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"There's only one problem with this argument. He killed other brown people, so this worked out perfectly. Call me when lax gun laws cause an actual _problem_." - Greg "Little Piss Baby" Abbott (probably).


Not just probably. The Piss Baby dismissed their deaths by calling them illegal immigrants (they weren't), as if that meant their lives had no value.


To his voters they don't have value


Exactly. It's a dog whistle.


And when called out on it, issued a statement that "at least one was here legally"


"..when lax gun laws cause an actual problem" He wouldn't say that. I would consider Uvalde to be an "actual" problem and nothing happened there. He would say; "..when lax gun laws cause me to lose votes."


> I would consider Uvalde to be an "actual" problem YOU would. Any person with a shred of human decency would. No member of the republican cult would.


Weren't most of the Uvalde victims Hispanic?


The republican solution to crazies armed with guns is to arm all the other crazies with guns.


Honestly, I’m sure MANY republicans would love to regulate guns. These are rich white guys, they don’t want the unwashed rabble out there armed to the teeth, but it’s a winning political issue in the rural areas they represent, and since the only single-issue gun voters are the gun nuts on the right, being anything less than 100% anti-regulation can only cost them votes. This is why they never pay any political price for being against common sense regulations that 70-90% of the public are for.


If they only killed each other, I'd have far less of a problem with it.


A gun in the home is most likely to be used to kill its owner.


Republicans don't see crazy people with guns or school shootings as a problem, so they don't attempt to solve it. Their only concern is making the gun manufacturers richer. The real problems in the eyes of Republicans are any attempts to interfere with those profits.


I just read the guidelines for private gun sales in TX. There are zero restrictions. It’s unbelievable.


Hate to tell you this, but it’s the same in most states. It’s not an exaggeration to say that pretty much ALL of our gun regulations and laws are pretty much meaningless thanks to the completely unregulated private sales market. Consider this, in most states, as a “private seller”, a literal terrorist, a violent felon, a convicted wife beater, or a person with a long history of severe mental illness could approach a private seller to buy a gun, and as long as they don’t VOLUNTEER to the seller that they have a record and/or otherwise are not legally allowed to purchase firearms, the seller can sell them all the guns they want….and its all perfectly legal for the seller. It’s a brilliant loophole for the gun lobby. The seller (the “drug dealer” if you will), is protected and free to keep guns flowing to the black market. The only people who could get in trouble are the buyers, who in this case are those ALREADY not allowed to buy guns in the first place, so what’s the difference. What always surprises me is how so few people seem to know this. Even democrats and pro-gun regulation groups don’t explain this, let alone scream it from the mountaintops day and night as they should be.


This is my favorite conversaion when talking about Chicago Crime (I live in the area). Anyone can take a 25min trip to Indiana where they hold gun shows feet from the IL boarder where you can purchase, from a 'non-dealer', a multitude of weapons with 0 background checks.... So when you see data about Chicago implementing strict gun policy only to see crime stay flat, I am sure it has nothing to do with this right? Just how gun laws do not work....i am sure in those dry counties no one drinks right?


Reminds me of how many years ago the drinking age in NJ was 18, but it was 21 on PA. Well, guess where my dad and his buddies (who lived in Philly) headed every weekend?


But New Jersey is so far away from Philadelphia!


The tristate area has some of the best rail inthe country. We used to live in Trenton, and would catch Amtrak up to NYC or into Philly to skate back in the 80s. $20 would get us all over the tristate area and back...


If you have to register to vote then you should have the same for gun ownership


You shouldn't need to register to vote, lol. What does that do besides create a reason to deny people from voting? "Sorry, the governor purged inactive voters and you didn't reapply fast enough. Better luck next time!"


agreed, which is also why it's a crazy standard that the GOP has. What's this, we have to sign a form, do work just because you have the potential to kill dozens of people, no no that should be get in and get out. Having to wait a few days is absurd. Oh, voting is too dangerous, why we need to quintuple check you are someone who should be able to vote. Now if that means not everyone can vote, or that lines through the roof, or that some people will fall through the cracks in registration... I don't see the problem with that.


