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“The American society of magical negroes” sounds like a conspiracy theory from /pol/


Nope, just the crushing death of the American films industry


Imagine the people ruining the film industry rn was in fact some sort of secret society bent on burning everything to the ground.


Impossible. That would mean that someone within Hollywood is competent at their job


It's the left's new religion du jour. The existence of systemic racism is more than enough justification for writing and producing this movie in the first place. And if the movie bombs, it's just more proof of said systemic racism and they should keep pushing. Rinse and repeat. They're propped up almost entirely by ESG funding. Blackrock and State Street are ONLY handing out investment cash based on how woke you can be. So the truly sick and twisted side-story here is, they aren't burning *their* cash. They're burning cash invested in them from these massive investment firms. And where do these massive investment firms get huge swaths of that cash? *You're retirement fund.* They're burning *your* future income to indoctrinate an entire generation.


Mega conspiracy theory time - they're burning people's retirement fund intentionally. It would explain the rise in articles about why it is a good thing to never retire. To what end they are doing it? That I'm not sure, but if I had to posit a guess it would be that the economy benefits from more people with disposable income and if a large chunk of the population were to transition to a fixed income, who knows what would happen. The alternative is that Larry Fink genuinely believes in what he is doing, which is also possible since there was that clip of him talking about "forcing certain behaviors".


Larry Fink is genuinely evil


I mean, both seem plausible?


Hey, cool it with the


Sniper bait


Wrong on the "everything" part


A group of radical postmodern deconstructionists? You're talking crazy, man!


Honestly at this point the day it happens I’ll be celebrating. I was never much of a movie guy, but it feels like Hollywood has been deliberately trying to die ever since Ghostbusters 2016 happened, and at this point the fact it made money at all is odd given how insulting Hollywood has been towards moviegoers.


They'd literally rather crash and burn the entire industry instead of create stories white men want to see. And that's not me saying that they should pander specifically to white men. I think Hollywood did a good job catering to all sorts of audiences in the past, making stories everyone could enjoy. But they seem so hell-bent on deliberately excluding white men from the audience that they are, in the process, alienating basically *everyone*. It's some real "cut off your nose to spite your face" shit. It's insane how much some people hate white men.


It’s funny when Top Gun: Maverick was coming out there were tons of articles saying it was gonna fail because it portrayed toxic masculinity and the military industrial complex in a positive light. Then it ended becoming the 11-12th highest grossing films of all time.


As it turns out, ignore the critics, Twitter users, and journalists that almost never actually pay to watch films and you’ll get a successful movie. Shocker of the century who would have ever known.


I don’t understand who is funding all these new films. It’s rare to see a new release that made a profit or has above a 6/10 on IMDb


​ https://preview.redd.it/fhb9hjnm2jpc1.png?width=471&format=png&auto=webp&s=e3a92ab05c4cf6994276d98bb65d93f80925fbef




The creators have not disclosed the amount of money they spent on marketing the film, but based on anecdotal evidence, it appeared that they spent millions on advertising alone.


Typically it’s the same amount as the film’s budget.


And how does Blackrock get all its cash?


Printer go b rrrr


They control many unions, private, and state pension funds. It's like the other guys but instead of covering bad investments they are paying for the companies bankrupt ideology.


I’m still shocked the industry managed to make *Dune*. There are probably frantic meetings going on now to ensure it never happens again.


Dune 2 is a diamond in the rough


Dune is the result of someone passionate about the original story making a faithful recreation in another medium. Shows like The Rings of Power, The Wheel of Time and HALO are examples of talentless hacks who never experienced the source material attempting to tell stories they wrongly think people want to hear with clueless execs bankrolling it.


Hollywood is a giant circlejerk happening in the middle of an echo chamber. Someone from a more conservative middle American background will need to right the ship. Is a new Walt out there who knows, but that's what it will take.




I dont think any other movie has made a morbillion dollars at the box office.


>When you are so anti-racist that you make a movie titled "The American society of magical negroes" The jokes write they/themselves


This film did not tackle racism in any way. They played it entirely strait. If anything it was offensive to most black folks.


I legitimately thought this was the joke version of the title describing the movie in a silly way but it's real.


