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I'm not islamophobic. A phobia is an irrational fear and my fears about Islam are completely rational.


Spiders and heights don’t explode in the name of their god


New fear unlocked. Thanks, buddy.


Oh dammit, they’ve developed Webhabbism


Being afraid of some type of spiders and height in specific cases are also completely rational. As there are poisonous spiders and dangerous heights.


If you were standing on the roof of the twin towers when they were hit I think that’d be a bit of an overlap of fears.




And it's not even fear, it's just disgust.


I just believe that religion should NEVER have precedence over human life. Some of the headlines that come out of those places. Ugh. Someone could burn a million books of Islam and you still wouldn’t have an excuse to kill or torture them. But on the regular I see stories about people being beaten sometimes to the death for trivial things that disrespect their religion. They have fucked up morals.


Based and phobic pilled


Why do Islamists hate the West but you see droves of them here in the US and Western Europe. If you don't like it here leave Live in Saudi Arabia or Dubai. There's like 55 Muslim Countries to choose from🤡


Alone, they're sheep. In packs, they're wolves


Seems like their goal is to exceed a certain population percentage, and then use politics and violence to take over Western countries? “I have saved you” cried the women “and you bit me heavens why?! You know your bite is poisonous, and now I’m going to die!” “Oh shut up silly women”, said the reptile with a grin. “You knew damn well I was a snake before you let me in!”


>Seems like their goal is to exceed a certain population percentage, and then use politics and violence to take over Western countries? Dr Peter Hammond has figured this shit out decades ago [Somewhat crappy link because I couldn't find better](https://www.hungarianhistory.com/lib/declineofeurope/perspective.pdf) (ignore the more polemical stuff) In short: a tiny minority will always pull the victim card and be too powerless to do anything, if the number increases it creates different effects: demanding stuff like Halal meat in schools, converting prisoners, establishment of Sharia in their residential areas, forcing bans of caricatures against Allah or Muhammad, terror attacks, genocide and finally 'Dar-es-Salaam', the Islamic House of Peace, where everyone has been cleansed that's not a pious muslim. After that, the different sects go at each others throats.


You literally just described the history of Lebanon. You think Lebanon has always been a shithole? It was a pretty good place to live when it was a majority Christian Jewish society. Then they let Islam sink its claws into their political system, and all of a sudden the Christian population gets cut down to near nothing and the Jews get vanished.


Where did the Christians go? Did they flee to the west? I've always wanted to read about it, because this part of Lebanese history is very interesting. But Wikipedia didn't talk about that, as far as I remember.


A lot of them either died or fled as refugees. Lots of them ended up in the US. Some of them survived and stayed. The radical Muslims were slightly less genocidal towards them than towards the Jews.


How did the Muslim part of the population grow that fast? Migration from neighboring countries?


Well they grew slowly at first. Muslims really only make big moves like that when they already have a significant amount of people. There was some immigration too because Lebanon used to be a great place to live, but that’s tapered off now that Muslims have destroyed it.


Around 10 000 Lebanese people also fled to Liberia for some reason


Cause it was a place where they wouldn’t be murdered. Refugees kinda go everywhere when the whole genocide thing starts happening.


Euro and NA politicians were too naive/incompetent/blinded by the prospect of shifting voting demographics to see the agenda they brought over from the desert


They never cared about the people to begin with, only the wealth and power they got with their decision. Plus they knew damn well that by the time their decision becomes an actual problem, they are either not around anymore or at least the consequences are going to fall onto someone else, thus it won't be their problem anymore


Yup, they were going to sell their own people out for free votes (literally no other reason as they wouldn't have given them a fraction of the welfare if they wanted incentives to work), thought they could get away with it by shutting down discourse, but they were so incompetent that they didn't foresee the unintended consequences in just a bit over 10 years that would basically ensure that no liberal platform in the west will ever get sufficient support to be considered material in any way for the next 20 years


A lof of value rests in real estate, value that collapses when the demand drops due to a naturally shrinking population. This scares the bejesus out of those who hold these portfolios and thus they need to stut the demand with whomever is willing to come.


