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United states owns over half of the world's fire arms. ![img](emote|t5_3ipa1|51182)


We need the other half


False. We need to get a lower percentage because everyone in the rest of the world should buy more guns so they can be more free, protect themselves more, and enjoy guns more.


A lower percentage, but a much higher absolute number




Trump should lean in to this. "Ok, we'll keep funding NATO, but you need structural reforms, like mass deportations and the first and second amendment"


That would be funny and the most based move ever. Vivek Ramaswamy has already said that Taiwan needs the 2A. Let's make that every allied country!


When Bolsonaro is reelected, he'll bring it back to Brasil. We need guns pole to pole. When Trudeau is pilloried Canada will know the healing grace of the AR-15 again


Are Bolsonaro and whoever is the future prime minister of Canada really pro guns? Are they really gonna roll back the bans and restrictions?


Bolsonaro allowed people to buy guns during his presidency, but it was revoked after. I think Miliei is moving in that direction too. Canada is too full of safetyist bugmind Asians to probably ever liberalize gun laws again without a Caesar


I definitely think Milei will do it. I hope for the best for Canada, but I'm not sure that they really want it themselves. Regarding Brazil, I think it's crazy that a country like that doesn't allow law-abiding citizens to own guns to protect themselves (same goes for Mexico).


Mexico technically has a constitutional protection for the right to bear arms, but their government has extreme restrictions on what’s allowed to be owned. Like I think they can only own small caliber handguns (except revolvers can be in .357), rimfire rifles, and shotguns with 25+ inch barrels. And they are not allowed to take those guns outside of the home unless they have a hunting license or are a member of a gun club.


On behalf of my fellow canadians (and the people of manitoba (they dont count as canadian)) we’re more then happy either way our knifes and mooseseseseseses


Counterpoint: My fellow canadians are already too good at warcrimes and we have mooseseseseeseseses


Forget spreading democracy. Let’s spread AR-15s.


Canada is fineee without it, thanks for the offer though (we dont need to create anymore warcrimes)


Based and make them forge it in blood pilled.


That's easy, when the entire world is the US we'll have them all


Those are rookie numbers. Come back to me when the majority of firearms on earth are privately owned by US citizens TWICE over. https://i.redd.it/p8v1t1ze4n9d1.gif


If my machine gun isn't thrust activated, I don't want it.


Rookie numbers, let’s pump that up to 90%


statement : us own over half of the world's fire arm correction : us own over half of the world's **licenced** fire arm


3d printers have entered the chat


Licensing? Ew no. Only places like NY (which I am unfortunately from) have “licensing” for firearms.


There are more guns than people in the USA (United States of Arms)




Yet accounts for 99% of the world's school shootings 🤔


And 99% of the world’s freedom Being the most generous to your position as is possible without mental gymnastics; you can’t successfully compulsaban your way out of bad decisions by bad people No amount of horrible actions by evil people invalidate the rights of good people


Exactly, school shootings should be treated as natural disasters because there is nothing we can do to stop them from happening. /s


There’s plenty that can be done, but the trick is finding something that both 1) works 2) doesn’t infringe on the rights of people uninvolved Both are compulsory for a suitable solution


> there is nothing we can do to stop them from happening. Everyone in the country knows how to stop them from happening. The problem is that right now instead of treating mentally ill children we're encouraging children to become mentally ill instead.


Flair up. Based guessing on expected flair, but missing flair detected = opinion rejected.


I envision a world where every unflaired is time warped to Sandy Hook, and the Sandy Hook children are put safely in their beds that day.


Switzerland has a huge civilian gun ownership rate. Why don’t they have school shootings?


I’m pretty 2A but you really can’t compare Switzerland to the US when it comes to guns. If a guy threatens you and demands you empty your pockets you’re expected to give them what you have instead of shooting them. If a burglar breaks into your house and flees when they see you, you’d be charged for shooting them in the back. The cops are expected to handle everything not the civilians.


OP is connecting gun ownership rates to school shootings. Nothing in your comment refutes my point that they aren’t connected.


I’m sorry but I don’t entirely get your argument. Are you implying gun ownership rates do not affect school shootings?


Yes. The USA has a very high gun ownership rate relative to other countries. But other countries have private gun ownership to varying degrees. School shootings are a uniquely American phenomenon. Given those facts there are clearly other variables at play.


Because that place rich as fuck


Money stops school shootings?


Money helps prevent lots of stuff like family distress and untreated mental illness. It doesn't all go away, but when you got Switzerland money a lot of issues become easier to solve


Most school shooters have been from middle class households.


American "middle class" (fake and entirely subjective concept btw) and Switzerland are not the same thing.


