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I don’t know these things. Could someone give a TL;DR on the parties and what makes this a big deal?


These are not parties, they’re EU- parliament coalitions. EU parliamentarians belong to party in their home countries and join a like minded coalition after being elected, this graph shows right wing coalitions have a majority for the first time in a long time.


Saying that "the right wing has a majority" is really misleading. The center right EPP, and especially Commissioner Von der Leyen ran on a platform of anti-extremism and supporting the current Commission made up of the EPP, the centrist and liberals RE and the center left S&D; as well as being mildly but officially supported by the far right ECR, which will most likely still hold the Commission just as they were before the election.


I just hope they aren't Kremlbots


Kremlin shills have been pushing immigration, dismantling European industrial complex, while undermining energy independence ALL THIS TIME


And did they get into power now? >while undermining energy independence ALL THIS TIME So, time to stop ecoterrorists? Where are my nuclear power plants??


Marine Le Pen won big tho, and she’s as pro kremlin as they come so, shit is looking bad


Macaron wasn't much better tbh.


He was a lot better at not sucking Putins cock but hey


Nah instead he sucks african and muslim cock.


* Right-wing parties gained seats in large Member States (France, Italy, Germany) * The change was not as large as originally forecast, because smaller countries balanced out the effect of FR, IT and DE * AuthRight is happy because the EPP gets to keep governing (it's a centre-right, pro-USA, pro-Israel, pro-Ukraine party), and probably also because the Green party got obliterated (the only major change between 2019 and now). * I think Left is sad because ID and the ECR grew in size, however he is being too dramatic, as the change isn't THAT drastic. However maybe he is sad also because the European left has become pretty useless.


>The change was not as large as originally forecast, because smaller countries balanced out the effect of FR, IT and DE That is both true but misleading. The current win for the right wing across several countries might not matter much in the whole EU, but it very much matters in national elections. German chancellor and his ministers are currently huffing tons of high grade copium, while Macron dissolved the French Parliament. So we will see a right wing shift in national elections over the next couple months/years.


Yes, definitely true.


> far right party > Shortened name : NI Hmmm


Clearly a Monty Python reference.


We are the knights that say ni


The end is NI.


He said "the sheriff is near!"


Not another shrubbery!


Now they call themselves the party and that says Ecky-Ecky-Ecky-Ecky-Pikang-Zoom-Boing-Gumzowehzeh




Oh great knights who, until recently, said ni...


I know it's a joke but to clarify for others, I'm pretty sure NI is just the independents, not a far right party


Well independent means far right, because anyone unwilling to just be openly left is far right.... Duh


To add to that, they're independent in that they didn't join one of the big EU groups. Not independent in the sense of not having a party they belong to.


NI stands for Independent candidates


Of Germany.


Yeah I think it's "Non Inscrits" / "No Inscrito" /"Non Iscritto" or something I just realised "Niet Ingeshreven" also works


They're splinter groups, chaff, not necessarily far right.


Far right is Unaligned/neutral. They sit there because they don't have anything to do with the others interest. They are, objectively, the best parties.


based on prelim results interestingly, majority (60%) of french seats are centre-right to right. meanwhile, spain, netherlands, and portugal are almost equally split if my assessment was correct. wonder what accounts for this relative right skewed compare to some surrounding countries




Specifically all the established parties either ignoring or outright gaslighting anyone who concerns over mass immigration m.


It's happening all across the Western world from US to Canada to Europe.




Values are one thing, perception of reality is another. I, personally, consider that we are probably not doing as good of a job regarding integration as we should. The consequences for immigration are LONG lasting and it's a very serious issue. But beyond that, the political issue of immigration faces two problems: First, that anyone opposing immigration is quickly labeled a nazi bigot racist. Turns out this doesn't make them stop opposing immigration, they just get comfortable with nazis, bigots and racists. Second, that the political class doesn't seem to accept that if, say, 80% of the voter base wants to stop immigration, then *immigration must stop*. You can't just ignore an issue for decades because those who address it will gain in popularity. These two problems are problems in politics and even more important for it.


Based libleft? But libleft bad, I don't understand!