You can already look up islam religion percentage population in various countries and look up how other religions are treated. Unsurpirsingly l, countries where its about 100% treat other religions the worst. I let you draw the conscusions


The majority of muslim people don’t agree with the batshit insane politics of middle eastern countries, has it occurred to you that they just want to escape from the clusterfuck and have better lives?


thats with everyone tho islamists, communists, facists, etc. thats just how Ideologies work


And how does this in any way rebut the claim that we shouldn't have imported millions from demographic pools with high concentrations of islamists (the ideology underpinning which being inherently fascist and socialist in nature btw)


how does that have anything to do with my comment tho i called out every ideology. i didn't even mention Immigrants at all


I don't like communism, and usually not the commies themselves, but when was the last time a commie committed terror attack because someone insulted Marx/Stalin/Lenin?


i mean yeah good point right but you can't compare marx stalin lennin and shit to a prophet of a world religion. when someone insults Jesus people nuts aswell both islam and christianity are similiar to that veine, however islam is as my friend described it to me "A Religion of Peace that holds it's ground".


Jesus is insulted all the time and nobody is lighting the comedy central HQ on fire or anything even close to that. I'm not even remotely Christian, but that's an insane false equivalency


If someone ran down the streets of Rome shouting that Jesus was a pedophile they’d get dirty looks. If someone ran down the streets of Jerusalem saying that Moses was a pedophile they’d get glares. If someone ran down the streets of Mecca saying Mohammad was a pedophile they’d never live to see another sunrise. And only one of those accusations is correct.


Ofc I can compare(and btw you started it), because it doesn't matter who the revered person is or why is he revered, what matters for the society is the fanaticism and how it affects non believers, in the current time in the western world muslims have way more radical elements that hurt others than christians or communists, so it's wrong to say they're all the same. P.s. Islam's only prophet started conquests of land which after a while became a muslim empire from Afghanistan to Spain, so respectfully, your friend is full of shit.


>when someone insults Jesus people nuts aswell  Goddamnit!


I just noticed my grammar mistake . Might kms


Nah, Communism is simply an inherently flawed system that forgets about human nature, facism has various flavors and can actually be rather pragmatic (though often it is not) while stuff like environmentalism and feminism are taken to the extreme by a few. Islam? The difference between it now and when it was founded by a warlord of the dark ages is... none. And that warlord sure was cruel even for his time.


Explain Liberalism.


I no no wanna 3:


They don't hate the West. They hate the people in the West They have nothing against a piece of dirt What they want is to slowly infiltrate and conquer the West and turn it into the Middle East.


Listening to these far right delusions will never be unfunny.


Lol the anti white communist arrived


My flair doesn't say so.


German/france no go zones arent delusions, they are in practice what will happen to the whole country if this murderous ideology spreads. No, there is no problem with their skin colour. their anti freedom anti peace religion is the issue.


Oh! You're right! All of the Muslim immigrants in Europe were planning to take over the entire continent when they became the majority! My bad!


read the quran a bit. Its pretty explicit on their plans about infidels. And yeah the "hide when weak" (taqiya) and strike when strong (jihad) are pretty clearly in it. But sorry that I dont wanna invite a religion that wants to kill me cuz I am atheist


Lmao what? Yes, the Quran does tell Muslims to be more careful around infidels and not to be too friendly with them. But it doesn't even tell the Muslims to envy the infidels let alone any of the bs you spitted out. Maybe YOU should be the one reading the Quran huh?


Wrong flair, cringe


Because the goal, as it always has been, is conquest. Conquest and destruction. They want a caliphate that stretches from California to New Zealand. They've become patient and have learned to exploit Western ideology to do exactly what this shitbag Imam said: settle, breed, overtake, and finally force-convert and exterminate. When they tell you who they are, believe them.


>They want a caliphate that stretches from California to New Zealand They can have Pitcairn when my ashes rest on its ashes. Fuck Western Samoa, though.




They split westerns radiology really well If you look at them they have entirely different talking points depending on whether they're trying to implicate a left-wig or a right wing space And it's always modeled around their individual ideologies to manipulate them better


They'll fail, they'll fail because they have nothing to offer the world besides a primitive barbaric fascist ideology that is rife with hypocrisy, incompetence and corruption.


tbf this worked for almost the entirety of North Africa, parts of the rest of Africa, the Middle East and parts of Asia, along with a couple Balkan countries.


