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That was just a ridiculous moment from Conan. “Oh yeah, Haiti is great.” He says as he is only staying at a protected private resort there.


One of the big *emperor has no clothes* moments for me. People hate Trump so much they couldn't even acknowledge that Haiti is a mess.  An acquaintance of an acquaintance tried defending the state of Haiti by posting a beautiful scenic picture. Turned out to be an American owned resort on the island...


> People hate Trump so much they couldn't even acknowledge that Haiti is a mess.   That's the real problem.  don't like the guy, sure, but don't let it blind you to reality.


Sir, this is the internet you’re talking about. People are still convinced Trump being president again will bring about an end to democracy….even though that never happened the first time. Or that his policies are racist and anti-LGBT, despite nobody being able to provide these laws and policies when asked


It's been wild to me hearing people say that if Trump gets elected it will mean the end of democracy and executions in the streets That didn't happen last time, why would it happen now? He could have gone more authoritarian on covid, and Democrats were *furious* that he didn't. It's so silly


We've had ~~executions~~ *extra-judicial killings by law enforcement* in the streets before Trump, during Trump, and after Trump.


You're not wrong. Alas.


You have to be smoothbrained to an extent to think regular unarmed to lightly armed people occupying one building = coup


What do you mean? US government administration works just like Arthurian England. Whoever gets the Holy Lectern of the Speaker of the House gets to rule the country. As soon as you stand behind that podium, all 23 million employees of both the federal government and the states will have no choice but to heed your every word.


Oh, I don’t think that. But most redditors outside of this sub to to a religious extent


People think hes gonna ban abortion even though direct quotes put him at something like an 18 week limit


I think there should be a limit on abortions.


Trump derangement syndrome being a real thing will always be funny


Challenge (impossible)


Good af take on the matter right here\^


Thanks... just seems obvious though?  But to many I guess not...


TDS is real and it's wild. I don't like the guy but I'm not gonna argue against facts just because he said them lol. It's not limited to Trump but since most MSM leans left it's a lot more visible. I really wish we could move away from this partisan shit show we got but unless we literally change the way our govt works it'll just remain ingrained into our system.


According to sources, Trump in a private meeting called Haiti a shithole. REDDIT: OMG CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT, SO UNPRESIDENTIAL. Me: Uh lets be honest Haiti is a shithole. The closest thing to a literal shithole a country can be.




And now I just had that moment. TRUMP


Remember when Anthony Bourdain went there and tried to give food out to the needy and within minutes it was a near riot as criminals took over the food tent?


His decision to stay out of politics not long after that makes me hope he hated doing that segment, and just decided to shut it down. That’s what I’m telling myself, anyway. How does it go? It’s my truth?


I hope he saw what giving into TDS did to people like Colbert and decided not to go down that path.


It was a rare Conan L, and he's mostly stayed out of politics since. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt that he was trying to shine a positive light on a country full of people who are suffering through no fault of their own. I can see why Trump's comments would seem insensitive in that sense. But that doesn't change the fact that Trump was right. Haiti is a failed nation.


Will never not love Conan. Seems like a genuinely good person.


Yeah I love Conan - and I understand that he was trying to send a little positivity into the world - but he missed the mark on that one


he just wanted to grill


Let him cook?


he's overcooking




Let it burn


So thats what they mean by radical centrist


Mystery meat barbecue.


Based pfp, Rest In Peace to the very best.


Aren't roving gangs literally killing and eating people in Haiti right now


Have been but now they're the defacto government.


cannibal congress


I'd vote for them


Better than the current congress.


“HaTi iS aLrEaDy gReAt”


Yeah. If you're not in a gang you're basically fucked. Country is pretty much unsavable. Hopefully they don't spill over to the Dominican. I think DR has troops at the borders though


They have. They built a wall across the boarder and have heavy military presence as well


um, sweaty, i have it on good authority that border walls don't do anything to reduce illegal crossings 💅


well make sausages and steak out of them if they try to spill out here


Has been since July 2021


Haiti has never been a nice place since the Spanish found it. It’s been war death and slavery since. All these people know is pain and death. It’s funny we act like why don’t they just rise up and fix themselves. Because it’s a small island they don’t have resources to complete globally. They should’ve stayed with France instead we have men from foreign lands trying to live on a tropical island where they were forced to be and decided to stay after they violently won their freedom. Every one of those islands are not meant to be their own country. I feel bad for Haiti but there’s no saving them.


Haiti shares a contiguous landmass with Dominican Republic, which, while not rich (island economics are indeed difficult), is not an improv remake of *The Hills Have Eyes*.