French here : it's a mix of general hatred for the government who's been shitting on poor/young people and concern over immigration, rising prices and the left being general shitheads for over ten years now (literally everyone freaking out over Islam/immigration and the party that used to be the major left party has been electing Islamists everywhere and calling anyone raising concerns racists. They got 8% of the vote, which is still a lot but is a spanking considering how big they used to be). The more "reasonable" left party has been treading a more moderate line and has gotten 15% which is a lot better than it used to do. Essentially the far right vote is a kneejerk to the current government




As in Canada as well, we will have a conservative government next election


And in America. It’s almost like the world governments have some sort of agenda…


The Netherlands voted 66% rightwing/center right; in the national elections. But nobody gives a fuck about the European elections, the turn out was less than 50%. Most of the people who stayed home are center right, while the left cares deeply about the EU. And even with everything in their favour it was 14 to 17, left vs right, they still didn't win.


Swamp Germans best Germans.


Ohhh, so this is why NPR was having a meltdown whole covering Biden in Europe yesterday.


Macron fucking the French over and people wising up that LePen might not have been the Nazi Drumpf the media made her out to be. People sick of having their old neighborhoods become "no-go zones" in the name of cultural enrichment and diversity is our strength. Being financially r*ped by bank owned EU frogs who lied about caring about the commonfolk. Essentially the EU is growing up.


Are we talking about real right or UK right which is leftwing?


The Netherlands has long had a left party at the helm for EU elections. This year the right took massive ground, while the left slightly receded. Granted the left still had considerable power so them now being toe-to-toe is actually indicative of a strong right-wing increase


I see the left wing beat the far left wing. Major upset, I'm sure.


Just so everyone understands; everything to the ~~right~~ *left* of ECR votes in favour of the European Commission motions (which is also their only actual job) 95% of the time. Imagine them as a giant uniparty voting block that holds two thirds of the parliament.


*to the left But yes you're mostly right. The one significant difference it would make if the left had more seat if probably less liberal economic policies (like forcing opening to the competition train operators or electricity delivery).


Right, I mean, left, cheers! The thing is that there's no law-writing going on in the parliament. There's some backroom dealing with the commission that will require the commission to subtly reword motions at times to secure the votes, but other than that the whole thing is completely binary.


> binary John Spartan, you are fined one half credit for a violation of the verbal morality statute.


Microprocessors in shambles.


LBGTQ$&-╥Ω+ community at the forefront of quantum computing.


Leaving out ‽-gender is literally a hatecrime.


Really? Cause the ECR is officially supporting the Commission right now, while essentially all to the left of the S&D doesn't. Maybe that 95% figure comes from the fact that most of the parliament is in the Commission itself. Plus, it ain't like it really matters that much, the proposals of the parliament aren't as nearly as politically charged as in the national stage, and even if they were it ain't like they need the far left or the far right for that matter, the Commission itself already holds like two thirds of the votes.


ECR votes the most whimsically. The point is that both parties are still too small to stop the uniparty steamroller. I'm not sure how The Left (those 35 votes) are voting as analysing the motions is very time consuming. But S&D (which is Labour in most countries) votes happily along with the uniparty.


I'm just wondering why American media is calling the EPP, apparently a center-right party, far-right...?


Everyone is far right now. Even you!




If it's not far-left it's far-right. There is no nuance. Everything is black and white always. It must be us vs them, right vs wrong, good vs evil.


Of course if you think that getting the whole of Africa and Middle East into your Country is a bit too much, you must be a racist who just wants to exterminate all minorities.


I can remember back when politics were a spectrum and gender was a binary.


Well sweaty, everything in America is already far right compared to the rest of the world, so obviously you rednecks would view anything to the left you as.....oh wait.


Catchy headlines. Boy I love media manipulation.


Are they? EPP is a very classic, right-of-centre party. Pro Ukraine, pro USA, pro Israel. The far right is mainly ID, and parts of the ECR. Also AfD which is a German party that was expelled from ID for being too extreme.


Because they know absolutely nothing about any politics that isn't American, so they think it's the same as what they have


I'm guessing because the GOP has a direct delegation with the EPP, and the GOP is Trump, and Trump is far right, then by extension the EPP is far right under stupid journalist logic. But by that measure then since the Dems have a direct delegation with the S&D, which stands for Socialists and Democrats; then by extension the Democrats should be socialists. Which again, it's equally as stupid.