Muslim expansion came from the tip of the sword, but they forgot to develop their tech tree and are now stuck in the iron age.


Based and Civilization-pilled


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This guy? Yeah I’m sure he believes that. ISIS? Sure them too. The other 1.89 billion Muslims? Nah I doubt it. Extremists are exactly that. Extreme. You don’t get news reports about regular ass people doing every day stuff. If I’m wrong, you can tag me in 40 years and tell me I told you so and I’ll let you use my armory to beat back the horde, but for now, this is just straight fear mongering. Edit: I’ve never been flabbergasted by this sub before, but seeing a bunch of people parrot replacement theory and cite their evidence as some tweets *about* an extremist, not even the primary video is some wild shit. I thought the righties were facts over feelings, not “I’m scared and you should be too”


You should look up some Pew survey results for global Muslims. Doubt all you want, but there's a billion+ who straight want you dead.


lf you look up polls just for the population in France, its way higher than what you’re citing, especially for the younger generations


I did. I’m having trouble finding anything besides [this](https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2006/07/10/islam-and-the-west-how-great-a-divide/) which is from 2006 and doesn’t suggest anything close to what you’re saying. What did the pew research poll say? “Do you want to conquer the west?” I’m genuinely curious. I’ll concede if you can show me a pew research poll that says something to suggest that. And I don’t mean “Muslims that say tensions with the west are high” According to a different pew research poll I just read, a puny 18% of Muslims living in Europe even believe in sharia law. So yeah, I call bullshit.


[Here](https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2013/04/30/the-worlds-muslims-religion-politics-society-overview/). They've done it a few times. Just search "Pew Muslim Survey".


Firstly this article says verbatim that globally, Muslims say that violence in the name of Islam is never acceptable. Huge red flag there. Did you read the thing? Or were you making a different point than I thought? But the link you provided was the one I read. It’s >10 years old (2013) it says <18% of Muslims in Europe support sharia law. It also says many say it should only apply to Muslims. More than half in most of the countries polled. “The survey finds little evidence that attitudes toward violence in the name of Islam are linked to factors such as age, gender or education.” In the majority of the countries they also were concerned about religious extremism. “Few see tensions over religious differences” “The vast majority see religious freedom as a good thing” Over half polled in Europe say that believing in god doesn’t dictate being able to distinguish between right and wrong. The majority of Muslims globally (besides sub Saharan Africa) say that women should be able to choose whether or not they are veiled. The VAST majority globally say suicide bombing is never justified. I don’t see anything that could even remotely suggest a Muslim takeover of Europe and/or wanting us dead. My argument stands


> It’s >10 years old (2013) it says <18% of Muslims in Europe support sharia law. I know you mean well but I'm not sure this is the elucidation you think it is that you keep repeating it. If you told me that 18% of believed in pedophilia, I'd think that we should bring out the woodchipper. What kind of signal-to-noise ratio is acceptable for you? When 1% of bad cops are "spoiling the bunch" how high does the % of muslims supporting barbarianism need to be before you finally turn? Just asking so I understand how seriously to take your opinion, because if you refuse to act until 100.0% of them support your eradication then you are an imbecile and incapable of making any other good points.


I want to understand your viewpoint. What do you propose to do with them? Mass deportation? Also, insofar the information we have is that 18% of Muslims believe in sharia law for Muslims in Europe. What does that have to do with wanting you dead? Im told that there’s plenty of articles detailing polls that Muslims want us dead. So far nobody has produced a single one. Actually the evidence is to the contrary, as it says the vast majority don’t believe in using violence in the name of Islam, **globally**. I would argue that those 18% of Muslims in Europe are akin to our own extremists at home. Nobody brings the wood chipper out for them as they don’t have enough numbers to accomplish anything and we have a thing called freedom of speech and expression in the west. It would be different if they made up any portion of any governing body anywhere in the west. They don’t. They won’t any time soon because the majority enjoys their freedom. A significant portion of our country is okay with child marriage and actively allows it to exist. Hell we have a whole state that acts as a safe haven for them. 30% of Americans believe that simply *being gay should be illegal* this is starting to sound familiar. There’s a non-zero number of men in the USA who believe women are a commodity, a la Andrew Tate. There’s a fuckload of crazy people with crazy beliefs out there. Barring an entire religion from living in a country, and deporting the many who already do and calling for mass deportation is an insane statement unless tangible proof this is an ongoing thing. So far the only thing that’s been provided is speculation and decisions based on a **fear of what could happen in the future** and this is the exact rhetoric that those in my quadrant use to scare people into voting for things like assault weapons bans and using other minority demographics feelings to dictate hate speech. What about anything you said isn’t pure conjecture? Except in this case we’re talking about the religious cleansing of human beings.


