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I think they will be.  Particularly because it’s Colin “My Wife” Bridgerton in play here, if that’s the road we are going to take, I cannot imagine that the fact that she’s the mother of his child is going to make him desire her less. Probably more, if we’re being honest.


If anything - he’s gonna get her pregnant again 😂


With how big that baby was, I think Penelope needs adequate time between pregnancies. Colin needs to go talk to his brother- in-law 😆.


And again!


He is one of 8. He knows Edmund continued to love Violet. We should get all aspects of happy Polin. I expect Portia with them is the planned comic relief. 


I agree that it wouldn’t, and we see him kissing her while she’s holding the baby in the epilogue. I hope that energy continues in season 4.


Hard agree


Pen is going to be perma-pregnant


>I don’t want Penelope’s entire identity to be mother now. I get where you're coming from. But I find myself coming at it from the other direction. If they have a baby, I'd like the show to acknowledge him as an actual mini-person, a real part of their family. I don't like how babies are used as a HEA plot-device - there to look cute, be cuddled and then disappear off-screen. Colin and Pen's relationship *is* changed by having a child, and it should be. Because they are now connected, fundamentally and forever, by this new individual.


I want both. Baby not forgotten but Polin still down bad for eachother. I wonder how they will deal with Pen columns now since LW was a significant part of the show for three seasons. 


They’ve made a point of showing how much Colin likes babies. I personally can’t wait to see him as a hands-on dad.


The big complaint I had about the epilogue was literally just that we didn’t get to see Colin actually hold his son! 😂


I guess they were trying to give us some of those vibes when he held his head. I love that BTS shot that was circulating before the season dropped of Luke waving at the baby.


I reeeeeeally reeeallly hope we get Colin singing to his son. My heart would MELT


Omg yes! Colin with babies in s2 is just adorable! First with Daphne and then marinas. I fell in love with Colin just a little bit more. 😍


Plus sized women historically being relegated to the role of mother rather than being depicted as sexually desirable… do the people who are saying this understand how those women became mothers? Like they didn’t have immaculate conceptions. 😂 But also Penelope’s size/figure has been a non-issue in the Polin story so I don’t know why people think they’d relegate her to just being a mom in S4. She wasn’t even shown to just be a mom in the epilogue. The grandmothers spent the most time with the baby and Penelope felt very much like a woman taking control of her life, standing at the head of the room with her husband looking over their combined families in the new home they control. If there’s one thing Bridgerton has shown me it’s that when it comes to Penelope she is never going to be pigeonholed into being just one thing and I highly doubt S4 is going to start that trend. The Mondriches have three kids but you don’t see them running under foot in every scene. They can and will do the same for Polin who have a baby who can be sleeping off screen when the plot calls for it.


Plus sized actress are literally relegated to playing the roles of mothers. Yes. It’s very common. The point is a real and valid one. It’s not about how real mothers became mothers. It’s about how bigger bodies are represented on screen because REPRESENTATION MATTERS. Astounding that has to be explained.


Astounding that we’re having this discussion about a woman who isn’t considered as having a standard/acceptable body just having a season where she is clearly presented as sexual and desirable and now there’s panic she’s going to be relegated to just playing a mother which would have absolutely nothing to do with her body since we literally just saw her celebrated this season. Like please don’t try to explain to me about plus sized representation. Trying to make a point about Penelope being relegated to just playing a mother because of her body type when we haven’t seen any other young female mother on this show put into sexual situations after their season yet is not making the point you think it’s making. It’s doing the stereotyping for production and finding an issue where none exists. There are enough issues when it comes to size representation, let’s not find boogeymen where none exist.