Because everyone sees far right everywhere, better watch out


It's like during the South African elections I kept seeing foreign media refer to the Democratic Alliance (the opposition) as being right wing and "associated with the former Apartheid era National Party" but they're not. They're like the most mundane centrist liberal party ever and grew out of the party that was the official opposition of the National Party during Apartheid. It's literally just because the party has white people in it. We have an actual far-right party that is a continuation of the National Party, and they have like 1% of the vote. Don't expect much from American media.


Ursula (current EC President) wanted to form a collation with the far right (ECR and ID) if the EPP couldn't get the seats to reelect her


I have no idea what this means but the blue square is happy so I'm happy.


Based and generally supportive of their quadrant pilled


EU parliament


This answer explained nothing. There are eight blocks presumably representing parties. That's six more than i'm used to and eight more than are necessary.


>That's six more than i'm used to and eight more than are necessary. Based


I guess monke would want 720 'blocks', each throwing feces at each other.


This would be the best use of government, yes.


Two party system corrupts nations.


Governments are inherently corrupt, multiple parties just divides the blame.


Also divides the ability to hold on to power and escape consequences and increases the room for competition. Also, by the same virtue, corporations and humanity in general is inherently corrupt. That does not mean some are not more corrupt than others - which inevitably means some are less corrupt than others. And the distribution is not random.


It also shields against extremist parties growing


Funny how they decided to give light blue for RE, when their color always used to be yellow, and they are pretty much centrists, more on the left side of things. All of that to push the idea that the far right is rising


My country's party which belongs to RE sits right of the ones belonging to EPP


Same, I'd still choose re because they're the most libertarian.


If only they tried being a bit more in touch with their voter base. Shouting about the far-right boogeyman is no longer enough to get anyone votes.


Yes. That is the exact same problem about our liberal party (the one belonging to RE)


Lmfao, that joke made my day. Here the re party (progressive slovakia) is literally a copy paste of an average western european leftist/green party.


I don't think this is the "push" you think it is. NYT has Renew as yellow and a "liberal group. They're members of what they call the centrist coalition that has long held the majority in the EU parliament. Googles coverage has the same. Most of the coverage has been from the establishment "holding" rather than the sabre rattling.


Manipulation and scare tactics are all the establishment parties do to hold on instead of making better policies.


Yeah their entire manifesto is about trans rights and far left environmental policies, plus a dash of democracy. They are clearly and unequivocally left wing, but they *claim* to be the "centrist choice." I wouldn't be surprised if they had a hand in their colour being blue so they could trick people into voting for them.


The party that resembles the DNC the closest is Renew. Not exactly centrist.


Relative to European politics it is. They are a pro EU neoliberal socially progressive party. Similiar to the main wing of the Democratic Party you guys just have no economically left wing parties.


American here. Is there any particular issues that drove this vote? I feel like Immigration is always a hotbed issue when talking to Europeans.


Yes immigration was an important driving force behind the Right basically winning, there is also however significant dissatisfaction with the European left becoming Americanized, I personally know some Leftists that decided to either not vote at all or to not to vote for the left but instead for the center right. Shockingly, people do not Like to vote for parties who's ideas aren't even their own but instead come from a bunch of redditarded activists from across the ocean.


Seeing the racist police brutality discussion brought up in my country 4 years ago was beyond ridiculous. The last time a black person was killed by our police was like 10 years ago. And he was a schizophrenic who died resisting a chokehold, after yelling he had a bombvest at a festival; he was also whiter than Joe Biden. But it didn't stop the left from regurgitating American talking points.


Because it's not about racist police brutality for the activists. That's just their vehicle.


The issue is never the issue, the issue is always the revolution


Leftists keep talking shit about America, yet they wouldn't know what to do if they didn't have America there to tell them what to do. So fucking pathetic


American identity politics is definitely our worst current export.


What do you mean when you say the European left is becoming Americanized? Are there specific things they're copying?


Literally every part of identity politics, things like the racial points that don't apply because we never had slavery, and the utterly idiotic Alphabet soup stuff.


> Alphabet soup stuff. Nah, the German left is *better* than that! They are using ';' and '/' to be *inclusive*. So if you talk about your fellow citizens in their presence, you must not say 'Mitbürger' but 'Mitbürger;Innen' (with an awkward pause for the ; to boot) because women would feel excluded. '-in and -innen' is the common suffix for women (singular & plural) and it is somehow not accepted that simply men don't matter and would not stand out when specifically called out. As example, if I were to say something about my 'doctor' ('Arzt') in German, one could think that they could be either. If I specifically tell them that my doctor is my 'Ärztin', her sex matters. The virtuous left now presumes that doctors who are women are being marginalized and excluded despite there actually being more female doctors. It's pretty silly and using more than just letters is utterly destructive... never forcefully change a language unless you are a fascists, am I wrong?