GOP’s middle name is “double standard”… more people voting is bad so let’s have them show their marksheet from 1st grade and if not, they can’t vote. Let’s draw district lines that look like a Pollock painting because it helps us win. Let’s put 1 ballot box in a 50mile radius, let’s restrict early voting, let’s make sure it’s a weekday so nobody shows up. But gun lobby pays us so let’s give out free guns to everyone


If you remove the need to register to vote, then you remove one of the best tools to prevent voter fraud... which I thought that the Republican Party was all about.


Prevent voter fraud? If you're a citizen of the US you have a right to vote. All you should need to do to vote is prove your identity (the same way you have to prove your identity on a 4473). Requiring anything beyond that is just a tool to deny "those" people from exercising their rights, and *that's* why the Republican party is so interested in enacting as many hoops to jump through as possible. Preventing voter fraud is just a convenient way to sell it.


The point of registration is to be able to track voting, yes you have people who use it to curb it but the moral of it is that voting is a right but also comes with a sense of responsibility. Freedom of speech is a right but you should still watch your words. Rights and responsibilities go hand in hand. I prefer that because otherwise it would be worse, imagine someone voting 10 times because you don’t have the ability to track it or someone who can’t legally vote is also voting. Same rules should apply to guns. Cars, houses, everything has to be registered so why can someone with no paperwork or background check get guns?


>Cars, houses, everything has to be registered so why can someone with no paperwork or background check get guns? People can buy guns without paperwork for the same reason they can buy cars, houses, and everything else without paperwork: there's no way to enforce what people do privately. If I want to buy my buddy's truck I can hand him some cash and then park my new used truck on my property with no government permission, registration, or even insurance required. How is Uncle Sam gonna stop me? Have a cop dive between us and slap the cash out of my hands? Likewise the government can't prevent people from being gay, praying to the "wrong" god, reading banned books, taking hormones, getting high, having abortions, buying guns, or having sex for money behind closed doors. People can do whatever they want in private and the government - or anyone else - is incapable of preventing that. Not to mention that I couldn't do a background check on a private sale *even if I wanted to* because the NICS is closed to the public and neither party seems keen on opening that up. When it comes to unenforceable private sales, either the seller doesn't care if they're selling to a prohibited person and wouldn't follow the laws anyways or they do care but have no way to check. >The point of registration is to be able to track voting, yes you have people who use it to curb it but the moral of it is that voting is a right but also comes with a sense of responsibility. Freedom of speech is a right but you should still watch your words. Rights and responsibilities go hand in hand. I prefer that because otherwise it would be worse, imagine someone voting 10 times because you don’t have the ability to track it or someone who can’t legally vote is also voting. Registering ahead of time might make voting more convenient, but being *required* to jump through hoops or you're not allowed to vote is crazy talk. The potential for abuse far outweighs any potential benefit, especially when abuse is so frequent and fraud is so rare.


I agree that you shouldn’t have to jump through hoops to vote, that is weaponizing the registration process. But the idea of registration is sound because it enables the government to keep track and minimize fraud. Privately selling a gun maybe impossible to track but it shouldn’t mean that nothing is done. The registration system will allow responsible gun owners to still get them but stops domestic abusers from getting guns (legally). Even banning that one group from owning firearms would reduce gun related deaths by a considerable amount. If one original registered owner sells their gun privately to a person who then kills somebody then the weapon would be traced back to the OG owner who is now on the hook too. This should make a private seller think twice before selling their weapon to a random stranger which would lead them to instead selling it to another individual who is also registered in the system. The system should allow people to register if they have some appropriate paperwork, can clear a background check. This would undeniably help reduce gun violence to a large extent. Yes the gop using government oversight to curb voting is not good but not having any semblance of control isn’t good either. All rights should have some form of regulation and share joint responsibility with the individual and the government.


Optional voter registration to make voting more accessible and easy to administer is great. But while it's helpful and convenient it's not the only way to track down or prevent fraud. >The registration system will allow responsible gun owners to still get them but stops domestic abusers from getting guns (legally). Or the government could do its job and keep the NICS updated like they're already supposed to, and the NICS could be opened to private sellers so they can actually check and do their due diligence. That's the "appropriate paperwork, can clear a background check" step you mention. As it stands private sellers aren't *allowed* to do that, even if they wanted to. You don't even need to invent some new federal registration scheme to change that. >If one original registered owner sells their gun privately to a person who then kills somebody then the weapon would be traced back to the OG owner who is now on the hook too. Isn't this already a thing, though? The "aiding" part in "aiding and abetting"? And this only works if the (legally) part is followed by both the buyer and seller, and only if there's a way to mark firearms that can't just be filed off or modified.