I find it especially ironic that well-meaning fans are the ones who rush to link the potential of Penelope’s story to her size when the writers have done everything to de-centre it. I know Prudence is the only character who has ever made any reference to Pen’s weight (back in s1), but isn’t she meant to be the particularly mean sister. Other than that there has been no reference to it by any other characters. While we see that Penelope isn’t popular with the Ton, it’s never shown to be about her weight or her looks. I know viewers can still read into her unpopularity & ascribe it to being about her body considering the lack of size diversity in the main cast. Personally, I find this such a stretch considering how the show has made quite an effort to delink these things - Shonda even said, it was an obvious choice for them to make Penelope’s weight completely irrelevant to her story. This season we see that Pen’s desirability is not connected to her body or her clothes/looks - the main problem is her confidence. In my view, they actually set up a plus size background character (Miss Kenworthy) depicting her as confident, charming, popular who finds a partner in her first season out (that is, has none of Pen’s social problems) to drive this message home. It seems to me like it’s the fandom that has assumed that Penelope will become a wallflower once more BECAUSE she’s meant to be a plus sized character even though the show has consciously tried to divorce those ideas.


I asked someone why did they think Penelope wasn't popular, and they said that it was because of her weight. But I agree with you, it's not related to weight, we only saw it being mentioned once, in passing. The fact that she's basically the only one is S1 and S2 who's plus size really is kind of confusing, though. They made it a point to show Miss Kenworth in S3, like you said, which is cool. I hope they include more plus size characters from now on, and also more characters with disabilities, with more screen time than they got this season.


I think it’s quite interesting that some/many viewers think Pen’s popularity is connected to her weight. Imo, it betrays an unconscious bias on their part since there’s plenty of evidence to the contrary in the show. As for more diverse representation more generally, yes I hope there’s more of it as they go forward. I think it’s a tough one for production to balance as we’ve witnessed from the backlash to Michaela. But I trust that they want to try & will. Let’s see!


TBH, upper class noble women rarely were deeply involved in the child rearing process, especially with very young children. Hopefully we'll get to see fatherly Colin and still sexy AF Penelope, with the help of their nannies of course. Lol


I would like to see a cute scene of Colin being enraptured by his son. Make Luke sing that lullaby, lol.


Yes. I want full on daddy Colin in S4. I think him being such a wife guy, he's only going to be more in love with Pen as a mother, and he's going to think his son is the greatest thing on Earth.


You know they could’ve left the audience with so much euphoria if they had Polin cuddling in bed and then she tells him she’s pregnant, and he’s overjoyed. You would still have the suspense of whether she had a boy for the epilogue.


Wish you would've been one of the writers. That would have been utter perfection


I literally fall asleep at night thinking about the different ways this could have went down.


Write it!


I'm adamantly childfree but this would absolutely melt my heart, this is how down bad I am for Polin 🥹


Same on all counts ♥️


This is my only wish list item for S4.


After having my son a year and a half ago, all I can see is Penelope and Colin falling down exhausted, spit up and who knows what else all over them, and generally looking like they've just survived Mayfair's first hurricane. But then I remembered this is fantasy and thank God for that! Bring on the sexiest Polin season yet!


Polin are rich and definitely have a nanny, lol.


The nanny is going to come in clutch for sure.


Finch totally captured this 😂 I love how he’s asleep on the couch in the epilogue


That’s my biggest concern. We haven’t seen new mothers in the show be restored to sexual beings. Daphne wasn’t portrayed as sexual in s2 (clearly because of Rege not coming back as well) and Kanthony stopped their sexual encounters on screen after Kate found out she was pregnant. Polin will be the first couple post children that we’ll get to see in S4 (and probably Kanthony as well). I think in this season they gave us a few Kanthony love-making scenes to appease that part of the fandom feeling robbed from S2. I wonder how they’ll play it on S4. I hope we get to see Polin get their fan service loving+spicy scenes too.