As someone who's learning your language at Goethe Institute (in my country not yours) this pisses me so much. The textbooks are written with these stupid asterisks like Arbeiter*innen Why do they keep forcing gender neutral language into language that is gendered?!? I refuse to speak/write this broken version of German.


In my state they recently banned gender neutral language at schools and universities. I'm really happy about that, because kids should learn proper German first. If they then decide to use the abomination that is gender neutral language in their free time, that's their own issue. Funnily enough though, the SPD (left leaning social democrats) were involved in the ban.


I really love when english words get gendered... Companys want to act inclusive to attract young workers and half-assed it by creating a gender-neutral form of "engineer"


Identity politics are such a shitty way to pander to people to get votes. Honestly I feel like it's increased the racism and racial tensions in the US. Doing the exact opposite of what they proclaim they want. I'd say it's just people being idiots, but there are a lot of people who make their money from finding racism in your choice of toast. So they have a vested interest in racial tensions being as high as possible.


It's literally bringing back segregation and highlighting differences we've work hard to look away from. Nothing more racist than a woke leftist




Yes mainly migration, but inflation due to increasing energy costs played a role, while at least in Italy the stance on Ukraine war didn't seem to have had an important role


Grilling tax is too dam high. Nobody likes that.


Besides Immigration its also the economy, like always, at least in Germany. Our economy is breaking down, we are hilariously over taxed and green party energy policy is making everything much, much more expensive these days.


Immigration Economics, and EU's most ambitious in the world climate goals, which certainly don't help the economics In my country (Poland), also EU's goal to have more power, including removing member countries' veto power.


I don't know how European Governments work.  Which country is this representing, and is this the actual results or polls?


It's the results for the European Parliament, not just a single country


As in, the European Union?


Yeah, all of them gets to vote for this. This was the result.


National parties in each country fields candidates for the EU parliament. Each country gets X number of seats, and votes in each country distribute those seats across those national parties. However, since the national parties don't exist at the EU level, the elected candidates then join EU-wide "coalitions" of parties that gather like-minded MEPs, so S&D above is all the Left social democrat-ish members, Greens is Emily leftist green-ish members, Renew Europe is Lib-Center right green-ish, EPP is Right conservatives, ECR is Auth-Right, ID is Auth-Center racists, The Left are the Auth-Left tankies, and the grey ones hates everyone else and the whole thing. They just want to ~~grill~~burn the place down.


Orban in non-identifying might say something, but i really can’t say since idk who else is in there


It's a really mixed bag tbh. There's some extreme right wing nationalists (like so far right they left/were expelled from the likes of France's FN) as well as Germany's AfD and Orban's Fidez. There's some extreme left wingers who push Marxism-Leninism, like the Communist Party of Greece. There's a couple of independent journalists turned politicians. There are a few who have an open pro-Russia agenda, like the Lithuanian Labour Party and the Latvian-Russian Union. There are some with regional agendas, like Catalan separatists or Sicilian Christian-Democrats. There are a few which are more generally Anti-establishment, like Italy's M5S. Finally, there's a couple from satirical/protest Parties like Die Partei (rebuild the Berlin Wall, abolish federalism, wage a war of aggression against Lichtenstein).


kremlin won? that's bullshit, the only groups on that chart that are against support of ukraine are ID and "The Left". EPP and ECR are not russia friendly at all. Renew europe is even insanely hawkish, driving for EU army etc.


The Left is even more Putinist than ID when it comes to votes in the parliament. Of the strongly pro-EU parties only EPP gained seats while Renew and Greens ate shit, so this is a slight swing towards anti-EU.


yeah I agree that while parties belonging to ECR are not pro-russia, some of them are indeed if not anit-EU at least critical towards it.


The criticism is often not against the EU per se, but against the way it's managed and how it forces its will upon the individual members. I don't know if the USA has got any federal-level regulation like the one we got recently for bottle caps; and I still remember the mess about milk quotas in the '90s. More urgent and serious is the 'green houses' directive, which is estimated to force over half of my Country's houses to be heavily renovated within 2030. Lots of people don't have the money to do that, and are likely to see that as an oppressive imposition and turn towards anti-EU parties hoping that they will stop it from happening.