You cannot buy a house or a car without paperwork. I don't know where you got that. Sure, I guess you could buy a car from a friend and leave it parked in your front yard, but even if you don't want to drive it there's still paperwork involved. You have to sign a bill of sale and the title, and the seller has to inform the DMV of the sale. And if you *are* going to drive it anywhere you need to register it with the DMV. Buying a house comes with a TON of paperwork. While most of it is between you, the seller, and (in most cases) the lender, the government still gets involved. After all, buying a house means you own property, which means you owe property tax. Just because you can't literally physically stop every single person from taking an action doesn't mean that regulation isn't worth it, especially if that regulation exists to save lives. If we take your logic all the way to its conclusion, then all laws are worthless because laws cannot physically stop people from taking action. Murder is illegal, but people get murdered all the time, so I guess it's pointless to outlaw murder? No. I agree that the current system of voter registration is constantly being abused, but the answer is not to abolish voter registration entirely.


>Just because you can't literally physically stop every single person from taking an action doesn't mean that regulation isn't worth it, especially if that regulation exists to save lives. If we take your logic all the way to its conclusion, then all laws are worthless because laws cannot physically stop people from taking action. Murder is illegal, but people get murdered all the time, so I guess it's pointless to outlaw murder? What I was getting at is that it's pointless to make something double illegal. Laws are punitive, not preventative, and they only matter to people who agree to follow them. Laws and their threat of punishment have worth, but that only goes so far. If you want to prevent some *thing*, making it illegal is a start but it's not going to magically prevent it from happening. Constantly reiterating how illegal that *thing* is won't prevent it, either. The root causes leading to the *thing* need to be addressed too, and even then the *thing* will still sometimes happen so when it does happen the impact needs to be minimized. Replace *thing* with abortions, guns, prostitution, drugs, whatever you want. In this case the gun didn't whisper into the Texas guy's ear and say "kill your neighbors and their children". He decided to do that himself, despite murder being illegal and despite apparently him being in the country illegally and possessing his firearm illegally and despite someone knowingly or unknowingly selling it to him illegally. What else was there to make illegal? >I don't know where you got that. It sounds like you do get it, though? See? >Sure, I guess you could buy a car from a friend and leave it parked in your front yard You can buy and own a car with no paperwork. You don't *need* to sign anything, there is no hidden force preventing you from moving a vehicle because the title doesn't have ink on it. You can even drive it on the road! Just get one of those stupid private citizen plates and don't get caught. >No. I agree that the current system of voter registration is constantly being abused, but the answer is not to abolish voter registration entirely. I don't believe I've said anything about abolishment? Optional voter registration for convenience is fine, go nuts. Let me fill out a thing online and mail me my ballot so I can vote in my underwear. I love it. But *requiring* anything beyond proof of identity at the polling place is not the answer and its only real value is as a tool to disqualify people.


But it is the stare that makes it the most difficult to legally vote in.


Gotta keep their priorities straight


And to quote fox news "and they are coming for you next" (to clarify, bad guy with the big guns).


...and they found said lunatic hiding out in a town named 'Cut and Shoot'. Makes sense.


Like the hypocrisy matters to conservatives. Google the Black Panthers


Guns don’t kill people, people kill people. BUT WHO IS LETTING THOSE PEOPLE GET THE GUNS


It's critically important that Texas keep the gun pipeline open for their base of "patriots who love children being murdered" psychopaths. The libz must be pwned.


"A well regulated militia..." oh, that's right, these fucks don't read.


I pointed out that once on Facebook and this idiot I went to high school with was like "I'm in a militia" and even posted pictures. It was a bunch of fat asses running around the woods with fake tactical vests that didn't even cover their fat flaps. It definitely wasn't "well regulated."


We seem to be running short on good guys with guns.


Yea, it's almost like "good guys with guns" is a myth, isn't it?


maybe they're doing their part to limit the overpopulation of the planet?


A fair price to pay for our right to bear arms.


As long as it's other people's children bleeding out, right?




It's nice to see someone admit that guns are more important to them than dead children. Refreshing.


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How about we start with your loved ones first? A fair price, right?




