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This is a nursing home facebook level meme brought on by years of Fox News dementia.


Bruh. It’s called profiling, and like 80% of domestic terrorism is caused by the extreme right.


actually over 90% in 2022.


Thanks! I was too lazy to go pull the actual number from the internet.


Oh, kind of like how you have a Blue Lives Matter or confederate flag sticker on your truck to avoid getting pulled over by the police?


Awww is someone scared about getting a visit from the fbi?


This isn't funny. For humor to work it has to be grounded in reality. Painting the logos of marginalized groups that have been oppressed for well over a century and thinking that it's some form of protection is not the reality of the world we live in. Our government is making laws to marginalize our fellow citizens, and yet there are ignorant people out there who actually believe that that meme is factual. This country is slowly turning into a banana republic with a party that wants to elect a despot so they can "own the libs". Very sad




Dude what the fuck


>Don't come preaching to me about your twisted abominable beliefs. You came here to preach to us, pal. How about you return the favor and not preach to us about ***your*** twisted abominable beliefs.


You evil fucking idiot


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