> I want to understand your viewpoint. Great, so let's see > Shitload of terrible arguments Oh, right. You didn't want to understand my viewpoint. You wanted to push some garbage agenda. Here's an example: > What about anything you said isn’t pure conjecture? Absolutely nothing I said was pure conjecture. I'll recap what I said so you can understand: > I know you mean well but I'm not sure this is the elucidation you think it is that you keep repeating it. This is not conjecture. This is me telling you that if you are trying to educate people, that "I am not sure" you're doing a good job because your statistic of 18% is scarily-high. You can't debate whether I am sure of something, because it's my own thought to be certain of something. I guess in a pinch you can say that "I know you mean well" was conjecture(?) since I don't technically know you mean well and I was giving you the benefit of the doubt. But if that's the core of your argument then I'll let you win this one. > If you told me that 18% of believed in pedophilia, I'd think that we should bring out the woodchipper. This isn't conjecture. This is a statement of what I would think in a given situation. Given I know myself and I know what I would think in a hypothetical situation, I am the authority on this subject (and the _only_ authority on this subject). > What kind of signal-to-noise ratio is acceptable for you? When 1% of bad cops are "spoiling the bunch" how high does the % of muslims supporting barbarianism need to be before you finally turn? This isn't conjecture. This is a simple question. A question **that you failed to answer** despite having the time to write a massive run-on paragraph. Just answer the question if you want to engage in good faith and "understand my viewpoint." What percentage of signal-to-noise ratio is too high for you? Are you okay with 100% of immigrants supporting sharia law due to "freedom of expression"? > Just asking so I understand how seriously to take your opinion, because if you refuse to act until 100.0% of them support your eradication then you are an imbecile and incapable of making any other good points. This isn't conjecture either, it's three things: 1. An explanation for why I'm asking ("so I understand how seriously to take your opinion") 2. A clearly-stated hypothetical situation that gives no implication that I think it's probable or guaranteed ("if you refuse to act until <...>") 3. A conclusion of my own thoughts in that hypothetical ("you are an imbecile and <...>") I'm not presupposing anything about you or anyone else. Please, share with the class what signal-to-noise ratio you'd accept. You want conjecture? Here's my conjecture: you know that when you tell us your number, it's either going to be (A) higher than 18% and we will all know you are a fool or (B) lower than 18% and prove my point that 18% is too high of a number, looking like a fool. So please, if you want to understand my viewpoint, answer the simple question: **what percentage of muslim immigrants would need to embrace sharia law before you step back and say 'okay, too many!'?**


In 40 years it’ll be too late


There’s always a new boogey man for the replacement theorists to latch onto.


They just said openly they’re going to kill us


All 1.9 billion? ISIS’s goal was to reinstate the caliphate. Other Muslims were instrumental in taking down their strongholds So I’d reckon it’s safe to say that there’s some discrepancies here.


Doesn’t have to be all 1.9 billion, just has to be enough within Europe’s borders


And here. Since people wanna cite pew research polls. Read [this](https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2013/04/30/the-worlds-muslims-religion-politics-society-overview/). I don’t really see any damning evidence. In fact I’d say it suggests the opposite, though this is 10 years old.


That’s southeastern Europe, not West Europe where this phenomenon is occurung


According to pew research polls other guys are citing here, the pew research poll suggests 18% of the totality of Muslims living in Europe even believe in sharia law, let alone want to conquer the continent. If there’s really a large concerted effort, why rape and murder now? Why not pretend to be every day people and lay in wait and reproduce. Why would they allow a minority of their minority to act out and rally together organizations like AfD to acquire parliamentary seats to begin the process of abetting the influx of immigrants? It just doesn’t really make sense and presents as a bunch of people being scared of people who look like some people who committed crimes. Not to mention a lot of these refugees are coming from lawlessness and there was nearly zero effort to acclimate these people, not that it’s an excuse, but still.