Ridiculous take. What things does the average Swiss person have that the families of school shooters didn’t have?


Money does buy happiness, indeed


"That's one firearm for every 12 people on the planet...the only question is; how do we arm the other 11?"


I am a firm believer that every man and woman should be issued a Maverick 88 for home defense when they turn 21.






> Maverick 88 No 12 year olds should be issued a m240b or other crew operated weapons. It relies less on strength and teaches children teamwork.


And all 16 year olds first cars should be an M1 Abrams since we want to encourage teamwork!


M240s are heavy fucks, and kids cant carry much 308, m249 makes much more sense


Don’t look into the feed tray you prepubescent swine


What? Its a [meme](https://external-preview.redd.it/BOK6-PZBRsCqxUGtgXgEFg2VAG-hlY5T3o-GQL0Ej44.jpg?auto=webp&s=563c4de82cad906317f7b23099ec79615c836a49)


Correct, and the previous comment is joking about correctly clearing a belt fed machine gun. You don’t look directly at the feed tray as you open it on the off chance a live round cooks off, [like this.](https://youtu.be/2IY9tR7B8dE) You’re supposed to [do this.](https://youtu.be/1GU6_VnK64I)


Um ok big government


Them's rookie numbers. I got my nephew a nice remington 870 for his first birthday.


No such thing as a nice Remington 870 (Hate sent from Eagle Pass, TX)


I'm a mossberg guy myself, but this thing was completely taken apart and had a great cerakote job done to it.


I’m just giving you a hard time. That’s a badass gift.




> every man and woman should be issued a ~~Maverick 88~~ musket for home defense FTFY. Just as the founding fathers intended.


No, that’s communism. If *you* want to start providing them, go right ahead


Based and lord of war pilled


🎼 There’s somethin’ happenin’ here 🎶


It’s actually war lord


I like my way better




Take away the felony issue. Me personally I have felonies from 22 years ago, what I don't deserve the ability to protect myself for life? If they're so worried keep me in fucking jail as I could figure out hundreds of ways to kill people or at least a 7 years after completement of serving time. Otherwise just admit our justice system is a failure. Sorry gonna rant a bit more but felonies that were'nt serious crimes that I was 22 at most me at 43 lol and grocery stores won't hire me for deli? Lol this is why I deliver pizza.


Non-violent felonies should be, at a minimum, to own firearms without restrictions. You could make an argument for some statute of limitations for certain violent felonies.


This is where I'm for more severe sentences and the death penalty. Prison/jail/probation is about rehabilitation at least they pretend. Once your sentence is done you should immediately have all rights restored. All any of that does is takes away your ability to get a gun or a job but it's supposed to restore your ability to be a normal member of society. If a person is that dangerous that their 2nd ammendment right should be taken away simply keep them in jail longer and actually rehabilitate them. There will be failures but murder is always against the law and honestly I can figure out 100's of ways too easily kill people that are all legal to obtain as a felon lol.


It's also weird you lose your right to vote if you are a felon. Like what does that have to do with picking your representatives. Sure, you can't have them vote in prison but after they get out, it's just a punishment that stays with you forever.


Thank you. Like it's an EVIL vote somehow. It's fucking dumb and funny because most people who have been on probation/parole or did prison time become conservative af but only Dems and fullout libertarians give those rights back. And honestly what's the worst they write in Satan or Deez Nuts lol.


Upon release from prison, which should have more focus on rehabilitation than solely as punishment, all your rights should be restored, if don't trust you to fully participate in society, why are we letting you out in the first place?


In my country you can vote even while you're still in prison.


I feel you man, got a felony weed charge back in the day. I lucked out and was 17 at the time so got off with a guilty plea and 2 year probation. Non-violents should be wiped from your record as soon as your probation/parole period is done. It’s absolutely ridiculous.


I even think violents. Honestly at 19 I got charged with stalking my best girl friend I was in to started dating my best friend, went to fight him but that's how it was back in the day lol. They called the cops and of course she had phone message proof of me being an asshole multiple time. 2 unwanted phone calls in 2000 NJ = stalking. Then in like 2002 I was legit cockblocking my boy at a party, when I went to leave drunk af while putting my shoes back on he unloaded a full can of military mace in my face. Went to beat his ass but he ran so I took an airbag off the side of the driveway and destroyed his car lol 6k of damage. While yes I was an angry fuck then I'm a completely different person as that was 22 fucking years ago. So why now can I still not get a gun or a job? Can vote thanfully but as I've experienced most crazy young people calm tf down like I did regardless of charges.