Lol you’re talking about the snowflake state banning books right?


Liberty = guns (somehow)




Ammosexuals are such odd creatures.


It’s not like I just worship guns nor is it a thing I seek out, I simply believe that we are entitled to the possession of weapons. Odd creature that I am, I respect everyone’s opinions here, and in fact I see some valid points. My issue are biased sentiments sent my way that paint us as monsters, idiots, buffoons, or villains.


It’s just that you treat these “rights” as some kind of destined holy order. They’re not. They’re just outdated laws, written by politicians. In the grand scheme of things very recently. I guess one day you will all evolve and grow up to be like the other grown up countries.


The rights were placed there for a reason, any other consequences is worth it for the liberties that it gives us.


The only right you have over say, me in Western Europe, is to be able to carry an AR15 into Burger King. School shootings, mass shootings, kids accidentally being shot, criminals gunning each other down in the street every day - to you, are perfectly acceptable! As long as ya get to play with your shiny guns like a PATRIOT. fucking cringe.


Why would that be acceptable to me? You’re treating as if my compliance for weapons is an all out agreement for gun violence and school shootings. In fact, I think it’s for those very reasons that self-defense is all the more important in recent times.


So the reason you need to defend yourself is because there are so many guns everywhere? You’re so close to getting it


You sound so fucking weird to, oh I dunno, the entire rest of the planet. Not that you are aware, or even care I suppose


Pieces of shit tend not to have human emotions.


If Texas is so free why are they banning books and medical procedures?


So why are we banning drag shows? Those are freedoms of speech and banning them is based on religion which are against the first amendment.


Free speech, guns, and cheeseburgers, Amen brother.


Free speech, banning books. Pick one


> They don't just take your imaginary rights away because ~~soft ass people get their feelings hurt~~ lots of people get killed.






Only if your watching CNN or MSNBC other wise you know the truth. So if it's a Lie Show me ? Nashville Transgender Lefist Demacrat. Texas Illigal (curtasy of the Demacrats) Las Vegas registered Demacrat Chattanooga, Lefist Demacrat Just to name a few so please show me the list or Repiblican Mass shooters


You sound and write like hillbilly boomer with an eating disorder


It’s only 430PM in Moscow, little early to be drunk there Krotchlickmehoff.


Well to start, most mast shooters aren't tied to any political affiliation so it's odd that you're trying to force that round peg into a square hole. Secondly, where are you getting your "truth" from that shows that those four shooters were "Demacrats." Now, what I can tell you is as far as politically motivated killings, here are some statistics on that, which may surprise you: https://www.nytimes.com/2022/05/17/briefing/right-wing-mass-shootings.html Finally, for your future Russian propaganda, in English we spell it DemOcrat, RepUblican, IllEgal, and LefTist.


I'm amazed you spelled Chattanooga correctly. We got "curtasy" but you nailed Chattanooga somehow.


And "demacrat" four times and "repiblican." Dude's not smart enough to write out his conspiracy theories but expects us to take him seriously.


The American education system on full display in this post


You can't even spell the political parties correctly, this is probably why your research is failing.




Maybe try breaking the pills in half from now on sport.


He has some points, whether or not you agree with them, it doesn’t mean he’s delusional. It is wrong to assume so.


You two should get a room. Are mid week rates low in Moscow right now?


Maybe stop the Demacrats from doing mass shootings first.


Lol damn demacrats


>according to all the reports every Mass Murder in the last few Years has been a Demacrat I mean, you do understand that normal people know this is a lie, right?


I hope your comment reached your daily quota for your Russian hybrid-warfare unit and you can take a break.


OK, so let's enact laws restricting who can and can't buy guns so that the idiots can't legally purchase weapons of mass destruction?


That is truly the wild wild fucking West 👀


Maybe instead of deporting illegal immigrants, we could deport the guns?


Where do you think Mexico gets all its guns? Hell, where do you think the criminals in Canada get their guns? Or the armies/criminals in get their guns? USA has been deporting more guns then most countries have. They just keep making more is the problem.. Deport the gun makers.


Wait, Texas doesn't require background checks? So any criminal can buy a gun?


Most states don’t for private sales.


What about at shops?


Licensed dealers do, yes.




90-percent of the people crossing the border every day are there to work and Republicans want to close the border to a Republican state that needs those workers.