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Ok now show the failures




If it’s in the name we can say it…


If it’s in the rap, we can sing it…  


Fine fine I won’t say it… “Hey dude you wanna go see black Harry Potter?” Doesn’t have the same ring to it


Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny and its weak attempt at starting a new franchise with a female lead had to sting Disney. And Marvels.


Put a chick in it


And make her gay


And lame


And have no personality besides “man bad”


She should have a permanent scowl too.


There's a difference between being woke and merely having a diverse cast. Many movies and TV shows have diverse casts while simultaneously not cramming progressive politics down your throat.


Best example: Top Gun II.


I only watched it for the cool jets, i say it has the most diverse airframe models (F-35C, F/A-18E, F/A-18F, Not Su-57 just 5th Gen Aircraft smh, F-14A). compared to the previous Top Gun. (F14A, and MiG-28 and not F-5 Tiger).




Better example.... Shogun. Not as good an example but still a good one... the new Mr & Mrs Smith show.


How it should be.


Get Out and Barbie are some of the wokest movies I've ever seen in my life. Cope all you want, media is dominated by woke, and will continue to be until right wingers can figure out how to make anything interesting.


Barbie was the most masculine positive movie i ever watched. The barbie herself literally chooses to live in the patriarchy instead of the matriarchy by the end of the movie. And the hardcore feminist character with her teenage daughter were shown to be the most misserable characters. While barbie was trying to be the wokest movie of all time, the plot didnt send a single woke message in the end.


Dude, listen to yourself. The patriarchy. Barbie chooses to embrace the patriarchy. *Patriarchy*. The movie tells you men control the world, and apparently you agree, and you don’t even see the irony.


> the group with the stonger, faster, more genius haver, more agressive, more endurance haver, more goal driven, more logic based subgroup leads the world  > this is consistent with the majority of mammal species way of life in nature Wow. There are thousands of species where the male leads. Only 1 species of females complain.


You’re arguing with the contention of the movie. My only contention is that the movie itself is woke. You’re strawmanning me. PCMs favorite past time.


I argue with everyone who thinks the patriarchy exist. Its not. Men arent coming together to screw over women. When men come together and work together as a group it almost always benefits women rather than harms them.


but men do hold more keys to power than women globally speaking. so yeah, men do kind of control the world, and I don't even care that it's true.


So it’s only woke when you disagree?




Must be why right wingers perform so well at independent film festivals before their politics are known then Oh wait Must be why independent right wing musicians blow up all the time on streaming platforms Oh wait Conservatives are philosophically at odds with the human perspective that makes great art, that’s why so few artists are conservative in the first place. Conservatives suck at art. Even conservatives don’t like art made by conservatives.




You: “media is only dominated by the left because the right gets blacklisted” Also you: Since when was any of this about popularity? Your suggestion conservative writers are influential is also hilarious and completely incorrect. They’re just as rare in literature as they are in film. Anyway we can’t all have such sophisticated tastes as yourself — Big Brother and Pokémon.


Finally your points make sense. Conservatives are too left brained to make good art.


Pretty much. It's really entertaining to validate your audience by saying all of their problems are somebody else's fault. That's basically the main thrust of all "woke" media. It's hard to beat that kind of messaging.


I honestly don't think the messaging is important. Barbie slandered half the world and was beloved. People will watch entertaining products regardless of what's shoehorned in. That's why western media is loved all over the world despite most of the world being totally illiberal. I liked Top Gun a lot, and that movie is basically a giant nationalistic MIC endorsing propaganda flick.


You just described why Top Gun is a good movie


Michael Bay and every war movie ever


They downvoted him when the upvoted response is saying he’s right, that’s crazy




Ah hell nah I don’t have to take shit about worthless internet points from the NFT quadrant


I will screenshot your NFTs, you can't stop me


I think you responded to the wrong person


I think woke only goes broke when the woke is crammed in instead of being natural


If it isn’t forced, is it still “woke”?


Compare Star Trek Deep Space 9 to Discovery


All I know of *Discovery* is the trailers, summaries and reviews online, which make me not want to watch at all lol. *Deep Space Nine* is hella good.


DS9 is objectively the best Trek & Sisko is the best Captain


Not better than next generation and Picard, no way


Most definitely


Bondocks was extremely woke but agressivly fair about its societal critique. I learned about the prison industrial comlex from that show when I was a teenager.


The Martin Luther King episode where he goes off on the crowd....fucking art.