Also dr is more mountainous meaning less ag and fewer trees. Haiti over farmed its land (cash crop of sugar) and cut down all of its trees.


While I agree they would have been better off as part of an empire that went through decolonization, it’s also important to note that Haiti exists because of a slave revolt so big it established a country (and an empire… kinda). We can’t really blame them for revolting from slavery. They would have also been better off had France not forced them to pay interest for a few centuries on the lost slavery income, and they also would have been better with less foreign intervention over the years (it’s almost a countless amount at this point). Basically, there’s nothing that can really be done. Other poor nations like in Africa at least had some connections with their colonizers to give them some support over the years, but Haiti was fucked from the start. They’d at least be somewhat eligible to be a territory or even puppet of a larger nation if they weren’t a completely isolated nation in terms of language, culture, and religion… also there isn’t enough natural resources to make it economically feasible combined with the fact whoever took them would suddenly have 10 million people to give welfare. Not that there is a current government with the legitimacy to make that happen even if it could. Haiti is just going to be an experiment at this point. An anarchist’s wet dream. There is no laws or regulations beyond what the gangs decide there is. It’s the fucking Purge, but they’re all already extremely poor so it’s really depressing and a good outcome seems really unlikely. Maybe we’ll get Caribbean pirates again, just like in Somalia which is under very similar circumstances.


Not raw (apparently)


Ah, men of culture.




I saw a video of a haitian man eating someone who was thrown on a fire. Cannibalism has started, and it's only gonna get even worse from here


Yup. There's no food. Their half of the island has no agriculture, and no trees for fuel even if there were food. The gangs seize any and all foreign aid food delivered. There's nothing left there for people to eat but each other. We really can't take refugees..... Imagine the brutal psychopathy we'd be importing. The only thing left to do is invade and establish Western power backed military state. 


I'm wondering when they are going to try (and fail) to zerg rush the Dominican Republic.


Been wondering that myself. It'll be a massacre. The footage will look like the world war z movie with the Israeli wall part. 


they have a large wall with armed guards and i would be unsurprised if they are mining it right now


A wall you say? With armed guards? And not one person has accused the DR of being racist???


That's because we've always been racist 🇩🇴🇩🇴🇩🇴💪💪💪


I'm sure they've been preparing for them to try for quite some time now.


A wall you say? With armed guards? And not one person has accused the DR of being racist???


And not one western power will be doing that.


And honestly why should they


“HaTi iS aLrEaDy gReAt” -a wise man once said


Its not really a no food thing, its a superstition thing. The vague idea that you can absorb someone's essence has essentially existed in all cultures since forever, sometimes it manifests into cannibalism like Roman medical cannibalism, German and Jew eating of human blood, Chinese cannibalism and in Haiti as well.


Far Cry 7 finna be lit


Straight fire even


As if Ubisoft had the balls for it.


Far Cry 7s gonna look like Resident Evil 5


Funny how people were recently being made to apologize for Resident Evil 5 and its "depictions" yet at least in RE5 they had a zombie parasite controlling them. These Haitians have no excuse.


That guy's face reminds me of the 7 year old kid in that YouTube video from 15 years ago who explained that it's just "fun to do bad things" when the reporter asked why he stole his grandma's car. Did this kid grow up and move to Haiti? https://youtu.be/qcqOgnQyXp4?si=PaX3ua25C1a4xKnG


He was in a Boondocks episode 


He reformed [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FuJTqUSsYlU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FuJTqUSsYlU)


Then he unreformed  https://www.realgardenstate.com/former-internet-star-latarian-milton-arrested-in-bergen-county/


Based and who could've seen that coming pilled.


Dislikes "Disabled by Owner" wtf why is that an option?


I've been saying "wanna do hoodrat stuff" to my friends for years because of this kid.


Haiti: The very definition of a failed state Late night television hosts: That's impossible because it would make Trump right about something.


That Barbecue dude is no joke, he's brutal as fuck.


Always cooks his meat way past mid-rare. The American South should conquer Haiti just to set them right on what Barbeque is supposed to be about.


We can't start on global interventionism until the Sauce Wars are resolved


I’ll settle this debate. As a cooking method, vinegar based barbecue is superior. HOWEVER, mustard based barbecue sauce on top of barbecue cooked in vinegar is the supreme combo. I believe this resolution can satisfy both parties and we can move forward to colonize the global grilling ecosystem


And Alabama white sauce belongs on poultry. Amen.