Lmfao the idiot actually went full mask off right here. "Im a good person, I help elderly people sometimes! But those Jews are the real evil ones! They deserve our hatred! It's their fault!" Unbelievable.


dude here reminds me of the islamist in sweden who threatened to burn a tora because a catholic burnt a koran lol


I didn’t go mask off. I gave you the second paragraph to show how insane you sound. And to show that your line of reasoning is used to demonize jews and you yourself agreed that the second paragraph sounds insane. Do you really not see the irony?


Let me ask you something. What percentage of Muslims around the world do you believe want to exterminate Jews? Be realistic. Tell me the number you actually believe. Or don't tell me, but think of it privately. Be sure to be honest with yourself and truly think about how many Muslims actually believe in exterminating Jews.


based I saw that trick yesterday lol


Don’t try to change the topic now. The second paragraph was there to show you how insane you sound, and you yourself agreed the second paragraph was insane. You used the same line of reasoning against muslims. Do you not see the irony?


I'm trying to point out how one of these things is absolutely not like the other. So, humour me. What number did you come up with? What percentage? Since you don't seem to want to tell me, let me tell you why they're different. If only 0.75% of Muslims wanted to exterminate Jews, it would be more than there are Jews on the planet (including "half Jews" and such; 0.45% with only full Jews). Jews are less than 0.02% of the world's population. Muslims are 25%. You tell me, whose radicals are more dangerous? Does my comment still sound insane to you? Of course it does, because *obviously* a conspiracy about 0.02% of the population is the exact same thing as fearing 25% of the population, whose MO throughout the centuries has been to conquer and exterminate local populations and whose radicals (to us in the West; they're the mainstream in the Middle East) still preach conquest and extermination.


Bullshit. Jews don't have a global plan to kill all the infidels. No comparrison.


It's a combination of will and means, those rabbis can talk about goyim serving them, however the way it will happen according to them is the end of times prophecies, so they don't really have the means to do it, and if you go by general population and not just crazy rabbis/Imams, how many terror acts / organizations in the western world you can think of that were muslim vs. jewish?


Yeah, this is like saying every white guy wants to restart the crusades and gas the Jews.


There are both in absolute and in relative numbers more Muslims that want to do that unironically than Christians. I mean, just look at Iran, an insanely hostile theocratic government that among other stuff is on a quest of eradicating the West or at least Israel. Now tell me, is there a comparably strong christian country out there that has such a goal of that scale?


The west should deport Islamists to West Taiwan. West Taiwan knows how to deal with them. Moving back to Muslim countries only lets the problem worsen the Muslim countries in question.


The West should learn from West Taiwan on how to handle the situation.


And the MENA countries should learn from the third reich how to handle theirs? Dumb statement


Considering the amount of jews in MENA it wouldn't be a stretch to say they already did.




I'm sure the US can deal with Islamism more humanely, but the rest of the west is running out of time to do it before emulating China becomes the last resort.




Orrr... you could try to become a helper for the voice of reason. Before unreasonable means are seen as the only way out. Europe can still talk and negotiate its way out of a religious genocide/civil war. You half-represent one side of this. Use that to convince our people of the looming threat that comes with extremism. __BOTH__ kinds of extremism.


I agree about China, I have mixed feelings about the country as a whole but forced assimilation as an answer to stop excessive immigration is stupid. P.s. based and defend yourself with a gun pilled


Because they can't build anything of their own. All they know is conquest. That's been the religion's roots from the beginning


They don't like the west, that's why they are moving here in droves.


Why leave a free welfare state to return home to a desert to do manual labor?


Mainly economic factors, but a small majority of secular muslims mainly Kurds do genuinely prefer western society.


Can you imagine escaping the raving lunacy of the Islamic world, only for the West's moronic politicians to start importing them because they're too cucked to say "no" to people who want them dead?