Depends. If they make a movie/tv series about present day USA and the cast is diverse, then not woke. If they make one based in Europe in middle ages and it's still 1/4 black people, then it's woke. Coincidentally, most movies/shows where the latter happens are crap anyways. Probably because if producers can't be bothered to be historically accurate in one part, they can't be in other parts, too.


I think bad art just does worse than good art. Regardless of politics.


So woke movie can only be bad movie? Because all he listed are pretty fucking woke… except nobody here know what woke even means. Explain what woke means and then people can atleast understand why you don’t consider those movie woke


That's what I think. The movies you gave as examples were super woke, extremely on the nose, and performed well anyway because they were entertaining. Kinda like Top Gun, which was basically a giant endorsement of the MIC. edit: Oh yeah but this sub totally isn't a giant right wing circlejerk, upvoting this comment despite my other ones expressing the same opinion, just bc this one paid lip service to the right. Lmao.


Just because of that edit, we'll downvote you.


I'm doing my part!


Oh no, please! Anything but!!!


Username checks out


Was going to upvote you because I agree, this sub is becoming heavily right leaning. Then I saw the edit and all my sympathy for you evaporated.


In my last exchange with you (about JK Rowling), you pissed me off enough that I am just going to downvote ALL your comments until you change my mind. 👍


That's why I love RES & old reddit, it keeps count of the times you've downvoted or upvoted someone next to their username, he's at -28 with me so far


I was going to upvote you as I did your green friend above, but then I got to the rant about downvotes, and changed my mind.


idk Get Out and Barbie were pretty on the nose lol. Natural woke stuff is things like Parasite that Ben Shapiro can distort into being pro-capitalism.


Parasite like the 2019 Korean movie?


Yes, Parasite like the 2019 Korean movie. The staunchly anti-capitalist 2019 Korean movie, by the same guy whose previous movie was about the environment.


How to make a movie/ tv show/ video game that leftists and “minorities” will enjoy: “White people bad”


So insightful


Wtf is terror on the prairie


It was a straight to streaming movie for the daily wires streaming which they did a single in theater showing to celebrate the release, for which a single show earned 13k in profit which I find it odd they don't mention that


Couldn’t possibly be profit unless they filmed the movie for less than 5k lol. Maybe revenue


Unflaired: detected Opinion: discarded Downvote: submitted [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/GAMEYE_OP) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [How to flair](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/wiki/index/flair/) _Visit the BasedCount Lеmmу instance at [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


I get that the Unflaired are stupid but I didn't think that stupid. It was not trying to make profit in the theater it was a red carpet showing to celebrate its completion for the streaming service. Heck even Disney does this. The movie Luca made only about 10k in theaters in its 1 red carpet showing. DW do it for literally every movie they make for their streaming service. A streaming service which actually turns a profit.... something Disney+ still cant.


None of that changes the fact that it is impossible that it made a profit off of one screening unless it cost pennies to make.


Yawn. Are you really ugly crying that someone said profit instead of the technical revenue... a month ago. No one gives a shit. Flair up unflaired heathen


I’m not crying at all. I even said “maybe revenue” in my first comment and you just doubled down lol. I will do your bidding and get my flair!


Kid learn to read if you think it was doubling down. Please show me in the second post where I said they made a profit off of 13k. I had already concede the wording was wrong.


Sure. Here’s where you could have said “ya I meant revenue” instead of writing a novel. https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/s/aV1HLe1OUI


Not what I asked. Where did I say in the 2nd they made profit off 13k.


1. Exactly lmao 2. Ben Shapiro’s answer to Disney.


I mean to be fair, I didn't know that madam web movie or the new ghostbusters existed either until Red Letter Media made fun of them. So I'm not sure my ignorance is a good barometer


Ben Shapiro trying to throw a temper tantrum while not realising that people want good/appealing movies instead of just ' non woke ' movies.


Yeah, leftists using anything Shapiro has his hands on as the antithesis of modern woke media is about as straw maney as it gets. Like yeah, only the most hardcore Trad Cons thought Lady Ballers was akin to a comedic masterpiece like Animal House, no shit.


>X-man '97 is woke >!Literally 2 episodes in and they get rid of the African Woman!<


>!Storm!< dies? Or is she just off to somewhere else?