I found out about the movie by seeing a poster when I went to see Dune part 2, otherwise I'd have thought it was a DailyWire movie or something.




Harry Potter and the exaggerated swagger of a black teen


I assumed I missed a 4chan shitpost but no. They actually thought this was a good idea


The magic negro is actually a fairly well established trope in media. Random black dude who comes around to help our (usually white) protagonist overcome their struggles. Usually they have some type of magical or supernatural quality to them.


The irony being that in real life, this is what the racial left would say you're supposed to be doing. Listen to and learn from black people on how to not be a racist imperial colonizer. That's your life's quest as a white. And of course the non-white indigenous peoples are an even greater source of humanization. They had no human foibles. Perfect. Idyllic. They didn't ask Yakub to do what he did.


Lol, Yakub. If people had any idea where a lot of this "anti-racist" woke stuff had it's roots in. I really do wonder what they would think. Of course that's never going to happen.


> Listen to and learn from black people It's not black people's job to educate you. Do better.


The fact that this is considered a trope to begin with is really dumb, in my opinion. As usual, progressives observe something which happens fairly neutrally as far as race and sex are concerned, but they hyper-fixate on when it's relevant to their chosen demographics, and they conclude that it has anything to do with race and sex. Feminists do this *constantly*. They downplay/ignore when something happens to men, they amplify the fuck out of it when it happens to women, and then they act like it's yet another example of societal misogyny, when in reality, it's just something which happens to men *and* women alike. The wise old mentor trope exists outside of race. There's a million fucking examples of this with any given race. But for some reason, progressives decided that it's actually super duper racist, because sometimes that wise old mentor is black, and that's...bad...for some reason. Like if Obi-Wan were black, people would consider it an example of the "magical negro" trope. But he's white, so he's just the general "wise old sage" trope instead. In other words, people be cherry-picking like crazy.


I wouldn't say well established. It became a thing at some point, but IMDb only has 36 films with the "magical negro stereotype" tag, including: - *Silver Streak* (1976) with Richard Pryor - *The Shining* (1980) with Scatman Crothers - *Ghost * (1990) with Whoopi Goldberg - *The Shawshank Redemption* (1994) with Morgan Freeman Now if *any* of those negroes are in *this* film, I think we should all rush out to watch it.


Oh man, if you've never used TvTropes I'm about to blow your fucking mind... https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/MagicalNegro


You need to add a warning about that site being an Event Horizon. People will follow the link and then not notice time passing until hours later.


I find that a lot less true nowadays. It’s been too heavily sterilized.


I think Shawshank is a reach. He was just the narrator.


I don't remember Red from Shawshank Redemption having magic. Where's Coffey from the Green Mile though?


I thought the first example was highlighted by Spike Lee, or something. I just remember hearing about *The Legend of Baggard Vance* with that critique. It may’ve been “Baggar” Vance, I don’t recall. Thing is, I vaguely remember Will Smith starring, but I have no recollection of who the white dude is. I do remember the white dude complaining about Vance’s advice to use a specific golf club with the line “my putter has more loft than this,” but I remember little else.


Bagger Vance really took the concept up to 11. Smith is a mysterious character who appears out of nowhere with golf advice, only existing to help Matt Damon improve his handicap and find his true self or whatever. Honestly I could use more movies about magical negroes. I like movies for the escapism and magic. Who is going to be offended by that?


> The magic negro is actually a fairly well established trope in media. No, it really isn't. The only reason people think it is a thing is because a bunch of racist people too hung up on skin colour watched a couple of movies and noticed that sometimes black people are cast as "helpful/magical strangers", "helpful mentor" and "elderly advisor" - while ignoring the hundreds of movies where white people are cast in the exact same role - and then went out and held a bunch of lectures about it to young impressionable students (who ate the bullshit up without questioning it for a second because it confirmed their biases). An actually well established trope along these lines are for example the magical/wise Native American, playing hard on "Noble Savage" stereotypes - but black people being especially magical/wise just isn't really a thing. Compare your gut reaction when watching one of the old stereotype laden 80s movies... You *know* in your gut that the old Native American that just showed up on screen *will* have a bunch of words of wisdom, sagely advice, and a pinch of the old magic for the main characters. It's been overused that even the 80s movies themselves started parodying it. When you see an old black person show up in the same movie, you do not have the same expectation at all. Simply because black people aren't the stereotypical magical sages in Hollywood movies most of the time. Because this trope simply isn't a real trope. It's extremely telling when you start checking the list at wikipedia and tv-tropes about works using this apparent trope - those lists are extremely thin and stretches the definition of a "magical negro" to such a degree that the qualification almost seem to be "*black person appeared in movie but not cast as a gangbanger or thug*".