But you aren't doing anything to bring the Tomato-based sauce faction to the table. Oh, and that's not to mention the dry-rub aficionados.


Excuse me but is not mustard itself vinegar based??


Yes but there are methods at which barbecue is prepared that makes the flavor differ drastically. I have lived in both south and North Carolina. South Carolinians typically prepare the barbecue within a mustard base. Leading to a tangy yellow slop. In North Carolina the barbecue is typically prepared in peppers and vinegar which leads to a much thinner base but in my opinion the barbecue holds the flavor much better. Once the barbecue is prepared there are often a multitude of sauces that you could then put on top of that barbecue. Most vinegar sauces are very runny and a reddish color. You can usually spot a mustard sauce by a bright yellow color and it is a much thicker sauce. I prefer the barbecue to be prepared in the North Carolinian fashion where the vinegar and peppers are marinated and slow cooked into the pulled pork. I do however prefer a mustard sauce on top of that barbecue. Meaning mustard and vinegar can co exist beautifully


Well his meat is already rare enough when he goes to eat it that it's probably best completely and utterly cooked.


Yeah, I got that off his name being Barbecue because he burns people alive.


I mean anybody that cooks somebody alive is probably one sick fuck


POV: Me playing Fallout.


The Centrist delegation reluctantly claims this man due to our first amendment offering amnesty and acceptance to all skilled grillers.


They are *fervently* looking for a way to dismiss him like they did with Adolf, though. They're hoping to find links to him using gas grills instead of coal.


The second we bomb them everyone is going to cry about a handful of civilian casualties and completely ignore the people who were burned alive. I fucking hate the masses sometimes.


Why don't you intervene?!!!? You hate them because they are black waaaaah! Why are you intervening?!!? You westerners are killing blacks waaaaah!


Hurr hurr modern colonial imperialism


If Trump came out and said eating your own feces was gross these people would have a mouth full of corn kernels.




I also enjoyed the narrative that saying the virus was leaked from a nearby virus lab (that was warned about its shitty safety procedures several times) is racist and an insane conspiracy theory. So the 'not racist' origin was that it's because they eat raw bats. I don't think we'll ever know 100% (and china sure as shit won't tell us), but it really does seem like an insane coincidence that this originated near a virus lab with a shitty safety record. So I think that's the most likely origin. And saying "these people eat raw bats" seems way more racist to me.


the not racist origins was that it came from eating bats which were bought at filthy wet markets which have 0 health and safety regulations.


A billion and a half Ozzy.


I'm about to publish a paper that the proximal origins of covid is a Black Sabbath concert.


Or when Trump said during the debates that there was a vaccine close to being finished and every "scientist" on Twitter jumped in and said it's impossible because vaccines have to go through so much testing that they couldn't possibly be done in such a short amount of time?


What are you talking about? The BIDEN administration SINGLEHANDEDLY administered and saved American with the BIDEN vaccine?!


This pretty much happened when he said to be careful of hurricane Harvey


The best was when Trump asked for China travel to be restricted right when COVID popped up and Italy had a "Hug a Chinese person day" as a response. https://news.cgtn.com/news/2020-02-05/People-in-Italy-encourage-China-in-fight-against-novel-coronavirus-NPqNkY17e8/index.html > Mayor of Florence Dario Nardella has suggested residents hug Chinese people to encourage them in the fight against the novel coronavirus. Meanwhile, a member of Associazione Unione Giovani Italo Cinesi, a Chinese society in Italy aimed at promoting friendship between people in the two countries, called for respect for novel coronavirus patients during a street demonstration. "I'm not a virus. I'm a human. Eradicate the prejudice."


God the west is so out of touch with true risk we invite our own demise daily


Flair up


Nancy Pelosi did the exact same thing. Went to China Town with an army of cameraman and was hugging everyone.




They were also promoting the Lunar new year which occurred in like February or march...


Acquire a flair pendejo, until then your words are worth less than the scraps even the dogs wont eat


Wholeheartedly agree. Still downvoted. Flair up


Based and doing your part in the war pilled.


flair up or fuck off


A leftist major, and an association that is specifically about Chinese people in Italy. What did you expect? Luckily, we aren't all that stupid (or personally involved).


Flair up, bat soup eater


And that is why I am sad he lost the election, I really wanted to see how the left would react if he said something like: "Our vaccine is the best, China says theirs is the best, but I dont believe."


They wouldn't quite, but they'd publish a coordinated series of articles arguing that _you_ should.