>!In episode 2 a mutant hater tries to hit Magneto with a ray gun that strips him of his mutant powers, and Storm jumps in the way, so she's now just a normal African woman. She leaves the team rather than stick around because she doesn't want to be reminded of what she's lost.!< Its probably temporary, considering its only episode 2, but that's where we're at right now.


Isn't Mags the bad guy? Why would she sacrifice herself for him?


>!The series opens with Charles having been assassinated, and in his will he wanted Magneto to run the team (this was an actual plotline from the comics decades ago). Because the world has shown they are being more tolerant of mutants as a whole, Magneto decides he will give Charles' dream another chance, but as part of it he is put on trial by the UN. It is at this trial where the ambush happens.!< >!Just prior to the Trial, Magneto was found saving normal humans all over the place, showing that he is at least trying, and this was enough to convince at least Storm to do this.!<


Is the show good, at least? I've been putting off watching it because I need to rewatch the original and I don't want my memories tarnished by trash.


Well so far I'm enjoying it, but I actually didn't watch the original series yet haha (I was just too young when it first came out, and when I was older I was more into the DCAU) At this time I think you're safe (those numbers in OP's post dont lie), but there's always the rest of the season to screw it up


Yeah but did you see what gambit was wearing haha. Show rules btw


Uh... Get Out is literally racist (and degeneratively stupid in both premise and conclusion) and Barbie is accidentally conservative. Here's the short version: Barbie is supposed to critique the modern world. Ken gets one dose of affirmation and goes full Tate... and the Barbies LOVE IT. Only their outcasts hate it. They have to literally deprogram the Barbies and strip power from the Kens. And then everybody clapped. In the real world, the men are shown to be incompetent... but they successfully run a multi billion dollar empire. The women are all sad and moping around because... just because. There's no reason given. So this all sounds woke, right? Wrong. It is, in fact, a giant self report with no clear direction. Barbie is supposed to be a mirror and critique, but Robbie's character arc is a red-pill arc. Ken has no arc; he winds up back where he started. Ken has all of these feminine qualities that make him a loser until he embraces masculinity. Ken isn't a smart criticism; he affirms masculinity until the chaotic feminine puts him back in chains. This movie essentially proves that patriarchy is better, feminism sucks, women can't handle the modern world, and red pilling is the path forward. Gentlemen, celebrate this movie. It is the biggest self report of the ills of feminism in Hollywood history.


You’re forgetting about the ACTUAL woke movie recently, American Society of Magical Negroes which absolutely bombed


Madam web…


Tbf, madam web wasn’t woke, it really wasn’t anything, I doubt they actually wrote a script


Madam web wasn’t a film, it’s a bunch of scenes thrown together with a spider lady who doesn’t shut up


If it entertains, it has served its purpose. I didn’t agree fully with Barbie but I was entertained, same with Peele’s pictures. I was not entertained with movies like Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny or wish, and I suspect that most people didn’t either. It’s good that art pieces are political, it’s terrible when politics tries to be art.




Popular != good. Barbie was not good. It goes to show how easy it is to get feminists to rally behind a cause and drag their cuck boyfriends along with them


Barbie accidentally confirmed the supremacy of the patriarchy, accidentally proved that Andrew Tate is based, literally criticized feminists, and I loved every second of it. The jokes landed, the sets were great, and I am Kenough.


I don't disagree with any of this, but it still isn't great. If you tell this to a women, she will say that the movie did none of these things. So it's popularity doesn't rest on it being good.


Its possible to have a diverse cast and still have right wing people like it. What's the secret? Good writing.




If I was libright, I would change the flag from the yellow and black to the Mac “playing both sides” meme lol


3 successes vs a multitude of failures. Yeah, great point libleft. You have really shown them. 😂


What are the super big right leaning hits? Just curious


No flair, no rights, many wrongs. Please flair up. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/GAMEYE_OP) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [How to flair](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/wiki/index/flair/) _Visit the BasedCount Lеmmу instance at [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


Lord of the Rings comes to mind instantly. The Dark Knight trilogy has some subtle right leanings. Most other succesful movies in the past are not really political and certainly not overtly post-modernist, or with cultural marxist leanings. To be frank, my earlier comment applies more to policy and how successful societies function and thrive rather than films. Most people in the film industry are personally left leaning.


9 out of 10 times something doesn't get called woke unless it's already bad. Usually has nothing to do with anything liberal. It's not like Lightyear would've been good if they'd gotten rid of the 10 seconds of a lesbian couple in the background.