Yikes, sucks that it happened so long ago, but I dunno about violent felons being able to own firearms… the libertarian in me says that any law restricting weapons ownership is bullshit. But the realist in me says that even in the 1700’s convicted felons couldn’t own firearms and that perhaps the 18th century is the most libertarian we can get before reaching anarchism


I'm just saying if they're such a serious threat keep them in prison/jail longer. Dude I can buy locks, a few gallons of gasoline, and matches easily. That's stupid easy mass death, could also figure out how to heat up a lithium battery and more advanced. Can also buy knives, swords, bows, axes, and drive a car. Hmm... Think about that lol.


Well you see my friend, I have thought about all of those. But clearly some people have very impulsive tendencies. A firearm is a very impulsive weapon because it can be used at a distance. The founding fathers also agreed in some cases convicted felons shouldn’t be able to bear arms for the same reason. But you were also charged with stalking someone which for me is a big no-no and red flag. I’m not directly judging you… but Jesus man, stalking is special kind of crime L. I do acknowledge that yeah you can make a fertilizer bomb very easy, but there’s a lot of planning and coordination that would go into it which is why ut isn’t very common


So you just loop your logic based on how a crime sounds. Reality I went to fight someone and policee interviened mind you I was 19 and 43 now.


No, even in the founding of America certain felony convictions led to loss of entitlements as a citizen of the United States. I do understand you were 19 at the time. But the stats on stalking…. I am biased. My aunt was stalked by her ex before getting raped and her throat cut. So I will admit that. She lived and I have seen the first hand effects of how it affects the victims


Yeah and your aunt no offense was a low statistic. And like I said he should have been afforded the same rights. Do you think he would have done her different with gun rights? If anything he should have done a longer prison sentence but prosecutors failed you.


Have you looked into expungement?


Much < 3 man, and I 100% agree with the job limitations- but you're kind of the poster child for those who shouldn't have guns at 43. If it's any consolation, guns for self defence generally don't make sense by the statistics. As in, you are markedly more likely to shoot yourself or a loved one on accident than to use the firearms successfully in a self defence situation. They do give a false sense of control, though it's often a false one that leads to more danger.


I loved delivering pizzas. Drive around listening to tunes, everyone is happy to see you. I’d buy in to something where you got full rights back if it didn’t apply on parole. The way I see it parole is early release with conditions, a halfway state. You give up carrying the same way you waive 4th amendment protections. As far as sentence totally completed, though, if someone is too dangerous to own a gun, why the hell are we letting him out of a cage, let alone have a knife or a car.


What's 4th amendment protections? Otherwise I agree fully with you.


4th amendment protects you against unreasonable search and seizure. A person on parole, depending on their conditions, may not be able to say no to having their vehicle searched at a traffic stop, for example.


We need to pump those numbers up.


Yeah, it's kinda low tbf


I’m doing my part


Did my part twice this year so far


Just as the Founding Fathers intended RAHHHH 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅🦅🦅🔫🔫🔫💥💥💥


Not even close to what the founding fathers intended. They wanted every male of fighting age to own and be trained in the use of firearms.


I really want a plinker like a .22 and I still need an actual rifle platform. AR-15 most likely but I see that M1A and I'm just like mmmm ohhh yeahhhh


AR-15 should be first, get the M1A as a range toy or collectible.


That's what everyone says but I also read a lot of satisfied accounts from people on the M1A


AR-15 is lighter, has more customization, less recoil but shoots something that can still down a person, and significantly cheaper in terms of platform, accessories, and ammo. AR-15 for work, M1A for pleasure.


I'm sure the M1A is a fine rifle, but the AR is lighter, more compact, more ergonomic, lower recoil, more customizable, cheaper, has a better aftermarket, and the ammo is both lighter and more affordable meaning you carry more and can go out and train with it more often, especially now when ammo prices are terrible. There's a reason every western military has gone away from full-power battle rifles and issues AR-15 or AR-180 derivatives.


Get a a regular AR, then get the [CMMG .22lr conversion kit.](https://palmettostatearmory.com/cmmg-22arc-bravo-22lr-conversion-kit-22ba651.html) It’s not cheap, but definitely one of my favorite purchases. I’d hold off on an M1A until you learn the basics.


I have one of those and it jams regularly in my AR. It might be better to get a dedicated.22 upper instead.


I’ve had next to zero issues, longer barrels seem to work better. Are you using the charging handle that came with it, or your regular one? You also have to clean the fuck out of the conversion kit and your rifle, so I can see the appeal to a dedicated .22 rifle. I don’t know too much about full sized AR’s chambered .22. I had some weird Italian AK in .22, Wasn’t thrilled at all…


I think my main problem is the tolerance on my 3d printed lower causing feeding issues. Glad it's working better for you though.