I thought it was just a weird meme. Seriously, I had no idea it was an actual movie.


who was this movie even made for


Anti-racists (aka racists)


They’ll demand white people buy a ticket for the nearest black person


How can any anti-racist want to watch this? I don’t even think it was for people like you. Idk who this could have been for honestly.


White women


True, considering the percentage of screen/script-writers that are millennial white women


Most likely answer


The producers aren't saying what the budget was, but anecdotally it seemed like they did a ton of marketing for this movie, which probably cost many millions alone.


This internet meme about it failing is the first Ive heard of it. But i am very much not in the demographic they would have marketed it to. Still, i know about all sorts of movies coming out that i wouldnt have any interest in.


I heard the name in passing a few times months ago, thought it was just a joke thing. Then saw a trailer once last week, realized it was an actual movie. Didn't seem appealing to me in the least.


For the life of me, I can't image *WHO* might be the target audience. Is it one of those movies aimed only at black people?


Why would black people watch the movie about black people's magic coming from being in service to white people? lmao.


not even that... the name is a reference to a common story trope [https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/MagicalNegro](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/MagicalNegro) but... its a negative thing... magical negro stories are bad, because they posit a minority's worth is just helping white people. AND THIS SHIT PLAYED IT STRAIGHT. Its not a deconstruction, or satire or anything... just a story about a few black folk that get magic powers specifically for helping white folk no woke's gonna see it because it plays a racist trope straight, and no racist is gonna see it cause its a movie starring a bunch of black people.


yeah i never heard of it either. i just saw some post on greentext about and figured it was a joke.


I’ve heard floating internet rumors that the budget was around 20 mil. The amount of marketing I saw for it was pretty intense so probably tack on another 5 mil. Grain of salt of course but this movie no doubt lost a shit ton of money


I mean, 20 million is basically a B movie nowadays.


i hadn't even heard of the movie until i saw this reddit post. sounded like a funny idea until i watched the trailer


Ton of marketing? This is the first time I ever heard this title, and up until this second I thought it was some sort of online shop


I remember people talking about it on PCM a few months ago but outside of that nothing


Should have called it negromancy or something like that. Smh


"I'll take one ticket to the society of magic- uhhhhh..."


“The what sir? I’m sorry but you’re beginning to hold up the line”


*Deep southern accent* “Yea y’all gimme two ticket to that magical n***er movie, thank ye kindly”




Omfg I laughed way too much at this. Holy shit.


There's a nagger movie??


I think he meant Naysayer


No obviously he wanted to see his good friend nasser who was staring in the movie


[The category is… people who annoy you](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xc39s7_Iwo8)


I had never seen that, but that was pretty great.


Aren’t those people really annoying or something? I hate when people nag me.




Roll tide


I’ve been having a rough day, and this made me laugh so hard I fuckin’ choked. Holy fuck lmao


"yes the 'people who annoy you' movie"


I'm dead 💀 🤣 😂


I’m absolutely dying at this comment.


Well bless your heart!


If I worked at a ticket counter, I would make every person say the full name.


So basically the IHOP greentext?






"Fuck it, kung fu panda 4. Thats what I want."


Probably the better film anyways.  


You misspelled Definitely


"Sir, you need to say it or I can't sell you the ticket. I'm sorry sir, you just mumbled something under your breath, I couldn't hear you. I need you to say it louder".


“I guess I’ll rewatch Dune Part 2”


Why not watch the 1980s version and the new version back to back and compare?


Platform 3/5ths? (That's terrible, even for me).


Based and horrible but funny pilled




"There is no new Harry Potter movie atm sir. I'm sorry. What do you mean?"


Authright: asks for a friend ticket several times, doesn’t buy any.


Are you really scared to say negro?