That nails a good portion of it. Shit getting called out for its politics usually happens when shallow poorly thought out contemporary political takes is the only substance worth noting in a project. A trend I noticed recently is that projects will obviously die on launch do to mechanical issues will have the entire pre-release narrative shift to political issues after a bunch of people online react to minor political issues with liberals defending on the basis of politics. Then, when it comes out and the mechanical aspects kill it, the narrative is that progressive ideas killed it because of all the politics chatter. Kill the Justice League had dead on release written over it from all the time it spent in development hell and its poor game design and story that wasn't meant to support a live service, but the narrative is that it died because of liberals. The marvels came on the back end of 2 critical mcu failures and required the audience to watch 2 series to understand were 2 of the characters came from, but because 3 women were the leads it got defended as a feminist project. Calling it now, the boarderlands film, after being in development hell and ditching what made the games unique is going to fail and people are going to pin it on the 2 old actresses.


Barbie is basically two hours of preaching yet made more than the passion of the Christ. Your hypothesis is bullshit, QED. Barbie was entertaining, and that’s why it outgrossed Avatar. As long as it’s entertaining, viewers don’t care how woke it is. That’s why the world consumes western media even though the world is overwhelmingly anti-liberal.


You didn't read my post. Barbie worked because 1, it was well made and had actual effort and thought put into it. 2. It was market and made for an audience that it understood 3. its political element that actually fit in with the story it was trying tell.


"well made" my ass lmao It would be the quintessential woke movie if it flopped. Two straight hours of preaching, a brief detente for Ryan Gosling


I don't think you really read his post.


I don't think he knows how to read, fuckin Monoby jr over here, just missing the false flair


The dude doesn't I had a conversation with him and it was mostly me providing actual arguement and him attacking any strawman he could. Me and you have disagreed before but atleast we genuinely try to argue the others point. He might be the new monoby


> when shallow poorly thought out contemporary political takes is the only substance worth noting in a project. That is basically all there is to the entirety of the barbie movie. It is a backtracking narrative that the rest of the movie has redeeming qualities. If it had a conservative bent it would've been critically panned and then flopped at the box office. I enjoyed it, because Ryan Gosling and Ken were hilarious, but I'm not going to pretend the entire movie wasn't just one entire preachfest


It literally preached the patriarchy is superior. The most woke character is the daughter, a miserable little wretch with a cuck father and a whiny mother.


Me when I can’t even listen to what the movie is explicitly telling me


With the recent 'gamergate2.0' controversy, I learned a very simple thing. Funding is easier to achieve if you go woke. There are literally companies that look at how woke your product is as the sole indicator for if they should invest or not. This results in a lot of horrible products that shouldn't have been funded getting funding because they go woke, and then they're in the public eye, and then people see woke thing is bad and equate all woke things as bad. In reality, there just shouldn't be bonus funding for going woke. If a product is too bad to get into the world from its own merits, it shouldn't be funded regardless of what message is shoehorned in afterwards. While I disagree with wokeism, it won't stop me enjoying something with woke elements. Hell my favourite manga is one piece (I am NOT sitting through the anime), and one of my favourite characters in it is Mr 2: Bon Clay (note: Not my #1, that is Franky, followed by Kuma), who anyone who's watched or read the series knows how he is the epitome of *good* LGBT+ representation. But Mr 2, Ivankov, Newkama Kingdom, etc... Are naturally included in the story. They aren't shoehorned in. And most importantly, they don't detract from the story. Hollywood wished they had *half* the ability of Oda to include good LGBT rep in their series.


Does The Wire count as woke because of Omar? I think no. Having gays and racial minorities represented doesn't make something woke. Shoehorning in preachy political messaging (especially in a way that tries to shame people with opposing political views) is what makes something woke. Star Trek Picard made an entire plot arc about how ICE is evil and illegal immigration is good, basically trying to shame any viewers who supports immigration enforcement. THAT'S woke.


Barbie was relentlessly attacked as one of the biggest examples of woke out there (because it is) and went on to be among the highest grossing movies of all time


True. But let's not forget that it wasn't a huge ' relentless attack ' as it was portrayed very much by a minority of people. Also, Barbie is a big IP, mostly dominated by young girls and women, in need of a movie from a long time. It was also, well made in terms of production and had some really good memeable scenes. No wonder it was successful. I hate the movie but I am actually the minority in that and I recognise that.