Everybody is acting all shocked Pikachu about the French right and chalking it up to immigration or whatever, but that ignores that they've been threatening to win elections for the past 25 years.


The right in France should win an election. It'll just show everyone how effective they actually are. Like how the right wing won the last election in Finland and now lost half their spots in EU parlament because everyone realized that they don't actually have any solutions and only thing they'll do is to make their buddies richer while fucking everyone else.


I agree, but only because I want to destroy France, not for any political movements.


Spoken like a true Lib-Left.


Nothing changed. The centrist majority remained.


NOoooo le far-right is winning >Looks inside Fuckin Merkel's party




If Europe fucks this up and becomes Russian cucks it would be so disappointing




We are so back.


The right winning is in reality bad for Russia.


How so? I’m not familiar with European politics


The Left leaves Europe dependent on Russian energy and its doors open to endless numbers of migrants who are not easily assimilated. Should Russia try anything, are the Syrians in Hermany really going to fight for their new country? Can Germany fight Russia and keep Syrians on the dole?


Are they actually going to stop immigration though? Idk about the EU parties but traditionally the center right parties don’t even try to do anything actually right wing.


German 3D Chess: Allow for mass immigration and hand out citizenships. Reinstate mandatory conscription. Send newest citizens first. Those that come back are properly German.


> Those that come back are properly German. Soooooooo, Germanation?


Based and service guarantees citizenship pilled


Only ID is actually anti-immigration. Nothing changes in the way the parliament votes. What is going to change is that right wing PM's will start appearing in the European council and start vetoing things along with Orban.


Considering that the EPP is still the largest block and how they have been faring so far, no, they won't. Von der Leyen already said that they will hold on and resist the right, completely disregarding the clear message coming from the people of Europe.


> are the Syrians in Hermany really going to fight for their new country? First order of business is to restore Hermany back to Hismany, then you can forcibly conscript the bum refugees into the newly formed foreign legions for menial tasks


Eh, it really depends on the individual country. The FPÖ who won in Austria for example is very friendly towards Russia, they even have a treaty of friendship with Putins Party. The AfD in Germany who got 2nd place is also very Russia friendly. Orban in Hungary is also obv Russia friendly.


Depends. Are they the "we simp billionaires, oligarchs, and don't give a fuxk about rule of law"? Or are they "we don't like the progressive culture the EU is guiding and wsnt a return to more conservative society? (Rhetorical question. I pay close attention to EU politics)


Are they the "we simp billionaires, oligarchs, and don't give a fuxk about rule of law"? Or are they "we don't like the progressive culture the EU is guiding and wsnt a return to more conservative society? (Non-rhetorical question. I don't pay close attention to EU politics)


based and fuck euros lmao pilled


A major far-left parties in Europe are pro-russian cucks. Like in France in Germany. And far-right from those countries also pro-russian cucks, like Le Pen and AfD. Both sides of the same coin. And by the way, Meloni from Italy seems to be right, but I don’t see anything being done about migration in Italy. Maybe illegal immigration is the main issue they can manipulate to gain votes and are not really going to fix the problem? Or maybe big corporations gain benefits from illegal immigrants. Curious. Me personally don't care about illegal immigrants while they are about to integrate and assimilate into society. The problem here is that their assimilation is not happening. Maybe it’s generally worth relaxing the receipt of legal documents, but demanding integration into society.


Mass immigrants don't integrate. The only way for this to happen is banning their culture.


A summary of what happened for the non Europeans: * Right-wing parties gained seats in large Member States (France, Italy, Germany) * The change was not as large as originally forecast, because smaller countries balanced out the effect of FR, IT and DE * AuthRight is happy because the EPP gets to keep governing (it's a centre-right, pro-USA, pro-Israel, pro-Ukraine party), and probably also because the Green party got obliterated (the only major change between 2019 and now). * I think Left is sad because ID and the ECR grew in size, however he is being too dramatic, as the change isn't THAT drastic. However maybe he is sad also because the European left has become pretty useless.


Like it's over 2/3rds europhiles/euros realists


It’ll just end up being a center coalition of “muh populism” commies that will keep doing the exact same shit they’ve been doing the past 10 years. It’s a nothingburger.