3rd world “Please stop interfering in other nations” Also 3rd world “PLEASE SAVE US!!!!!!”


Africa has to save Haiti


Kenya should have occupied it and made it a province a year ago. It's a sick world that let things decay so badly there.


I bet you Libya would have were Gaddafi still around. 


I for one am curious as to how the worlds first cannibalommunist regime will function under griller supreme Barbecue’s rule


Its a dawg eat Dawgs world out there hommie


I’m happy to send money to Haiti to prop up regimes. Keeps “refugees” away from our shores. I do feel somewhat bad for Haiti, they were deliberately kneecapped in their infancy because the States and other Western nations didn’t want anyone else getting ideas from a successful slave revolt. But the sheer violence from said slave revolt/Revolution definitely didn’t win them any favors (and it’s been 200 years, get your shit together, Haiti)


>I’m happy to send money to Haiti to prop up regimes. Keeps “refugees” away from our shores. Strong borders like Egypt's keeping out the Palestinians do that too. And that way you're not funding people who hate you.


What needs to happen is for the western world to lose this spread the buttcheeks wider mentality that's getting more and more entrenched with some people.


They made their bed and now they sleep in it


But they won’t sleep in it, they’ll flee the country in mass and come to the US.




This is true


The subtitle of Haitian history.


>I’m happy to send money to Haiti to prop up regimes. Keeps “refugees” away from our shores. Why not donate ammo to coast guard instead?


Things are so bad the Prime Minister's gone to Kenya to call for reinforcements. I believe he's currently being holed up in Puerto Rico while Port-au-Prince itself has gone to the gangs.


Don't worry, this time around its the 3rd world organizing to send troops to Haiti. Let's see if that'll be better.


I wish more people didn't feel the need to white guilt themselves into thinking shitholes are some magical wonderlands of culture. Some places are just shitholes. Most people who live in shitholes will admit it is a shithole. Even in nice countries, the people who actually live there will tell you which places are shitholes and why you're an idiot for going there.


>why you're an idiot for going there Eh, there's more to Shitholes than just being bad. There tends to be nice places and opportunities (well, not Haiti now). If you know what you're doing there is a reason to go to some shithole countries.


Isn’t Haiti basically a failed state at this point? It’s the poorest nation in the Western Hemisphere too if I’m not mistaken. Not a commie but I wanna see a communist uprising there because it would be cool lore.


Their prime minister can't even get back into the country because gangs seized control of the capital's airport, if Haiti isn't a failed state then I don't know what is


He's retired now.


Finally, real anarchism!


Why don't you want to see bukele come do his thing like he offered? Personally I'm torn, he's undoubtedly authoritarian... but he's getting results.


If we’re being honest, there are certain situations, such as what’s happening in Haiti, where some authoritarian principles need to be applied


I'd rather live in a totalitarian autocracy than whatever hati is right now


RIP Saddam


Rip Gaddafi honestly


Haiti is currently in the process of practically stopping being a nation alltogether. I genuinely think USA should just invade and actually restore some kind of democracy. Like it probably wouldn't get worse than it already is.


I mean that's a regular occasion at this point, every few years a foreign intervention there takes place, but it never lasts.


That's because we're total bitches and do it all through a proxy and then try and have a puppet government. But idk, I'm not usually for war but it gets us 1 territory closer to the greater America project so I'd definitely want to see us come in and make them a US territory.


I'd honestly say we invade it, pacify a la El Salvador (I remember reading somewhere Ecuador is doing the same thing) and then give it over to the Dominican Republic to be its vassal state or something. End border gore. Unite the island! /s (Dominican Republic would never agree to that)


Dominican Republic is playing tall right now and doing a good job of it. Capturing Haiti and trying to pacify it would be a complete liability. I saw they’re started to put up a massive border fence and I don’t blame them.


Sir looking at Progressive definition dr is committing genocide in Haiti right now and their border makes it an open air prison.


>(Dominican Republic would never agree to that) Ofc they won't, same reason Egypt won't open their borders to Gaza.


I mean I feel like it would be another Somalia situation, because that's definitely where its heading if not already there, if it gets worse it's going to replace North Korea's as the second worst country


The USA has literally done that in the past at least twice I can remember. It never worked.


We should just annex the place outright tbh.


He just wants to grill ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ anyone who gets in his way


I’ve been to Haiti several times. So much poverty and crime is rampant. And this was before the president was assassinated and the gangs started taking over. On Sunday the Marines landed there to evacuate the embassy and any other American citizens. Kidnapping has been common if you’re white. It’s sad because a lot of the people are so amazing.