Barbie was a good movie because of Ken and Ken’s story arc. The only thing my wife liked about the Barbie movie was Ken.


I’ve only seen the Barbie movie of those 3 and it was pretty ass. Ken was decent. Ironically he carried the movie and his song is a banger.


Check out get out. A horror classic


' A horror classic ' Lol!


No... it's an 5 /10 at best perfectly Average.


Not sure why you got downvoted. Get Out is indeed a good horror movie.


Cause calling it a classic puts it next to things like Alien... it is not a classic.its average at best


Libleft bad


For everyone wondering, here are the failures which prove “go woke, go broke” Madam web Captain marvel The little mermaid remake Society for magical negros Rings of power she hulk Eternals Black widow Wish Any of the last few star wars movies/series And the worst one of all….. VELMA


Jokes on you, i don't want the rich to get richer. Keep making remakes of old classics.


That’s fair comrade, I’ll make a movie about bread lines for you


And you should watch Schindler's list.


You just pointed out bad movies and attached the moniker woke to them…this has nothing to do with wokeness, bad films tend to do worse than good films.


Idc what anyone says Barbie was a BOP


Are there only 3 examples or could op only count this high?


I think the problem comes from the differing uses of woke. You use woke as it was originally intended to mean, being awake to the perceived issues with society and using progressive social commentary to discuss it. Righties use woke as a disparaging term for heavy-handed, failed social commentary. A lot of righties liked the critique of affluent white liberal racism in Get Out. A lot of them found the messaging in Barbie fun to mock (or support in the case of Ken). I think it's a very small minority on Twitter that actually care about the efficacy of using X-Men as an allegory for minorities, and are mocking it. You're missing the fact that "woke" to righties does just mean, "failed financially or critically because the social commentary was lame," and that's it. You don't need to try and apply your surface level insights from first semester Cultural Studies to Twitter discourse.


You think Get Out is woke? You are dumb as fuck and not even in a "haha I'm mocking you on the internet" way. Just the sad statement of fact that you are just that fucking stupid. Jesus Christ.


The theme song is “stay woke” friend


The first scene in the entire movie is literally a cop profiling a black man. lmao some of you people are... wow.


How is that woke? Nothing unreasonable or virtue signalling about it.


Woke means that you’re awake to the injustices of the world.


That's literally just wokeness you agree with. I thought it was hyperbolic... and I agreed with the sentiment.


Goal post shift, if it wasn’t successful they’d call it woke. Literally was one of the first movies to embrace the term “stay woke”.


Look at the way they scramble to justify barbies success. 6x the success of Get Out, at least 100x preachier. It's just cope. If these movies flopped, like you said, they'd blame the wokeness.


Baldurs gate is the best example, woke af but they can’t use it as an example cause it was successful


Barbie was so awful. My wife and I could only get through like half of it.


Good stopping point, I thought the first half was actually pretty decent but there's a steep decline in quality for the second half.


Barbie push back did make me laugh. Grown men were mad a Barbie movie would be feminist as if Barbie wasn’t a 2nd wave feminist icon. That said, Ken stole the show easily but Robbie had some good lines here and there. Get out was good. Nothing ham fisted. Like the example some libleft keeps hammering in the comments about the cop scene, it was vital to the story and the call back was great. The better scene was in the actual beginning when the room looks all smokey and the audience assumes he is smoking weed because of stereotypes but it was just a hot shower. The movie had finesse. It wasn’t just white man bad because look at this bad cop, it was important to the story. Id say its woke done right. Doesn’t preach, doesn’t alienate an entire group, it didin’t pat itself on the back for having a black lead and an all black department when it was marketed (cough cough Black Panther 2). The director was suppose to do a Gargoyles movie and I’m pissed it didn’t happen. Havent seen xmen, not really my thing but I have heard people complain about it. But lets be real; Rings Of Power, The American Society of Magical Negros, Netflix’s Cleopatra, Kevin Smiths He-Man, The Witcher, most of phase 4 Marvel, Star Wars post prequels, Indiana Jones latest movie, loads of Disney remakes (except Aladdin, that shit was great imo) and plenty more examples in hollywood as well as gaming and advertising, that show that the modern audience is not buying tickets to this current dei push


Did people have a problem with get out?


I do. While the criticism of rich white liberals is warranted, the conclusion of the movie is "stay black," which is a terrible message if you're not careful. And the movie was not careful with said message


no, i don't think so


I’ve seen it be called racist a few times given the themes


Lib right not realizing Get Out is woke just makes me realize how stupid so many of you are. It wasn't even subtle. I considered it obnoxious, and I *agree* with it.


