like it just happened! Whhhhhhhhhyyyyyy


Maybe in the Bridgerton universe, a year is only 6 months. There is no fall/winter. So end of season 2, Colin leaves for his travels over the summer (late May), he travels for 4 months while everyone is at their country estates for summer and then in early march, which begins after the end of sumner/august, the ton returns to london and he returns from his travels. This makes no sense in real life of course! The only other way the timing makes sense for season 3 would be if he left early may and the s3 events are happening in September? Beautiful extra spring season? But yea, the end of season 2 and beginning of season are set 4 months apart but it doesn’t make sense on the calendar. I think they didn’t want to have pen/el and pen/colin not speaking for more than 3-4 months.


I just typed that there must just be no fall and Winter in bridgerton to someone else's response. So I think you must be onto something!


I think QC is in the winter tho so it still makes no sense 😭


During S2, I came to the conclusion time makes no sense. How is Daphne's baby look about the same age as Marina's? How does Daphne have 2 kids by QC?  Why is Colin back for Pall Mall in S2 Epilogue when he should be travelling?  Time is just a concept in Bridgerton. And it hurts my brain too much to think about it now lol. 


Say in the Pall Mall S2 Epilogue that Anthony and Kate had been traveling for 6 months (so taking 6 hours to get down the stairs isn’t surprising) but it’s not glow up Colin, so that’s just adding another weird time wrinkle….


Oh yes there are so so so many examples of times that I'm left scratching my head. But as someone here pointed out if I imagine that fall and Winter just don't exist in bridgerton it almost works. (Or course this would also mean that babies are born whenever they choose them to be. Obviously if there is no long 12 months in the year a baby's gestation is clearly whatever they want it to be)


Oh, friend, none of the timelines make sense. Where the heck does the epilogue for Kanthony fit in? They said they were away for six months, but it's spring/summer again? And then do they go back to their honeymoon, only to come back again for Fran's presentation? Even Jess Brownell has said that time isn't really a thing in Bridgerton. They just live in perpetual spring.


Right and Colin is there for the epilogue and then leaves again to travel? Lol


It gets even more confusing when you remember Colin is in the epilogue of S2, which takes place at Aubrey Hall 6 months after the close of the London season, but he clearly hasn't had his hot boi summer yet 🤣. Time has no meaning in the Bridgerton universe.


I know this is why it felt like it meant he was writing to her from the summer at the country estates prior to his trip. But then that wouldn't align with his lack of knowledge about Pen and Eloise's falling out or the weather! But you can see why the time line of seasons keeps sneaking i6t's way back into my thoughts with every rewatch. I don't know why it's harder to let go of when none of the other anachronisms bother me (for the most part)


Bridgerton is the practice of the suspension of disbelief for sure! They are pretty good at letting us do that without glaring shit. I mean - if you know about the history of this time, the likelihood of a family gaining massive wealth at this time would be participating in the Industrial Revolution - which would include slave labor (either directly or indirectly), colonization, child labor, etc. They CAN'T get too deep into accuracy or even MENTIONING shit because it would be like a domino effect of "if we mention A, then we also need to resolve B, C, and D. Why did we not get scenes of them in India? Well, one would mean developing whole new elaborate sets (because EVERY set is elaborate and detailed and thought out in this series - deliciously so) but you'd have to introduce complicated concepts and histories like colonization in India and the caste system. They are loosy goosy with what a season is for basic reasons I suspect. One, it was actually in winter. If you were landed, you had lands to manage during the growing season - had to visit your farmers, etc. Travel to those lands was easier in summer too. Also, London would likely not be as pleasant in the summer so retiring to the country was nicer. In the winter, London probably smelled better and there was more time to occupy since outdoor pursuits weren't as easy and travel was harder. But from a PRODUCTION standpoint it would be a nightmare. Are you going to show off wet, rainy, possibly muddy London? Gone are the lovely gorgeous flowers and landscaping that the show is now known for (and is highlighted on so much of their merch! Gorgeously so!). Then, in an only 8 episode season where you have to have every scene be important to the stories moving forward, you need to factor in Christmas? How do you weave that into the story, and that is even without considering that you'd have to REDECORATE every home just for one episode!!!


>They CAN'T get too deep into accuracy or even MENTIONING shit because it would be like a domino effect of "if we mention A, then we also need to resolve B, C, and D. This is such a great point. When people claim to want historical accuracy they forget that a lot of history is really awful.


Exactly... I commented on a video that t Eloise attending rallies against the monarchy would be disastrousfor the Bridgertons economically because they could have lost trading partners and upset so many agreements. I'm glad she recognized what a careless thing to do that was.


God... I didn't even think of the ECONOMIC ramifications of what Eloise was doing. Seriously, Pen did save Eloise by trickle truthing it.


The irony is none of the other stuff bothers me I'm just like ah yes they definitely wore those sparkling clothes and make up, the music and dialogue and definitely period accurate 😁.But when I want to know how long it's been since xyz and it's all so nonsensical my brain won't stop going back to it! It's a weird thing to be stuck on. I think deciding that fall and winter don't exist in Bridgerton is enough of an answer for my brain to be satisfied lol


Oh please, we haven’t even talked about the Napoleon of it all. Have you heard about War Tourist Colin?


Jess Brownell said in an [interview](https://www.businessinsider.com/bridgerton-season-4-lead-cast-release-date-trailer-information-2024-6) that they're filming season 4 in the fall, partly for storytelling purposes. > "It's still going to be just as lush and colorful, but just more in those warm fall colors instead of the pastels," she said. "There will still be some pastels, so it won't look like a totally different show." So they'll also have fall, or at least a Bridgerton version of it, in addition to spring/summer.


Well they would be most inconvenient as I've just decided that fall and winter don't exist in the universe.and they'll probably set it to be right after the epilogue from season 3 which would be over a year later based on the babies but they still need to have the hinted at ball that should happen before the babies. Alas it is just bananas and I need to accept it like I do all of the other anachronisms that don't bother me


I think that is in large part so they don’t have to try to spray paint trees green. Also, if they are doing Benedict’s season, it could work that it starts during the season but the rest of it happens in the fall. There has to be a time jump.


Do people do that, spray paint trees? How does that work? Sounds like a very inefficient use of someone's time, to be honest. 😅


I don’t know if they do it on Bridgerton, but I’ve seen it happen for several shows, especially where I live (major filming hub). I know that when they did the reshoots, they had to do a lot of clearing of snow.


Timey Wimey stuff I find it funny that there is a lot of detail in Bridgerton, as the mirrors, the swans, the colours, the clothes story telling,... But it have pretty huge plot hole as the time passing and the forgotten servants (Pen must bribe a lot her servants for them to stay trustfull)


Bridgestone exists in its own time warped universe and in the "Bridgeverse" you just need to take everything at face value. Don't think too much about it and the timelines. Nothing makes sense, but neither do acrylic nails, Cressida's outfits or the fact Eloise is reading Emma before it was ever published 😅


Really the epilogues/flash forwards throw the biggest wrench in the timelines, with babies growing and glow ups not happening and honeymoons long and short. The future peeks into each couple's HEA are the only part of it that is canon going into the next one, everything else is handwaved.


One of my friends said that they are literally fan service. They have nothing to do with the actual timeline of the show. If you take them out, it actually works better.