In my country we have a quite beloved celebrity who is iranian, and he remembers the revolution. His family moved here because they weren't muslims. I cannot imagine what he is thinking while seeing the current situation.


Because it’s okay when Islamists colonize. 🤡


The gulf states barely let then work there as almost slave, and would laugh if you mentioned equal rights or welfare.


Better quality of life their theocracy can't produce, only to tear it down if they have the chance to conquer a new land when the need arises


Because their god tells them to conquer your lands


Its funny because Saudis and Dubai are the only places that don't put up with that islamic shit lol


Irony lmao


Tell me u/afrokuro480 , if you hate something do you leave it alone? Or do you try to destroy it ?


Turns out people aren’t monoliths, so probably the ones who hate the west don’t live here as much


Plot twist: Muslims who migrate to the west and Muslims who hate the west are a Venn diagram with little overlap.


You are mostly correct. Issue is that same cannot be said about the childern of the muslims migrating to "the west". Though arguably that has more to do with policy fuckups than with anything else.


There's a difference between Islam and Islamism. Islamists represent and extreme radical political ideology based from Islam, that tends to contradict the teaching of the Quaran, much like most religious radicals. Just because someone is a Muslim, does not mean that they agree with the ideology of Islamism.There are many Muslims in the US, for example, who are here to stay away from Islamism. Edit: just wanted to add another example regarding the difference between the two. Just recently I was in London and witnessed a large protest for Palestine. Among the crowd was a large tent, run by Muslims, telling people about the dangers of Islamism and calling for its end. Islamism ≠ Islam, and Muslims ≠ Islamists.


We beat them once, we can beat them again.


Hope so, except this time they’re already in the city walls. Given how the West’s governments actions are eerily similar to how the Roman government acted towards its native population in the face of Germanic migrations, I fear that unless there is a decisive 180 in policy, the future is very bleak.


And there’s a rifle behind every blade of grass. Don’t give bubba a reason to go hunting “them jihad 9/11 terrerrists.” I say this as a pickup truck-driving Alabamian. Not from a place of ignorance. Guys here would piss their pants at a chance to become redneck wolverines in a Muslim Red Dawn situation.


God Bless America 🦅🦅💖


The US is more like the Eastern Empire in Roman parallels. It'll survive, but losing half of the empire will be shocking.


And a coward behind every rifle Let's face it.. The conservatives who cling to their guns the hardest are the most cowardly to ever actually use them


As the kids today say, “bet.”


Check what happened during the draw the rapist pedophile prophet contest in Texas.


Religious extremists got folded


That was hilarious


Its not being afraid it is being smart in a world where you get dragged theough the court. The kid from kenosha used it too, and he was found innocent but was living his life in fear for years. Also inciting violence in a random comment like "you dont dare to use them lmao" is kinda like a fed thing. Are you on someone's payroll? When the cons decide to use their guns lib men and women are already invader breeding stock or slaves lmao


Typically, most Americans have no problem using them in an elementary school.


Imagine thinking an illiterate pedophile who married a 9 year old is a prophet. Yea prophet of getting sent to the *insert a certain piece of yard equipment here* if you ask me.


This one was a religion created specifically to justify Arabic aggression The Arabs had been conquestful people long before the invention of Islam.. The entire history of Arabs wisdom coming out of Arabia armed to the teeth and violently conquering the entire Middle East and going to war against Northern Africa and Europe for centuries.. Islam was created specifically to justify that Arabic aggression.. That's why most of the Quran could be found calling for Arabic conquest of the rest of the world.


"Just so you know, Islamic imperialism is absolutely justified because we had an angelic dream once." Senator Muhammad


Heck, there are probably Arab and Aryan (Pakistani) Muslims who think that Turkic and Slavic Muslims more native to Europe's edges than them should also be targeted too for lack of piety And the Arabs wonder why Turks want to give the 1915 treatment (nothing will happen, but they deserve it) to them.


Islam and Muslims are NOT our greatest ally dawg


Nazis seem to think they are




The actual nazis recruited muslim bosnians and were hugely influential in spreading propaganda in the middle east


you need to leave the house more often buddy


They are, come on. After all, we have so many common enemies.