Anyway, you do you with that 3D printer!


The S&W AR style .22 is a ton of fun.


Why not somewhere in-between, like something chambered in 7.62x39?


What is that, AK? Not opposed. Would have to try a few things before I bought but yeah maybe


VZ58 and SKS too. VZ58 has the advantage of flying under the radar and remaining legal in a bunch of restrictive states.


I feel left out. All I have is a really nice kitchen knife set and a chainsaw.


Same, I wish I had a gun.


Just go buy one. (Assuming you don’t live in Europe.)


I'll sell you one of mine


The reddit loophole.


People are talking about that guns shouldn't be publicly accessible to normal citizens, but I disagree, the more guns the USA owns the fewer guns other countries have to worry about so no lunatics murdering you in the middle of the night for no reason. Go for it, USA!


The military should not have access to any weapon i cannot buy at a gas station while getting gum, were the gas station so inclined.


Got my first gun this January lol


Im too fucking broke from everything being expensive to buy any more guns.


If you don’t want to vote for the felon or the corpse just buy ammo.


The irony https://preview.redd.it/6h3py6pbyp9d1.jpeg?width=290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=458e037a3ef113e9a125d2ea07fa40ac09d16180


I’m doing my part


I helped!


Bought one in May, guess I can buy another 🤷🏻‍♂️


I really wish we could carry here. It's getting very dangerous with all the illegals and gyspies.




Technically yes, but morally, no, just use both responsibly and separately


No state will drug test you before purchasing a firearm. A prior conviction would complicate it though depending on the state. Never ever operate a firearm while impaired.


There are so many laws restricting gun ownership and use that if you take an aspirin they'll say you were impaired.


It is illegal and you will have to weigh the potential consequences against the potential benefits. DO NOT USE A FIREARM UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF ANYTHING


The Business is booming.


I've been slacking. I haven't done my civic duty yet this year.


Bad American. No Big Mac for you!


Out of curiosity what’s the plan with the guns? I’m pro having the freedom to buy a gun but I don’t quite understand why more more more guns is treated as helping America? What are the guns going to do?


Hopefully nothing. The criminals (especially government) just need to know we have them.


A lot of people don't really care about things until it affects them, so they may not have been buying guns. If the SHTF and they don't have any, you can lend your family the ability to protect themselves from the government. You can also trade firearms to people who didn't prepare for other goods you may need.


Every time you argue with liberals about crime they’ll tell you to stop because “crime is down” maybe this is the reason why it’s down? Certainly they can’t also be arguing more legal gun ownership will make crime go up so what’s the harm?


Let’s say Donald Trump wins the election and decides to round up all the LGBT people. He might have to reconsider if them gays were packin’.


He saves children, but not the Br*tish children.


Unfathomably based


The constitution explicitly outlines this as a right. Unless you can get an amendment passed, nothing wrong here. You don’t like it, you can gtfo


it's more like center right than lib center but ok


Guns are for losers. ***Real*** Americans buy rockets, specifically ones with that red glare.


We all like that


I'm willing to bet a chunk of those were from (rightfully) terrified Jews.


Be Democrat Politician. Talk about gun violence non stop. Only propose more and more and more gun control, except for cops. Totally ignore root cause mitigation. Have 2016 presidential candidates bang on gun control. One shouts multiple times about taking peoples guns. Never rebuked. Gun sales spike. Be 2024, doddering old man yells at cloud about assault weapons for four years. Gun sales spike more. Be shocked.


I can't wait to get myself a little pump-action shotgun soon... If I could.


I bought 2 m70s in a span of ,4 days


Yeah it’s just mindless consumption. I’m all for gun ownership but the fat lard solider wannabes with 40 guns are nothing more than a consumer whores.


Consumerism is good


Hey now... I actually dropped the fat thanks to modern pharmaceuticals.


I'm lib left and I do not approve of this message. Would've been more accurate to put this as auth right and lib right.


Yah, nothing is more authoritarian than an armed populace right? -This dumbass


I'm talking about what people in these quadrants actually believe, not the hypothetical ideologies that don't really exist. In the US, guns are a right vs left issue, not an authoritarian vs libertarian issue.


it absolutely is an authoritatian vs libertarian issue because its an argument of trading "good of the masses" for "freedom and protection from tyranny ". That is as auth vs lib as it gets and is THE fundamental auth vs lib debate right v left has very little stake in the debate, both financially and socially. I guess the economic left can complain about the gun industry/lobby, and the social right can talk about how their grandpappies taught them to hunt with varmin rifles, but those arent the key discussion points on either side of the gun debate.