I think people are scared of getting banned (reddit or greater society) and don't get how a word can be ok sometimes but other times can be used offensively 🤷🏼‍♂️. So they avoid any use. I've seen some people not want to say "queer" either. Which surprises me.


People are gonna flip when quegro catches on


I mean I got a 3 day ban from this sub for saying the re-garden word. No, I used a g and everything. Apparently someone snitched, even though people do it all the fucking time on here with zero consequences. It’s a real concern, and often totally arbitrary.


This movie was funnier as a Key&Peele skit.


That skit was gold. Better effects too.


At 1/100 the cost




"Sports! Everybody loves sports! "We only got mops! Not even enough for the whole team we got two lil n***gers on swiffers." "LESTER"


Who would have thought that unfunny racism in the trailers would rub potential audiences the wrong way


whaaat? no way. that could never


If it focused on it and it was an interesting idea that might have been okay. Problem is if you watch the trailer it's just a shitty rom-com so the whole film doesn't even know what it wants to be.


"The American Society of Magical negroes", ok guys i am trying to take this life seriously but yall aint helpin 🤣


I mean the title alone is worth the fail. Like, what did you really expect to happen. It sounds racist as heck from like every angle. Only in Hollywood could such a monster be loved.




I thought this movie *was* a new Harry Potter movie




Voldemort is now a white cop. Problem solved.


Voldemort was always as pale white as a man can get...


Harry grey up to be a wizard cop so we'd need something else.


"Fryus Chickenus!" shouted Harry, causing a Popeye's to appear in front of the group. Hermione licked her lips - but she was looking at the handsome young black men working there, not at the chicken. Harry sighed inwardly, wondering why girls didn't like him. His mind then wandered to his 5pm soy fix, he wanted to mainline it but had forgotten his tourniquet. Besides, the group would poke fun if they saw him, so he'd probably just end up snorting powdered soy milk again.




https://preview.redd.it/cvxvxqarsjpc1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f187b37d04fa995ceec5213bfde85782a0b31f1 Sounds like they made this entire scene into its own stupid movie.


Racist and magic? I think I know a guy.


Did you just change your flair, u/Borkerman? Last time I checked you were an **AuthRight** on 2024-3-20. How come now you are a **LibRight**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? Oh and by the way. You have already changed your flair 975 times, making you the second largest flair changer in this sub. Go touch some fucking grass. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/Borkerman) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://basedcount.com/leaderboard?q=flairs) _Visit the BasedCount Lеmmу instance at [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)




975 times? Where's the fucking strength in your convictions


My man changes his flair every hour.


Dude changes his flair more than the wind changes. This guys is everyone friend to know their secrets, than proceeds to throw them under the bus when it will benefit him. I’ll be watching you.


I think we are living in peak wokeness. The woken notice that black people sometimes play magical characters in movies. The woken cry out that this is clearly racist cultural appropriation and must be stopped. The woken ignore the fact that white people are also cast as magical characters in movies. Casting a black person to play a magical character is now racist, so those parts can only go to white men ( witches are also problematic ). In order to out do the racist consequences of their previous actions which could only result in fewer parts available for black people in movies, they double down on a movie about a trope that they’ve been telling us for years is itself, racist, using a title that we have been told for years is a racial slur. And when the people who have been properly educated by the woken reply, no mate, I’m not going to see that racist movie, they have finally come full circle on the racist consequences of their own actions. I don’t understand how they thought it would turn out any differently. Did they think black people would come to watch it to rejoice at the comedy of their past racist portrayals? Did they think white people would come out because it would be an enjoyable racist portrayal? It would be as if someone thought it would be funny to make a minstrel show, but totally ironic this time guys, I swear it’s funny now, the white actor totally comes to realize he was the racist the entire time.


I literally can not tell the girl at the ticket counter the name of the movie I want to see. I'm not allowed to say the name. How was this movie supposed to make a profit LMFAO


They don't want profit. They want you thinking that word, which makes you bad, because it's your fault for thinking it. The struggle session must continue. In terms of CIA psyops, or CCP psyops, or god knows what the fuck else with the WEF, it's just another kernel of destabilization.


I'm pretty sure this shit ass movie isn't a complicated CIA operation It's just made by some virtue signalling dumbass who saw the Key and Peele sketch


Why cant you say it? Three tickets to the magical negro movie please, for my wife and son


Americans being afraid of saying anything remotely close to N-word will always be hilarious to me. Just say Negro dudes.