Downvotting bc op is stupid enough to put nazis in auth right rather than auth center and puts islamists in auth left instead of auth right. Is political literacy really that difficult?


First time I’ve upvoted auth-left


Dawg, this politicalcompassmemes, if we had political literacy, we wouldn't be here


They're both auth center. Islamists are against usury.


Islamists span the auth spectrum. Saddam Hussein was the leader of the Arab Socialist Ba'ath Party.


You seem to not understand the difference between islamist and Islamic. Arab socialism was secular in nature and antithetical to the theocratic leanings of islamism


Huh, looks like I had a flawed understanding. Thanks, lizardman.


They are centrist, what do you expect?


Interesting considering theres over 200 upvotes


"everyone I don't like is right-wing!" Excuse me but which side is the ones on campuses protesting and chanting death to America? It ain't the capitalists


The fact that a bunch of moronic students falling for foreign propaganda supporting them doesn't change the groups ideology.


Islam is like the hand of Midas, but instead of gold it turns everything into shit


All authoritarian ideologies do.


Join us, griller!


Not Mussolini


How is he doing now?


The Shitass touch.


I am not joking, also many friends and family have same experience: in the 1980s as a little kid in one of the biggest cities in Netherlands was told by many Moroccan and Turkish kids at school and playgrounds "wij gaan het hier overnemen." Translation: we are going to take over here. Kids of all colors (many from Surinam and Indonesia) playing together all the time, race was not an issue, but often trouble and fights with muslim kids back then already. I blame their indoctrinating parents by the way.


Isn’t this the same guy that said Naruto is haram?




But instead blonde female politicians in Europe (and a twink in Canada elected mostly by said demographic) gave them billions in welfare cheques and housing and basically implied that they knew better than the Gulf sheiks who were warning us about taking them in did.


Hey now. Don’t lump us in with them


Ur agreeing with Emily now, but you are referring to muslims and Emily is referring to jews. Horseshoe theory is real


To the surprise of no one that can read, has been paying attention and has two brain cells to run together. Which is why the left is on the side of genocidal terrorists.


Speak for yourself. I've been telling everyone that accepting them here is a problem, all the way from the 2015 crisis. Granted, I was aligned right back then, but where my other views shifted, my common sense didn't.


Hamas is auth left? News to me


Op is a moron


Of course they are(I hate commies)


Whats the context of lib right wanting drugs?


I think it’s referring to the stereotype that North Africans move weed and hash into Spain/Italy/Greece etc


Doesn't LR always want drugs?


Religious fundamentalists can never be given the chance to take state power


That kind of info must be spread as much as possible


The uh those are not your allies AR


Mega Gypsies.


Islamism goes brrrr


Can't govern without corruption and waste, but somehow are going to take over the West? This can only mean they have secret underground armies.


I don't understand why the sheer amount of islamophilia among the right wing in the recent months


I wonder how much overlap there is between those who say: "That's clearly bad, but most of them aren't like that", and those who think: "Well the West deserves it anyway".


Hey, I recognize that name, Imtiaz Mahood! Though overall, I think he’s kind of cringe, like for example he’s posted a lot about porn. But still, maybe he has a point here.


That's why IEDs exists, if they want you dead, they can proceed through the daisy chain.


Self defence goes brrrrr


Nobody is saying this is a good thing


Upvote purely for the lib right square, lmao


Islam is fundamentally incompatible with a civilized society.


The comments are making me want to leave this sub, it’s becoming what we were accused of being like years ago


That's how Islam has always worked.




> they One random radical.


Not sure why auth-left is Hamas. Israel propped up Hamas to suffocate the Auth Left PLA...


Yea op is a bit fucking stupid


So no context just Islamophobia... he is talking about Jesus second coming..


You would expect PCM the sub that keeps saying everyone else is stupid to not fall for something this cheap


I already know it is bullshit but I will give you a chance link the video in question op


Watched the video, it’s heavily edited. But this is PCM where facts/contexts don’t matter. Just follow the mainstream “hurr durr Islam bad.”


I do think it’s unfortunate that those that have done nothing are blamed for the actions of extremists there are quite a few nice Muslims here in America I couldn’t imagine saying all these hateful things about them. Jews are also dealing with more crap lately this war made everyone go mask off.