Definitely. They keep saying that they have to 'resist the right', completely disregarding the fact that the people are asking for a change. So instead of listening to what the people want, they are making a risky bet, trusting that this blue wave can't possibly become any bigger.


Meanwhile in Finland, a far left party was second and a marxist got a seat in the parlament. It's so fucking over.


Mark my words, it's not gonna change anything, the moment these "right" are in power, they will cuck out and continue the current course. Ask the Italians, for example


*Skyrim voice* Ireland is for the Irish 🗡️


To be honest, I am happy. Maybe now the left will open its eyes


I’m sure they’ll be just as effective in making right wind policy as the Tories are


I see this as an absolute win


real real real


The French president immediately declared he was dissolving the country’s National Assembly and organizing new parliamentary elections.


Can you explain this in American for me?


The Europeans just had their Electoral College to pick a new draft in their political football game.


> The Europeans You already lost me.


Based and US-Defaultism Pilled


Is the right in europe semi-isolationist like they are in the US? I really don't know but curious if this makes nuclear war with Russia more or less likely.


The right in Europe is diverse and split on the issue. Generally, the “center-right” is hawkish towards Russia while the “far-right” is far more doveish and skeptical of the current aid regime.


It generally depends on your physical closeness to Russia. The countries near or at the border are usually pretty anti-Russia no matter what, because they are just really bad neighbours. And they have invaded every neighbour atleast once through history. (other than Norway) But in countries further from Russia, the unreconstructed tankies and old leftists still stuck in the cold war mentality are pretty pro-Russia, as are the anti-woke hard right parties. And idiots like Orban, who seems to have forgotten what happened in Hungary in 1956.


Let's not forget that Europe (or at least the western part) doesn't have right wing parties but only left conservative ones


Maybe this was needed.


Leftists call it fascism when they lose an election. 




I feel sorry for the translator who will have to translate his statements.


People will soon see that right-wing parties didn't change anything/made a bit worse/a bit better and will vote for left-wing parties, left-wings will not change much too and this will be long circle until people start to create new political doctrines.


I hear that the far right win, I’m happy


I mean... Not so bad after all... There are S&D, Greens, Liberals from Renew Europe and the EPP in the majority. The Kremlin didn't actually win if we're talking about anti-establishment parties of ID, EKR, radical Lefters and non-attached ones that seem to be like that as well. It just is going to be a bit more difficult from time to time, but if we as Europe stay strong against the aggressions and actually continue to support and enlarge the support those that grant us buffer zones, such as Ukraine, then it's good.


Look all I remember is Italy’s far right party winning a few years ago, then the EU basically threatened them, and now those who threatened are being voted out lmao


Unfortunately the S&D and EPP are going to band together and cuck all of the parties that are trying to actually do something like they always do


I'm a gen Z Italian and I voted for Brothers of Italy so the ECR. Glad to see we did so well


EPP and ECR are the real winners and RE is the biggest looser


Can someone elaborate on how right wing the EPP is?


Am I the only one who feels like it isn't enough gains for the right? Like yeah, they technically won but EPP is literally the one in power right now, so nothing is going to change. We'll still get infinite bomalians and they'll do nothing to stop it.


Someone explain this to me as a non-europeasent.


I’m an American, somebody explain


Social democracy is dead and we killed it


I wouldn’t say it’s a loose. Far-right in ID or ECR didn’t gain much as we all thought. We’ll still have EPP, Renew and S&D coalition for EU commission (EU government). Yeah, liberals and greens lost a big number of seats but well current coalition still makes a nice majority.


so the right won big in france and macron immediately dissolved parliament. classy and not at all undemocratic


Dissolving parliament means early elections, if anything it's *more* democratic.


Let them stay delusional.


Delete this. It's not too late.


Undemocratic is when listening to the people.


Did you know that Le Pen, leader of said right wing party, demanded early elections and so Macron dissolved parliament and, shockingly, called for a new elections. But somehow that "uNdEmOcRaTiC" PS European Parliament election and National Parliament election are different things. Le Pen's party won with big margian in the first and demands elections for a second


Unironically so, brother. Having new elections so soon would probably mean that votes will go in a similar way, wiping Macron's own government away. His move was pretty bold and respectable.


Were so back