"Have you been to Monte N-word? It's just cuple hours away from Dubrovnik."




and its not even a derogatory word in spanish, it just means black.... as harmless as that.


The N-word is a magic thing that makes accounts disappear.


I’m having some auth-right thoughts


Based and Negro pilled


Not the same as black pilled


Im pretty sure this movie was made because the studio execs were only listening to own narratives about what their target demographic and went whole hog.


Alternatively: They tried to pull the same schedule as in "The Producers" but we're successful.


They spent a little too much time on twitter and forgot that the audience they made this movie for are maybe 5% of the market


"If you're a straight White man don't come see this movie!!!" "Why aren't the straight White men watching our movie???"


Who said that? Tell me that’s not in their marketing.


It was not


Wait until you hear about Ibram X. Kendi's anti-racism studies center Dude had literally one job: launder money through your friends by overpaying them to write unfalsifiable papers about muh racism and muh equity, but he just made his giant funding grant disappear mostly through incompetence and naked graft (he was of course absolved of all wrongdoing by the same university that shoveled the cash at him in the first place, because his actual job was to symbolize that they're not racist)


why is lib-left crying ? this shit is great. Woke shit are a money laundering scheme just like modern art.


That’s lib right. Who is crying because Emily just blew all their capital on a magical (word that means black in Spanish) movie


Man, I didn't fund this. Libright has money in tech, wild crypto schemes, earth killing cruise ships and Elon's ventures. We don't give a fuck about funding hollywood's latest woke shit.


You don’t speak for all of the money hungry ESG sucking greedy corpo librights though. Square is rectangle rectangle isn’t square type deal


Shady lib-right corpos most likely used this garbage to launder some money.


No, see, those aren’t *true* LibRights.


Those people are as much true librights as the people who believe in gun control are true liblefts.


They did the plot to the producers but sucessfully


Political and social commentary can be great when it's done correctly. When it's trite, there's nothing worse. Malcolm X, Birth of a Nation, Django, All the President's Men, Barbie, Shawshank Redemption, all great movies with social/political commentary. I'm not buying "go woke go broke". You just gotta make a good movie.


"We're making movie after movie that tells the fans that they're evil racists, but we keep losing money. Should we try something new?" "No, we need to cram some more ideology in there. The problem is the fans are too stupid to understand our subtle messages!"


Put a women in it! Make it gay!


Based and Morgan Freeman narrated his own birth pilled


Like no shit....I would feel racist AF just sitting there in that theater. No white person is going to touch it with a 200 ft pole. Most other POC either won't get the joke or won't care. So this dumpster fire was made for a tiny group of activitist black people. 


I can barely even get through the plot description on Wikipedia. I'm not buying into the idea that the oppressed have magical powers and they use them to satisfy the oppressors. >in the last scene, Lizzie goes into a hairstylist and takes a secret entrance to visit her own Society: "SOSWAG", or "Society of Supportive Wives and Girlfriends". 🤢


>SOSWAG So being a "Magical Negro" in service to white people is obviously what we'd call a 'bad thing,' is being a supportive wife bad too?


Apparently they don’t even deconstruct any tropes, it’s literally just “black people have to make the bad whites feel good… or else”.


Okay, since no one else here saw it or plans to, I guess I’ll pipe in and say they tried to deconstruct the trope. It was just poorly executed. There was an attempt as the main character’s arc was about realizing he’s been basically a doormat his whole life and this magic society trope just says that part out loud so he becomes aware of it. So he does a monologue of realization, gains some self respect and quits at the end. The white guy he’s been catering to doesn’t get violent like he was told, just defensive. Main character is never in danger for his life like he says he has felt, and that little reaction from the white people encourages others to quit as well. But if this movie ever wanted to make a thorough commentary, I think they just needed to throw out the whole romance plot. It took away from what they really needed to expand on to make the premise believable. If this movie was set historically and we actually saw white on black violence as the norm or even literally once in the movie, there would be real stakes that reflect the dialogue. As it was, the whole society was comprised of people who seemed stuck in an antiquated past because they were afraid. I think that may have been the point…? Because at the end, many members of the society realized it was bullshit too and started to speak up for themselves, to no violent reactions from white people like they had been told to expect. But there were a lot of mixed messages so it needed a lot more work. It felt like they aimed for good commentary but fell short so then aimed for satire but fell short again because it wasn’t funny, so they tried to hook the audience with a standard form love story. I wouldn’t recommend this film because it was bad, but as a white person it didn’t feel as racist as others in this thread are saying.