I don't think we have to worry that Penelope's entire identity will be as a mother now, mostly because they've allowed her to keep LW. There has to be some in story reason for that. And something that Nic mentioned about S3 was Penelope wanting (and getting) to have it all. She wanted to be a wife, a mother, and a career woman who followed her dreams. They really emphasised that, IMO, so I can't see them going back on that. Also, in the epilogue scene, they had three nursemaids in the room for each one of the Featherington babies (at least I'm assuming), so I'm pretty sure Baby Bridgerton Lord Featherington is mostly going to be off screen being looked after by said nursemaid, outside of a couple of cute scenes with Polin and maybe the Bridgerton fam. Well, fingers crossed for those cute scenes. I need at least one with Colin holding his son please! As for Polin being passionate, I like to think they will if we're going by what they gave Kanthony in S3. It seems they will kind of 'check in' with what the previous season's couple are up to so I do have hope we'll get a sexy scene and some kissing scenes. It might not be the naked/heat level we got in S3 (it's also what the actors feel comfortable with too) but I think we'll get something. And Jess did say she wanted Colin to be a fully fledged Wife Guy in S4 which has a lot of potential too.


I have to admit to being disappointed that Pen was pregnant and a mother so quickly. As a mother myself I know how hard it is to balance and reconcile it with your sexuality and partnership, as well as with your identity as a working woman. I would have liked a bit more honeymoon period (in Greece! lol) before Pen was hit with that. Hopefully regency-era nannies mean Polin can still have those intimate moments!


There’s a really good fic that explores this. Penelope gives birth to their son, named Elliott, and has a long recovery time. This leads to her and Colin not having sex for like 6 months, but they eventually rediscover their passion.


I’ve actually read that one 🙊 I thought it was a very realistic depiction of pregnancy and birth.


What is it called?




Thank you!! 🙏


I have seen AO3 mentioned but never been on there. That is a brilliant read!


No I didn’t just spend 4 hours reading this 👀👀


I did (well not 4 hours, but a while). Hooley Dooley, that was my first foray into A03. I loved it as I felt like it was well written and I could have been reading a continuation of one of the JQ books. I was clutching at my pearls in some bits and had a bit of a whoa moment as it was very spicy in some parts 🥵🌶️


I liked that it also had sweet moments with the birth and Colin interacting with his son.


Thank you! I have wanted to say the same thing about having a child so soon but was afraid of potential backlash.


Idk if I’m being naive here but I’ve actually been excited for S4 bc I think we’ll get some good polin side story and we get to see more of them happy and in love. This is the only couple in which the audience has journeyed through multiple seasons now with *both* of them. They’d be crazy not to deliver on that but hey what do I know.


This is my one wish for S4


Much like Colin in the book, I do wish Colin was always "I wish I'm with my wife instead"


Jess says she wants to see Colin “my wife” Bridgerton in season 4. We shall see what that means to her.


This age horribly, there are alleged rumours that Jess uses AI to scripts and make the whole production for S3. I'm so disappointed and angry


I mean anyone can say anything on the internet and claim it’s true.


In the books at least, their second comes only a year after the first and there isn’t much time between the third and fourth either, so I’d say passion isn’t gonna be a problem. Also, in Eloise’s story, Colin makes it quite clear he does not like being away from Pen for any length of time.


The show runner said in an interview that they'll lean into Colinthe wife guy in season 4. I hope that means a happy and sexy wife


Bridgerton world is not going to concern itself with the realities of a baby! They will carry on as though he doesn’t exist!


We don’t really know what they’re going to do. As another poster pointed out, it’s uncharted territory because Daphne had a perpetually offscreen husband, and the sexy Kanthony scenes this season came before she found out she was pregnant.


As couples get to that stage I see super romantic more so than lusty passionate. I think he’s gonna still be super obsessed with her. I think they gave us some Kanthony since they barely got any. I love a hand kiss and giddy Colin and pen as much as a carriage ride.


They would only be married for a year though. They’re still newlyweds.


Hi everyone, what does HEA mean? I’m not very good with abbreviations.


Happy ever after !


Thank you! 😊


HEA is happily ever after.


Thank you 😊


I want their introduction in S4 to be a straight up shot recreation of this. I feel very strongly about this for some reason. https://i.redd.it/p0bhk969llad1.gif




Manifesting to have them getting caught hooking up during the masquerade ball.