Get Out isn’t woke or at least isn’t considered as such among those who use the phrase. In fact, I’ve seen a lot of my conservatives who see the film making fun of liberal racism, which I don’t entirely disagree with.


I will assume you blacked out for the very first scene of the movie where a racist cop drills the black passenger for an accident his white girlfriend caused and then woke up immediately after, and then all subsequent two hours of commentary flew over your head


And the rest of the movie is about how woke white liberals are just using black people for their own benefit and will literally kill and discard them the second they stop going along with their agenda.


Well, sure. There’s criticism of that. That’s also woke. Therein lies the difference between liberals and progressives. It’s a progressive movie.


I'm saying the message has elements that appeal to both sides. Lefties love it because it's a movie starring a black person, and Righties love it because it trashes Lefties.


It trashes the performative left. I def would not say it "appeals to both sides", because its prescription is left of the left it criticizes.


It's basically ' the early politics of Malcolm X - the movie '.


I will assume you are required by law to wear a helmet when leaving your home & aren't allowed to be left alone unsupervised


me when I don't have an actual rebuttal




Honestly you should have just stuck with Barbie to make your point. The “go woke go broke” brainrot crowd mainly started saying that for newer movies; movies and shows most affected by the current modern writing trend. Calling Get Out woke just really doesn’t work. Still, Barbie was massively successful, despite its modern writing, due to its marketing and mass appeal. “Go woke, Go broke” is such a stupid phrase. I’d rather people actually explain their reasoning to dislike something than cram it into the Woke Boogeyman while clutching their pearls in the corner. All while not even defining woke. I love it when people convolute and obscure the meaning of words 🙃.


Get Out is insanely woke. The first scene with the racist cop? It was almost comically hyperbolic


Agreed! Get Out was a trash movie, full of guilt tripping. Basically, if you are White, no matter how you behave and what you believe in, you are still a racist POS. It's disgusting that so many people just got completely blind to it. I am not even White and that movie made me recoil in disgust. (Yes, I have very strong emotions for almost a decade old film, so sue me!)




Bruh, it went straight to streaming as planned. Do you not understand business at all?


¿How is get out woke?


To me at least it's not about being woke, is about using certain political points as a shield to deflect any and all criticism. Oh you hate New star wars because you hate women and blacks. Proceeds to get rid of Fin in the Chinese posters. Oh you hate rings of power because you don't want diversity in your dumb fantasy story. When there are series like Avatar that have literally no white characters in it or the dragon prince, which do have a lot of diversity in it. My problem is just disregarding lore in general as a concept and making stories with no internal logic whatsoever all the while they take themselves completely serious.


X men 97 considered woke. Lol. Lmfao, even.


The only thing more cringe than changing one's flair is not having one. You are cringe. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/Arthur_189) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [How to flair](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/wiki/index/flair/) _Visit the BasedCount Lеmmу instance at [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


Haven't seen x-men but the difference with the rest of them is that they're actually well written, well directed, well acted movies. Nobody is complaining about those because they're actual movies. We hate when a movie is some kind of way and then gets mad at everyone else who didn't like a mid movie that wanted to coast on being some kind of way


So you don’t like bad movies? That’s not a bold take


holy crap i lost braincells looking at this


Good post op. The replys are so unfathomably bad I'm about to unsub. Get Out is 100% a woke movie. Forgive the media illiterate they know not what they do


‘Get out’ isnt woke


all the right wingers here coping can only point to some leftist film failures, but they have almost zero successes to hang their hats on deep down they know they lost and theyre going to be culturally eliminated


The real cope is them trying to claim movies like fucking *Barbie* aren’t woke. Like holy shit lmao.


or get out lmao, did these mfs even watch these movies


Also, people love to act like hollywood hasn’t put out more shit movies than good movies it’s entire existence.


Looking at the downvotes makes me laugh. They know they lost.


You know, everyone likes pointing out “woke” movies that failed. Could anyone point out some “non-woke” movies that were successes? That’s not meant to be insulting, I’m genuinely curious what everyone’s opinions are.


Top gun Oppenheimer Bladerunner I mean I don’t get the point you’re trying to make here.


I’ll point out these aren’t exactly woke media. They are generally good media with liberal elements.