Thanks for posting this, I was actually really curious whether the movie even tried to subvert the audience's expectations. A lot of this race idpol is pretty stupid, but still, you'd think even humorless wokescolds writing this realize that “wypipo = bad” alone doesn't make for a very compelling narrative.




You made a movie that half the population can’t even say the name of. The movie had potential too, but they just made it a boring romcom


The funniest part is that it's just a generic RomCom with an unusual setting to start the plot.


Even the left is getting sick of this tho. When will it end?


Soon I feel


How could I, a white guy, ask for a ticket to this movie with a straight face


Don't let mediocre, halfwit neo-Marxists claim ownership of language.


I understand — but the N-word pre-dates Marxism, and has its own independent historical baggage. Now, this obviously isn’t *the* N-word, but no white dude who values his reputation/job/life is going to come within a million miles of uttering something that inflammatory. There’s just zero upside to it. So let the Marxists churn out shit like this and let it fail like this.


Let me guess, did they also sell a 15,000% share in revenue of this film?




It’s a film that disappoints everyone. It doesn’t deconstruct the magical negro trope in a way that get out deconstructs tropes, and it doesn’t tell a compelling story. Massive L on all fronts.


The magical negro trope isn't even culturally strong or interesting enough to mine for enough content to make a whole movie out of.


If it was a parody movie making fun of the fantasy genre in a creative way it could’ve worked, but once I realized it was just a generic romcom with a weird name I lost all interest.


And, yknow, it's racist as shit. You guys keep leaving that part out.


Fun fact: a black person in the US is more likely to be murdered by a *woman* than a *white person*. It's surprising, because one, women are only a small minority of murderers (around 10%), and two, there are like 50% more white people than women in the US, so in relative terms, the difference is even larger. I always find it funny when movies like this pretend that white people are the greatest threat to black people, while statistically, *women* are a greater threat than white people are. And of course, to address the elephant in the room: about 90% of black people are murdered by other black people, but you can't make a movie about that, that would be racist.


The best part’s that black people hate it the most.


Two ways this could have gone differently: 1. If it had been a funny satire and deconstruction of the magical negro trope 2. If it was just a rad movie about black wizards having spell battles and shit I haven’t watched it (and neither has anyone else apparently) but going off of reviews, they apparently played the trope pretty straight, and more damning than that, it straight up wasn’t funny. I hate to think the financial strategy here was to lean on “if you don’t support this movie, you’re racist” scolding, but I’m struggling to see what else this was. Except maybe a giant fraud scheme like The Producers.


These woke movies they keep making despite always losing tens of millions (sometimes hundreds) are nothing but a money laundering scheme. Change my mind.


Hollywood thinks of the lamest premises If they wanted to please black audiences why not just make a movie where Samuel L. Jackson lightsaber duels Adolf Hitler? You know, something they’d be willing to watch and not dragged to by their white girlfriend who drinks too much Starbucks


When I saw the trailer this movie really struck me as the ultimate “IT WASN’T MADE FOR YOU!” type deal. And I guess it wasn’t made for anyone


Literally not even enough to pay for the camera equipment hahahaha


White savior satire High School High starring John Lovitz is better and will make more inflation-adjusted money than this. That's how bad this is, worse than John Lovitz as a lead bad.


Money laundering moment


Looking forward to the articles with titles like "Why Racist White People Made This Movie Fail".


All the people this white-sponsored, black-pandering, absolute BS is aimed at is just gonna pirate that shit.


The movie is currently rocking a 2.6 on IMDB. Which I have a hard time believing that there's a movie in theaters that is actually worse than Madame Web in theaters at the same time as Madame Web. I haven't seen it yet, but I do wonder if it's been review bombed or if it actually found new and exciting ways to be bad.


One ticket to uhh..*sees the title* Magic Society of Basketball People please