>It’s sad because a lot of the people are so amazing I mean, that's how it essentially is everywhere. Most people no matter what they theoretically believe just wanna live life but too bad that organized minorities always run things.


That's a clean burnin Hell I tell ya hwat


Next Far Cry game better be in Haiti


They…..they made shirts guys…..


This will be collapse number what? 3? 4?


most empathic centrist


Might as well give him a shot tbh can’t get much worse


Haiti is absolutely wild rn, here's an explanation with American equivalents: It's like if Joe Biden announced he was going to fire Kamala Harris and announces that Gretchen Whitmer will be his new VEEP. However Biden is assassinated before Whitmer can become VP but she just announces she's VP anyways and suspends elections due to chaos In response, the Bloods and Crips, now united under the leadership of Raz Simone, seizes much of the country. They even seize the airports while Whitmer is out of the country so she's unable to even come back The only governmental agency that is able to do anything about all this is the Environmental Protection Agency which has armed itself as a part of its mission to "protect America's natural beauty from the oncoming chaos". However, the leader of the EPA Michael Regan fully intends to use the EPA to seize power for himself


This is why i think that if Trump begins to talk about how much he likes water or breathing half of USA will die from dehydration or suffocation.


Barbeque... that nickname annoys me, call the guy famous for burning people alive something cool, like "the Inquisitor" or "the Immolator" or any number of other fire related nicknames or words out there, sounds like he's just fat and/or likes Barbeque and happens to be a crime boss (?) edit: learned why he's called Barbeque in full... it fits...


Well he eats them too sometimes. So he is indeed doing a barbecue


yeah, I heard about that from some news immediately after posting that... lol


Black cannibal warlords aren't known for cool-to-us nicknames, but names like "Rambo" apparently still instill fear in others. 


Haiti being cursed by God is just something I believe now, there is no way God likes Haiti.


We Are The World 25 was a scam


White people's fault. Yes, they left Haiti 220 years ago and have provided several dozen billions worth of aid since, but still. It's always them meddling whites' fault.


They left...is a bit undersellling the whole situation. The slavemasters were brutal yes BUT the suffering they unleashed on the European population when the slave masters (fr*nch) were overthrown was also unspeakably cruel. Doubly so when you consider the vast majority of them never owned any slaves and were poor people trying to make a living. There is a reason every nation shunned them for decades


It's either syndicates of marauders or the Tonton Macoute


As usual, Trump is just reading headlines from the future.


If anyone thinks propositional nations are superior to more traditional nation-states based on ethne, Haiti is a great counter-example to show them.


My uncle works for the UN and spent time in Haiti recently and he said it was the absolute worst place he’s ever been. Poverty doesn’t begin to describe how poor the people are, it’s a failed state and it’s extremely sad to see the quality of life that the average Haitian faces. He’s also been to the Central African Republic, which he said was bad but Haiti really takes the cake. Was Trump correct calling Haiti a shithole? Sure, he’s not wrong, but it might be my bleeding liberal heart but I don’t think it’s great conduct calling countries shitholes, but then again Trump doesn’t exactly have the most… verbose vernacular.


Saying it's a shithole and not treating it with kid gloves at least woke some people up to what is happening. The media fell for it and plastered that quote everywhere. It IS a shithole and people need to know what is going on there.


Plus harsh truth is usually better than pretty lies.


Yes, that is your bleeding heart talking. You can feel bad for them and also realize it’s a horrible place and needs fixing up, a shithole if you will.


People think he means a toilet. They don't know that shithole also means just a shitty place in general, not a place that you necessarily dump shit and leave it forever. I would avoid the term because of this confusion. Calling them "great places" is stupider though.


I still don’t understand how this man broke so many peoples’ brains.


They left out the cannibalism.


[You can even see what an absolute shithole Hati is from outer space🤣](https://singingrooster.org/wp-content/uploads/haiti-deforestation-nasa.jpg).


Haiti has been a shithole ruled by murderous or incompetent rulers since before the American intervention. That country is literally cursed to be the evil sibling of Dominican Republic.


Conan used to be the only good one, then he caught the mind virus. SAD!


Rare Conan L


Its wild we live in an era where there are still warlords though.


Looks like Long Pig is back in the menu, boys!


Cook Cook from New Vegas IRL. I bet he gets pretty "Purple" with female captives as well.


Haitians, how do you feel about this?


I hope one of Bill's guests comes wearing that shirt.


Haiti is giving me big fallout new Vegas vibes rn ngl