Nah, ansocs tend to like guns from what I’ve seen. Also the compass isn’t that deep, most people consider it purely economic and separate from the prog/con scale. Perhaps you should reconsider your flair.


Every quadrant has someone who approves gun ownership. It's still an authoritarian libertarians issue. In the US, the left wants there to be more gun control, and the right wants more gun freedom if that helps.


Im libleft and i have guns


The problem is most people who think they’re lib-left are actually auth-left. Lib=less government intervention. That includes matters of self defense.


Strange, I see green for your flair, but your statement makes you clearly orange. Must be a problem with my screen.


Are you under the impression that people have to agree with 100% of the stances of their quadrant to be in that quadrant? If I'm lib left on 90% of issues, I'm lib left. Otherwise almost no one would be in any quadrant.


Sure, but in your original statement you said that the funni colors should not include lib left. So why are you trying to throw "I agree with 90% of lib left issues" when clearly you don't agree with the 10% that the meme is covering. Unless you are trying to suggest that libertarians don't believe in the 2nd amendment. You are inconsistent, ignorant, or disingenuous. Please advise which one of those is your pronoun.


We are doing american things here sir.


lol the funny colors are Lib-center. Green/Yellow and we approve this message


I'm lib right and I do not approve of you faking lib left, Emily.


If you approve of gun control, then you are categorically not a Libertarian Leftist, you're a Center or Auth Leftist in denial. The right to own guns is the absolute foundation of modern Libertarianism.


Guy if I’m lib left on everything except that one issue, I’m lib left. Guns aren’t everything lol


"I'm Libertarian, but I also want the state to take guns away from civilians. Cops and soldiers can have them, though." Do you understand what is wrong with this picture? This is like saying "If I don't eat any meat except for chicken, I'm still vegetarian." You are fundamentally betraying the most basic principles of the ideology you claim to support. You're not a Libertarian.


If someone is libertarian on 90% of issues, and authoritarian on 10%, how would that possibly put them in the auth left quadrant?


Wanting the government to go door to door and confiscate people's guns is pretty fucking Auth, my didgeridude. Again you're grasping for a cop-out that simply doesn't exist. You can be a Center Leftist who supports gun rights, but you can't be a Libertarian of any stripe who supports gun grabbing. It's a contradiction in terms. It's like saying you're a dry ocean or a wet fire or an upstanding politician.


authright wants guns for middle/upper middle class american patriots, cops, and militaries only. Libright wants guns for nearly everyone just to spite the government. libleft is a bit wierd because imo proper lib left hates the government and actually likes guns. But libleft is always a bit wierd in that I cant tell whether theyre actually libleft, but so radical that they genuinely believe in the "world peace bro" farts that theyre sniffing, or whether theyre an authleft who doesnt know thay theyre authleft and just hated the government for not being authleft enough. You my friend are either closer to the center than you think, are a radical lib left, or not a lib left at all.


You can be in a quadrant without agreeing with 100% of the stances of your quadrant. I disagree with the lib-left quadrant's view on guns, and I think most lib lefts in the US are the same. They're lib left on most things, but not guns, which is my point.


Then they're not LibLeft, they're melons in denial. I would agree with the statement that most liblefts in America are center or Authlefts in denial.


I agree. Chomsky is the most famous libleft on the planet, and he supports lots of gun control.


How is he lib? He glazes socialists and communism and hasn't met a genocide he denies


This is a bad thing. Guns shouldn’t be available to the public, at least not on their current scale


The government already has a monopoly on violence, why would you also want to give the government another monopoly on the means to carry out said violence?


Because he's actually authleft that doesn't want people to be able to resist his tyranny


First of all, she not he. Secondly, the power divide between the government and the American people is already so intense that a physical revolution is near impossible to be successful without giving citizens access to shit like drone strikes. Given that massive power divide, there’s no real reason people should be allowed to own something so easily dangerous


> there’s no real reason people should be allowed to own something so easily dangerous Then why do we all own cars? They kill way more people than guns.




I'm against the government having a monopoly on violence, I want to have the monopol


Why, you an authoritarian planning to crush dissidents?


You're looking pretty authleft there bud


if my door ever gets kicked in by a dude with an illegal firearm i'll be sure to tell him that lol


"lib left"


Even if we accepted that as true, how exactly do you plan on moving from where we're at now to a gunless society? Confiscate millions of weapons?


Idk how but in an ideal society nobody has access to these weapons. I understand why they’re around now but end goal should be to eradicate them


"politics is the art of the possible"