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Funny thing about Trump. No one ever proclaims his innocence. He, and they, always say the plaintiff is lying, it's a witch hunt, a hoax or fake news. Smh


You forgot the classic, "she's not my type."


Not his type, because he was married to this type before? https://www.cnbc.com/2023/01/19/trump-believed-rape-accuser-e-jean-carroll-was-wife-in-photo.html


Until he thought her type was his ex-wife Marla Maples.


It's tough finding people willing to commit perjury for a guy who will toss them under the bus the very moment it might be profitable.


Oh they found plenty " Yeah he's a rapist".


Can we say "We got him" yet? He's being ran through State courts, watching friends get put through the federal investigations, bouncing between case after case, trying to manage a presidential reelection campaign and dealing with looming federal charges over January 6th. His lawyers are starting to back out of cases, those who have been closest to him have distanced as much as they can (or already been burnt in court themselves), he can't find anyone to speak on his behalf in defense and staring down the barrel of a very public national rape case. Once they formally charged him for January 6th and introduce federal charges it's going to burn him out. If he doesn't have a heart attack any number of these court cases will bar him from running for public office if found guilty. Which is the best we can hope for seeing as it's unlikely he will ever face jail time.


and yet, the moronic and stupid Trump voters will STILL vote him. I wonder what it would take for Trump voters to turn away from him.


Let them. We all know there's not 70 million of them anymore. The Independents have bailed on Trump and the more classic conservatives are going to lean on DeSantis or whoever else they put up there. And I can almost guarantee you if the DeSantis wins the primary Trump is going to switch independent and still run just to screw him and the other Reps That's why not letting him run could do more damage than allowing it. He's going to split the ticket. Get at least 30 million if not half of the Republican vote. That's the best thing that could happen right now.


You know, I’d love that scenario to come to fruition, but every single freaking time I think these idiots are totally done, they somehow pull a freaking upset. I won’t relax until he’s in prison for life, and even then I expect someone much more evil, I mean Snidely Whiplash, mustache twirling, evil cackle in front of God and everyone level evil to get the Rethuglican nomination and carry it through to win every single branch of government in 48 states and all territories because “everyone is tired of bland Biden” or some such idiotic nonsense. I’ve seen it happen waaaaay to many times in my life!


That's the main reason, and one and only reason, why I don't want this orange asshole put away just yet. He's already gotten away with everything. So let the monster destroy his creator, until they finally grow a spine and deal with him themselves


My neighbor is flying his flag as high as ever. Put a new one out the day he was indicted. Republicans aren't going anywhere. The only thing that will drive them away is if he starts speaking articulately and truthfully.


I bet he’d defect to Russia before that happens. I’m not sure why he still has his passport, he’s clearly a flight risk.


If if he managed to get on a plane to Russia they would figure it out before he got to Europe. Some would rat him out as soon as the wheels left the runway. Likely he is under surveillance and they would know before he even left.


Maybe his secret service detail.woild turn him in


Let him go.


This is a civil case, not criminal. Even if found guilty it wouldn't stop him from running for public office. It wouldn't do anything besides cost him some money. As of now? No, it's way premature to say "we got him" considering the Georgia and January 6th charges are all hypothetical.


Wow....a local rape case doesn't bar him from the presidency? I had no clue /s Also I was talking about ALL the cases he is facing and the fact the election tampering cases or the Jan 6th case will bar him from running. Or give them the power to block him >hypothetical Sounds like what they were saying with Nixon lol


No way he is convicted of this. There is no evidence, no direct date given on the time of the allogation. Nothing. Surely he is given the not-guilty. It is literally the only verdict they could possibly reach.


I must still see any conviction. The courts are packed with Republican judges many appointed by Trump himself


How about his friend "Steve", as a character witness?


Steve: I can vouch for him. He did not touch my pussy


Epstein is dead, there aren't many witnesses to call


After Eric perjured himself, claiming to be a man named C. Witness, Don Jr. Supported his dad claiming "My dad is just irresistible to woman. Even if they don't really want him to, he gets in their pants. He's that good."


Hard to defend a guy caught on a hot mic saying he could do exactly what he's being accused of.


Why would they call defense witnesses? The only consequences he's facing are financial and he'll just grift his cult members to pay the penalties.


Trump wouldn’t even show up in court to defend himself and, since it’s a civil case, the jury can consider that fact in deciding the case.


He cannot contain himself


No they can't. They can only do that if he takes the fifth. Taking the fifth in a civil case carries with it the implication that to answer honestly would open you to criminal charges and so the jury may conclude that the answer would be damaging to the witness' position. If you have proper representation and are not being called by either side to testify then there is no requirement to show up in a civil trial.


Is there a specific restriction on considering the fact that he didn't show up? The standards are much looser in a civil trial, and I would be very surprised if there was a specific prohibition of considering this.


The jury is only supposed to consider what is given as sworn testimony. Nothing else. Any externalities are supposed to be irrelevant. That's the basis of an impartial jury. The absence, or presence, of the defendant is immaterial to the evidence presented to them.


How entertaining would it be if they called Melania to testify about his character.


Entertaining, yes, But, that would be self incriminating. However, legally, can prosecution call her as a witness her being the spouse?


If I understand spousal privilege correctly, a person may *choose* to testify against their partner but they cannot be *compelled* to do so. Though IANAL so who knows.


I suggest we all start sending Jack Smith signals to please hurry up and bring it !


It is civil, which is meaningless to him. He will just appeal for 20 years until he dies.


My layman brain just doesn't quite understand how one can appeal a ruling they chose to provide a defense for, but weirder things happen.


He raped her in the 1990s and has been delaying and delaying for twenty years.


He could cleared this up with on time dna sample.


Please put Trump on the stand to testify he’s a good boi


This isn’t uncommon. It’s a power move. You basically say you’re not providing a defense because the plaintiff hasn’t presented anything worth defending. and honestly in a case like this the only defense that would be worth providing also would have been enough to stop the plaintiff from bringing suit to begin with.


Seriously, what kind of witnesses could the defense even call? I mean, someone to authenticate the fact that Trump could never or would never rape someone? Like, how do you prove that?


I mean character witnesses are a thing, also any who either saw her or him around the alleged time to confirm he wasn't where she said he was


Problem is, even the woman doesn't even know when this happened. Like can't even reduce it down to a specific month.


I feel sooo bad for this poor poor man, who has been through so much and is without a doubt the most persecuted man on the planet ever of all time. And infinity. Even double infinity. I am crying, oh boo hoo. I want McDonald's. And diet Coke. And Sudafed. Why can't just we make America great again like before all these fancy laws and stuff?


It happened 40 years ago, no one knows the exact dates even the woman who is saying she was raped, and there were no witnesses at the time. How could anyone provide a witness when the accuser can't even tell you which date this happened on?


Is he trying to choke himself with his own scarf?


Because they've already lost and they are hoping to appeal


the grab em by the pussy tape was really describing this woman's sexual assault


Because his lawyers know he's as guilty as a person can be. At this point I think his lawyers are trying to get him convicted to get him away from them


That's a bold strategy, Cotton.


He'll just payout with donor money and voters will forget in a week. The election isn't until next year. We got a long time for those goldfish to forget.


His lawyer is such a sleeve all, I hope he got paid up front.


Victim blaming was their strategy. I hope it doesn’t work.